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Chinese Dynasty Overview
Shang to Qing
The Popularity Cycle
Someone Claims the Torch of
• Justin Timberlake becomes cool and
Popular Person Reaches the
Peak of Popularity
• JT reached the top!
Popular Person Stops Being That
JT gets knocked down a peg.
Popular Person Replaced
With a New King of Cool
• Beebs takes the torch of popularity!
• Definition- Chain of family rule in a
• For example:
– During the Shang Dynasty, all rulers were
from the Shang family.
– Other examples?
Mandate of Heaven
• Definition - Claim by Chinese emperors
that they had direct authority to rule
from heaven.
• Who gave them the right to rule?
– Approval from a higher power.
Who can claim the “Mandate
of Heaven”?
• What could make a leader lose the “Mandate
of Heaven”, in the people’s eyes?
– When things got bad, the people believed that
the emperor lost the Mandate of Heaven.
• Natural Disasters
• Famine
• Unsuccessful War
The Chicken or the egg?
Dynastic Cycle:
Explains how rulers gained and lost power in Ancient China.
Shang (1700 - 1000 BCE)
• Social Organization
– Aristocracy
• Achievements
Masters of the Bronze Age
Chinese Writing System
Ancestor Worship
Human Sacrifice
Shang (1700 - 1000 BCE)
Zhou (1027 - 250 BCE)
• Key Figures
– Lao Zi
– Confucius
• Philosophies
– Daoism
– Confucianism
– Legalism
Philosophies (Brief)
• Confucianism – Order; hierarchy
• Daoism – inaction; harmony with nature
• Legalism – Brutal enforcement of law
We’ll get back to these later…
Zhou (1000 - 250 BCE)
• Longest lasting Chinese Dynasty
• Beginning of Mandate of Heaven
• Taoism and Confucianism introduced
Qin (221 - 206 BCE)
• Qin Shi HuangDi
– First true emperor of China
– united China
• Adopted Legalism
– Harsh rule
– Standardized currency,
language, measurements, laws
• Built
– first part of the Great Wall
– Terracotta Warriors
Qin(221-206 BCE)
Han (200 BCE - 200 CE)
• New Religion
– Buddhism
• Trade Route
– Silk Road
Han (200 BCE - 200 CE)
• Golden Age
– Legalism replaced by Confucianism
– Introduced civil service examination
• Meritocracy
• Moved away from harsh rule to
“enlightened rule”
• Similar to Athens
– Focus on philosophy, and what is “right”
Han (200 BCE - 200 CE)
Sui (581 - 618 CE)
• Trade Route
– Grand Canal
Sui (581 - 618 CE)
• Grand Canal
– Connected Chang
Jiang to Huang He
– 1,110 miles long
– How could a canal
help a country?
Sui (581 - 618 CE)
Tang (618 - 907 CE)
• Achievements
– Art (Poetry, Art, Music)
– Civil Service Exams
– Expansion of Territory
– Booming Economy
– Contact with the outside world
Tang (618 - 907 CE)
• High point of Chinese civilization
• Buddhism important
• Reemergence of Confucianism
– Civil Service Tests – Exams intended to
chose officials based on merit, not
Fact: Mr. P loves Meritocracies…
Tang (618 - 907 CE)
“Civilized?”... That sounds snooty!
Song (960 - 1279 CE)
• Inventions
– Movable Type
– Compass
– Gunpowder
Song (960 - 1279 CE)
Yuan (1279 - 1368 CE)
• Key Figures
– Genghis Khan
– Kublai Khan
• Social Organization
– Chinese ruled by Mongols
Yuan (1279 - 1368 CE)
• Kublai Khan – Mongol leader who conquered
• Marco Polo visited China
• Ignored Chinese traditions, replaced officials
with non-Chinese people
Yuan (1279 - 1368 CE)
Ming (1368 - 1644 CE)
• Key Figure
– Zheng He – Great sailor
during the Ming Dynasty
(same time as Columbus)
• Achievements
– Sailing Techniques
Ming (1368 - 1644 CE)
Zheng He
• a
Zheng He vs. Columbus:
Differing Views of the World
• When Europe explored the world by sea, what did they
– Colonization / Imperialism
– God, Gold, Glory…
• When China explored the world by sea, they did not seek
– Isolationist
– China is center of the world.
As one looked outward, the other focused inward… “and that has made all the
Ming (1368 – 1644)
• Built the Forbidden City
– The Imperial Palace in Beijing which
served as the residence of the Emperor for
500 years
Ming (1368 - 1644 CE)
Qing (1644 - 1911 CE)
• Social Organization
– Manchus ruled over Chinese people
• Rebellions
– Taiping Rebellion
– Boxer Rebellion
Qing (1644 - 1911 CE)
Qing (1644 - 1911 CE)
Chinese Dynasty Song
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han
shang, joe, chin, hahn
Sui, Tang, Song
Sui, Tang, Song
sway, tang, soong
Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic
Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic
you-en, ming, ching,
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong
mou dzu dong