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2r9 Appendix D APPENDIX D 1.4 Differentthermometersdisagree,exceptat the fixed points by defrnition.When usingthe moderndefinitionof temperatureusing a singlefixed point at the triple point of water(273.16K)with ' r - ' r' T P X 'x- Questions I TEMPERATURE 1.1 The length of the mercury column in a mercury_in_glass thermometeris 5 cm whenthe bulb is immersedin waterai its iripte point. what is the temperatureon the mercury-in-glass scalewhen thelengthof thecolumnis 6.0cm?what will thelengthof thecolumn be whenthe bulb is immersedin a liquid at 100degiees, asmeasured on the mercury-in-glass scale,abovethe ice poini? If the length of the column can be measuredto within onty O.Otcm, cai this thermometerbe usedto distinguishbetweenthe ice point and the triple point of water?You may take the temperatureoithe icepoint, as measuredon the mercury-in-glass scale,as 273J5degrees. 1.2 The resistanceof a wire is given by R : Ro(l -f at + Btz) where t is the temperaturein degreesCelsiusmeasuredon the ideal gas scaleand so Ro is the resistanceat the ice point. The constants aandp are3.8x 10-3K- 1and - 3.0x 10-6K-2 respectively.calculatethe temperatureon the resistance scaleat a temperature of 70'C on the ideal gasscale. 1.3 The table below lists the observedvaluesof the pressurep of a gasin a constant-volume gasthermometerat an unknowntemperatureand at thetriplepoint of waterasthemassof gasusedis reduced. Pr"(torr) 100 200 300 400 P (torr) t27.9 256.5 385.8 516 By considering thelimit Prp-e @lprr) determineT to two decimal places.What is this in "C? (l torr is a pressureof 1mm of Hg). v ATP these dillerencescan be quite marked. To see how big these can be,completethe tablebelowfor the temperaturesI differences of the boiling points of variousliquids (at an externalpressureof I and the meltingpoint of one solid,usingthermometers atmosphere) with differentthermometricvariablesX. The valuesof X* for the differentthermometersare given in the bottom row' Quote your valuesfor the temperatureto the nearestdegreeonly.The temperature givenfor Sn is for the meltingpoint. Copper nickel thermocouple TE E (mV) Platinum resistance thermometer R (ohm) T" Constant volume H, thermometer P (a0 Tp Constant volume Ht thermometer Tp P (at) Liquidi Solid N2 02 HrO Sn - 0.10 o.0o 5.30 9'02 1.96 ? 2.50 ? 13.65 18.56 ; 1.82 2.13 9.30 12-70 0.29 0.33 t.37 1.85 At T.P. 2.98 ? ? ? ,| 273 9.83 zt5 6.80 ? ? ? ? 273 1.00 ',! ? ? ? 273 Commenton the temperaturevaluesfor the two constantvolume Which onegivesvaluescloserto theidealgasscale? thermometers. 2 REVERSIBLE PROCESSESAND WORK 2.1 10 moles of an ideal gas are compressedisothermallyand reversiblyfrom a pressureof 1 atmosphereto 10 atmospheresat 300K. How much work is done? 2.2 An ideal gas undergoesthe following reversiblecycle:(a) an isobaricexpansionfrom the state(Pr, Vr)to the state(Pr,l/2) (b) an isochoricreductionin pressureto the state(Pr, Vr) (c)an isobaric reductionin volume to the state(Pt,Vt) (d) an isochoricincrease 220 Appendix D in pressureback tothe original state(p1, Vr) again.What work is donein this cycle?If p, :_3 a1p, pz: ! itm, Vr] t [tr. ina ir': Z litres,how much work is done by t-hegasin traversing the cycler00 times? 2.3 During a reversibleadiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, the pressureand volume at any moment are related by pVr :i-rn1r"r" c and y are constants.Show that the work done by the gur'in expandingfrom a state(pr, Vr) to a state(pr, Vr) is v'- Pz vz 14t:Pt y-l 2.4 lce at 0"C and at a.pressure1atm, has a densityof 916.23kg m- 3,whilewaterundertheseconditions'has a Oensityl99.A+tg;:.. How much work is done againstthe atmosphere when iotg'.ii., melt into water? 2.5 A metal container,of volume v and with diathermalwalls, containsn molesof an idealgasat high pressure. The gasrs alrowea to leak,outslowryfrom the containeithrough u ,rui uuru"io ii" atmosphere at a pressurepo. The processoccursisothermalry at ihe temperatureof the surroundings.Show that the work d;;;by ;il" gasagainstthe surroundingatmosphereis W : Ps(nos- V) where uo is the molar volume of the gas at atmosphericpressure and temperature. 2'6 show that the coerficientof rinear expansion a is related to the expansivityp as f :3a 2'7 A hypotheticalsubstancehas an isothermal compressibility *:-a/l and an expansivityfl:2bTlu wherea andb areconstants and u is the molar volume.Show that the equation of stateis u-bT2 IaP=aconstant 2.8 A weldedrailway line, of length l5km, is laid without expansionjoints in a desertwherethe nrght ana day tempera,"*, &nl, by 50K. The cross-sectional area-of the rail is 3.6 x 10-3m2. (a)what is the differencein the night and day tensionin the rail if it is kept at constantlength?(b) If theiail is freeio expand,by how much Appendix D 221 doesits lengthchangebetweennight and day?(a:8 x 10-6K-1' Y:2x l011Nm-2.) 2.9 Find an expressionfor the work done when a wire of length L is heatedreversiblyfrom a temperature Tt to a temperature T2 under conditions of constant tension9. 2.10 The equationof stateof a rubber band is -F : "arl - LLr o f\ !n)'l r/ J where ,L6 is the original length and a is a constant equal to 1.3x 10-2NK-r. How muchwork is performedwhenthe band is stretchedisothermallyand reversiblyfrom its original length of 10cm to 20cm, the temperaturebeing20"C? is initially at 2.ll A block of metalat a pressureof one atmosphere a temperatureof 20'C. It is heatedreversiblyto 32'C at constant If the heatinghad beencarriedout volume.Calculatethefinal pressure. irreversibly, would this affect your answer?(The expansivity p: 5.0x 10-sK-r: the isothermalbulk modulus K: 1.5x 101r Nm-'.) 3 THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 3.1 Liquid is stirred at constant volume inside a containerwith adiabaticwalls.The liquid and the containerare regardedas the system.(a) Is heat beingtransferredto the system?(b) Is work being (c)What is the signof theinternalenergychange doneon thesystem? of the system? 3.2 Water inside a rigid cylindrical insulated tank is set into rotation and left to cometo rest under the action of viscousforces. Regardthe tank and the water as the system.(a) Is any work done by the systemas the water comesto rest?(b) Is thereany heatflow to or from the system?(c) Is there any changein the internal energy of the system? 3.3 A combustionexperimentis performedon a mixture of fuel and oxygencontainedin a constant-volumecontainersurrounded by a water bath. The temperatureof the water is observedto rise. Regardthe matter insidethe containeras the system.(a) Has work (b) Has heatbeentransferredbetweenthe beendoneon the system? 222 AppendixD systemand the surroundings?(c) what is the sign of the internal energychangeof the system? 3.4 A gas is containedin a cylinder fitted with a frictionresspiston and is taken from the statea to the stateb along the path acu st o*n in Fig. D.1. 80J of heatflow into the systemand the.yrt"r does lol of work. (a) How much heat flows into the systemalong the path adb if the work done by the gassystemis r0Ji (b) when irr" ,vJtris returnedfrom b to a arongthe curvedpath, the work done on the systemis 20J. What is.the heat transfer?lc)If U : 0 and U o o: 40], find the heat absorbedin the processesad and db. 3.5 An electrical resistancecoil, wired to the surroundings, is placedinsidea cylinderfitted with a frictionlesspistonand cont"]ning an ideal gas'The walls of the cylinder and thepiston are adiabatic. A current of 5 A is maintainedthrough the resiitance,acrosswhich thereis a voltagedrop of 100v. The pistonis opposedby a constant external force of 5000N. At what speedmust the piston move outwardsin order that there is no changein the tempeiature of the gas?Is theelectricalenergytransferredtothe gasasheator work? supposenow that the wansare diathermai and the resistancecoil is wrappedround the outsideof the cylinder. Regardtt syrtea. -coil. the cylinder and the gas,excrudingthe heating tr "ttt. transfernow heat of work? "n"rgy 3.6 Two moles of a monatomic ideal gas are at a temperature of 309 The gas expands reversibly and isothermally to twice its 5. original volume. Calculatethe work done by the gas, the heat suppliedand the changein the internal enersv. Appendix D 223 3.7 An ideal gas is containedin a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston at the pressureP and volume I/. It is heatedquasistatically and at constantvolumeso that its temperatureis doubled,and then it is cooled at constant pressureuntil it returns to its original temperature.Show that the work done on the gasis PZ. 3.8 Find the change in the internal energy of one mole of a monatomicidealgasin an isobaricexpansionat I atm from a volume of 5m3 to a volumeof 10m3.y for a monatomicideal gasis 5/3. 3.9 The molar specificheat of many materialsat low temperatures is found to obeythe Debyelaw c,: AlTl|f3 wherer4 is a constant equalto 1.94x 103Jmol-rK-1 and with the Debyetemperature 0 taking dillerent valuesfor different materials.For diamond, it is 1860K. (a) Evaluatec, at 20K and 100K. (b) How much heat is requiredto heat one mole of diamond between20K and 100K? (c) What is the averagemolar specificheat in this range? 3.10 Show that the adiabaticcurve for an ideal gas is steeperby a factor of y than the isothermthrough a point on the P-Iz indicator diagram. 3.11 Showthat the following relationshold for a reversibleadiabatic expansionof an ideal gas: TVY-r: a constant T anotherconstant pt - ur: The fireball of a uranium fission bomb consistsof a sphereof gas of radius 15m and temperature300000K shortly after detonation. Assumingthat the expansionis adiabaticand that the fireballremains spherical,estimatethe radius of the ball when the temperatureis 3000K.(Take7:1.4.) 3.12 An interstellarcloud, made up of an ideal gas,collapseswith its radiusdecreasingas ^: ,0,.(#)"'* FigureD.l with r measuredin years.The time t is taken to be zero at zero radiusso that t is alwaysnegative.The cloud collapsesisothermally at 10K until its radius reaches1013m.It then becomesopaqueso 224 Appendix D that, from then on, the collapsetakesplace adiabatically(y: Sll) and reversibly.How many yearsdoesit take for the t"-prrutur"'to rise-by800K measuredfrom the time the cloud reachesa radius of 10r3m? 3.13 A thick-walled insulating chamber contains n, moles of heliumgasat,a h-ighpressurep, and temperaturefr. ti is allowed to leak out slowly to the atmosphereat a pressurepo through a smallvalve.show that thefinal temperatureolthe n, -ote, ott eiiuo, left in the chamberis - with nz:n,(fr)"' rz:r,(fr): (Hint: consider as your systemthe gas that is ultimatery left in the chamber.) 3.14 Calculate the work done by a van der Waals gas, with equation(3.14)as the equationof state,in expandingfrom-avolume Vt to a volume Vr: (a) at constant pressurep (b) at constant temperature T 3.15 A magneticsalt obeysthe Curie law ItoM _€ BoT where M is the magnetization,Bo is the applied induction in the abserceof the specimen,€is a constantund-pois the permeability of free space. The salt is magnetized isothermaily from ; magnetza izationMrto ,,,2. Mr.y Lww ou !u<rJ may .lsJurug assumethat tnat Ine the magnenzatlon magnetizati is uniform over the volume of the salt. Show that thi work ol of magnetizationis *:-; Vu^T ( M ; _M i ) 3.16 The infinitesimalwork done in charginga cell is dW: EdZ so the rate of doing work is EdZldt: Ei where1 is the current supplied.A batteryis chargedby applyinga currentof40A at l2y for 30 minutes.During this chargingpro"i* the batteryloses200kJ ofheat to the surroundings.By how much doesthe iniernalenergy of the cell change,assumingthat there are no forms of work othir than electricalwork? Appendix D 225 3.17 A steamturbine takesin steamat the rate of 6000kg hour-l and its power output is 800kW. Neglect any heat loss from the turbine. Find the changein the specifrcenthalpy of the steamas it passesthrough the turbine if (a) the entranceand exit are at the and exit velocitiesare negligible sameelevation and the entrance -1 m s and the exit velocityis 200m s 1, is 50 velocity (b) theentrance with the outlet pipe being2 m abovethe inlet. 4 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 4.1 Heat is suppliedto an engineat the rate of 106J minute-r What is the effrciency and theenginehasan output of 10horsepower. per minute? heat output is the of the engineand what 4.2 A storage battery delivers a current into an external circuit and performs electrical work. The battery remains at a constant temperatureby absorbingheat from the surrounding atmosphere. Heat then appearsto be completelyconvertedinto work. Is this a violation of the secondlaw? 4.3 Show that two adiabaticscannot intersect.(Hint: Imagine that they do; completea cycle with an isotherm and operate an engine round this cycle.) 4.4 An inventor claims to have developedan engine which takes in 11 x 10?Jat 400K, rejects5 x 107Jat 200K anddelivers16.67kW hours of work. Would you adviseinvestingmoneyin this project? 4.5 Which gives the greater increasein the efliciencyof a Carnot engine:increasingthe temperatureof the hot reservoiror lowering the temperatureof the cold reservoirby the sameamount? 4.6 50kg of water at 0'C have to be frozeninto ice in a refrigerator. The room temperatureis 20'C. What is the minimum work input to the refrigerator to achieve this. (Latent heat of fusion of t.) water: 3.33x 10sJ kg4.7 It is proposedto heat a house using a heat pump operating betweenthe houseand the outside.The houseis to be kept at 22"C, the outsideis at - 10'C and the heat lossfrom the houseis 15kW. What is the minimum power requiredto operatethe pump? 4.8 Show that the elliciencies of the three Carnot engines, operatingbetweenthe three reservoirsas illustrated in Fig. D.2 are