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Interactive Minds Solar System Review Solar System Use the Solar System App and your class notes to complete this study guide and prepare for your upcoming Science Test! 1. Earth’s solar system is in what galaxy? _____________________________________________ 2. Our sun is one of more than _________________________ stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. 3. Jump to the page called: The Sun. What type of (celestial) space body is the sun? ___________________. What two gases make up the sun? _________________ and ____________________ 4. Describe how the sun helps living things on Earth: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Use your mind! Earth orbits around the ________________________. This is called a _____________________________ and it takes ______________ days to make one full orbit. 6. Explain why we have a “Leap Year” every 4 years? ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Please click on page called PLANETS, then on EARTH to help you answer this question. Earth is the only planet that can sustain life. It is made up of land and water. How much of Earth is made of water? ___________________________ 8. Identify 2 factors that make life possible on Earth and not on other planets in our solar system: a. _____________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________ 9. Please access the link to the MOON (bottom left of Earth page) to help you answer this question. What do we call it when the moon seems to change shape in the sky? _________________________________ 10. How many weeks does it take to go through all of the phases of the moon? _____________ 11. If the moon is in the “New Moon Phase” where would it be in one week? __________________ 12. How is the moon different from the sun? _________________________________ Jump to the page called Small Solar System Objects. 13. Where is the asteroid belt located? _______________________________________ 14. ____________________________ is a non-­‐planetary bodies that orbits in the inner Solar System. These are made of rock and hang out between Mars and Jupiter. 15. Another name for a shooting star is a ______________________________________. If this object survives the decent into Earth’s atmosphere, the remaining pieces that hit the earth are called ____________________________. 16. A comet gives off a visible ________________ when it nears the sun. 17. Compare and contrast asteroids, comets and meteors: ASTEROIDS COMETS METEORS 18. Jump to the Planetary Tilt and Rotation page. Planetary rotation causes: _______________ and _________________. When your location is facing the sun it is _________________. It takes this long for Earth to rotate on its axis: _________________ Earth’s axis is tilted at _______________ degrees. 19. The angle in which the sunlight hits the planet surface affects the temperature. The more ______________ the sunlight, the more the surface is heated. Polar regions receive ________________ direct sunlight than the equator. 20. Compare the Earth, Mars and Saturn by filling in the information on the chart below. Then answer the questions that follow. (Click on the image at the bottom of the Planetary Tilt page) Earth Length of one year: Mars Length of one year: Length of one day: Length of one day: Saturn Length of one year: Length of one day: Which planet has the longest year? ______________________ Which planet has the shortest day? ______________________ 21. __________________________ is when planets go around the sun. 22. It takes ______________ days for Earth to travel around the sun. Jump to the page titled, GRAVITY. 23. _______________________ causes objects to fall to the surface of a planet. 24. From your notes/homework, list three ways gravity has an effect in our solar system: Gravity causes: Gravity causes: Now, click on the The History of Astronomy page. Click through the pictures and describe TWO pieces of technology and how they helped explore our solar system: A) Technology _____________________________ helped explore by: __________________________________________________________________________________ B) Technology _____________________________ helped explore by: __________________________________________________________________________________ Solar System Test Friday, January 31st Please understand that the test requires the application of the terms not just memorizing the definitions. MANY papers should be in the students’ green folder for reference. Please use them as you begin to prepare this week. Waiting until Tuesday Night will be too late! (Note: We are using a great FREE APP in school to help. IF you have access to technology the App is orange and is called “Interactive Minds – Solar System.”) Standards/Topics a 5th Grader Should Know: Vocabulary Words: (Found in the Vocabulary Journal, seasons foldable, and worksheets) Rotation Revolution Gravitational Pull Orbit Axis Atmosphere Phases of the Moon Comet Meteor Asteroid Meteorite Meteoroid Star Big Ideas: These would be great ideas for written response questions! Regular & Predictable Motions: seasons, day/night, revolution, rotation, moon phases, etc. Differences/similarities of asteroids, comets, meteors Characteristics of our sun (Size, temperature) and compare it to other stars! Space Exploration and Discovery