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01. Figure 1 shows a view of the Moon, which is on the meridian, at sunset, with the
Sun setting due west. What is the phase of the Moon shown here, and what would
be the phase about 1 week later?
a.1st quarter; new moon
b.1st quarter; full moon
c.3rd quarter; new moon
d.3rd quarter; full moon
Figure 1 - The Moon located due south at sunset
01. Figure 1 shows a view of the Moon, which is on the meridian, at sunset, with the
Sun setting due west. What is the phase of the Moon shown here, and what would
be the phase about 1 week later?
a.1st quarter; new moon
b.1st quarter; full moon
c.3rd quarter; new moon
d.3rd quarter; full moon
Figure 1 - The Moon located due south at sunset
A. Sun, Earth, Moon - parallel shadows
B. Sun, Earth, Moon - Earth’s shadow is perpendicular
C. Sun, Earth, Moon - Earth with huge shadow
D. Sun, Earth, Moon - Moon is in Earth’s shadow
Figure 2 - Four different geometries for the Sun - Earth - Moon system from an overhead view.
02. Examine Figure 2 above that shows 4 choices for shadows of the Earth and Moon at
the same phase of the Moon given in question 1. However, only 1 figure is correct. Which
one and what evidence does it provide?
a. The geometry of A is correct; Moon phases are NOT caused by Earth’s shadow.
b. The geometry of B is correct; the dark (left) side of this phase IS caused by Earth’s
c. The geometry of C is correct; the Earth’s shadow is VERY large and causes moon
d. The geometry of D is correct; this Moon phase involves its passing IN Earth’s
A. Sun, Earth, Moon - parallel shadows
B. Sun, Earth, Moon - Earth’s shadow is perpendicular
C. Sun, Earth, Moon - Earth with huge shadow
D. Sun, Earth, Moon - Moon is in Earth’s shadow
Figure 2 - Four different geometries for the Sun - Earth - Moon system from an overhead view.
02. Examine Figure 2 above that shows 4 choices for shadows of the Earth and Moon at
the same phase of the Moon given in question 1. However, only 1 figure is correct. Which
one and what evidence does it provide?
a. The geometry of A is correct; Moon phases are NOT caused by Earth’s
b. The geometry of B is correct; the dark (left) side of this phase IS caused by Earth’s
c. The geometry of C is correct; the Earth’s shadow is VERY large and causes moon
d. The geometry of D is correct; this Moon phase involves its passing IN Earth’s
shadow. (Called a lunar eclipse, not a phase.)
03. We define or characterize light - electromagnetic radiation - by its
a. energy
b. wavelength
c. frequency
d. All of these.
03. We define or characterize light - electromagnetic radiation - by its
a. energy
b. wavelength
c. frequency
d. All of these.
04. Which one of the following lists the wavelengths of light from the longest to the
a. radio, gamma ray, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray
b. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma ray
c. gamma ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radio
d. gamma ray, infrared, radio, ultraviolet, visible, X-ray
04. Which one of the following lists the wavelengths of light from the longest to the
a. radio, gamma ray, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray
b. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma ray
c. gamma ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radio
d. gamma ray, infrared, radio, ultraviolet, visible, X-ray
05. Which one of the following lists the corresponding energy of the photons of
light from the lowest energy to the highest?
a. radio, gamma ray, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray
b. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma ray
c. gamma ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radio
d. gamma ray, infrared, radio, ultraviolet, visible, X-ray
05. Which one of the following lists the corresponding energy of the photons of
light from the lowest energy to the highest?
a. radio, gamma ray, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray
b. radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma ray
c. gamma ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radio
d. gamma ray, infrared, radio, ultraviolet, visible, X-ray
06. Kepler’s first law states that orbits of the planets are
a. eclipses of the planets by the Earth.
b. ellipses with the Sun at one focus.
c. equatorials aligned with the celestial equator.
d. ecliptics or orbits aligned with the Sun.
06. Kepler’s first law states that orbits of the planets are
a. eclipses of the planets by the Earth.
b. ellipses with the Sun at one focus.
c. equatorials aligned with the celestial equator.
d. ecliptics or orbits aligned with the Sun.
Figure 3 - A sketch of the Milky Way and one of its orbiting globular clusters
Kepler’s laws also apply to globular clusters as they orbit the center of the Milky
Way (the focus of the orbit). Figure 3 sketches the counterclockwise orbit of
one of the globular clusters on a highly eccentric orbit.
07. The globular cluster will spend the longest amount of time at which
location, A or B?
08. At which location will the globular cluster be orbiting the fastest, A or B?
Figure 3 - A sketch of the Milky Way and one of its orbiting globular clusters
Kepler’s laws also apply to globular clusters as they orbit the center of the Milky
Way (the focus of the orbit). Figure 3 sketches the counterclockwise orbit of
one of the globular clusters on a highly eccentric orbit.
07. The globular cluster will spend the longest amount of time at which
location, A or B?
08. At which location will the globular cluster be orbiting the fastest, A or B?
Table 1 - Six of the Brightest Stars in the Sky
Star Name
Spectral Class
Parallax (arc
A1 V
Alpha Centauri A
G2 V
Alpha Centauri B
K1 V
K1.5 III
V = main sequence; III = giant; II = in between giant and supergiant
09. Which one of these stars is the closest to us?
a. Sirius
b. Canopus
c. Alpha Centauri A
d. Alpha Centauri B
e. Arcturus
Table 1 - Six of the Brightest Stars in the Sky
Star Name
Spectral Class
Parallax (arc
A1 V
Alpha Centauri A
G2 V
Alpha Centauri B
K1 V
K1.5 III
V = main sequence; III = giant; II = in between giant and supergiant
09. Which one of these stars is the closest to us?
a. Sirius
b. Canopus
c. Alpha Centauri A
d. Alpha Centauri B
e. Arcturus
Table 1 - Six of the Brightest Stars in the Sky
Star Name
Spectral Class
Parallax (arc
A1 V
Alpha Centauri A
G2 V
Alpha Centauri B
K1 V
K1.5 III
V = main sequence; III = giant; II = in between giant and supergiant
10. Which one of these stars is the most luminous?
a. Sirius
b. Canopus
c. Alpha Centauri A
d. Alpha Centauri B
e. Arcturus
Table 1 - Six of the Brightest Stars in the Sky
Star Name
Spectral Class
Parallax (arc
A1 V
Alpha Centauri A
G2 V
Alpha Centauri B
K1 V
K1.5 III
V = main sequence; III = giant; II = in between giant and supergiant
10. Which one of these stars is the most luminous?
a. Sirius
b. Canopus
c. Alpha Centauri A
d. Alpha Centauri B
e. Arcturus
Table 1 - Six of the Brightest Stars in the Sky
Star Name
Spectral Class
Parallax (arc
A1 V
Alpha Centauri A
G2 V
Alpha Centauri B
K1 V
K1.5 III
V = main sequence; III = giant; II = in between giant and supergiant
11. Sirius, Alpha Centauri A, and Alpha Centauri B are all main sequence stars.
Which of these stars will live the longest on the main sequence?
a. Sirius
b. Alpha Centauri A
c. Alpha Centauri B
Table 1 - Six of the Brightest Stars in the Sky
Star Name
Spectral Class
Parallax (arc
A1 V
Alpha Centauri A
G2 V
Alpha Centauri B
K1 V
K1.5 III
V = main sequence; III = giant; II = in between giant and supergiant
11. Sirius, Alpha Centauri A, and Alpha Centauri B are all main sequence stars.
Which of these stars will live the longest on the main sequence?
a. Sirius
b. Alpha Centauri A
c. Alpha Centauri B
12. Figure 4 shows the color magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of two open clusters
(actual data). Which cluster is the younger one?
a. NGC 1960
b. NGC 2355
c. They are both the same age.
d. Not enough information is given to answer this question.
12. Figure 4 shows the color magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of two open clusters
(actual data). Which cluster is the younger one?
a. NGC 1960
b. NGC 2355
c. They are both the same age.
d. Not enough information is given to answer this question.
13. What else can be inferred from the graph for each of the CMDs shown in Figure 4?
a. The locations or coordinates on the celestial sphere where the clusters are located.
b. How fast each cluster is moving relative to Earth; i.e., spectral redshifts or blueshifts.
c. The value of Hubble’s constant by fitting a slope to the main sequence.
d. The approximate masses of main sequence stars based on the turn-off B - V value.
13. What else can be inferred from the graph for each of the CMDs shown in Figure 4?
a. The locations or coordinates on the celestial sphere where the clusters are located.
b. How fast each cluster is moving relative to Earth; i.e., spectral redshifts or blueshifts.
c. The value of Hubble’s constant by fitting a slope to the main sequence.
d. The approximate masses of main sequence stars based on the turn-off B - V
14. One of these clusters still has massive stars on the main sequence.
Which region of the Milky Way galaxy is it most likely to be found?
a. Near the supermassive black hole at the center.
b. Far out in the halo.
c. Within a spiral arm of the disk.
d. Within the orbit of Pluto.
14. One of these clusters still has massive stars on the main sequence.
Which region of the Milky Way galaxy is it most likely to be found?
a. Near the supermassive black hole at the center.
b. Far out in the halo.
c. Within a spiral arm of the disk.
d. Within the orbit of Pluto.
Figure 5 - CMD for globular cluster NGC 1851; actual image taken with an Artemis 285 digital camera
Match the names of the regions of this CMD with its identifying letter.
15. Main sequence of stars _____
16. Subgiant branch _____
17. Red giant branch _____
18. Main sequence turn-off _____
19. Horizontal branch. _____
Figure 5 - CMD for globular cluster NGC 1851; actual image taken with an Artemis 285 digital camera
Match the names of the regions of this CMD with its identifying letter.
15. Main sequence of stars __D___
16. Subgiant branch __C___
17. Red giant branch __A___
18. Main sequence turn-off __E___
19. Horizontal branch. __B___
20. Somewhere between 3 and 6 billion years from now the Sun will run out of
hydrogen in its core and move to the subgiant branch. What does this mean for
the Sun?
a. Its surface temperature will decrease.
b. Its luminosity will increase.
c. Its radius will increase
d. All of these statements are true.
20. Somewhere between 3 and 6 billion years from now the Sun will run out of
hydrogen in its core and move to the subgiant branch. What does this mean for
the Sun?
a. Its surface temperature will decrease.
b. Its luminosity will increase.
c. Its radius will increase
d. All of these statements are true.
21. When nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium shuts down in the Sun’s core, there
is no longer enough pressure to support the rest of the star. What happens in and
around the core?
a. The core expands, cools, and fusion of helium to carbon shell fusion begins.
b. The core has a carbon flash, and the fusion of carbon to oxygen begins.
c. The core shrinks and releases heat starting hydrogen to helium shell fusion.
d. The core shrinks until electron degeneracy becomes the means of support.
21. When nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium shuts down in the Sun’s core, there
is no longer enough pressure to support the rest of the star. What happens in and
around the core?
a. The core expands, cools, and fusion of helium to carbon shell fusion begins.
b. The core has a carbon flash, and the fusion of carbon to oxygen begins.
c. The core shrinks and releases heat starting hydrogen to helium shell
d. The core shrinks until electron degeneracy becomes the means of support.
22. Planetary nebulae provide excellent examples of the range colors that can be
produced by processes occurring in atoms. What kind of spectra do we expect to
see from planetary nebulae?
a. Continuous spectra with the peak wavelength occurring in the ultraviolet.
b. Emission spectra from elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen.
c. Absorption spectra indicating most electrons of the atoms cannot gain energy.
d. Highly redshifted spectra originating from the ejection of gas from the star.
22. Planetary nebulae provide excellent examples of the range colors that can be
produced by processes occurring in atoms. What kind of spectra do we expect to
see from planetary nebulae?
a. Continuous spectra with the peak wavelength occurring in the ultraviolet.
b. Emission spectra from elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and
c. Absorption spectra indicating most electrons of the atoms cannot gain energy.
d. Highly redshifted spectra originating from the ejection of gas from the star.
23. How is it that the core of a massive star is able to fuse heavier and heavier
elements without any of these stages resulting in degeneracy or any flashes like
the helium flash that occurs in solar-type stars?
a. The cores of massive stars are so hot, have such high densities and
pressures, that these stars fuse all elements simultaneously; that is, all at
the same time.
b.The strong gravitational force contracts the core at the end of each fusion
cycle, causing the pressure and temperature to increase enough to fuse
heavier elements.
c.Massive stars have enough hydrogen throughout their interiors and
atmospheres that they never run out of hydrogen to fuse and avoid flashes.
d.After the stellar-mass black hole forms in the core of a massive star it pulls
in all of the fusion shells that have been formed, preventing flashes.
23. How is it that the core of a massive star is able to fuse heavier and heavier
elements without any of these stages resulting in degeneracy or any flashes like
the helium flash that occurs in solar-type stars?
a. The cores of massive stars are so hot, have such high densities and
pressures, that these stars fuse all elements simultaneously; that is, all at
the same time.
b.The strong gravitational force contracts the core at the end of each
fusion cycle, causing the pressure and temperature to increase enough
to fuse heavier elements.
c.Massive stars have enough hydrogen throughout their interiors and
atmospheres that they never run out of hydrogen to fuse and avoid flashes.
d.After the stellar-mass black hole forms in the core of a massive star it pulls
in all of the fusion shells that have been formed, preventing flashes.
24. Observationally, what is the difference between a neutron star and a pulsar?
a. Not all neutron stars are beaming radiation in our direction and pulsing.
b. Neutron stars always rotate much faster than pulsars.
c. Neutron stars usually rotate much slower than pulsars.
d. Pulsars are much larger than neutron stars and thus give off more light.
24. Observationally, what is the difference between a neutron star and a pulsar?
a. Not all neutron stars are beaming radiation in our direction and pulsing.
b. Neutron stars always rotate much faster than pulsars.
c. Neutron stars usually rotate much slower than pulsars.
d. Pulsars are much larger than neutron stars and thus give off more light.
25. Unfortunately, we will never, ever be able to actually "see" what is going on
inside the event horizon of a black hole, including the singularity. Why not?
a. Singularities are theoretical possibilities and we can't *see* theoretical things.
b. Everything that gets sucked in is destroyed so there's nothing left TO see.
c. Inside the event horizon, the escape velocity exceeds that of light.
d. Our telescopes fail to detect Hawking radiation emitted from the event horizon.
25. Unfortunately, we will never, ever be able to actually "see" what is going on
inside the event horizon of a black hole, including the singularity. Why not?
a. Singularities are theoretical possibilities and we can't *see* theoretical things.
b. Everything that gets sucked in is destroyed so there's nothing left TO see.
c. Inside the event horizon, the escape velocity exceeds that of light.
d. Our telescopes fail to detect Hawking radiation emitted from the event horizon.
Identify the galaxies shown in
Figure 6. Each type is used just
26. Irregular or peculiar _____
27. Spiral _____
28. Elliptical _____
29. Barred Spiral _____
30. What is the type of galaxy
that the Milky Way is most widely
thought to resemble: A, B, C, or
Figure - 6 Four galaxies for
Identify the galaxies shown in
Figure 6. Each type is used just
26. Irregular or peculiar __D___
27. Spiral _C____
28. Elliptical __B___
29. Barred Spiral __A___
30. What is the type of galaxy
that the Milky Way is most widely
thought to resemble:
A, B, C, or
Figure - 6 Four galaxies for
31. Around 1975 there was a definite disagreement in the accepted value for
the Hubble constant (Ho): about 100 km/s per megaparsec versus 50 km/s per
megaparsec. If the calculated age of the Universe with a Hubble constant of 50
km/sec per megaparsec was 20 billion years, what would be the implied age of
the Universe for Ho = 100 km/s/Mpc?
a. 10 billion years
b. 40 billion years
c. 15 billiion years
d. 5 billion years
31. Around 1975 there was a definite disagreement in the accepted value for
the Hubble constant (Ho): about 100 km/s per megaparsec versus 50 km/s per
megaparsec. If the calculated age of the Universe with a Hubble constant of 50
km/sec per megaparsec was 20 billion years, what would be the implied age of
the Universe for Ho = 100 km/s/Mpc?
a. 10 billion years
b. 40 billion years
c. 15 billiion years
d. 5 billion years
32. What was one of the important contributions that Cepheid variable stars made to
our determining distances in the Universe?
a. One observed in the Andromeda galaxy was determined to be millions of light
years away.
b. This kind of variable star has a well defined period-luminosity relationship that
we use.
c. They are so luminous that they can be observed in galaxies over 25 million light
years away.
d. Each one of these answers relates to the contributions Cepheids have made.
32. What was one of the important contributions that Cepheid variable stars made to
our determining distances in the Universe?
a. One observed in the Andromeda galaxy was determined to be millions of light
years away.
b. This kind of variable star has a well defined period-luminosity relationship that
we use.
c. They are so luminous that they can be observed in galaxies over 25 million light
years away.
d. Each one of these answers relates to the contributions Cepheids have
33. What is the theory behind the observations that the halo stars - such as those
found in globular clusters - are all "metal-poor," meaning that they have a very low
percentage of elements heavier than helium, while stars located in the disk of the
Galaxy have higher, and sometimes much higher, abundances of "heavy elements,”
such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, magnesium, etc.
a, Halo stars formed shortly after the Big Bang when the composition of the
Universe was mainly hydrogen and helium.
b. Disk stars have compositions enriched with heavy elements from supernovae
explosions, planetary nebulae, and stellar winds.
c. Star formation in the disk happened later than that in the halo and is still an
ongoing process.
c. All of these answers are part of the theory of the chemical enrichment of the
Milky Way.
33. What is the theory behind the observations that the halo stars - such as those
found in globular clusters - are all "metal-poor," meaning that they have a very low
percentage of elements heavier than helium, while stars located in the disk of the
Galaxy have higher, and sometimes much higher, abundances of "heavy elements,”
such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, magnesium, etc.
a, Halo stars formed shortly after the Big Bang when the composition of the
Universe was mainly hydrogen and helium.
b. Disk stars have compositions enriched with heavy elements from supernovae
explosions, planetary nebulae, and stellar winds.
c. Star formation in the disk happened later than that in the halo and is still an
ongoing process.
c. All of these answers are part of the theory of the chemical enrichment of
the Milky Way.
34. Which one of the following answers provides convincing evidence that there is a
supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way?
a. Observations at radio wavelengths indicate extreme gravitational redshifts.
b. High velocity stars whose orbits indicate a mass of millions of suns within a
small volume.
c. Large volumes of stars, gas, clusters, and dust seem to be “hovering” for
d. Large extensive jets of ionized material shooting straight up from the center of
the Galaxy.
34. Which one of the following answers provides convincing evidence that there is a
supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way?
a. Observations at radio wavelengths indicate extreme gravitational redshifts.
b. High velocity stars whose orbits indicate a mass of millions of suns
within a small volume.
c. Large volumes of stars, gas, clusters, and dust seem to be “hovering” for
d. Large extensive jets of ionized material shooting straight up from the center of
the Galaxy.
35. What aspect about globular clusters and our measurements of the distances to
them using RR Lyrae variable stars modified our view of the Milky Way Galaxy and
our place in it?
a. Some of the globular clusters are very far away and must belong to the
Andromeda Galaxy.
b. We found out that there are hundreds of globular clusters hidden by columns
of dust.
c. The most distant globular clusters are metal-rich and so must have
originated in the disk.
d. They all orbit the center of the Galaxy, and the center of their distribution is
not where we are.
35. What aspect about globular clusters and our measurements of the distances to
them using RR Lyrae variable stars modified our view of the Milky Way Galaxy and
our place in it?
a. Some of the globular clusters are very far away and must belong to the
Andromeda Galaxy.
b. We found out that there are hundreds of globular clusters hidden by columns
of dust.
c. The most distant globular clusters are metal-rich and so must have
originated in the disk.
d. They all orbit the center of the Galaxy, and the center of their
distribution is not where we are.
36. An observer far outside our galaxy would best describe our galaxy and the
Sun's position in it as a
a. disk of stars roughly centered on our Solar System.
b. disk of stars with our Solar System located in the bulge.
c. gigantic sphere of stars centered on our Solar System.
d. disk of stars with the Sun approximately 25,000 light years from the center.
36. An observer far outside our galaxy would best describe our galaxy and the
Sun's position in it as a
a. disk of stars roughly centered on our Solar System.
b. disk of stars with our Solar System located in the bulge.
c. gigantic sphere of stars centered on our Solar System.
d. disk of stars with the Sun approximately 25,000 light years from the
37. Here is a diagram that depicts some of the electron transitions in a hydrogen
atom. Which transition results in a red photon being emitted?
a. wavelength = 121.6 nm
b. wavelength = 656.3 nm
c. wavelength = 486.2 nm
d. wavelength = 434.1 nm
e. wavelength = 420.2 nm
Figure 7 - Five transitions for electrons in a hydrogen atom.
37. Here is a diagram that depicts some of the electron transitions in a hydrogen
atom. Which transition results in a red photon being emitted?
a. wavelength = 121.6 nm
b. wavelength = 656.3 nm
c. wavelength = 486.2 nm
d. wavelength = 434.1 nm
e. wavelength = 420.2 nm
Figure 7 - Five transitions for electrons in a hydrogen atom.
38. Figure 8 shows a planetary nebula that is called (amazingly enough) the red
rectangle. The image was taken in visible light by the Hubble Space Telescope,
and almost all of the diffuse gas that was ejected from the star glows red. This
red color is most likely due to
a. warm dust glowing at infrared wavelengths.
b. excited atoms that are emitting light at ultraviolet wavelengths.
c. electrons in hydrogen atoms transitioning from energy level 3 to 2.
d. interstellar reddening due to dust scattering blue light.
38. Figure 8 shows a planetary nebula that is called (amazingly enough) the red
rectangle. The image was taken in visible light by the Hubble Space Telescope,
and almost all of the diffuse gas that was ejected from the star glows red. This
red color is most likely due to
a. warm dust glowing at infrared wavelengths.
b. excited atoms that are emitting light at ultraviolet wavelengths.
c. electrons in hydrogen atoms transitioning from energy level 3 to 2.
d. interstellar reddening due to dust scattering blue light.
40. Using the concept of look-back time, which one of the following answers is
a. The galaxies with the highest redshifts will look the oldest.
b. The most distant galaxies will look the youngest.
c. The closest galaxies to us will look the youngest.
d. The galaxies with the highest redshifts will be the oldest.
40. Using the concept of look-back time, which one of the following answers is
a. The galaxies with the highest redshifts will look the oldest.
b. The most distant galaxies will look the youngest.
c. The closest galaxies to us will look the youngest.
d. The galaxies with the highest redshifts will be the oldest.
41. Light has a finite speed. We are able to gain insight as to how galaxies evolve
over time by studying the galaxies at various redshifts in the Hubble Deep Fields
because the farther away a galaxy is the longer its light takes to reach us.
a.galaxies at larger and larger redshifts will look progressively younger and
b.since the Big Bang, galaxies have been gradually evolving from spiral to elliptical
c.galaxies were all born at roughly the same time, but the closest ones are the
41. Light has a finite speed. We are able to gain insight as to how galaxies evolve
over time by studying the galaxies at various redshifts in the Hubble Deep Fields
because the farther away a galaxy is the longer its light takes to reach us.
a.galaxies at larger and larger redshifts will look progressively younger and
b.since the Big Bang, galaxies have been gradually evolving from spiral to elliptical
c.galaxies were all born at roughly the same time, but the closest ones are the
42. The spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation is the signature
of what the Universe was like at 380,000 years after the Big Bang when atoms
finally formed. The radiation from this early time is the closest thing we have
observed to a perfect blackbody spectrum. This spectrum tells us that the early
universe was
c.of nearly uniform, hot temperature
d.All of these conditions were present.
42. The spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation is the signature
of what the Universe was like at 380,000 years after the Big Bang when atoms
finally formed. The radiation from this early time is the closest thing we have
observed to a perfect blackbody spectrum. This spectrum tells us that the early
universe was
c.of nearly uniform, hot temperature
d.All of these conditions were present.
43. The group of astronomers that discovered that the expansion of the universe is
not slowing down but is rather speeding up, or accelerating in its expansion, used a
standard candle that you should be familiar with by now. What did they use?
a. Hubble’s Law using a sample of 1000 distant elliptical galaxies.
b. RR Lyrae variables in the globular clusters of distant galaxies.
c. Type Ia supernovae in very distant galaxies.
d. A large sample of Cepheid variable stars.
43. The group of astronomers that discovered that the expansion of the universe is
not slowing down but is rather speeding up, or accelerating in its expansion, used a
standard candle that you should be familiar with by now. What did they use?
a. Hubble’s Law using a sample of 1000 distant elliptical galaxies.
b. RR Lyrae variables in the globular clusters of distant galaxies.
c. Type Ia supernovae in very distant galaxies.
d. A large sample of Cepheid variable stars.
44. Suppose that a number of galaxies are grouped closely together in the sky (as
seen in the image of the Hubble Deep Field North), but have very different redshifts.
From this, you can conclude that
the nearness in the sky is just coincidence.
the galaxies are actually close together in space.
the galaxies are all moving in different directions.
the galaxy motions are dominated by peculiar velocities.
Figure 10 - A small section of the Hubble Deep Field North with some redshifts noted
44. Suppose that a number of galaxies are grouped closely together in the sky (as
seen in the image of the Hubble Deep Field North), but have very different redshifts.
From this, you can conclude that
the nearness in the sky is just coincidence.
the galaxies are actually close together in space.
the galaxies are all moving in different directions.
the galaxy motions are dominated by peculiar velocities.
Figure 10 - A small section of the Hubble Deep Field North with some redshifts noted
State whether you are describing gravity as a. Newton or as b. Einstein would.
45. Gravity is a force that simultaneously acts between objects.
46. The structure of space determines how mass moves.
47. The amount of mass in an object determines how much space curves.
48. Force of gravity is the product of two masses divided by the radius squared.
49. Gravitation is the result of the shape of spacetime an object moves through.
50. Gravitational lensing is probably caused by the distortion of spacetime.
State whether you are describing gravity as a. Newton or as b. Einstein would.
45. Gravity is a force that simultaneously acts between objects. A
46. The structure of space determines how mass moves. B
47. The amount of mass in an object determines how much space curves. B
48. Force of gravity is the product of two masses divided by the radius squared. A
49. Gravitation is the result of the shape of spacetime an object moves through. B
50. Gravitational lensing is probably caused by the distortion of spacetime. B