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Imperialism: Webster Definition
• : a policy or practice by which a country
increases its power by gaining control over
other areas of the world
• : the effect that a powerful country or group
of countries has in changing or influencing the
way people live in other, poorer countries
• Expansionism: he doctrine or practice of
expanding the economy or territory of a
• Isolationism: policy of isolating one's country
from the affairs of other nations. Declining to
enter into alliances, foreign economic
commitments, international agreements, etc.,
• Is imperialism good or bad? Why or Why not?
• What are the pros and cons of imperialism?
Reasons for Imperialism
• Create new markets for
goods and acquire raw
• White Man’s Burden: the
“duty or responsibility” to
modernize developing
countries considered less
• Competition- take over a
country before someone
else does/access to raw
• Social Darwinism: the
outdated idea of applying
the theory of survival of
the fittest to people.
• Manifest Destiny: “it’s
god’s will for the US to
spread its influence and