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The verb is one of the most important parts of a sentence; in fact, there is no sentence
without a verb! Verbs express action or state of being; they can be single words or phrases.
There are three basic kinds of verbs: action, linking, and helping (or auxiliary).
• The Action Verb: an action verb tells what action someone or something
is performing.
a. visible action = walk, talk, run, swim, smile, go, tell, etc.
b. mental action = remember, understand, believe, hope, wonder, etc.
The pitcher throws the ball.
I believe in justice.
I like homemade ice cream.
He drove to school.
EXERCISE ONE: Label the action verbs (V) and the subjects (S).
1. My best friend chews her food thoroughly.
2. I wonder about my future all the time.
3. The fullback dropped the football in the end zone.
4. Four of us crowded into the back seat of the car.
5. We expect many people at the crafts fair.
6. The beetle scurried into a corner.
7. Like a great bird, the Concorde landed gracefully.
8. The hedgehog, a small mammal, eats insects.
9. I often worry about overpopulation.
10. I remember the day of the blackout.
• The Linking Verb: connects a noun or pronoun at or near the beginning
of a sentence with a word at or near the end.
Forms of "to be"
Other linking verbs
can be
could be
may be
might be
must be
shall be
am being
are being
should be
is being
will be
would be
was being
were being
EXAMPLES: That dog is a collie.
I am a photographer.
He has been sick.
have been
has been
had been
could have been
may have been
might have been
must have been
shall have been
should have been
will have been
would have been
The actor appeared tired.
Sara stayed calm.
We would have been early.
EXERCISE TWO: Label the linking verbs (V) and the subjects (S).
1. Your next test will be more difficult.
2. The keys have been rusty for some time now.
3. She later became a music teacher.
4. Judy was the star of the parade.
5. The picnic food stayed fresh and crisp.
6. The cream tastes sour.
7. I am always very hungry after school.
8. She should have been happy after winning.
• Action Verb or Linking Verb?
Some verbs can be either action or linking:
The bread smelled stale. (linking)
Charles smelled the cake. (action)
The Dutch bulbs grow tall. (linking)
Donna grows tulips. (action)
Hint: To test for a linking verb,
substitute "am," "is," or
"are" for the verb. If it fits,
the verb may be linking.
EXERCISE THREE: Label the verb (V). Then in the blank, indicate whether the
verb is "L" (linking) or "A" (action).
_____ 1. Suddenly a bright light appeared in the sky.
_____ 2. The inspector sounded the alarm as a test.
_____ 3. The room seemed smaller now.
_____ 4. My brother grows tomatoes and scallions.
_____ 5. During the drought the grass turned brown.
_____ 6. The robin appears at our bird feeder often.
_____ 7. The chocolate fudge tastes too sweet.
_____ 8. She stayed in Texas for two weeks.
_____ 9. Two years later my uncle became a judge.
_____10. The garage now looks clean.
_____11. Influenced by the bad weather, the animals turned skittish.
_____12. The armadillo is an interesting animal.
_____13. The shell feels hard and bony.
_____14. Amy looked through the telescope.
_____15. We all felt the rough bark of the tree.
_____16. We all felt excited about the dance.
_____17. Mother sounded the bell for dinner.
_____18. Mother sounded pleased by the news.
_____19. A single seed becomes a watermelon.
"to break" is an
infinitive; "to" plus
a verb NEVER
functions as a verb!
_____20. At first the seed remains lifeless in the ground.
_____21. Then it grows larger and larger.
_____22. Finally, the plant is large enough to break through the ground.
_____23. On the vines the small watermelons first appear green.
_____24. A bobcat looks ferocious.
_____25. Mary and I looked at her prom pictures.
• Helping Verbs: A verb phrase is formed with a main verb, plus any
helping verbs (which come before the main verb).
EXAMPLES: We will be sailing by this time tomorrow.
will be = helping verbs
sailing = main verb
I certainly did help you with that.
did = helping verb
help = main verb
3 verbs that can be both
main and helping
Other helping verbs
I did my homework.
1. do (do, does, did)
I did go to that movie.
2. have (has, have, had)
He had a cold. (main)
He has gone to town.
3. be (is, am, are, was,
were, be, been,
I am happy. (main)
I am seeing a doctor.
must, might, may, can,
shall, will, could, should,
We could have gone.
My son might have
been seen earlier.
I may leave early.
NOTE: Sometimes the verb phrase is interrupted by another word, like
"not" or "never":
You should not catch those frogs.
We should never have gone to that film.
Also, in questions, the verb phrase is usually interrupted by other
Do frogs cause warts?
Where should I keep my collection?
EXERCISE FOUR: Underline the entire verb phrase twice. Write the
helping verb in the first blank and the main verb in the
second blank.
____________ __________ 1. All kinds of wildlife are joining the rush to the
____________ __________ 2. The most annoying invader in our neighborhood has been the raccoon.
____________ __________ 3. Some people have been trapping raccoons.
____________ __________ 4. They then have released them in the woods.
____________ __________ 5. Two biologists have reported that the
raccoons have discovered our garbage.
____________ __________
____________ __________ 6. Anyone could have told them that!
____________ __________ 7. Another report has confirmed that raccoons
have always been too smart for humans.
____________ __________
____________ __________ 8. One raccoon in my neighborhood has been
outwitting me.
____________ __________ 9. One night our sleep was interrupted by the
rattle of our garbage can lid.
____________ __________10. As I quietly approached the driveway, I could
hear noises from inside the can.
____________ __________11. Suddenly the top was lifted by a large raccoon.
____________ __________12. I will never forget the animal's look of contempt.
____________ __________13. He ran into the woods before I could even move.
PART ONE: Identify the verbs in the following sentences by underlining
them twice. Then indicate whether they are A or L.
_____ 1. We expect rain on Thursday afternoon.
_____ 2. I am president of our class.
_____ 3. The pudding tastes sweet.
_____ 4. Thursday was Kathy's birthday.
_____ 5. Those golden flowers must have been sunflowers.
_____ 6. I felt the coarse mane on the horse's neck.
_____ 7. The team scored its third touchdown in the fourth quarter.
_____ 8. Tennis must be difficult.
_____ 9. The lettuce stayed fresh in the refrigerator.
_____10. Many people worry about grades.
_____11. She tasted the rich, red tomato soup.
_____12. The three sisters always remained friends.
_____13. Bill carried the large flower pot to the second floor.
_____14. My favorite painting in the show was "The Starry Night."
_____15. Roger turns fifteen next week.
_____16. This answer appears correct.
_____17. You should have been happy with your grade on that test.
_____18. They decided on a menu for dinner.
_____19. I felt scared in the dark tunnel.
_____20. We looked through the dusty window into the living room.
_____21. After the party, the room looked very messy.
_____22. We sounded the fire alarm at the gym.
_____23. The dog barked at strangers in the neighborhood.
_____24. You grow taller every year.
_____25. The cat looks sick.
PART TWO: Identify the entire verb phrase in each sentence by underlining it
twice; then, write the helping verb(s) in the first blank and the
main verb in the second blank.
____________ __________ 1. We have seldom heard from our cousins.
____________ __________ 2. She did not give me a gift this year.
____________ __________ 3. We should certainly leave soon.
____________ __________ 4. Will you be attending this school next year?
____________ __________ 5. Why is Carol laughing so hard?
____________ __________ 6. The birds must have been eating the seeds.
____________ __________ 7. We could have gone to the dance early.
____________ __________ 8. They must have been skiing earlier this year.
____________ __________ 9. I do not remember her name.
____________ __________10. We are certainly not competing in this race.
1. Write a complete sentence which contains the action verb "bounced."
2. Write a complete sentence which contains the linking verb "was."
3. Write a complete sentence which contains a three word verb phrase.
4. Write a complete sentence which uses "looked" as a linking verb.
5. Write a complete sentence which uses "looked" as an action verb.
6. Write a complete sentence which contains two action verbs.