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World History
Industrial Revolution
19th Century Progress
Directions: Read pp. 328-333 in your textbook and answer the following questions and fill in the appropriate
1. What is the main idea of this reading?
2. Why does it matter now?
3. What spurred this time of new inventions and progress?
The Inventors
What were their most significant inventions or innovations? What effect
did they have on society?
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Guglielmo Marconi
Henry Ford
Wilbur and Orville Wright
4. Describe the assembly line.
5. Why do you think Ford dropped the price on the Model T?
6. Define mass culture.
7. What were 3 reasons / changes that led to the rise of mass culture around 1900?
8. a) What were music halls? b) Describe Vaudeville.
9. Describe the first movies.
10. a) What were the different “spectator sports” that were enjoyed in parts of the world? (Write down the areas
of the world and the sports they watched.) b) What began in 1896?
The Scientists
What were their most important discoveries or theories? What impact did
they have on society?
Louis Pasteur
Charles Darwin
Gregor Mendel
Marie and Pierre Curie
Ivan Pavlov
Joseph Lister
Sigmund Freud
11. a) What is The Origin of Species? Why is this important? b) Define the theory of evolution.
12. According to Darwin, how does natural selection affect evolution?
13. Define psychology.
14. Why was the work of Pavlov and Freud considered groundbreaking?