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World History Grade: 10 Unit 3: Imperialism (27 Days)
Desired Results Established Goal(s): ​
Students will understand the cause and effect relationship between industrialization and the quest for resources and markets. Industrialization facilitates the justification of an exploitative relationship between Europe and the rest of the world called imperialism. NCSS Themes: NCSS #6: Power, Authority, and Governance NCSS #7: Production, Distribution, and Consumption NCSS #9: Global Connections State Social Studies Frameworks Dimension 1: Developing Questions & Planning Inquiries Dimension 2: Applying Disciplinary Concepts & Tools Dimension 3: Evaluating Sources & Using Evidence Dimension 4: Communicating Conclusions & Taking Informed Action Common Core State Standards: CCSS ELA­LITERACY RH 9­10.1: ​
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information. CCSS ELA-LITERACY RH 9-10.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
CCSS ELA-LITERACY RH 9-10.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science.
CCSS ELA-LITERACY RH 9-10.6: Compare the point of view of two or more authors for how they treat
the same or similar topics, including which details they include and emphasize in their respective
CCSS ELA-LITERACY RH 9-10.9: Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary
and secondary sources.
CCSS ELA-LITERACY WHIST 9-10.1: Write arguments focused on ​
discipline-specific content​
CCSS ELA-LITERACY WHIST 9-10.8: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and
digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering
the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas,
avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 3: Imperialism (27 Days)
Enduring Understanding(s): Essential Question(s): Students will understand that… ●
● Industrialization drives imperialism ● Imperialism increases global interaction ● There is an effect on both imperialists and indigenous people ● Imperialism is a form of competition ● Historical events have impact on today’s world Knowledge​
: Students will know… ● The causes of imperialism include; quest for markets, need for resources, humanitarian and religious concerns, military needs, nationalistic goals and political prestige ● How Social Darwinism affected imperial policies ● The benefits and problems that are created by imperialism including: ● Introduction of transportation and communication systems (infrastructure), medicine/hospitals, schools ● Wealth for Europeans ● Expansion of Social Darwinist beliefs ● Increase of products available to the world ● European rivalries lead to war ● Destruction of local cultures ● Denial of self­rule ● Forced co­habitation or splitting of tribes (borders) ● Draining of natural resources ● Ethiopia, Japan & China had different reactions to imperialism yielding different results ● Imperialism leads to a more global economy ● Imperialism leads to European dominance of Africa and Asia ● Many of the problems of today in Africa and Asia can be traced to imperial policies What factors lead to imperialism? How does the quest for power lead to imperialism? Who benefits from imperialism? How does imperialism affect the world today? Was imperialism justified? What is the legacy of imperialism? Skills: Students will be able to… ● Evaluate the impact of imperialism on the power structure of the world ● Predict European rivalries and problems ● Compare and contrast responses to imperialism ● Make inferences about the motivations behind th​
imperialism through the analysis of 19​
century African and Asian maps. ● Annotate primary source documents to assess and evaluate the historical perspectives about imperialism ● Interpret political cartoons Literacy Connections: ● Students will select & organize relevant information ● Students will use content as evidence for claims and theses ● Students will write regularly ● Students will annotate & close read regularly Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 3: Imperialism (27 Days)
Content Vocabulary: ●
imperialism nationalism civilized/civilization spheres of influence paternalism infrastructure Opium Wars extraterritoriality Meiji Restoration isolationism treaty Russo­Japanese War Sino­Japanese War refute Acceptable Evidence Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 3: Imperialism (27 Days)
Performance Task(s): Other Evidence: ● Summative assessment ● Letter by Queen Victoria demonstrating bias ● Honors debate: Who benefitted more from imperialism: Europe or the Colonies? OR Who benefits more from China’s relationship with Africa, Chinese or Africans? th
Inquiry Assessment​
: Is Nigeria’s poverty a result of 19​
and 20​
century imperialism? ● Class creates a concept map. ● Students work cooperatively within a jigsaw format to research an assigned sub group of the concept map. ● Students will present their research to the class in the form of a 3­5 slide PowerPoint. ● Each student may write an introduction, and AT LEAST ONE CAST PARAGRAPH of an argumentative essay responding to the question. Differentiated Version of Task: Honors­ Create an intro and two cast paragraphs. CP­ Creates one cast paragraph. Worth​
: Double quiz grade (x6) Rubric Use Strands from SHS Argumentative essay rubric/ Social studies presentation rubric Learning Plan Spring 2015 World History Grade: 10 Unit 3: Imperialism (27 Days)
Learning Activities: ● Read and evaluate Lin Xehu’s letter to Queen Victoria and write a response by Queen Victoria refuting his arguments and demonstrating bias ● Complete a quick write “What does it mean to be “civilized”? ● ABC Brainstorm – Imperialism ● Complete a DBQ on Causes of Imperialism – Which social, political, economic forces were most responsible for New Imperialism? ● Close read excerpt from ​
Things Fall Apart ● Map skills ­ Identification of European ownership of Africa & Asia (maps) ● Read and evaluate Lord Lugard’s letter ● Read and evaluate Japanese Diplomat Yukichi’s eyewitness account of American culture ● Analyze impact of imperialism in China through primary & secondary sources ● Compare and contrast perspectives favoring and opposing imperialism ● Interpret political cartoons on: o Cecil Rhodes standing over Africa o Quest for civilization o Taming the Dragon o China and the Pizza Pie o Napoleon/British carving the turkey (globe) o Civilization Justification?! ● Demonstrate perspective & impact of imperialism in a specific area or region ● Empathize with both/either imperialists and indigenous peoples ● Honors – Imperialism debate activity Spring 2015