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Healthy Weight
Are you ready to lose weight?
This is a good question to ask
yourself before and during the
course of your weight loss program.
Many of us think we are ready to do
something because we are definitely
ready to live with the results.
However, wanting the results and
being willing to do what it takes to
get them are two very different
At Sun Valley WMC, we are here to
help you! While we can’t make you
ready to lose weight, we can
certainly help you work through
what ever it takes to get you to your
goal. We understand that losing
weight isn’t easy, otherwise you
understand that making lifestyle
changes is challenging, especially in
the beginning. If you are ready to
do what it takes, then we are ready
to help you.
The rewards of a lighter and
healthier body are plenty. Here are
some of the benefits:
A body that moves better and gives
you the ability to explore nature
through walking, hiking, biking, and
other activities.
Decreases your risk of illness
through out your life time.
Gain a more positive sense of self.
Better sleep and increased energy.
Possibly be able to come off some
of your medications.
You can do it!
You CAN reach your goals!
We are here to help you!
Get Ready. Get Set. Go, Go, Go
What’s New?
In celebration of our clinic’s 11-year anniversary, we are giving
away a 66-month membership to LA Fitness!
Who is eligible: Any patient who refers a new patient to the clinic in the month of June. Not only will you be entered
to win, but the person you referred will also be entered to win. Each referral person must sign up in the month of
June and become a new clinic patient in order to be eligible. The drawing will be held on June 30, 2007.
Ask the front desk for details.
New Products
(plus tax)
Homeopathic preparation that is
beneficial in balancing your body
and decreasing food cravings. Can
be used by itself or in conjunction
with medications/ supplements.
Whey Cool
Vanilla Protein Powder
(plus tax)
Another great addition to the line of
protein powders we carry. Can be used
to make a delicious protein smoothie or
added to oatmeal and yogurt to
enhance the amount of protein you are
Getting the most from the internet
You can find a great deal of information about health, nutrition, and exercise
on-line. Here are two helpful sites. Look for new website recommendations in
each newsletter.
Click on the link above to take you to a very disturbing graphic about how rapidly
obesity has risen in the United States just from 1985 until 2005. It is truly
amazing and very concerning.
Each month we will present a challenge. Accept theses challenges as a way to
help you reach your goals. It takes small steps to progress by leaps and bounds.
This month’s challenge is a writing assignment, called “Why I Want to Reach My
Goal Weight.” While you may have some ideas as to why you want to lose
weight, have you ever put them to paper? Writing out thoughts and ideas makes
them more concrete. It is recommended that you read over your list often,
especially when you are struggling with any aspect of your weight loss. You
might even consider copying them onto a small piece of paper and carrying them
with you.
Details: Aim for 10 reasons on your list. Each and every reason should be
personal to you and stated in a positive manner. Examples: “I will get my blood
pressure under control and go off medication,” “I will feel good enough to walk/
jog a 10K race with my daughter in December,” or “I will feel more energetic and
enjoy more activities.”
Q: I keep being told to eat
breakfast, but I’m really not
hungry and have never been a
breakfast eater. Do I really need
to eat something in the morning?
A: Breakfast is an extremely
important meal, so yes, you need
to learn how to eat breakfast. Just
because you’re not normally
hungry or have never eaten
breakfast, doesn’t mean that your
body can’t learn to like it. Here are
some suggestions:
1. Start small. If you are not
hungry, start by eating small
portions and consume about
150 calories.
2. Eat a balanced meal with
protein, fat, and carbs (sugars).
Many people only eat carbs in
the morning (i.e. muffins, toast,
most cereals). A carb-only
hungrier later in the day.
Protein and fat will give you
sustained energy that will last
much longer than carbs alone.
3. If you choose to eat oatmeal,
you can boost the protein and
good fats by adding a small
amount of protein powder and
raw nuts.
4. Eat only nutritious cereals.
There is really no need for
sugar (kid) cereals. Even our
children deserve a better start
to their day than eating junk
food. Look for high protein/ low
sugar cereals such as Kashi Go
5. Consider eating leftovers from
the night before.
6. If you rush in the morning,
have food already prepared.
The following article is from a wonderful website. While the article is lengthy, it provides a great overview of fats. The
article answers questions that many of you have asked us about fats.
Reprinted with permission from C 2006 All rights reserved.
Healthy Fats: Choosing the Right Fats for your Diet
For over thirty years, fat in our diet has been considered the culprit in obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Recent
studies dispel these beliefs and show that good fats are absolutely essential to our health and well-being. But which fats are
good? Sifting through all the information can leave you with even more questions. Here is a basic primer.
What is fat?
For most people the word fat is associated with the padding on their
bellies and hips used to store excess calories. But those bulges aren't fat
per se – they’re adipose tissue, which the body uses to store special
molecules called fatty acids. Fatty acids perform a wide variety of
functions in the body, functions so vital to our health and well-being that
we would instantly fall over and die without them.
This distinction between adipose tissue and fatty acids (or fats) is
important. To understand the purpose of fats and their value, we must
see them as more than just a curse to our waistlines.
Why are fats good?
The human body uses fatty acids to do everything from building cell membranes to performing key functions in the brain,
eyes, and lungs. The functions of fats include:
Brain - Fats compose 60% of the brain and are essential to brain function, including learning abilities, memory
retention and moods.
Heart - 60% of our heart’s energy comes from burning fats. Specific fats are also used to help keep the heart
beating in a regular rhythm.
Nerves - Fats compose the myelin sheath that insulates and protects the nerves, isolating electrical impulses and
speeding their transmission.
Lungs - Lung surfactant, which requires a high concentration of saturated fats, enables the lungs to work and keeps
them from collapsing.
Eyes - Fats are essential to eye function, and are a key component of the rods and cones.
Digestion - Fats in a meal slow down the digestion process so the body has more time to absorb nutrients. Fatsoluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) can only be absorbed if fat is present. Fats in a meal, help provide a constant level
of energy and keeps the body satiated for longer periods of time.
Hormones - Fats are required to make hormones and hormone-like substances called prostaglandins found in every
tissue, cell and organ in the body.
Skin & hair - Ever heard of feeding oil to a dog to make their coat shiny? Humans get their soft skin and hair from
Of course the other key role of fats is for energy. The body burns fats for fuel and stores extra fuel in adipose tissue so that
it always has reserves to draw from. Adipose is the most efficient way for the body to store energy. If the body were to
store the same amount of energy in the form of carbohydrates, it would weigh twice as much and take up more space.
Adipose also protects and cushions the organs, and like insulation in a house, keeps us warm.
What are the different kinds of fats?
Fats are broken up into three families, and the poly-unsaturated family is further split into two groups:
o Omega 3
o Omega 6
It’s important to note that one family is not more important than another. The body uses different fats in different places
depending on what it needs to do. For instance, poly-unsaturated fats are typically used by body parts that have the highest
activity such as the brain and eyes. Each type of fat is vital to the body.
Foods in nature typically contain some combination of all three families of fats, and some foods contain more of one type
then another. For example, avocados contain 28% saturated, 68% mono-unsaturated and 13% poly-unsaturated. Flax
seeds are high in Omega 3 (63%) and sunflower seeds are high in Omega 6 (65%). Olives and nuts are typically high in the
mono-unsaturated fats, and animal fat and coconut oil are high in saturated fats.
What are essential fatty acids, or EFAs?
Polyunsaturated fats are broken up into the Omega 6 family and the Omega 3 family. Each of these families has a “parent”
fatty acid, also known as the essential fatty acids, or EFAs:
Alph-linolenic acid (also called ALA or LNA) - the parent fatty acid in the Omega 3 family.
Linoleic acid (LA) - the parent fatty acid in the Omega 6 family.
Technically, as long as the body has the parent fatty acid, the rest of the family can be made by the body. However, the
body cannot make the parent fatty acids, thus the term, “essential fatty acids.” When you hear the word “essential” in
nutrition, it means the body can’t make it on its own and has to get it from an outside source.
The body functions optimally with a 2:1 balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3. Most Americans, however, are getting a 20:1 ratio.
This imbalance is largely due to a high intake of vegetable oils, margarine, and processed foods made with partially
hydrogenated soybean oil, all of which are high in Omega 6. To compensate, it’s important to add foods to your diet that are
rich in Omega 3 or to supplement.
What are food sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids?
Although most foods contain a combination of the different types of fatty acids, it is helpful to know which foods are good
sources of certain types of fat in order to include them in your diet.
Foods high in Omega 3 include:
flax seeds
English walnuts
cold-water fish (salmon, herring, mackerel)
Foods high in Omega 6 include:
sunflower seeds
• margarine
vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, sesame, soybean,
• pumpkin seeds
What food sources contain mono-unsaturated and saturated fats?
Foods high in mono-unsaturated fats:
olive oil
nuts (macadamia, peanuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios)
Foods high in saturated fats include:
animal products such as butter, cheese, and cream
coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils.
What makes a fat bad?
Fats are good if they come from whole, natural, unprocessed foods. Fats are only bad if they become damaged. Fats are
damaged by heat, light and oxygen. High heat and chemicals used by manufacturers to process oils are the chief sources of
damaged fats. One particularly damaging process is partial hydrogenation, which gives oils longer shelf life. This process
creates trans fats and other altered molecules that are harmful to the human body.
Poly-unsaturated fats are the most fragile. Oils that are high in poly-unsaturated fats (such as flax seed oil) must be
refrigerated and kept in a dark container. Cooking with these oils damages the fats, depleting their nourishment, and creates
oxidized fats and toxins. Oils that are best for cooking are those high in the mono-unsaturated fats (such as olive oil and
macadamia nut oil) or ones that are high in saturated fat (such as coconut oil) because saturated fats are resistant to
What is a trans fat?
A trans fat is a normal fat molecule that has been twisted and deformed during the hydrogenation process. Trans fats mimic
natural fats in some respects, but are unnatural to the human body. No amount of trans fats is healthy. If the diet does not
contain enough good fat, the body will use the deformed trans fats instead. Studies have implicated trans fats as
contributing to major health risks from heart disease to cancer.
The FDA now requires food manufacturers to list trans fats on nutrition labels. If the ingredients contain partially
hydrogenated oil then the product is suspect, even if the label says no trans fats. To bypass the labeling rules, manufacturers
sometimes decrease the serving size until the number of trans fats is less than .5 grams, which regulations permit listing as
“zero” trans fats.
Common sources of trans fats (i.e. the 'bad' fats) include:
• fried fast-food
vegetable shortening
• doughnuts
processed food containing partially hydrogenated oils such as: hot chocolate, peanut butter, energy bars, crackers,
cookies, cakes, pastries, biscuits, chips, imitation cheese, microwave popcorn and other snack foods
What’s wrong with a low-fat diet?
Americans are turning to low-fat and no-fat processed foods in a misguided effort to keep their weight down. Ironically,
these processed foods are one of the main culprits in weight gain because these foods are typically “high glycemic.” High
glycemic foods cause the level of blood sugar to spike (to rise suddenly). Sustained high blood sugar levels are so destructive
that the body attempts to get the sugar out of the blood fast to minimize any damage. One way the body will do that is to
signal the liver to take the sugar from the blood and turn it into “long chain” sticky saturated fat – the exact kind we are
trying to avoid. The liver will create more fat than the body can immediately use, so the extra fat is stored in the adipose
tissue (e.g. on our hips). Ironically, pulling the good fat out of the food causes the body to build up the kind of fat we’re
trying to avoid.
What about the coconut?
Coconuts are 92% saturated fat, which often makes people avoid them. But all saturated fats are not created equal. 65% of
the saturated fats found in coconut are what is called “medium chain.” Medium chain fats have unique characteristics that set
them apart from the other fats. One is that they do not require bile from the liver for digestion, so they are quickly absorbed
and used by the body for quick energy. Medium chain fats also protect the body from disease by disabling and killing
bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
Manufacturers pull out these medium chain fats and sell them as a separate supplement called MCT oil. This oil is good for
people with liver/gallbladder issues who need the energy from fat but have trouble digesting it. Athletes also use this oil for
quick energy.
Won’t I get fat if I eat fat?
Eating good fat causes the body to be satiated quicker and longer than occurs with the consumption of carbohydrates and
refined sugars. Therefore, you will eat less. Good fat, especially in conjunction with fiber and protein in whole foods, will be
readily accessible for our needs, and satisfy our food cravings, without dangerous sugar spikes.
How do I get good fats into my diet?
Eat fats and oils directly from whole foods without any processing or heat. Raw nuts & seeds, avocados, and olives
are good examples.
Purchase oils that are processed as minimally as possible. Look for words such as “cold expeller pressed”, and
Make your own salad dressings with pure oils. Typical ready-made salad dressings are made with inferior, overlyprocessed, damaged oils.
Be diligent about getting Omega 3 fats into your diet with either whole foods (such as flax seeds) or by taking
Avoid foods containing partially hydrogenated oils and deep fried fast foods.
Avoid animal fat since the highest concentration of toxins in animals will be found in their fat. This is why it is
especially important to buy organic dairy.
How much ‘good’ fat is okay in my diet?
All fats contain different amounts of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. There isn’t one right
amount for every diet, but should be based on the amount of calories consumed.
That being said, the usual recommended amount of fat in a diet is 30% of total calories a day, with no more than 5% coming
from poly-unsaturated fat. Omega 3 fatty acids should be 2-3% of total calories and omega 6 should be 1-1.5% of total
calories. A 2:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is best. In a 2000 calorie diet that means:
56g (500 calories) of mono-unsaturated and saturated fat
3.7g (33 calories) of Omega 3
7.3g (66 calories) of Omega 6
The best sources of fats come from raw, unprocessed whole foods. The following table (from the ESHA Food Processor and
USDA Handbook 8) provides examples of foods and how much of the different types of fat they contain.
Foods and Their Different Fat Contents
Omega 6
Omega 3
Avocado (1 cup)
Flax seeds (2 tbs)
Olive oil (1 tbs)
Peanut butter (2 tbs)
Almonds (2 tbs)
Cheddar Cheese (2 oz)
Salmon (chinook/ 3.5 oz)
Tuna (white/ water / canned drained /172g)
What are typical serving sizes of fats?
Knowing typical serving sizes for fats will help you keep them proportionate to total calories in your diet. Examples of food
that are good sources of fat and serving sizes are:
• Oils (olive, canola, peanut, sesame) – 1 tablespoon
• Nuts (almond, cashews, walnuts) – 2 tablespoons
• Flax seeds – 2 tablespoons
• Black olives – 8 or Green olives – 10
• Avocado – 1/2 avocado
General information (Click Here)
Reprinted with permission from: C 2006 All rights reserved.
The Oiling of America – Article, by Mary Enig, Ph.D. and Sally Fallon, describes the history of fats and oils in America and the
scientific controversy over the association between fat consumption and heart disease. Dr. Mary Enig is a recognized
international expert in lipid biochemistry and was instrumental in bringing to light the dangers of trans fats and their inclusion
on nutrition labels. (Weston A Price Foundation)
The Importance of Saturated Fats for Biological Functions – Explains how saturated fatty acids help the body work. (Weston
A Price Foundation)
Healthy Fats – Explains what types of fats and how much of them should be included in a healthy diet. Includes a chart listing
typical serving sizes. (University of Michigan)
Dietary fats: Know which types to choose – Explains differences between types of fats and gives tips for making good dietary
choices. (
Flax Seed – Reviews the benefits of flax seeds and how best to incorporate them in your diet. (UC Berkeley Wellness Letter
Guide to Dietary Supplements)
Trans fats
Trans Fatty Acids are not Formed by Heating Vegetable Oils – Dr. Mary Enig looks at misinformation on how trans fats are
formed. (Weston A Price Foundation)
Fats and heart disease
Fats & Cholesterol – Discusses the relationship between fats and cholesterol and cholesterol’s effect on heart disease.
(Harvard School of Public Health)
Heart-Healthy Fats – Provides information about how good fats can have a positive effect on the heart. (Prevention)
Energy metabolism in acute coronary syndrome – Journal article looking at the energy demands of the heart and fatty acids.
(Heart and Metabolism (quarterly journal))
Low-Fat Diet Does Not Cut Health Risks, Study Finds – The largest study ever to ask whether a low-fat diet reduces the risk
of getting cancer or heart disease has found that the diet has no effect. (New York Times)
Fats and breast cancer
The Skinny on Fats and Breast Cancer – Describes the link between trans fats and breast cancer and the preventative quality
of good fats. (Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients)
Guest article by Mary Toscano, Certified Nutrition Educator, Mary’s video Fabulous Fats! Setting the Record Straight is an
entertaining nutrition primer about the importance of fats for a healthy body, how to incorporate good fats into the diet, and
how to avoid damaged fats. Edited by Gina Kemp, M.A. Last modified on: 2/5/07.
Weight Loss Totals
Our patients lost a total of:
736.9 lbs in May
Chicken Salad with Organic Walnuts & Raisins
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, pre-baked
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup raw organic walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup organic seedless raisins
1/4 cup light mayonnaise (or to taste – not too much!)
Salt and pepper to taste
Makes 4-6 servings
Purchase pre-baked chicken or cook it before assembling the salad. To cook chicken, cut it into cubes and cook on stove (use only
water to sauté). As an alternative, you could bake the chicken breasts in an oven and cut into cubes (or pull apart by hand) after
they have cooled. Allow to cool slightly before adding the other ingredients.
Place cooked chicken in a large bowl and stir in remaining ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Place in refrigerator to cool.
Recipe adapted from a recipe provided by
This is a great recipe to make ahead of time and can be eaten by itself or on top of a salad.
Contact Information
Address: 604 W. Warner Rd, Suite C-2
Chandler, AZ 85225
Phone Numbers:
480-200-8911 (after-hours)
Office Hours
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
9am – 5pm
7am – 5pm
7am – 4pm
Closed for lunch
1:00 – 2:00 pm Mon/ Tues
12:30 – 1:30 pm Wed/ Thurs/ Fri