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Early Rome
pp. 146-151
Rome had an especially
favorable location:
Sea outlet
A bit inland
Seven hills
Tiber River
◦ Plain where Rome was
◦ Mountain chain
◦ “Backbone” of the Italian
Settled in Italy
about 800 BC
influenced early
◦ Language of Latin
◦ Built Rome
◦ Wore the short
cloak and toga
◦ Organized army
Eventually the Latins revolted against
Etruscan rule. (500 BC)
650 BC: Etruscan kings
509 BC: Roman republic
44 BC: End of republic
◦ Representative government
◦ Julius Caesar
31 BC: Roman empire
◦ Caesar Augustus
180 AD: Roman empire declines
◦ death of Marcus Aurelius
476 AD: End of empire
◦ Last Roman emperor: Romulus Augustulus
◦ Vandals-Odoacer becomes king
Roman Society
◦ Patricians: Equestrian Order (10% of pop.) upper class,
wealthy landowners; led revolt against Etruscans; basis
of power
◦ Plebians: (90% of pop.) poor, working class; served in
army, paid taxes, voted, protected under law.
Consuls: Ran gov’t, military, executive power
Praetors: Civil law, judges
Senate: 300 patricians, served for life
Centurate Assembly: Patricians-elected chief
Council of Plebes, Tribune of Plebes: Led to
The Twelve Tables (450 BC)
◦ codified, written down
◦ featured equal treatment under the law for
Roman citizens
◦ no more arbitrary decisions or punishments!
The Law of Nations
◦ Law for all, Romans and non-Romans
◦ Natural law, based on reason
First Punic War
Naval warfare: Hand to hand combat
 Rome wins
 Rome gets Sicily
 Rome receives indemnity from Carthage
Second Punic War
◦ 20 years later
◦ Hannibal Barca launches military campaign
on Rome
Took 46,000 soldiers, 37 elephants
Crossed Alps
Defeated Romans at Cannae
Made it to the outskirts of Rome
How did the Greeks and Etruscans influence
Rome? (page 146)
Why were the Romans successful?(page 148)
Why did Rome fear Carthage?(page 150)
Why did the Plebeians resent the Patricians?
What Started the Second Punic War?
◦ Clothing
 Short cloak
 Toga
◦ Organization of
◦ Cultivation of
 Olives
 Grapes
◦ Passed on
◦ Provided models
 Sculpture
 Architecture
 Literature
People believed in
◦ Duty
◦ Courage
◦ Discipline
Good diplomats
Roman citizenship to other peoples
Conquered areas
◦ Fortified towns
◦ Built roads
It was a rival power in the Mediterranean Sea
Because the Patricians did not treat them as
◦ Could not hold Govt. office
◦ Could not intermarry
Hannibal's invasion of Italy Through the Alps
Second Punic War (continued)
◦ Gen. Scipio (Rome) attacks at Zama and defeats
◦ Results:
 Rome wins
 Rome gets Spain
 Rome receives more indemnity
Third Punic War
Peace for 50 years
Carthage prosperous again
“Carthage must be destroyed.”– Cato
 Rome wins
 Carthage Destroyed
 Rome sows salt into soil
 Rome kills or enslaves 50,000 Carthaginians
 Rome gains control over the Mediterranean world
 “Mare Nostrum”
 Latin for “our sea”