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Nutrition Test Review:
1. What is a calorie?
a. Energy Value in Food
2. How many calories = 1 pound?
a. 3500
3. How many pounds is it safe to lose per week?
1 to 2 pounds per week
4. What are the three types of fat? Which the worst Fat that we should we avoid? (liquid at
room temp, solid at room temp, chemically engineered)
-Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. These are the healthiest type of fat olive
oil, vegetable oil and nuts.
-Saturated Fats are solid at room temperature. These fats you should limit in your diet.
-Trans Fats are chemically engineered fats that you should avoid eating these are the BAD
5. Define anorexia and bulimia?
a. Both eating disorders. The anorexia is obsessed with being thin and barely eats, the
bulimic is obsessed with being thin, but eats and then gets rid of the food by throwing
up, exercising, or taking laxatives
6. What is the disease that lack of calcium can cause?
a. Osteoporosis
7. Refer to your packet
8. What is the difference between “simple” and “complex” carbohydrates? List a few examples of
foods in each category.
a. Simple are table sugars (brown sugar, honey, fruit) and complex are whole grains,
vegetables, fruit, oats, fiber. Simple sugars spike your blood sugar levels and cause a
crash and craving, while complex carbs take awhile to digest and keep you fuller longer.
9. When buying a bread or flour product, what word do you want to look for high on the
ingredients list?
a. Whole
10. What does exercise burn?
a. Calories
11. If you were thinking of changing your eating habits to lose weight, how long do you need to
keep it up?
a. For life
12. Know what goes into calculating your Body Mass Index:
a. Weight, height, age, gender
13. What are the roles of Carbohydrates, proteins and fat in the diet.
a. Carbohydrates: Bodies main source of energy
b. Protein: nutrients body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues
c. Fats: concentrated form of energy important to brain development, maintain healthy
skill and hair.
14. Why is water important:
a. Moves food through digestive system, transporting nutrients, cushions eyes, brain, and
spinal cord, lubricating the joins.
15. Why is it important to eat nutrient dense foods?
a. Because these have the highest ratio of nutrients to calories.
16. What are three factors that affect your bodies nutrient needs?
a. Age, gender, activity level
17. 1
Directions: Define each of the following and know where they would be labeled on a diagram.
18. Peristalsis: A series of involuntary muscle contractions that move food through the
digestive tract.
19. Chemical digestion: involves secretions produced by digestive organs that break down food.
20. Mechanical digestion: involves chewing and mashing and breaking food down
21. Nutrients: Substances in food that your body needs to grow repair itself and to supply you with
energy they are protein, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins, minerals, water
22. Villi: The inner wall of the small intestine contains millions of fingerlike projections called villi.
The villi are lined with capillaries that absorb the nutrients.
23. Chyme; As food is digested in the stomach it is converted to chime a creamy fluid mixture of
food and gastric juices
24. Mastication: The process of chewing.
25. Carbohydrate: are starches and sugars found in foods which provide your body’s main source
of energy.
26. Protein: are nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues. They are made
up of chemicals called amino acids.
27. List 3 chemical elements used to digest food
a. Enzymes in saliva
b. Bile produced in liver breaks down fat found in the small intestine.
c. Gastric juices enzyme that digest protein.
28. Fad Diets weight-loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time. They should be
avoided because they are not a diet you can do for life. Creates a pattern of losing and
regaining the weight back. They usually restrict they types and amounts of foods that you
eat making it difficult to stay on them for a long time.