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Quality & Excellence in Education
Balochistan University of Information Technology,
Engineering and Management Sciences
Sociology is a branch of social sciences that uses systematic methods of empirical investigation
and critical analysis about human social structure. It encompasses all social aspects of human’s
Sociology is the broad discipline in terms of both methodology and subject matter. It deals with
the general processes of the society hence social sciences share certain traits with sociology.
1. Relationship of sociology with Economics
2. Relationship of sociology with Political Science
3. Relationship of sociology with History
4. Relationship of sociology with psychology
5. Relationship of sociology with Anthropology
6. Relationship of sociology with Criminology
7. Relationship of sociology with Management
8. Relationship of sociology with Statistics
9. Relationship of sociology with HR
1. Relationship of sociology with Economics
Sociology and Economics as social sciences have close relations.
Relationship between the two is so close that one is often treated
as the branch of the other, because society is greatly influenced
by economic factors, and economic processes are largely determined by the environment of the
Economics deals with the economic activities of man. It deals with production, consumption and
distribution of wealth.
The economic factors play a vital role in the very aspect of our social life. Total development of
individual depends very much on economic factors. Without economic conditions, the study of
society is quite impossible. All the social problems are directly connected with the economic
conditions of the people. That is why Marshall defines Economics as "on one side the study of
wealth and on the other and more important side a part of the study of man."
In the same way Economics is influenced by Sociology. Without the social background the study
of Economics is quite impossible. Sociologists have contributed to the study of different aspects
of economic organization. Property system, division of labor, occupations etc. are provided by a
sociologist to an economist.
The area of co-operation between Sociology and Economics is widening. Economists are more
and more making use of the sociological concepts
in the study of economic problems. Economists
are working with the sociologists in their study of
the problems of economic development in
underdeveloped countries. Combined efforts of
both the experts may be of great practical help in
meeting the challenges.
2. Relationship of sociology with
Political Science
Sociology and political science are also related in the sense that they both concern the welfare of
people in a society. Political science basically deals with the distribution of power and the
exercise of power ,democracy, dictatorship, communism, how people vote etc. sociology has its
roots in politics. These two subjects have much common in subject matters.
The important point is that king of any place is social as well as political. There is no separate
existence without each other. Both sciences explain the interdependency between man and
society. Political science says man is political while sociology say man is social. Both need a
group of people ,where he interacts. The process of socialization is done by both sciences. Both
are helpful in development of social an political consciousnesses.
both sciences are complementary to each other. Sociology makes theories for people and
political science try to implement it.
The only difference between these two sciences is Sociology is science of society which studies
all organized and unorganized activities while political science is science of society which
studies only organized activities.
3. Relationship of sociology with History:
Both social sciences are now a days coming nearer to each
other. Some time ago history was considered as science of some
dates, places and struggles. But now people have realizes that
why the particular event in history occurred? What was form of
the same? In short history is another social science which is related to erect society and
sociology. History primarily deals with past events and how they affected society e.g. how the
Indo-Pak partition ,compel Sindhu(Hindu word it self has originated from Sindhu_)to prove
themselves laborious, on the other end will be concerned with how people interacted, how
culture was affected etc during the present and before the partition .
Sociology takes help from history in mater of present studies. By comparing between occurring
past and present events, one can estimate the factors responsible for occurring that event.
Sociology is obvious in history in that the social interactions of individuals have effected history,
and then of course there is the history of Sociology itself.
There are so many institutions, like family ,tribe, culture, folkways, mores, tradition ,social
movements, social changes etc, who have historical background of occurring. On the basis of
that we can understand present situation , and try to organized accordingly.
In sociological research studies, Historical method of study is very relevant and important.
Historically history is the area of study of Sociology.
4. Relationship of sociology with Psychology:
Sociology and Psychology are closely related with each other. Psychology is the study of human
behavior. The psychologists study such phenomena as perception, attitudes and values and their
Psychology depends on sociology for understanding human nature properly. Sociology provides
necessary materials regarding the structure, organization and culture of society, in which human
behavior is born. For examples, the structure of family, caste groups, class groups, etc. influence
human behaviors. The psychologists must take into
account those factors in explaining human behavior. The
psychologists while, studying the individuals',
development from early childhood onwards, should
analyze the role of society and social customs relating to
the development of social behavior.
Similarly, the sociologists also take the help of
psychology while studying changes in social structure.
Various psychological theories like motivation theories,
learning theories, theories of perception etc. have
contributed to the development of Sociology. Sociology
also have made use of psychological scales like attitude scales and interest inventory. Many
social problems like caste, conflict, communal tensions, crimes, juvenile delinquency, gambling,
drug-addiction etc. have psychological implications.
Sociology and Psychology are closely related with each other. Both are interrelated and interdependent. Psychology is concerned with the exploration of the depth of man's mind and
behavior in society. It is said that psychology shows the significance of the relationship between
the organism (individual) and environment and the response of the former to the latter. It is
defined as "the study of man's mental life and behavior". It is the science of mind of mental
The aim of psychology is to arrive at the laws of mental life and behavior of human beings.
Sociology, on the other hand is the study of society. It studies man's social relationships. Thus,
sociology studies society where as psychology is concerned with human behavior, So there are
resemblances between psychology and sociology. Both are regarded as positive science. These
two disciplines have a great deal in common and are inter-related. It is difficult to understand the
inter-relations and the activities of human beings; without an adequate knowledge of human
psychology. In the same way, many truths of psychology would remain unintelligible without a
comprehensive idea about social relationships, behavior and activities.
There is no gain saying the fact that psychology trends support to sociology and the help
sociology extends to psychology, is by no means insignificant. In other words they depend on
each other for their existence. In this way, both psychology and sociology are deeply related to
each other.
5. Relationship of sociology with Anthropology
The relation between sociology and anthropology is widely recognized today. In fact,
anthropologist Kroeber pointed out that the two- sciences are twin sisters. Robert Redfield writes
that viewing the whole United States, one say that the relations between sociology and
anthropology are closer than those between anthropology and political science, which is partly
due to greater similarity in ways of work.
Anthropology is a general science like sociology. 'The word anthropology' is derived from two
Greek words, 'anthropos' and 'logos' meaning the study of man. More precisely, it is defined by
Kroeber as the science of man and his works and behavior. Anthropology is concerned not with
particular man but with man in-group with races and peoples and their happenings and doings.
There is a great deal of similarities between anthropology and sociology.
A number of subjects include society, culture, family religion, social
stratification, etc. For this reason an eminent anthropologist like A.L.
Kroeber regards "Sociology and Anthropology as twin sisters"
Etymologically, anthropology means the study of the science of man. It
traces the development of human race, and studies, in particular, the
primitive preliterate people and their culture. Anthropologists are sure that anthropology is
deeply concerned with the physical and cultural development of human beings from the time of
their origin to this day. There cannot be two opinions about the fact that the field of its
investigation is very vast.
Social Anthropology studies man as a social being. It has been rightly said that 'social
anthropology deals with the behavior of man in social situations.' According to some scholars,
'Social anthropology and sociology are in their broad sense, one and the same'. There are others
who regard it as a branch of sociology.
6. Relationship of sociology with Criminology
Criminology and Sociology combines the study of crime, deviance and social control, with those
of wider sociological interests, ideas and concerns in relation to a range of different social
issues. Sociological criminology is the practice of examining crime from a sociological point of
view. Specifically, sociologists see crime as an individual and social problem and believe crime
cannot be properly understood without examining the surrounding social, political and
economical context. Sociological criminology attempts to understand why people commit crimes
and what can be done about it with a focus on the offender as an
Criminology itself is the scientific study of crime and
delinquency. Criminology looks at the causes, correction and
prevention of crime and can be viewed through various
like sociology.
sociological theory considers criminal behavior to be a normal
response to extreme social circumstances.
A sociologist looks at the social context of a person’s situation, examining the offender’s race,
neighborhood, social circle, income level, education level, job or career, and type of childhood to
determine why a person became delinquent.
7. Relationship of sociology with Management
Management is the branch of management sciences deals with organizations. And organization
is defined as “ Group of people”. Without human interaction Organizations can nor be run at all.
Sociology helps very much to understand the sociological aspects of the organization. Without
the help of the sociology the management process is much difficult.
8. Relationship of sociology with Statistics:
Statistics is the study of the collection, organization,
analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. All
phenomena can be quantified. The importance of the
numbers is evident from the verdict in social
phenomena. When we analyze the definition of the
statistics we come to know that it is all about the collection of the data. In sociological
studies we collect the data , and analyze the data statistically. Hence statistics for the social
scientists is responsible for promoting the cause of scientific approach in the field.