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Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Uplift
Grade 5 Science
2 ½ Weeks
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Uplift
2 ½ Week Unit
Introduction to unit
This unit will cover earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift. We will discuss how they
change the surface of the earth, and learn about the landforms they create. We will also
discuss how plate tectonics creates earthquakes, volcanoes and uplift.
There is a final project that will be due at the end of this unit. The class will be split
into three groups, with each group creating a movable model of either an earthquake,
volcano, or uplift. Each group will present their project to the class. Don’t panic! You will
learn all you need to know to create your movable model. I will had out directions for this
project next week, and we will discuss it at that time.
Text and Materials
School text book, note book for taking notes, pencil or pen, color pencils. Materials
needed for the final unit project will be listed on the directions for that project. Any other
materials needed will be announced in class.
Unit Goals
The goals in this unit is for you to understand how plate tectonics work, identify the
three different types of tectonic plate boundaries, explain how they are different and how
plate tectonics create earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift.
You will also understand how earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift create landforms by
changing the surface of the earth. You will also understand the differences between the
different types of earthquakes, and volcanoes.
There will be 100 points possible for this unit.
Homework assignments will be worth a total of 55 possible points.
Two pop quizzes worth 10 points each for a total of 20 possible points.
The final project will be worth 25 possible points.
Please acknowledge you have read and understand this disclosure.
Student signature
Day 1 - Plate tectonics.
Day 2 - Plate tectonics and earthquakes.
Day 3 - Plate tectonics and volcanoes.
Day 4 - Plate tectonics and uplift.
Day 5 - Review of days 1-4
Hand out model project info.
Day 6 - Earthquake faults
Day 7 - Landforms created by earthquakes
Parent signature
Day 9 - Landforms created by volcanoes
Day 10 - Uplift.
Day 11 - Landforms created by uplift.
Day 12 - Review of days 6 - 11
Day 13 - Group presentations of movable
Day 8 - Volcanoes
Contextual Factors Topic Paper
Feb 6, 2006
During my field experience, I noticed one boy in particular who was very fidgety. His desk had
books and papers scattered everywhere, and there were crumpled up balls of paper at his feet. He
continually walked to the front of the class and fumbled through a box of papers. I do not know what
the box contained, but he was apparently looking for something. This boy obviously has trouble with
organization. His preoccupation of looking for something took away from his actual learning of the
assignment. After he found what he was looking for, he asked the teacher to explain the assignment to
him. This preoccupation is a contextual factor that hindered his learning.
There was another student I noticed having a difficult time understanding the math lesson that
was taught that day. The teacher asked her if she was ok, if she needed help understanding and she
replied “No, I’m fine”. She then asked other students to help her. She appeared to be shy and
withdrawn, and perhaps scared or embarrassed to admit to the teacher she really did need help. This is
an example of a contextual factor that hinders learning. The contextual factor being social, or emotional
development of the student.
Another contextual factor I noticed is the classroom itself. The teacher has many things posted
on the wall, or hanging from the ceiling to help the students. There is a map of the world, multiplication
table chart, spelling and grammar rules, and various other forms of information for the students to
reference. There is no fluffy, pretty useless decorations or information, just educational charts and such
available for the students. This is a positive contextual factor that helps students learn.
The third contextual factor I noticed during my field experience is the postings of the school
being drug, smoke, and violence free. This is a positive contextual factor that helps the students learn
because they can feel safe and comfortable while at school. The students can relax, and concentrate on
learning, which is after all, their job!
Align Objectives with Assessment
Subject: Science
Grade: 5th
Topic: How earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift affect earth’s surface.
State or national standards and objectives:
Standard 2 - Students will understand that volcanoes, earthquakes, uplift, weathering, and
erosion reshape Earth’s surface.
Objective 2- Explain how volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift affect Earth’s surface.
Day 1
Understand how
plate tectonics
Day 2
Explain how plate
tectonics create
Day 3
Explain how plate
tectonics create
Day 4
Explain how plate
tectonics create
See Hunter lesson
Movie clip
Hand out, and
explain directions
for Summative
See 4Mat lesson Overhead/Elm
Assessment (Evidence)
Class assignment/Homework.
Correctly identify the 3 types
of plate boundaries, and
explain how they differ.
Class assignment/Homework.
Hand out 3 or 4 essay/short
answer questions. Students
will use text, internet, or other
sources available to find
Lecture, draw
Overhead/Elm Class assignment/Homework.
diagrams on board
Hand out 3 or 4 essay/short
while explaining
answer questions. Students
will use text, internet, or other
sources available to find
Lecture, draw
Overhead/Elm Class assignment/Homework.
diagrams on board
Hand out 3 or 4 essay/short
while explaining
answer questions. Students
will use text internet, or other
sources available to find
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Review of Day 1Lecture while
4. Assign the 3
showing power
groups for model point presentation.
project, allow
students to start
organizing their
Describe the 3
Lecture while
types of earthquake using pictures of
faults, and how
faults, and the
they differ.
landforms they
Know which
Hand out a pliable
landform is created candy bar to each
by each type of
student, have them
simulate an
earthquake fault
using the candy
bar to see the
different shapes
(landforms) it
Describe at least 3
Lecture, draw
types of volcanoes diagrams on board
and how they
while explaining
Identify landforms
created by
Power Point
Pop quiz based on day 1-4
Power Point.
Homework. Draw a
diagram/picture showing how
each fault releases energy.
Class assignment of matching
pictures of landforms with the
correct types of earthquake
fault that created it.
Homework. Draw a
diagram/picture showing how
each type of volcano erupts.
Power Point
Describe how uplift
Lecture, draw
diagrams on board
while explaining
Identify the
Review concepts
mountain ranges of uplift that create
created by uplift
mountain ranges
Day 12
Review of day
Each 1/3 of class
will build a
Lecture while
showing power
point presentation
presentations of
Power Point
Class assignment of matching
pictures of landforms with the
correct type of volcano that
created it.
Verbally ask class questions
about uplift.
Class assignment. Locate
mountain ranges on a world
map or globe. Draw the
locations on a blank map of
Pop quiz covering material
from day 6-11.
Each group will demonstrate
their model to the class, and
explain how plate tectonics
model of the event
assigned to that
group (earthquake,
volcano, uplift).
changes/creates landforms on
the surface of the earth.
Hunter Lesson Plan
Grade 5
Day 1 from Align Objective with Assessment
Title: Reshaping of the Earth’s surface
1) Students will understand how plate tectonics work.
2) Students will be able to identify and differentiate the three types of plate boundaries.
Computer, with overhead projection. Handout of pictures of the continents, a blank piece of paper & tape,
bubbleyum / bubblicious gum, various types of candy bars, Homework assignment.
Anticipatory Set:
Show pictures of land masses that formed Euramerica, Gondwanaland, Pangea, and today’s continents.
Inform students they will be expected to understand and be able to describe how plate tectonics changed the land
mass of Pangea into what are the continent of today through forces of convergent, divergent, transform boundaries,
and subduction. They should understand and be able to explain how mountain ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes
are formed through the forces of plate tectonics, and need to be able to see how the shapes of today’s continents fit
together like a jig-saw puzzle.
Play movie clip from , choose eMedia link, search “tectonics” preview “Elements
of Earth Science” section on plate tectonics.
After film clip is shown, ask if anyone can summerize what the film clip was explaining. Respond to students
Continental Drift vs Plate Tectonics.
Convergent plate boundaries, and subduction zones.
Divergent plate boundaries.
Transform plate boundaries.
All three plate boundaries are part of plate tectonics.
Check For Understanding:
To check for understanding, ask the class if anyone is confused, has questions, or just
needs further explanations. Ask the class two or three questions and continue.
Guided Practice:
Divide the class into groups of 4 or 5.
Give students a handout with pictures of the continents.
Have students cut out the continents and fit them together like a jig-saw puzzle, and tape
them onto a different piece of paper.
Have each student explain to the others in their group how plate tectonics split the one
land mass they just made into separate continents.
Walk around the room listening to how students are explaining plate tectonics,
correcting any misunderstandings.
Extension - Hand out the homework assignment for the day to students who finish early,
letting them start working on it.
Ask the class what they learned today.
Respond to their answers by asking open ended questions.
Review the concept of how plate tectonics drives each of the plate boundaries.
Independent Practice:
Hand out homework assignment consisting of 3 or 4 essay questions which require students to correctly explain and
differentiate between the three types of plate boundaries. They will be allowed to use their text book, class notes,
internet, or any other source available to them.
Unwrap one gum piece and apply convergent (compressional) forces with your fingers on the gum. Record your
Reshape gum piece and apply divergent (tensional) force with your fingers on the gum. Record your observations.
Unwrap second piece of gum and apply transverse (transversal) force with your finger on the gum. Record your
Use the candy bars, repeat above forces Observe the effects of the forces on different candy bars by looking at the
candy bars of at least five other students. Record your observations on five different candy bars.
Extension: Use the class computer to find interactive web sites on the forces that reshape the earth’s surface.
Report findings to the class.
Day 1, plate boundary homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Correctly identify the following three types of plate boundaries, and explain how they differ from each other.
(HINT) Drawing a diagram/picture is sometimes helpful in explaining how the plate boundaries work. You may use
the back of this paper if needed.
1) Explain a convergent plate boundary.
2) Explain a transform plate boundary.
3) Explain a divergent plate boundary.
4)Explain the differences between convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries.
Day 1, plate boundary homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Correctly identify the following three types of plate boundaries, and explain how they differ from each other.
(HINT) Drawing a diagram/picture is sometimes helpful in explaining how the plate boundaries work. You may use
the back of this paper if needed.
1) Explain a convergent plate boundary.
Convergent plate boundaries are where two separate plates collide into eachother. One plate is subducted beneath
the other. The impact of the two plates colliding create landforms such as mountain ranges and uplift.
2) Explain a transform plate boundary.
A transform plate boundary is where the two plates slide past eachother in opposite directions.
3) Explain a divergent plate boundary.
Divergent boundary is where the plates separate. Divergent oceanic boundaries create new ocean floor as the plates
pull apart from eachother.
4)Explain the differences between convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries.
Convergent boundaries collide, divergent boundaries pull apart from eachther, and transform boundaries slide past
Day 2, plate tectonics and earthquakes homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Answer the following essay questions. You may use your text book, internet, class notes, or other sources available
to you. You must explain in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste if using the internet! You may use the back
of this paper, or attach additional paper if needed.
1) How do transform plate boundaries create earthquakes?
a) Draw a diagram of how this works.
2) How do convergent plate boundaries create earthquakes?
a) Draw a diagram of how this works
3) How do divergent plate boundaries create earthquakes?
a) Draw a diagram of how this works
Volcano slide
Day 2, plate tectonics and earthquakes homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Answer the following essay questions. You may use your text book, internet, class notes, or other sources available
to you. You must explain in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste if using the internet! You may use the back
of this paper, or attach additional paper if needed.
1) How do transform plate boundaries create earthquakes?
Because the two plates are touching while sliding past eachother in opposite directions, it builds energy. When that
energy is too much for the boundaries to stay in place, the energy is released (think of a rubber band being stretched
then finally breaking), which results in the shaking of the two plates. That release of energy (or tension) travels
through the plate and that is what results in the shaking of the ground we call an earthquake.
a) Draw a diagram of how this works.
2) How do convergent plate boundaries create earthquakes?
Convergent boundaries are where one plate is subducted beneath another. Just like with the transform, it builds
energy as the two plates are pushing against eachother. When the pushing of the two plates becomes too much for
the plates to stay in one spot, the built energy is released, and the subducting plate slides deeper beneath the upper
plate. The released energy then travels through the plate and results in the shaking of the ground we call an
a) Draw a diagram of how this works
3) How do divergent plate boundaries create earthquakes?
During an earthquake at a divergent fault line, tectonic plates separate. These types of earthquakes usually occur in
the ocean. As the plates separate, hot lava from Earth's mantle rises between them. The lava gradually cools,
contracts, and cracks, creating faults. Along the faults, blocks of rock break and slide down away from the ridge,
producing earthquakes.
a) Draw a diagram of how this works
Hunter Lesson Plan, Grade 5
Day 3 from Align objectives with assessment
Title: Volcanoes and plate tectonics.
1) Students will understand the role plate tectonics play in the creation and eruption of volcanism.
2) Students will be able to identify and explain the three types of volcanoes discussed in class (shield,
cinder cone, composite).
3) Students will be able to identify land forms created by volcanism.
Computer with overhead projection, Elmo/overhead projector for drawing diagrams, overhead
markers, Index cards with questions about volcanoes.
Anticipatory Set:
As class time is starting, play the computer generated erupting volcano from on the overhead projector.
Standards/Expectations: Inform students they will be expected to understand and correctly explain
the processes of how volcanoes work starting with the subduction zone through the eruption. They will
also need to understand the concept of the subduction zone is part of plate tectonics. Students will also
be expected to correctly identify landforms volcanoes make, and correctly describe at least three
different kinds of volcanoes.
Use the web site as an introduction to
subduction and a short review of plate tectonics. Use Elmo to show diagrams of the
construction of volcanoes, and the processes that create eruption.
Use the web site (Click on volcano link) to
explain the differences of the volcanoes that are pictured there. Reload page to get more
random sample pictures. Use the Elmo to show pictures and descriptions of volcanoes that are
not on the above web page.
Use the web site , click on the link to show pictures of
landforms, and explain what the web site is saying about each one. Show pictures on the Elmo
for more examples of landforms created by volcanoes.
Show samples of Scoria, Breccia, Obsidian, Basalt, Andesite, and Rhyolite.
Check for understanding:
Have the students write a 2-3 minute bell assessment on the information just presented.
Guided Practice:
Split the class in two groups.
Each student will have an index card with a question written on it (that I provide).
One student at a time will ask the opposing group the question on their card.
The team with the most correct answers will receive a package of Pop Rocks.
Briefly summerize what was taught
Pick students names out of hat and ask that student a question about today’s lesson.
Again, briefly summerize what was taught.
Independent Practice:
Hand out homework assignment consisting of 3 or 4 essay questions which require students to:
Correctly explain and differentiate between different type of volcanoes.
How plate tectonics plays a role in the creation and eruption of volcanism.
Identification of landforms created by volcanoes.
Students will be allowed to use their text book, class notes, internet, or any other source
available to them.
Allow students to start working on their homework in class, or start a volcanic crossword puzzle, or
complete a work sheet..
Go over several animated videos from Ask student(s) if they
know what is happening, ask them to explain it to the teacher first. If they are not correct, then the
teacher will explain the events that are happening in the animation.
Day 4, uplift homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete at home and turn in tomorrow.
Answer the following essay questions. You may use your text book, internet, class notes, or other sources available
to you. You must explain in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste if using the internet! You may use the back
of this paper or attach additional paper if needed. If using the back or an additional paper, please label your answer.
1) What is the definition of uplift?
2) Identify which of the three plate boundaries create uplift, and explain how it creates uplift.
3) Sketch a drawing of your answer in question #2.
Day 4, uplift homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete at home and turn in tomorrow.
Answer the following essay questions. You may use your text book, internet, class notes, or other sources available
to you. You must explain in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste if using the internet! You may use the back
of this paper or attach additional paper if needed. If using the back or an additional paper, please label your answer.
1) What is the definition of uplift?
A force that creates a rise of land to a higher elevation.
2) Identify which of the three plate boundaries create uplift, and explain how it creates uplift.
Convergent plate boundary. Two plates collide, one plate subducts under the other, which
is the site of mountain building, or uplift. (Extra credit if earthquake, trench, volcanism is mentioned)
3) Sketch a drawing of your answer in question #2.
Drawing must include all features included in #2 answer
Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1) A convergent plate boundary is where two tectonic plates
A) slide past each other
B) collide into each other
C) pull apart from each other
D) have nothing to do with each other
2) A transform plate boundary is where two tectonic plates
A) slide past each other
B) collide into each other
C) pull apart from each other
D) have nothing to do with each other
3) A divergent plate boundary is where two tectonic plates
A) slide past each other
B) collide into each other
C) pull apart from each other
D) have nothing to do with each other
Place the letter of the term with the correct definition.
A) Composite volcano
B) Shield volcano
C) Cinder Cone volcano
D) Uplift
E) Subduction zone
F) Transform plate boundary
G) Divergent plate boundary
H) Convergent plate boundary
1)____ This volcano erupts with gently flowing lava.
2)____ This is where subduction occurs.
3)____This volcano has steep sides, built of alternating layers of lava flow, volcanic ash, & cinders
4)____ This is where earthquakes occur, and some volcanoes are formed.
5)____ This is the place where only earthquakes occur.
6)____This volcano is the simplest type of volcano that is built from particles and blobs of lava
ejected from a single vent.
7)___ New oceanic crust is formed here.
8)____ This is also known as a mountain building event
Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1) A convergent plate boundary is where two tectonic plates
A) slide past each other
B) collide into each other
C) pull apart from each other
D) have nothing to do with each other
2) A transform plate boundary is where two tectonic plates
A) slide past each other
B) collide into each other
C) pull apart from each other
D) have nothing to do with each other
3) A divergent plate boundary is where two tectonic plates
A) slide past each other
B) collide into each other
C) pull apart from each other
D) have nothing to do with each other
Place the letter of the term with the correct definition.
A) Composite volcano
D) Uplift
G) Divergent plate boundary
B) Shield volcano
E) Subduction zone
H) Convergent plate boundary
C) Cinder Cone volcano F) Transform plate boundary
1)__B__ This volcano erupts with gently flowing lava.
2)__H__ This is where subduction occurs.
3)__A__This volcano has steep sides, built of alternating layers of lava flow, volcanic ash, & cinders
4)__E__ This is where earthquakes occur, and some volcanoes are formed.
5)__F__ This is the place where only earthquakes occur.
6)__C__This volcano is the simplest type of volcano that is built from particles and blobs of lava
from a single vent.
7)__G_ New oceanic crust is formed here.
8)__D__ This is also known as a mountain building event
Day 6, earthquake faults homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete at home and turn in tomorrow.
Draw a diagram/picture showing how each of the three faults release energy. You need to name each
fault you are drawing, and label each part of the fault including the direction of movement.
1) Name of fault______________________
a) Label: Foot wall, Hanging wall, fault plane, fault line, direction of movement. If none, then
label “there is no ______ on this type of fault”
b) What force creates this type of fault?
2) Name of fault________________________
a) Label: Foot wall, Hanging wall, fault plane, fault line, direction of movement. If none, then
label “there is no ______ on this type of fault”
b) What force creates this type of fault?
3) Name of fault____________________
a) Label: Foot wall, Hanging wall, fault plane, fault line, direction of movement. If none, then
“there is no ______ on this type of fault”
b) What force creates this type of fault?
Day 6, earthquake faults homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete at home and turn in tomorrow.
Draw a diagram/picture showing how each of the three faults release energy. You need to name each
fault you are drawing, and label each part of the fault including the direction of movement.
1) Name of fault__NORMAL_______
a) Label: Foot wall, Hanging wall, fault plane, fault
of movement. If none, then
label “there is no
type of fault”
line, direction
______ on this
b) What force creates this type of fault?
Stress, or pulling apart
2) Name of fault__THRUST OR REVERSE_
a) Label: Foot wall, Hanging wall, fault plane,
direction of movement. If none, then
is no ______ on this type of fault”
b) What force creates this type of fault?
Compression, or pushing together
fault line,
label “there
3) Name of fault___STRIKE-SLIP______________
a) Label: Foot wall, Hanging wall, fault plane, fault line, direction of movement. If none, then
“there is no ______ on this type of fault”
No foot
hanging wall
b) What force
this type of fault?
Sheering, or
past eachother
Day 7, fault identification
Identify each of the following by writing the name of the fault that created the landform shown.
2) _____________________________
3) _____________________________
Day 7, fault landform indentification
1) Strike-Slip
2) Reverse
3) Normal
4) Normal
5) Reverse
6) Normal
7) Normal
8) Strike-Slip
9) Strike-Slip
10) Reverse
11) Strike-Slip
12) Normal
Day 8, Structure of volcanoes homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Draw a diagram/picture (cross section) showing the structure of volcanoes, and how they erupt. You
need to label the features of the three volcanoes we talked about.
1) Name of volcano _________________________
2) Name of volcano _________________________
3) Name of volcano __________________________
Day 8, Structure of volcanoes homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Draw a diagram/picture (cross section) showing the structure of volcanoes, and how they erupt. You
need to label the features of the three volcanoes we talked about.
1) Name of volcano _______Cinder Cone______
Must identify crater, central vent, several
pyroclastic layers of deposition.
2) Name of
Must identify crater, central vent,
alternating layers of flow and pyroclastics
3) Name of volcano_______Shield_________
Must identify magma chamber, central vent, flank eruption, and summit caldera.
Day , Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Answer the following essay questions. You may use your text book, internet, class notes, or other sources available
to you. You must explain in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste if using the internet! You may use the back
of this paper, or attach additional paper if needed.
1) Explain how a Composite, Shield, and Cinder Cone volcano are different from eachother.
2) How does plate tectonics play a role in the creation of volcanism?
3) Name two examples of an Island Arc Chain, and where are they located?
Day , Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics homework.
What you do not finish in class, you need to complete and turn in tomorrow.
Answer the following essay questions. You may use your text book, internet, class notes, or other sources available
to you. You must explain in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste if using the internet! You may use the back
of this paper, or attach additional paper if needed.
1) Explain how a Composite, Shield, and Cinder Cone volcano are different from eachother.
A Shield volcano erupts with gently flowing lava. The volcano on the surface of the crust is built up by the
acumulatoin of thousands of thins basaltic flows. This forms a broad shield shaped volcano. Lava can flow from the
central vent, or from the sides of the volcano.
Cinder Cone Volcanoes are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and
blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. Lava is blown into the air, which
breaks into small fragments that solidify and fall as cinders around the vent to form a
circular or oval cone. Most cinder cones have a bowl-shaped crater at the summit, and
rarely rise more than a thousand feet or so above their surroundings.
Composite volcanoes are steep-sided, symmetrical cones of large dimension built of alternating layers of lava flow,
volcanic ash and cinders. Composite volcanoes will rise as much as 8,000 feet above their base. Most composite
volcanoes have a crater at the summit, which contains a central vent or a clustered group of vents. One essential
feature about composite volcanoes is the conduit system. This is when the magma from a reservoir deep in the
Earth's crust rises to the surface. This type of volcano is built by the accumulation of materials erupted through the
conduit, which increases in size as lava, cinders, and ash are added to its slopes.
2) How does plate tectonics play a role in the creation of volcanism?
As the subducting oceanic crust melts as it goes deeper into the Earth, the newly-created magma rises to the surface
and forms volcanoes. If the activity continues, the volcano may grow tall enough to reach the surface of the ocean
creating an island.
Hot spots. This is when the tectonic plate moves over a magma chamber that is stationary. Over time, the volcano
that is on the surface of the earth moves with the plate. When this happens, it becomes an extinct volcano. Since the
magma chamber is stationary, it starts building a new volcano behind the one that just moved off of it. This is called
an Island Arc Chain.
3) Name two examples of an Island Arc Chain, and where are they located?
1) Hawaiian islands. In the South Pacific Ocean
2) Aleutian islands. Near Alaska
Day 9, volcanic landform identification.
Identify each of the following by writing the name of the volcano that created the landform shown.
2) _________________________
3) __________________________
Day 9, volcanic landform identification.
1) Cinder Cone
2) Shield
3) Composite
4) Cinder Cone
5) Shield
6) Cinder Cone
7) Composite
8) Composite
9) Shield
10) Shield
Day 10, in class assignment on uplift.
Carefully unwrap and take out the candy bar from it’s wrapper.
Bite off one end of the candy bar.
Look at the layers and imagine them representing the layers of the earth as follows:
Chocolate - thin like Earth's crust
Caramel - fluid like the asthenosphere (Earth's fluid layer)
Nougat - solid, representing the Earth's mantel
Core - sorry. Use your imagination here!
Next, gently push your finger into the surface of your candy bar making sure the chocolate layer is
Answer the following questions:
If the chocolate represent the Earth’s crust
1) What happens to the “crust” when the plates (the candy bar) is pulled apart?
2) If the plates are pushed together, explain how this represents uplift. What do you see? Does
only one side of the candy bar buckle, does it smoosh and fold, do both sides buckle?
3) What landform was made? Was it a mountain range, or did it look more like an earthquake
fault, or perhaps folding of the layers? Explain what it looks like to you.
4) Lastly, after you have answered these questions, and you have built your landform, comes the
most fun....destroying your landform through consumption!!!
Day 10, in class assignment on uplift.
Carefully unwrap and take out the candy bar from it’s wrapper.
Bite off one end of the candy bar.
Look at the layers and imagine them representing the layers of the earth as follows:
Chocolate - thin like Earth's crust
Caramel - fluid like the asthenosphere (Earth's fluid layer)
Nougat - solid, representing the Earth's mantel
Core - sorry. Use your imagination here!
Next, gently push your finger into the surface of your candy bar making sure the chocolate layer is
Answer the following questions:
If the chocolate represent the Earth’s crust
1) What happens to the “crust” when the plates (the candy bar) is pulled apart?
Answers will vary
2) If the plates are pushed together, explain how this represents uplift. What do you see? Does
only one side of the candy bar buckle, does it smoosh and fold, do both sides buckle?
It represents the compressional tectonic force. Results will vary
3) What landform was made? Was it a mountain range, or did it look more like an earthquake
fault, or perhaps folding of the layers? Explain what it looks like to you.
Answers will vary
4) Lastly, after you have answered these questions, and you have built your landform, comes the
most fun....destroying your landform through consumption!!!!
Day 11 assessment.
Students will locate mountain ranges on a world map, or globe. They will then draw the mountain
ranges on a blank outlined map of the continents.
Students must identify at least two mountain ranges in North American, two ranges in South America,
two ranges in Africa, two in Europe, and two in Asia.
Each mountain range notated on the blank map will be worth ½ point, for a total possible of 5 points.
True or False. Write the word TRUE or FALSE in the blank, do not just write a T or F.
1) With a normal fault, the hanging wall drops along the fault line. __________________
2) The fault that results in a sheering motion is a strike-slip fault. ___________________
3) A composite volcano has altering layers of pyroclastics and lava. _________________
4) A shield volcano has only one vent that magma flows through. ___________________
5) Mountain ranges only occur at convergent plate boundaries. _____________________
Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1) What mountain building force created the Hawaiian Islands?
A) Convergence
C) Earthquakes
B) Divergence
D) Volcanoes
2) Which flat volcanoes indicate quite eruptions and lava flows?
A) Shield
C) Strata
B) Composite
D) Cinder Cone
3) The force that creates a reverse fault is?
A) Compression
B) Stress
C) Tension
D) None of these
4) Which of these is true for uplift?
A) Created by compressional force D) Strike-slip movement is responsible
B) Builds volcanoes
E) Both A and C
C) Reshapes the crust of the earth
F) None of these
5) Stress creates which type of fault?
A) Reverse
B) Strike-slip
C) Normal
D) Thrust
How do we know the Hawaiian plate is moving?
A) The northwestern volcanoes are older than the southern ones.
B) The southern volcanoes are older than the northwestern ones.
C) Because the arrows on the map show they are moving
D) Because of the volcanic thrust faults
True or False. Write the word TRUE or FALSE in the blank, do not just write a T or F.
1) With a normal fault, the hanging wall drops along the fault line. ____FALSE________
2) The fault that results in a sheering motion is a strike-slip fault. ____ TRUE_________
3) A composite volcano has altering layers of pyroclastics and lava. ___TRUE_________
4) A shield volcano has only one vent that magma flows through. _____FALSE________
5) Mountain ranges only occur at convergent plate boundaries. _______FALSE________
Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1) What mountain building force created the Hawaiian Islands?
A) Convergence
C) Earthquakes
B) Divergence
D) Volcanoes
2) Which flat volcanoes indicate quite eruptions and lava flows?
A) Shield
C) Strata
B) Composite
D) Cinder Cone
3) The force that creates a reverse fault is?
A) Compression
B) Stress
C) Tension
D) None of these
4) Which of these is true for uplift?
A) Created by compressional force D) Strike-slip movement is responsible
B) Builds volcanoes
E) Both A and C
C) Reshapes the crust of the earth
F) None of these
5) Stress creates which type of fault?
A) Reverse
B) Strike-slip
C) Normal
D) Thrust
How do we know the Hawaiian plate is moving?
A) The northwestern volcanoes are older than the southern ones.
B) The southern volcanoes are older than the northwestern ones.
C) Because the arrows on the map show they are moving
D) Because of the volcanic thrust faults
Summative Assessment: Building A Structure
For this assignment, the class will be split into three groups with each group assigned one of the
three forces that change the Earth’s surface - earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift. You will be learning
about each of these over the next 2 ½ weeks. This assignment is due at the end of the 2 ½ week unit,
and each group will demonstrate their model to the class.
For each group, you will be required to build a movable structure that represents how plate
tectonics create an earthquake, builds a volcano, or creates uplift. Since the Earth’s plates move, so
should your structure. This is important because to properly demonstrate how plate tectonics create
these forces, you need to demonstrate how the movement of plate tectonics create the force assigned to
your group.
Each member of your group is required to participate in the construction of the structure, and
must participate in the class demonstration of your structure. The demonstration will include the
explanation of how your structure works related to plate tectonics, and each member must have the
scientific knowledge of the force assigned to your group. This does not mean you do not need to listen,
pay attention and learn about the other two forces your group is not assigned. There will be periodic
testing and assignments through out the 2 ½ week unit on ALL the tectonic forces.
You will need to make a list of where you acquired the information you use to explain your
force. For example, if you saw a movie on the Discovery Channel about earthquakes, or if a family
member is a Geologist, or you used information you learned in class, your list would look something like
1) Discovery Channel, (then put the name of the show)
2) My uncle Carl is a Geologist, and he helped me understand how earthquakes occur.
3) I learned about this in school.
Your grade for this assignment will be based upon your entire group’s knowledge of your force,
where you gathered the information you use to explain your group’s force, and how many sources you
use (you should use at least 3). The appearance and movability of your structure, and each part of your
structure must be labeled. Lastly you will be graded on your groups usage of consistent and correct use
of terminology.
See rubric for details on grading.
This assignment is meant to be fun. Use your imagination and get creative! You can use
whatever materials are available to you, such as play-dough, Styrofoam, wood, plastic milk cartons, etc.
I will allow time in class for you to organize with your group and come up with a plan.
Rubric Made Using:
RubiStar ( )
Building A Structure : Earthquake, Volcano, Uplift
Teacher Name: Mrs. Reyes
Student Name: ________________________________________
Scientific Knowledge Explanations by all
group members
indicate a clear and
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
Explanations by all
group members
indicate a relatively
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
Explanations by most
group members
indicate relatively
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
Explanations by
several members of
the group do not
illustrate much
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
Information Gathering Accurate information
taken from several
sources in a
systematic manner.
Accurate information Accurate information
taken from a couple of taken from a couple of
sources in a
sources but not
systematic manner. systematically.
Information taken from
only one source
and/or information not
Construction - Care
Great care taken in
Construction was
Construction appears
construction process careful and accurate accurately followed the careless or
so that the structure is for the most part, but plans, but 3-4 details haphazard. Many
neat, attractive and
1-2 details could have could have been
details need
follows plans
been refined for a
refined for a more
refinement for a strong
more attractive
attractive product.
or attractive product.
Every item that needs
to be identified has a
label. It is clearly and
correctly explained
and/or demonstrated.
Consistent and correct
Almost all items (90%)Most items (75-89%)
that needs to be
that needs to be
identified has a label. identified has a label.
It is clearly and
It is clearly and
correctly explained
correctly explained
and/or demonstrated. and/or demonstrated.
Less than 75% of
items that needs to be
identified has a label.
It is clearly and
correctly explained
and/or demonstrated.
Partial and correct use
No use of appropriate
Inaccurate use of
use of appropriate
scientific language
and/or terminology
of appropriate
scientific language
and/or terminology
appropriate scientific scientific language
language and/o r
and/or terminology