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Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 1: The Sun and the Inner Planets
Subunit 2: The Outer Planets
Subunit 3: Famous People in Astronomy
Subunit 4: Literature and Astronomy
Charity Beals
ESL / FL 587
Dr. Clara Lee Brown
Unit: Our Solar System
Table of Contents:
Classroom Layout ……………………………………….3
Subunit 1: The Sun and Inner Planets……………...4 ~ 9
Subunit 2: The Outer Planets ……………………10 ~ 16
Subunit 3: Famous People in Astronomy ……….17 ~ 21
Subunit 4: Literature and Astronomy …………..22 ~ 25
Handouts …………………………………………..26 ~ 44
Illustrations ………………………………………..43 ~ 44
References ………………………………………………45
Unit: Our Solar System
Classroom layout: Group discussion
Arrange desks into groups according to class size. For navigating activities, group
students according to language so that their peers can help them in their native language,
if possible. When doing group activities, spread students of similar languages out so that
they can discuss using English only, if possible. Have students’ seating arrangements
change every subunit so they can be exposed to as many diverse class members as
This unit is designed for high school ELLs (9-12), intermediate to intermediatehigh level.
The main textbook (but not limited to) is:
McFarland, Daniel A. (2001). AGS General Science. Circle Pine, MN: American
Guidance Service, Inc.
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit Objectives (UOs):
Students should be able to describe and understand characteristics about the Solar System
and the way the Solar System works, be able to identify discoveries made by famous
astronomers, and link astronomical bodies’ names to literature.
Subunit 1: The Sun and Inner Planets
Content Objectives:
① Students should be able to construct a chart synthesizing information about
the Inner planets. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to define, compare, and classify the Inner planets (e.g.,
according to number, shape, color, size, function, physical characteristics).
(TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
③ Students should be able to understand and produce technical vocabulary and
text features according to content area. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
Language Objectives:
① Students should be able to participate in full class, group, and pair discussions.
(TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to explain actions. (TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
③ Students should be able to request and provide clarification over materials.
(TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
Learning Strategies Objectives:
① Students should be able to apply basic reading comprehension skills such as
skimming, scanning, previewing and reviewing texts.(TESOL 2.3; Grade 912).
② Students should be able to actively connect new information to information
previously learned. (TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
Classroom Objectives
Content Objectives:
① Be able to identify and describe the properties of the Inner planets and the Sun.
Language Objectives:
① Be able understand and use special vocabulary related to the Inner planets and the
② Be able to make and discuss questions about the material.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 1 Priming Activities
Try to build background knowledge with “Writing Connections”--Find a book •LSO 2, LO 3
in the library that would make a great introduction about the planets. Have them •Astronomy
related picture
do a writing connection on post-it notes and share with the class.
Help them answer, “What do I know about the solar system?” by making a web
chart with “solar system” in the middle (learning strategy).
Use fruit of different sizes to represent the planets. After presenting them and
having their size compare to the planets, line them up and darken the room, and
shine a flashlight on the fruit planets. Ask them why are they able to see the
fruit. (Light reflects from them) Then ask what the flashlight represents (the
Sun) Now the students should know why planets are visible in the night sky.
Help students understand how big the sun is by taking a basketball and having
it represent Earth. Explain that the sun would be about the size of a basketball
Use a KWL chart divided into three columns with butcher paper. Have them
tell what they know about the Solar System, then what they want to learn about
the Solar System. Continue to leave the chart up throughout the unit. At the end
of each subunit, ask the class what they learned and fill out the last section.
Present class objectives.
• post-it notes
•LSO 2
•Example of a
web chart
•Web chart
worksheets for
students (pg. 37)
•LSO 2
•9 fruits of
various sizes
•LSO 2
•LSO 2
•Butcher paper
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 1 Navigating Activities
Vocabulary--pick out predictable ones, but also have students skim (learning
strategy) each paragraph of a reading for difficult words. Have them write them
in their vocabulary dictionary journal. They can write the word and then
English explanation, as well as the definition in their language, provided that
they have a dictionary (or they can find out in a dictionary at home). Also, have
difficult words written on a “word wall”.
Difference between “rotation” and “revolution”
Ellipse, orbit (noun and verb)
Think about nouns vs. verbs--rotate and rotation, revolve and revolution.
What’s the difference between rotation and revolution?
Before defining words, ask class if they can find out the meaning with
context clues.
Explain word roots, prefixes and suffixes. (astro--astronaut)
Photosphere (photo = light in Greek), chromosphere (chromo = color in
corona = crown in Latin
solar = Latin for “sun”
retrograde motion
terrestrial (terra = Latin for “land”)
Gravitate / gravitation
Observe / observation
Use an acronym to help students remember the order of the planets (My Very
eager mother served us nine pizzas) (My very easy method: just stand under
North Pole). Make an activity where students make their own acronym to help
them remember.
Making notes: make an “outline of an outline”--outline structure but empty
parts. Have students fill in the information as notes as class goes, or have them
read silently and fill in with information--have them look for topic sentences
(main point)--do 1st paragraph as an example. Topics may be highlighted, in
bold, or the heading of a paragraph.
Show a video about the inner planets--show how planets rotate and also revolve
around other planets. Have students watch 5-minute videos, hopefully ones
with closed captioning or subtitles so that they can read along with what it is
saying. Possibly show it twice—once for reading and second for watching.
•CO 3, LO 3,
• Dictionary
• English
•Word wall chart
•LO 3, LSO 3
•Outline on pg. 40
•LO 2
•Various videos
about inner
Illustrate the difference between “rotation” and “revolution”—have one student • CO 3, LO 2
stand up in the middle of the room and slowly turn in a circle (rotating). Then
have another student walk around the spinning student (revolving). Ask the •2 volunteers
class which student is revolving and which is rotating.
When ideas become confusing, try to draw out ideas on butcher paper, dry erase • LO 2, 3
board, or chalkboard. Also, have another student draw out the process visually.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 1 Amplifying Activities
Have students read different paragraphs from textbooks and summarize
information in a group (even distribution of low and high level students)--have
student write this information and vocabulary in their outline.
Print out the worksheet on page () for each student, as well as making a lifesized chart for the front of the room. Have students discuss properties of each
planet in a group. Assign each group different planets (maybe pairs can have
one planet; groups of four can have two planets). After group work, discuss the
properties of the planet. Write the information each group presents in the big
chart, and have other classmates write the information on their copy of the
chart. Tell them to keep this chart because we will make another one later on.
Discuss planet extremes (hottest, biggest, smallest, slowest rotation…etc.)
Place a picture of the planet where it says “size” for the biggest one and
smallest one. For example, if they say the sun is the biggest, place a picture of
the sun on its size. Mercury would be placed on its size for being the smallest.
Have students write a story using what they learned about what planets they
could live on or not and why. Also, what would they need?
Have students identify and describe the parts of the Sun on a worksheet.
• LSO 1, 3
• CO 1, 2
• Inner planet
•Inner planet
chart worksheets
for students (pg.
•Small pictures
of inner planets
• LSO 2
• CO 1, 3
•Worksheet on
pg. 39
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 1 Lab Activities
Ellipse planet orbit activity:
1) put 2 pushpins about 10 cm apart on a foam poster board (paper side up).
2) Tie the ends of a 30 cm string together. Put the string around the pushpins.
3) Keeping the string tight, move your pencil around inside the string.
4) Now put the pushpins at 5 cm apart.
How does the ellipse’s distance change when you change the distance between the
pushpins? What shape would it be if you had just one pushpin?
Fill a glass container with some sand. Pour some vinegar on some steel wool. Cut
the steel wool into small pieces and mix it into the sand. Pour enough water in the
container to cover the sand. Let the container stand until the steel wool begins to
rust. Explain that the steel wool has iron in it and that when it oxidizes, iron will
have a red tint (rust). This rusting is kind of like the red soil on Mars, meaning that
at some point water existed on Mars.
Investigate stormy sunspots activity.
•2 pushpins for
each student
•Foam poster
•Glass container
•Steel wool
•Worksheet pg. 38
Subunit 1 Questions and Class Discussions (LO 1)
Is the Sun a planet? Why or why not?
Why do we only see one side of the moon? (The moon revolves around the Earth in the same
amount of time the moon takes to rotate on its axis.)
What would your weight be on the Moon?
What is the difference between a lunar and solar eclipse?
If the moon doesn’t make light, how can we see it?
Why is it so hot and cold on Mercury? (It’s close to the sun in the day, but then the heat escapes
the atmosphere at night, making it very cold.)
What causes the Greenhouse Effect (on Earth and Venus)?
Why is Venus so windy? (Because of its retrograde motion—it is spinning in the opposite
direction of its orbit around the sun.)
Each subunit has a question and get into groups to discuss and answer the question in
Have groups answer the question, and then present the question to another individual
outside of the group.
Unit: Our Solar System
Types of Assessment
• Teacher’s checklist on
(For teacher)
Observe students’ participation based on speaking, listening (through pg 35
comprehension), writing and reading.
• Note
(For teacher and student)
After finishing subunit 1, interview students and give them a note • Class notebook
about the meeting. Have students keep this note in a special place so
that they can see their improvement as subunits progress.
• Daily journals
(For teacher and student)
Daily journal everyday for about 10 minutes at the end--answer
“When I learned about…it made me think…“. Have some of the share
in class next time.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 2: The Outer Planets
Content Objectives:
① Students should be able to construct a chart synthesizing information about
the Outer planets. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to define, compare, and classify the Outer planets
(e.g., according to number, shape, color, size, function, physical
characteristics). (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
③ Students should be able to understand and produce technical vocabulary and
text features according to content area. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
Language Objectives:
① Students should be able to participate in full class, group, and pair discussions.
(TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to explain actions. (TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
③ Students should be able to request and provide clarification over materials.
(TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
Learning Strategies Objectives:
① Students should be able to apply basic reading comprehension skills such as
skimming, scanning, previewing and reviewing texts.(TESOL 2.3; Grade 912).
② Students should be able to actively connect new information to information
previously learned. (TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
Classroom Objectives
Content Objectives:
① Be able to identify and describe the properties of the Outer planets and the asteroid
Language Objectives:
① Be able understand and use special vocabulary related to the Outer planets and the
asteroid belt.
② Be able to make and discuss questions about the material.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 2 Priming Activities
Compare satellite pictures of a hurricane on Earth with the spot on Jupiter. Ask • LSO 2
• Satellite picture
the class what this might say about the spot on Jupiter (it’s a storm).
of hurricane and
spot on Jupiter
• LSO 2
Do you think Pluto is a hot or cold planet? How can you tell? (Far away from
the Sun.)
What do you think makes the planets different colors? (Chemical compositions • LSO 2
of their atmospheres—Neptune is blue because of methane gas.)
Present class objectives.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 2 Navigating Activities
Vocabulary--pick out predictable ones, but also have students skim (learning
strategy) each paragraph of a reading for difficult words. Have them write them
in their vocabulary dictionary journal. They can write the word and then
English explanation, as well as the definition in their language, provided that
they have a dictionary (or they can find out in a dictionary at home).
“Comet” = “long hair” in Greek
Gases: helium, methane
Show a video about the outer planets--show how planets rotate and also revolve
around other planets. Have students watch 5-minute videos, hopefully ones
with closed captioning or subtitles so that they can read along with what it is
saying. Possibly show it twice—once for reading and second for watching.
Making notes: make an “outline of an outline”--outline structure but empty
parts. Have students fill in the information as notes as class goes, or have them
read silently and fill in with information--have them look for topic sentences
(main point)--do 1st paragraph as an example. Topics may be highlighted, in
bold, or the heading of a paragraph.
When ideas become confusing, try to draw out ideas on butcher paper, dry erase
board, or chalkboard. Also, have another student draw out the process visually.
Zathura: Zathura is a movie and a book about 2 kids playing a board game
about the Universe. Have students read excerpts from the book, or watch the
movie in class (with captioning). Have them write a small paper, or have a
discussion, about what they saw in the move that relates to material learned in
class about astronomy.
•CO 3, LO 3,
• Dictionary
• Word wall
•LO 2
• Video about
Outer planets
•LO 3, LSO 3
• Outline on pg.
• LO 2, 3
• Butcher paper
• LO 3, LSO 1
• Zathura book
or movie
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 2 Amplifying Activities
Math: The orbit of Haley’s comet comes near Earth every 76 years. The last
time this comet was visible from Earth was 1986. In what year will it come
back near Earth? When was the last time it orbited near Earth before 1986?
What are the differences between inner and outer planets?
Print out the worksheet on page () for each student, as well as making a lifesized chart for the front of the classroom. Have students discuss properties of
each planet in a group. Assign each group different planets (maybe pairs can
have one planet; groups of four can have two planets). After group work,
discuss the properties of the planet. Write the information each group presents
in the big chart, and have other classmates write the information on their copy
of the chart. Discuss planet extremes (hottest, biggest, smallest, slowest
rotation…etc.). Have students compare this chart with the previous chart. Now
that both charts have been made, compare and contrast all the planets.
Travel guide to the outer planets: Have students pretend it is 500 years in the
future, and have them design and write a travel guide to encourage people to go
to one of the outer planets (including moons).
Provide a number of books for your class—find at least one book about
astronomy for each student. Have them read the book silently, and then after the
reading time is over, have them write down one new thing they learned from
the book that has not been covered in class so far. Have each student share the
information with the class.
Balderdash! Find some myths and urban legends about the planets and use info
learned in class for students to prove them wrong. Pick myths that can be
proved wrong with the information given in class only.
Have students get into pairs (preferably of different languages). Give one each
student a planet or other astronomical body. Have students play “guess that
planet” by describing properties of the planet to their partner. The descriptions
on page () can be used.
Have students read different paragraphs from textbooks and summarize
information in a group (even distribution of low and high level students--have
student write this information and vocabulary in their outline.
After watching or reading Zathura, have students create their own board game
about the Solar System.
• LO 2
• Calculators
• CO 1, 2
• Outer planet
•Outer planet
chart worksheets
for students (pg.
•Small pictures
of outer planets
•Inner planet
charts from last
• LSO 1, 2
•Colored pencils
astronomy books
for reference
• LO 1,2, LSO 1
astronomy books
for reference
•Post-it notes
• LO 1, 2
•Index cards
with myths
• CO 3, LO 1
•Index cards
with planets
• LO 1, LSO 1
• CO 2, LO 1
•White poster
•Art supplies:
colored pencils,
paints, scissors,
glue, glitter, etc.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 2 Lab Activities
Do a gravity related experiment: Using each planets’ gravity equation, find out your
weight on each planet. Compare and contrast. Why are you heavier on some planets
than others?
Making a model of the planets--by size and color and distance (using the lab
worksheet on page ()).
If possible, arrange a field trip to a local observatory.
Modeling Jupiter’s atmosphere:
1) Cut a shape in the middle of a piece of cardboard.
2) In a dark room, tape the cardboard shape on to the glossy side of the photographic
developing paper.
3) Place the paper in the sunlight for one minute and return to the darkened room.
4) Take the cardboard shape off of the paper and observe the result.
•Equation sheet
•Lab worksheet
•9 foam balls of
various sizes
•Lab worksheet
(for distance)
•Permission slips
•Lab worksheet
The developing paper is designed to turn very dark when light hits its surface. The
chemicals of the paper react to sunlight and darken, like getting a tan. Without the sun
block, or the cardboard shape, the paper gets a sunburn. Since Jupiter's clouds are made of
chemicals that also react to the light and heat of the Sun, they are different colors depending
on what's blocking them or how deep they are.
What does this say about the stripes of Jupiter? Or the Great Red Spot? What about storms
on other planets?
Modeling the Rings of the Outer planets:
1) In a dark room, put a flashlight at the edge of a desk or table.
2) Hold the squeezebox below the beam of light and then quickly squeeze the box to
let a fast shot of powder come up through the beam. Write observations.
3) Fill a glass with hot water and leave the other empty.
4) Drop an ice cube into the empty glass and observe its color.
5) Drop an ice cube into the hot water. It cracks. Observe the color.
Before the powder is released, the beam of light is hard to see, like the rays of sunlight
through empty space in the Solar System. Since the human eye can only see light if it
bounces off of something and into the eye, the beam is hard to see until the powder particles
are tossed into it. The particles fly around and bounce the light to the eye. The particles,
although tiny, are mirrors for the eye to see reflected light from the Sun and are therefore
quite bright.
•Baby powder in
a squeezebox
•Ice cubes
• 2 drinking
•Hot water
•Lab worksheet
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 2 Questions and Class discussions (LO 1)
If the outer planets are made out of gas, why are their moons still made from rock? (They
probably were asteroids pulled into the planet’s orbit.)
What holds the objects in the Solar System together?
How can you explain Uranus’ rotation on its side? (Possibly a large body hit the planet very
How can you explain the direction of the rings around Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus?
What’s the difference between Jupiter’s moons Io and Europa?
What are the rings of Saturn made out of?
Saturn has small moons inside its rings. How do you think the moons got there?
Is there a correlation between a planet’s gravitation pull and number of moons?
Pluto was discovered in the 1930’s before the Kuiper Belt was discovered. Now scientists think
that maybe Pluto should not be counted as a planet. Divide into two groups and debate whether
or not Pluto should be considered a planet of the Solar System, or just a large object of the
Kuiper Belt.
What about Pluto makes it so different from the other Outer Planets? (Answers could be used in
the discussion question above.)
Each subunit has a question and get into groups to discuss and answer the question in
Have groups answer the question, and then present the question to another individual
outside of the group.
Unit: Our Solar System
Types of Assessment
• Teacher’s checklist on
(For teacher)
Observe students’ participation based on speaking, listening (through pg. 35
comprehension), writing and reading.
• Note
(For teacher and student)
After finishing subunit 2, interview students and give them a note • Class notebook
about the meeting. Have students keep this note in a special place so
that they can see their improvement as subunits progress.
• Daily journals
(For teacher and student)
Daily journal everyday for about 10 minutes at the end--answer
“When I learned about…it made me think…” Have some of them
share in class next time.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 3: Famous People in Astronomy
Content Objectives:
① The student should be able to construct a chart or other graphic material.
(TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
② The student should be able to persuade, argue, negotiate, evaluate, and justify
famous astronomer’s ideas and findings. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
③ The student should be able to locate reference material about famous
astronomers. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
Language Objectives:
① The student should be able to elaborate and extend other people's ideas and
words. (TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
② The student should be able to join in a group response at the appropriate time
(TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
Learning Strategies Objectives:
① Students will be able to verbalize relationships between new information and
information previously learned in another setting. (TESOL 2.3; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to select materials from school resource collections to
complete a project. (TESOL 2.3; Grade 9-12).
Classroom Objectives
Content Objectives:
① Be able to understand and discuss the discoveries and impact of famous astronomers
in the past.
② Be able to notice the progression of astronomy throughout history with a timeline.
Language Objectives:
① Be able to share information about astronomers to the class and describe their
② Be able to debate about astronomers’ ideas.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 3 Priming Activities
Ask the class if they know any names of famous people in Astronomy (such as •Pictures of
Read a book or chapter aloud about a famous astronomer. Have students write •LSO 1
•Books about
on post-it notes their “writing connection” and share with the class.
•Post-it notes
Ask the class if they know any famous astronomers from their culture.
Present class objectives.
Unit: Our Solar System
Class Project: Astronomy Timeline
For this subunit, each class member will choose a famous person in astronomy
and make a piece of a timeline. When the timeline is to be made, each student
will present their person and attach them to a timeline in the classroom. As the
timeline is being made, students will be able to see the progression of the study
of astronomy.
Assign each class member a famous person in astronomy. Have a piece of
paper folded in half, with one side showing the famous person’s name. They
can decorate the front with the person’s picture or things related to what the
person did. On the inside, have students write a list of contributions that the
person made to the field of astronomy. This will be the information they present
in class.
Allow students in-class time to read books about their person, ask teacher
questions about difficult words and concepts in those books, and trips to the
school library to look for information.
Geocentric (geo = Greek for “earth”)
Heliocentric (helio = Greek for “sun”)
Have students answer in their timeline piece: who, what, where, when, and
why. Have students focus on the flow of discoveries, and not specifically
memorizing names or years.
The famous people can be (but is not limited to):
John Couch Adams
Neil Armstrong
Johann Bode
Tycho Brahe
Annie Jump Cannon
Giovanni Cassini
Galileo Galilei
Edmond Halley
William Hershel
Christiaan Huygens
Johannes Kepler
Gerard Kuiper
Clyde Tombaugh
•CO 1, 3
LO 1
•Piece of paper
•Art supplies for
decorating piece
• Additional
astronomy books
for reference
•Word wall
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 3 Amplifying Activities
If you were to become a famous astronomer, what would be your new •CO 2, LO 2,
discovery? How did you discover it? Write a short story about what you would LSO 1
•LO 1
Who is your favorite person on the timeline? Why? Write a short response.
Have students read different paragraphs from textbooks and summarize
information in a group (even distribution of low and high level students--have
student write this information and vocabulary in their timeline.
Historical role-playing: Divide the class into two groups—one that supports
Ptolemy’s geocentric universe and the other that supports Copernicus’
heliocentric universe. Have them debate about which idea (at the time) is the
most fit. This can be possible with other famous people and other ideas.
Read and discuss the advances that the Chinese, Egyptians and Arabic made in
astronomy in ancient times.
Using the textbooks and related books in the classroom, find names in the index
of people not discussed in the timeline. Investigate the text to see if they were
major contributors to astronomy.
•LSO 3
•CO 2, LO 1, 3
•LO 1, LSO 1
•History of
astronomy book
•CO 3
•All astronomy
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 3 Questions and Class Discussions (CO 2)
What is the difference between geocentric and heliocentric ideas?
What are some other conflicting ideas that other famous astronomers had?
Was anything found by accident by astronomers?
Each subunit has a question and get into groups to discuss and answer the question in
Have groups answer the question, and then present the question to another individual
outside of the group.
Types of Assessment
• Teacher’s checklist on
(For teacher)
Observe students’ participation based on speaking, listening (through pg. 35
comprehension), writing and reading.
• Note
(For teacher and student)
After finishing subunit 3, interview students and give them a note • Class notebook
about the meeting. Have students keep this note in a special place so
that they can see their improvement as subunits progress.
• Daily journals
(For teacher and student)
Daily journal everyday for about 10 minutes at the end--answer
“When I learned about…it made me think…“. Have some of the share
in class next time.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 4: Literature and Astronomy
Content Objectives:
① Students should be able to listen to, speak, read, and write about mythological
stories and folk stories. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to select, connect, and explain information about
Roman mythology and folk stories about the Universe. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 912).
③ Students should be able to consult print and non-print resources in the native
language about their own stories about the Universe. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 912).
Language Objectives:
① Students should be able to explain actions in mythological stories. (TESOL
2.1; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to ask and answer questions about mythological
stories and their relation to the names of planets. (TESOL 2.1; Grade 9-12).
Learning Strategies Objectives:
① Students should be able to construct a chart or other graphic showing data
about Roman mythology and astronomy. (TESOL 2.2; Grade 9-12).
② Students should be able to scan several resources to determine the
appropriateness to the topic of study—mythological figures in astronomy.
(TESOL 2.3; Grade 9-12).
Classroom Objectives
Content Objectives:
① Be able to make connections between Roman mythology and names of planets
through character and planetary characteristics.
② Be aware of other cultures as well as your own cultures’ stories about planets and
Language Objectives:
① Be able to compare and contrast Roman mythology with astronomy.
② Be able to discuss respectfully about your culture’s stories and comment about
others’ stories.
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 4 Priming Activities
How were you told how the universe was created?
Ask the students in the class what the planets are called in their language. Ask
to give a rough English translation of the name if possible.
Read some Roman mythological stories (short ones) out loud, ones involving
important gods that the planets are named after. Ask the class if they have
similar folk stories in their culture.
Read some Native American stories about “Mother Earth” and the heavens.
Discuss the stories in class.
• Chart of other
planet names
•CO 2
•CO 1
American stories
Present class objectives.
Subunit 4 Navigating Activities
Tie in Greek / Roman mythology to planet names: Split students into groups •CO 1, 2, LO 2
and give them a planet or other astronomical body related to literature or • Roman
Roman mythology. Have books that explain the relationship between mythology books
website you could schedule a trip to the school
computer lab if that is possible to have a look at the website.) After research,
have groups present their connections to the class. Print out handout on page 34
with a summary of that information.
Print out short, famous Roman mythological stories that have a moral and have
groups read them (and of course, related to names in astronomy). Have them
summarize the stories and present them to the class. Ask the class what the
moral of the story is.
In the sky are hundreds of constellations. Some of these are named after famous
people in Roman mythology. Use a sky book that outlines the “people in the
sky” and have read readings or information about the stories behind the people.
•CO 1, 2
mythology short
•CO 1, 2, LO 1, 2
•Sky book
•Stories about
people in the sky
Unit: Our Solar System
Subunit 4 Amplifying Activities
Have them write a creation story (if they know one) from their culture, or write •CO 1, LO 1,
a story about how they think the planets came to be.
•CO 1, LO 1,
Have them write stories they have heard about “the gods” in their culture.
Divide the class into groups and give them a planet and a moon. Have them
draw the planet and moon given, and then a human representation of who the
planet or moon is in Roman mythology. Have them label the picture as the
person being “the son or daughter of”. When everyone is finished, have him or
her present his or her art, and put it together like a “family tree”.
If there is a high percentage of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean students, have
them describe the meanings of the characters in English, and with non-East
Asian students, brainstorm how those meanings are related to Roman
mythology (example: the character for “Jupiter” is “tree star”. This could be
because the Roman god Jupiter’s symbol was the oak tree.) Also related to the 5
•CO 2, LSO 1
•Art supplies:
Colored pencils,
paper, scissors,
•CO 1-3
Subunit 4 Questions (LO 2)
Are characteristics of planets related to Roman mythological characters?
Why do you think they named planets after Roman gods?
The moons of Uranus are named after characters in William Shakespeare’s works. Why do you
think they chose this instead of Roman mythology?
Each subunit has a question and get into groups to discuss and answer the question in
Have groups answer the question, and then present the question to another individual
outside of the group.
Unit: Our Solar System
Types of Assessment
• Teacher’s checklist on
(For teacher)
Observe students’ participation based on speaking, listening (through pg. 35
comprehension), writing and reading.
(For student)
Have the students do a checklist about what they know about the
whole unit.
(For teacher and student)
After finishing subunit 4, interview students and give them a note
about the meeting. Have students keep this note in a special place so
that they can see their improvement as subunits progress.
(For teacher and student)
Daily journal everyday for about 10 minutes at the end--answer,
“When I learned about…it made me think…” Have some of the share
in class next time.
• Checklist on pg. 36
• Note
• Class notebook
• Daily journals
Unit: Our Solar System
The Sun
Rotation rate
Revolution rate
Number of moons
Year discovered
Unit: Our Solar System
Rotation rate
Revolution rate
Number of moons
Year discovered
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Where did the planets and their moons get their names?
Mercury: In Roman mythology Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery,
the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The
planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky.
Venus: In Roman mythology Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery,
the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The
planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky.
Earth: Earth is the only planet whose English name does not derive from
Greek/Roman mythology. The name derives from Old English and Germanic. There
are, of course, hundreds of other names for the planet in other languages.
Mars: Mars (Greek: Ares) is the god of War and fire. The planet probably got this
name due to its red color; Mars is sometimes referred to as the Red Planet.
Phobos: In Greek mythology, Phobos is one of the sons of Ares (Mars) and
Aphrodite (Venus). "phobos" is Greek for "fear" (the root of "phobia").
Deimos: In Greek mythology, Deimos is one of the sons of Ares (Mars) and
Aphrodite (Venus); "deimos" is Greek for "panic".
Jupiter: Jupiter (a.k.a. Jove; Greek Zeus) was the King of the Gods, the ruler of
Olympus and the patron of the Roman state. Zeus was the son of Cronus (Saturn). It
is probably called “Jupiter” because it is the biggest planet.
Jupiter’s moons are named after famous lovers and daughters of Jupiter.
Saturn: In Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture. The associated Greek
god, Cronus, was the son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of Zeus (Jupiter). Saturn
is the root of the English word "Saturday".
The moons of Saturn are mostly named after famous Titans. In Greek mythology the
Titans were a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaia, who sought to rule
the heavens but were overthrown and supplanted by the family of Zeus.
Uranus: Uranus is the ancient Greek deity of the Heavens, the earliest supreme god.
Uranus was the son and mate of Gaia the father of Cronus (Saturn) and of the
Cyclopes and Titans (predecessors of the Olympian gods).
The moons of Uranus are all named after characters in William Shakespeare’s works,
most of them being women.
Neptune: In Roman mythology Neptune (Greek: Poseidon) was the god of the Sea.
This name was probably given because of Neptune’s blue color.
Neptune’s moons are named after sea nymphs and daughters of Neptune. Triton is a
god of the sea, the son of Poseidon (Neptune); usually portrayed as having the head
and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish.
Pluto: In Roman mythology, Pluto (Greek: Hades) is the god of the underworld. The
planet received this name perhaps because it's so far from the Sun that it is in
perpetual darkness.
Pluto’s one moon, Charon is named for the mythological figure who ferried the dead
across the River Acheron into Hades (the underworld).
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Name: ___________________________________________
I know
it well
What do I know?
I know all 9 planets and what makes each unique.
I know the differences between the Inner and Outer
I know famous astronomers and their contributions to
I know Roman mythology stories that are related to
I know stories about my culture and others connected
to astronomy.
I know, understand, and can use special vocabulary
related to astronomy.
I know how to debate ideas with classmates
effectively and respectfully.
I know how to speak about my culture and
comment on others’ respectfully.
I know
a little
I need
some help
I don’t know
at all
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
1) Inner Planets
a) Mercury
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) _______________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
b) Venus
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) _______________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
c) Earth
i) The Moon______________________________________________________
(1) ____________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________
(4) ____________________________________________________________
ii) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
iii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
v) _______________________________________________________________
d) Mars
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) Moons:
(1) ____________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
Unit: Our Solar System
2) Outer Planets
a) Jupiter
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) Moons:
(1) ____________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________
(4) ____________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
v) _______________________________________________________________
b) Saturn
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) Moons:
(1) ____________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
v) _______________________________________________________________
Unit: Our Solar System
c) Uranus
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) Moons:
(1) ____________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
v) _______________________________________________________________
d) Neptune
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) Moons:
(1) ____________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
v) _______________________________________________________________
e) Pluto
i) Atmosphere:____________________________________________________
ii) Orbit:__________________________________________________________
iii) Moon:
(1) ____________________________________________________________
iv) _______________________________________________________________
v) _______________________________________________________________
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Unit: Our Solar System
Andronik, Catherine M. (2002). Copernicus: Founder of Modern Astronomy. Berkeley
Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers Inc.
Beasant, Pam. (1992). 1000 Facts About Space. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.
Cole, Joanna, and Degen, Bruce. (1990). The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar
System. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.
No author. (2002). Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Astronomy. Needham, MA: Prentice
Hall Inc.
Leedy, Loreen. (1993). Postcards From Pluto: A Tour of the Solar System. New York,
NY: Scholastic Inc.
McCaughrean, Geraldine. (2001). Roman Myths. New York, NY: Margaret McElderry
McFarland, Daniel A. (2001). AGS General Science: Teacher’s Edition. Circle Pine, MN:
American Guidance Service, Inc.
Moore, Eva. (2000). The Magic School Bus: Space Explorers. New York, NY: Scholastic
Ride, Sally, and O’Shaughnessy, Tam. (2003). Exploring Our Solar System. New York,
NY: Crown Publishers.
Russell, William F. (1989). Classic Myths to Read Aloud. New York, NY: Crown Inc.
Silverberg, Robert. (1969). Wonders of Ancient Chinese Science. New York, NY:
Hawthorn Books, Inc.
Sis, Peter (1996). Starry Messenger: a Book Depicting the Life of a Famous Scientist,
Mathematician, Astronomer, Philosopher, Physicist, Galileo Galilei. New York,
NY: Farrar Straus Giroux.
Wooten, Deborah A. (2000). Valued Voices: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching
and Learning. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.