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Unit B: Topic 3 PLANT REPRODUCTION AND BREEDING ● people ________ plants to meet their __________ ● selective __________ is choosing specific plants for their special ______________ ● the plants are ____________and their offspring inherit the ____________ of both parents. ● ____________can change plants by going inside the plant ________and changing some of the _____________material ● the parts of the plant that control the ____________is the ______________ Asexual Reproduction ● one __________ plant grows new plants from its_______________, stems or leaves. ● the young plant is ____________ to the parent. There are three methods of asexual reproduction. 1.
Layering ● produces plants from the _____________ ● branch from the parent _________to the ground and covers with soil then grows ___________________ 2.
Grafting ● a branch from one _______and attaching it to another tree. 3.
Cuttings ● cut a small section of a ______or stem to grow a new___________ Sexual Reproduction ● involves _______parent that produce____________ ● plants are slightly ______________ from the parents ● reproduce using ______________ ● helps _____________ adapt to changes Cone Bearing Plants ● female________ contain ovule (_______) ● ___________cone has pollen (sperm) ● pollen blows in the wind to__________ cone ● egg is fertilized and seed is formed in the cone Flowering Plants Pollination ● Pollination occurs when pollen has been__________ from the anther to the_________. ● When the pollen grain _________________ on the stigma it creates a ________called the pollen ________ as it travels toward the __________. ● When the ________ cell from the pollen grain reaches the _________ or ovule the sperm joins with the_________. ● This is called _____________. ● The fertilized ________will become a tiny new plant inside the. ● We call this tiny new plant the __________________. Fruit ● fruit is the growing___________ of the plant ● protects the __________of the plant until they are ripe Seed Dispersal Read page 127 and describe the six ways plants can disperse seeds. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Germination ● the ____________of the seed into a ____________.