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Westford Academy Health NUTRITION STUDY GUIDE
1. CARBOHYDRATES ­ Nutrients made up of carbon, hydrogen, & oxygen. · They are excellent sources energy. · Starches and sugars make up this group. · Two types: simple (sugars – fruits, skim milk, sugar products) and complex (starches – breads, grains, veggies). · 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories
· · · FATS ­ Nutrients with the highest energy content. Twice as many calories as carbohydrates & proteins – 1 gram of fat = 9 calories Makes up cell structure – healthy hair and skin Two types: Saturated (vegetable oils, nuts, seeds) & Unsaturated (animal fat, dairy products)
· · · PROTEINS ­ Nutrients that contain nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, & carbon. Main function is growth and repair of body tissue. Found in meat, eggs, poultry, milk 1 gram of protein = 4 calories
· · · · VITAMINS ­ Nutrients made by living things. They assist many chemical reactions in the body. They do not provide energy. The body can make some (d and k) 2 types: · fat soluble (can be stored in the body) & water soluble (cannot be stored in the body – need to be replaced daily)
5. MINERALS ­ Nutrients that are not manufactured by living organisms. · Found in rocks and soils – examples: magnesium, calcium, sodium, & potassium
· · · WATER ­ Essential for all body processes. Helps in digestion, elimination, energy production, regulation of body temp, & homeostasis . makes up 65% of your body weight. You need at least 8 cups a day or the equivalent in watery foods such as fruit and vegetable juices.
NUTRIENTS ­ Substances that the body needs to regulate bodily functions, promote growth, repair body tissue, & obtain energy.
METABOLLSM ­ The chemical process by which your body breaks down food to release energy.
CALORIIE ­ A measurement of the amount of energy released when nutrients are burned.
FIBER ­ A type of complex carbohydrate. · Cannot be broken down. · Important to digestion ­ prevents constipation · Lowers the risk of bowel cancer ­ may prevent heart disease.
GLUCOSE ­ A simple carbohydrate or simple sugar. · Most important sugar, major provider of energy for your cells.
AMINO ACIDS ­ Building blocks of protein.
CHOLESTEROL ­ Is the waxy, fat­like substance, found in the cells of animals. It is not present in plants. · We need some cholesterol but too much will clog blood vessels and can lead to heart disease.
HEMOGLOBIN ­ Found in red blood cells, it is the oxygen carrying substance. · women/girls lack this due to menstruation, men/boys need for muscle mass
DEHYDRATION­ A serious reduction in the body’s water content. · Severe perspiring or diarrhea. · Symptoms include weakness, rapid breathing, & rapid heart beat.
ANEMIA ­ A condition in which the red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin. · Symptoms include becoming weak or tired and getting sick easily.
NUTRIIENT DENSITY ­ The proportion of nutrients in food compared to the number of calories. · Example: 1 cup low fat milk & 1 cup soda ­ both have 100 calories but the nutrient density is not equal
BASAL METABOLIC RATE ­ The rate at which your body uses energy when completely at rest.
HUNGER – The feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by the body’s need for nutrients.
APPETITE ­ A desire for food based on emotional needs rather than nutritional needs.
OBESITY ­ When a person's weight is 20% or more above an appropriate weight.
FAD DIET ­ Is a popular diet that may help lose weight but may cause many other health risks. NUTRITIONAL HINTS:
If you must go fast:
­ substitute milk or o.j. for shakes or soft drinks ­ choose the salad bar instead of fries or onion rings ­ grilled chicken instead of hamburger or cheeseburger ­ avoid adding extra salt Improving your diet: ­ eat a variety of foods ­ maintain a healthy weight ­ choose a diet low in cholesterol ­ eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products ­ use sugars only in moderation
BREAKFAST: Most important meal ­ A good balanced breakfast should be 1/3 of your daily food needs.
SUPPER: Because of the lack of activity after supper this meal should only be equal to I / 3 of your daily caloric needs. This is also a good time to fill in foods you may have missed in fulfilling the food pyramid.
SNACKS: Should be items with a good nutrient density.