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3October Lecture with Toby Morrison:
Ask who doesn’t suffer from (show of hands):
Wake tired and /or experiences a mid afternoon energy slump?
Trouble sleeping?
Well heres the good news, you don’t have to!
Has anyone heard of the term adrenal stress or adrenal fatigue?
For those of you who are experiencing acute or long term stress, fatigue, and/ or the typical ‘tired
but wired’ feeling leading to sleeping difficulties, you are likely to suffer from adrenal gland issues.
What are the adrenals?
They are the little ….sized glands, which sit on top of your kidneys and can be felt on your back.
Normally, these small glands release a hormones including cortisol, adrenaline when required in
response to stress. The body naturally produces more cortisol in the morning, and the production
should taper off over the day, to very low levels by night, to encourage the production of melatonin,
the hormone which makes us sleepy. Another hormone produced by the adrenals is called DHEAS,
commonly referred to as the youth hormone.
For many with adrenal gland issues, this natural cortisol pattern is disrupted, leading to syptoms of
either adrenal stress or fatigue:
Adrenal Stress:
This occurs when too much cortisol is being produced over the day, or when there are high levels
when the levels should be low eg. low morning, but high evening cortisol. Symptoms and conditions
may include:
Wake either tired, or stressed.
Heart palpitations
Tired and wired
‘Second wind’ at night leading to sleeplessness and insomnia
Mood swings.
Auto-immune disorders
Low blood pressure (under 120/80)
Breathing difficulties
Chrons disease
Ulcerative colitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Sleep apnoea
Skin problems
Inability to treat thyroid problems
Adrenal Fatigue
When someone has been experiencing adrenal stress for some time, adrenal exhaustion can
develop. The adrenals can only cope with the higher demand for cortisol for a certain period of time,
before they will wear out consequently leading to chronically low levels of cortisol, and therefore
energy. Additionally to any of the above symptoms, adrenal fatigue can cause these symptoms and
Trouble waking and exhaustion through the day
Second wind at night which can lead to sleeplessness and insomnia.
If exhausted enough, no problems sleeping, but wake with feeling of not having slept.
Mood swings
Chronic Fatigue
Joint and muscle pain
Inability to recover quickly from an illness that are mild in most others
Bone demineralization
Frequent infections
The Thyroid Adrenal Connection
The health of the thyroid and adrenal glands affect one another. In any case of under or overactive
thyroid, It is important to first look at the adrenals, as both adrenal stress and fatigue can be the
underlying cause of the imbalance.
How to test for adrenal imbalances:
So you’ve ticked off several of the symptoms and/ or conditions that were listed and are sure you
suffer from adrenal imbalances. Before jumping to conclusions, it is important to confirm through
some tests. The necessary tests to determine thyroid and adrenal health:
1. Barnes Basal Body Temperature test, to check how well thyroid hormones are being used
within the cell. Blood tests for thyroid hormones are not a very good indication of thyroid
gland function, as they show only how much thyroid hormone is circulating in the blood, but
not at the cellular level. See attached handout for more info. If this shows consecutively low,
it is necessary to look into your adrenal function.
2. Saliva Hormone Test for Adrenal Health: All Day Cortisol + Morning DHEA. This will indicate
the health of the adrenal glands and their production of cortisol over the day. Any drops in
levels indicate adrenal exhaustion as the adrenals aren’t producing enough cortisol over the
day, and any spikes in cortisol levels indicate the early signs or adrenal exhaustion. Both
require treatment.
3. Get your blood sugars checked regularly. You want to aim for levels from 4-5 regularly. If
they are getting high or lower regularly, you should look at getting a Glucose Tolerace Test
done (see the GP), and ask for Glucose as well as Insulin. If your results indicate imbalanced
glucose or insulin, supplemental support of chromium, magnesium, herbs cinnamon,
gymnema, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids can help support the body to use glucose
properly for energy.
What are causes of adrenal imbalances causes you ask?
Stress. Some stress is good for us, such as the short term stress our ancestors experienced
when being chased from a saber toothed tiger. As soon as the threat is over, so is the stress
and therefore the need for adrenaline and cortisol. These days everyone experiences some
form of stress, but it is the ongoing stress that is the detrimental kind, whether it is financial,
work related or relationships, whn hou cant escape the stress, it leads to long term demand
on the adrenals.
Electromagnetic radiation. Get studies and articles from Sherrill.
Poor diet.
Pushing yourself too hard, too much work, not enough rest.
Treatment to nourish the adrenal and thyroid glands:
Dietary: Follow the guidelines in my book ‘Your Journey To Health and Happiness’.
Plenty of filtered / spring water (toxins such as chloride and fluoride put extra stress on the
I recommend the addition of super foods into your diet, to help add as many nutrients as
possible. Maca, coconut, greens (wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, chlorella).
Supplements are required, as even with the cleanest, organic diet, our soils in Australia are
depleted of important nutrients. Stress (physical, mental and emotional) also cause
deficiencies in the body and therefore increase nutritional requirements. I expand on this
Add 1 tsp of a himalyan salt sole, to a glass of water and drink first thing in the morning. See
‘Himalayan Salt’ handout for more information.
Follow this with a fresh vegetable juice, for quick easy absorbable nutrients.
Stressed adrenal glands require nourishment with adequate protein within an hour of
getting up in the morning and no longer than 4 hours before the next protein containing
meal (3 main meals over the day with 2-3 small snacks). This may include organic/ free-range
eggs, turkey, chicken, lamb, beef, nuts, seeds (quinoa, chia, hemp, amaranth, buckwheat,
sunflower and sesame seeds; almonds, brazil, walnuts, cashews, pecans, hazelnuts). If you
don’t get enough protein through the diet, at the right time, anxiety and exhaustion may
result. Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) is the worst stress of all for adrenals; therefore
follow the above guidelines to maintain level blood sugars.
Consume bone broths/ stocks, together with fermented foods regularly, to help heal any
gastrointestinal tract damage, promote healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Include at least 1 tbsp of coconut oil daily in the diet, to support energy production. It is a
safe, stable oil to cook with, but can be eaten raw in foods and drinks and absorbed through
the skin when massaged into the body as a moisturiser.
Include 1-2 eggs (if not intolerant and the yolks are more nourishing) in your diet, every 2-3
days, for Vitamin A levels. Vitamin A is crucial for the health of the thyroid, as it concentrates
in the adrenal glands and may improve their function.
Buy organic produce as much as possible, to minimize your exposure to pesticides, as they
affect the health of your thyroid and will put extra stress on the adrenals.
Ensure you consume filtered water, as sodium fluoride will compete with iodine uptake
in the body. Iodine is a crucial mineral for the thyroid gland. Grander is a top of the range
water filter for your home.
Grains (wheat, barley, rye, oats, kamut, rice, millet and corn). They put the adrenals and
thyroid gland under stress. Also bread contains bromine, which also competes with iodine in
the body. High carbohydrate meals (bread, pasta and other grain products) have led to
severe glycogen depletion and therefore negative effects on cortisol levels. Replace grains
with vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes (if well tolerated and are prepared properly),
meat, fish and eggs (see dietary guidelines handout).
Soy, including lecithin. Soy suppresses the thyroid gland and when taken in excess, can
destroy it.
Sugar, agave, artificial sweeteners.
Vegetable oils. Only use extra virgin olive oil and other cold pressed oils (for dressings) and
coconut oil, ghee or lard (for cooking).
Alcohol. If you do consume, vodka or gin (with soda or coconut water and fresh lemon/
lime), or organic red wine are the better options.
See Dietary Guidelines handout for extra info
All cruciferous vegetables should be cooked (steamed, stir-fried, baked) or fermented. This
includes cabbage, turnips, cauliflower, mustard greens, kale, millet, brussel sprouts and
radishes. Nuts walnuts and peanuts should also be activated. When raw, these foods act as
a goitrogen in the body, competing with iodine uptake and therefore affect the function of
the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones.
Get any amalgum (mercury) fillings removed, as it is impossible to restore thyroid health
when mercury is being released in the mouth each time you eat and drink.
Rest is very important! Retire for the day no later than 10pm, as people with low adrenal
and thyroid activity require a greater need for rest. Once the adrenals have been stressed,
you become much more vulnerable to infections, sex hormone imbalances and late nights or
long working hours will affect your energy levels. Even if you can’t sleep, go to bed before
10pm and try to sleep until you naturally wake up. If you suffer from restless sleep, this may
be a problem with glycogen depletion, which a small snack of protein just before bed will
help eg. A few nuts or ¼ boiled egg. Some helpful supplements for restless sleep include
Theanine (for active mind), Melatonin (if you can get this in from overseas), Magnesium and
herbs Passionflower, Valarian and Hops. Make sure your room is completely dark and you
have access to fresh air (window open). No bue light within ½ hr before bedtime.
Find a hobby or activity which helps you relax and aim to do this at least once a day. This
helps to rejuvenate the body: meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, Epsom salt baths,
are effective activities. See ‘Overcome Your Stress’ handout for more information. Toby will
demonstrate a helpful meditation practise next.
Exercise is important to help lower stress levels. Start slowly with walking and slowly
increase time and intensity. If you play sports, ensure you enjoy yourself, otherwise it may
be stressful for your body and therefore adrenals and thyroid gland. If you are in the
adrenally exhausted stage (eg. Chronic fatigue), Toby is going to expand on grading exercise
to help build your fitness levels gently.
Surround yourself with positive people, who’s energy you are attracted to. Negative people
will drain your energy and contribute to adrenal stress. A perfect read is ‘The HoneyMoon
Effect’ by Cell Biologist Bruce H Lipton ph.D.
Limit use around technology giving off electromagnetic frequencies. This includes TV’s,
Laptops, Computers, Ovens, Fridges etc and especially wireless internet. Talk about study of
french banning wi-fi in schools. They didn’t ban wifi in schools for nothing!
Use fluoride and sodium lauryl sulphate free toothpaste. These chemicals pose a stress on
the body and the fluoride particularly competes with the important mineral iodine which is
used to produce thyroid hormones.
Supplements that may be included in your treatment plan:
Iodine is the most important nutrient for thyroid health - 20% of the body's Iodine
concentrates in the Thyroid Gland. It is an essential component of the thyroid hormone
Maca Powder. Maca is a dehydrated, cruciferous root vegetable. It is a benign, medicinal
food, which has been in use for 10,000 years, possibly more, and has had ample time to be
judged effective.
It is rich in minerals and nutrients that will help to support both the thyroid and adrenal
glands. It is made up of proteins, as polypeptides (11 per cent), calcium (10 per cent),
together with magnesium and potassium, which are present in significant amounts. Other
minerals include iron, silica and traces of iodine, manganese, zinc, copper and sodium.
Vitamins in maca are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). The amino
acid proteins in maca include aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, histidine, glycine,
threolline, cystine, alanine, arginine, tyrosins, valine, methionine, isoleucine, lysine,
hoproline and sarcosine.
Maca powder is a potent glandular and hormonal aid, helping to increase progesterone
levels. This is important in adrenal stress and fatigue, as when the body requires larger
amounts of cortisol, it will break down the sex hormones to create more cortisol. This often
leads to low progesterone in comparison with oestrogen and testosterone, leading to
common symptoms of irritability and violence, high risk of breast and uterine cancer, PMS,
fibroids, heavy periods, clots. In men low progestersone can lead to a higher amount of
dangerous DHT and lower amounts of healthy testosterone, therefore causing prostatic
enlargement, low libido and balding.
Raw Dessicated Glandulars from organically raised NZ animals. Whole adrenal tissue
and adrenal cortex provide a component to the adrenal cortex specific for tonifying the
adrenal glands. Supplementation may help the ability to cope with stress and has been
shown effective in the case of adrenal insufficiency.
Activated B Vitamins. Vitamin B5 may activate and “revive” exhausted Adrenal Glands.
Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the function of the Adrenal Glands - the Adrenal Glands
contain approximately 30 mg of Vitamin C - the second highest concentration of Vitamin C of
any component of the body. See if I can get Sherrills one.
Tyrosine. May be beneficial for hypothyroidism patients, as it assists in the function of the
thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone.
Herbs Coryceps, Withania and Rehmania support the adrenal glands, helping with energy
levels and stress response.
Licorice (not for those with HBP), Korean and Siberian Ginseng (for those who are adrenally
exhausted) are also helpful herbs for the adrenal glands, however are not appropriate to use
with Maca powder. Rhodiola, Rhemania? and Withania are powerful adaptogeninc herbs,
with the ability to help support energy for those who are exhausted, or calm the bodies
stress response in the case of adrenal stress.
Glutathione. This is a substance which is naturally produced in the body, to use for energy
production, as the master antioxidant (helps to regenerate others such as Vitamin A, C and
E), liver detoxification (without adequate GSH, the body can not rid of toxins such as heavy
metals and chemicals which the body is exposed to on a daily basis) and an important antiinflammatory for the body. As we age, levels of GSH decline rapidly, and with todays society,
we need this substance more than ever. This is why I recommend everyone support their
levels with supplementation. The challenge is to effectively increase the levels in the body,
as a pill, powder or tablet of the actual glutathione substance is broken down in the stomach
into its individual amino acids (building blocks) and therefore absorbed as seperate
substances. I have discovered a couple of GSH supplements that I am happy with, which
deliver the cofactors the body requires to produce its own (on demand) requirement for
GSH. These have both been backed by scientific studies- one a peer reviewed study.
HCL and enzyme support. Often with adrenal stress, the body doesn’t concentrate properly
on producing adequate stomach acid levels, therefore digestion is affected. Inadequete
stomach acid production is common, which can lead onto food intolerances. I recommend
taking HCL and Pepsin as well as enzymes to enhance digestive support.
October workshop with Toby Morrison :
Sat …. Oct at Higher Health Wellness Centre, The Parade, Norwood
Start by asking them what healthy eating means to them…
Go through my personal guidelines (briefly) and say more in my book. Eg. sugar free (use
only min amounts of natural ones that don’t spike blood glucose levels), grain free, dairy
free (unless raw or fermented yourself), soy free, (maybe have these listed on a whiteboard
and I turn it around and discuss each point briefly), no transfats, no potatoes, no deli meats,
organic where possible- go through clean 15 and dirty dozen.
Go through a typical day of how to eat healthy eg. lemon water, juice, smoothie, snacks,
lunch, snacks, dinner, herbal teas and water.
Following all guidelines from my book (free copy??)
Recipes given and show them how to make or just have them pre made and we can serve
them after discussing them.
Breakfast Recipes: Daily Detoxer, My Health My Hapiness Green Start Juice, My Health My
Happiness Protein Power. Discuss the benenfits of each spice and what lemon does. Benefits
of each superfood and how it keeps blood sugar stable, keep us full and stops sweet
cravings. Benefits of juicing and importance of no/ min fruit.
Morning snack recipes: Guacamole Dip (avo, lemon juice, chopped tom) & Hommus dip
served with carrot and celery sticks. Avocados fat content helps to keep our blood sugar
levels stable. Free from preservatives, sugar, dairy, transfats which bought ones have.
Servings with carrot and celery is a good way to increase vegetable intake, but also prevents
consumption of transfats, grains, preservatives from crackers.
Lunch Recipe: Quinoa stirfry with baby spinach or lemon spinach chicken. Importance to
cook with coconut oil. Explain the benefit of quinoa over rice, but also warn to soak and
some ppl may not be able to tolerate/ break down properly. I actually prefer no quinoa, but
it is a good transitioning seed to get off the grains and is a source of protein for veg and
vegans. Discuss importance of not using microwave to reheat, best to ue stove top or have
Afternoon snack: Bliss balls (buckinis one). Minimal honey. Much better option than an
afternoon biscuit/ cake.
Dinner: Fish Curry (from website), served with quinoa/ bake fish and use the dukkah from
the lamb recipe.
Desert: Iced choc.
Cost: Take into account costs of food. Eg. for 50ppl, so they all get to try some of the recipes.