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Measures of Academic Progress for Language Usage
RIT Scores between 191 and 200
Writing Strategies
Prewriting Skills
· Select point of view (i.e. I, He, You)
· Choose a mode of writing
· Use clear descriptors
· List details in outline form
· Determine tone and mood
· Choose tone by determined audience
· Outline main topic with descriptors
· Organize sentences for paragraphs
· Create a list of possible word choices
· Select main headings for outline
· Choose subject and brainstorm (i.e. word lists, webbing, free
Drafting and Revising Skills
· Revise and replace misplaced modifiers
· Use figurative language to describe
· Use creative figures of speech
· Write to stay on purpose
· Use symbolic language
· Create a variety of sentences, simple, compound, and complex
· Use phrases and multi-word modifiers to enhance details
· Use adjective and infinitive phrases
· Begin topic with strong sentence starters
· Use a variety of genres
Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
· Capitalize royal titles, professional titles, and personal titles
· Use similes for comparison
· Identify suffixes
· Use slang words for a direct purpose
· Proof for spelling errors
· Use commas between city and state
· Edit sentence fragments
· Use correct return address format
· Capitalize government bodies
· Use parallelism between subject and direct object
· Use appositives
New Vocabulary: underline, comparison, point of view, persuasive
argument, narrative, description, quotation marks, syntax, title,
revising, first draft, editing
Writing Applications and Genres
Use Appropriate Format
· Use correct letter format
· Use strong topic sentences
Use Sentence Forms Appropriate to Purpose
· Focus on imperative sentence structure
Develop Paragraphs
· Develop paragraph with specific details
· Edit paragraph format for fragment and run-on sentences
· Plan for strong conclusions
· When given a 5-8 sentence paragraph, edit for off-topic
· When reading a short story choose the best ending
· Choose the correct paragraph that best explains an action
· Choose a strong topic sentence
Use Composition Forms
· Use imagery in poetry
· Answer standard questions when writing a news story
New Vocabulary:
title, information, review, author’s purpose, narration, persuasion,
sequence, composition
Use Appropriate End Punctuation
· Use correct end punctuation in 8-10 word sentences
· Mark each end punctuation correctly when writing a multiparagraph friendly letter
Use Commas Appropriately
· Use commas in dependant clauses
· Use commas after participial phrases
· Use commas between two main clauses
· Use commas in a compound sentence
· Use commas after an introductory adjective phrase
· Use commas around parenthetical phrases
· Use commas around appositives
Use Apostrophes
· Use apostrophes in pronoun contractions
Use Enclosing Punctuation
· Use quotation on both sides of split direct conversation
Use Underlining for Titles
· Underline book titles
New Vocabulary:
quotation marks, possession, address, phrase, salutation, colon,
Use Beginning Capitalization
· Capitalize the first word in the sentence
· Capitalize the first word in the greeting and closing of a letter
· Capitalize first word of a quotation
· Capitalize only the first word in a sentence without proper
· Capitalize the beginning of each sentence in a group of
· Capitalize first word and proper nouns
· Capitalize the first word in the sentence and the first word of a
· Verbalize the rule telling which word in a quotation is always
Capitalize Proper Nouns and Adjectives
· Format: Most of the items in this range require correct
identification of more than one capitalization error, either
missing capitals or incorrect capitals
· Places: rivers, mountains, countries, states, cities, monuments,
buildings, points of interest
· Book, movie, TV show, magazine titles: know which words to
capitalize and which to not capitalize
· Organizations and government bodies
· Distinguish between common and proper nouns
· People’s full names, including initials and titles
· Generalize rules of capitalization
· Identify a “proper noun”
· Company and product names
· Nationalities and languages
· Team names
Capitalize Pronoun “I”
· Identify the sentence not capitalized correctly (“I” the error)
· Identify “I” errors twice in the same sentence
New Vocabulary:
direct quotation, proper noun, place, phrase, address, magazine
Grammar Usage
Use Basic Sentence Patterns
· Format: Sentences in this RIT range often begin with
prepositional or adverb phrases
· Recognize sentences that are complete and not complete
· Complete sentences with the correct phrase
· Recognize complete sentences containing only a noun and a
· Identify a simple sentence
· Identify the correct word order to form a sentence
· Identify the subject of a sentence
· Identify a group of words as an incomplete sentence
· Identify two sentences with different word order but the same
· Turn a clause into a complete sentence
· Recognize where to divide a sentence between the subject and
the predicate
· Identify a complete sentence where the predicate is written first
Use Types of Phrases
· Understand the meaning of a phrase telling “why”
· Recognize phrases telling “how” or “where”
Use Noun Forms
· Identify which is the noun in a sentence
· Recognize the irregular plural form of a noun
· Recognize the correct use of a singular possessive noun
· Recognize the correct plural form of a noun used in a sentence
· Identify which is not a correct irregular plural noun
· Identify a word as a noun
· Recognize a noun that is not plural
· Recognize plural nouns needing the -es ending
Use/Distinguish Verb Tenses
· Recognize that sentences can tell past, present or future actions
· Identify a sentence that tells past action
· Identify a sentence that tells future action
· Recognize or determine the correct use of irregular past tense
· Recognize or determine the correct use of regular past tense
· Determine the correct verb to use in a sentence with auxiliary
· Identify common irregular past tense forms of verbs
· Recognize more difficult irregular verb forms
· Tell the meaning of “past tense of a verb”
· Determine the correct verb to use to tell future actions
Use Irregular Verb Forms
· Identify the past tense of a verb
· Determine which verb to use in a question that has an auxiliary
verb at the beginning of the sentence
Use Subject-Verb Agreement
Recognize the correct use of subjects or verbs in the following
· Compound subject - linking verb
· Compound subject - verb phrase
· Third person singular subject - main verb
· Plural subject - auxiliary verb or verb phrase
Use Adjective Forms
· Use comparatives “bad, worse, worst” correctly
· Use comparatives “more, most” correctly
· Use comparative adjectives (-er, -est) correctly
· Recognize correctly and incorrectly used comparative forms
· Use adjectives telling “what kind”
Use Adverb Forms
· Use adverbs telling “when” correctly
· Use comparative adverbs telling “when”
Use Pronoun Forms
· Use possessive pronouns correctly: their, theirs, his, hers, its
· Recognize the correct and incorrect use of she/ her as subject
or object
· Recognize the correct and incorrect use of “I” in a compound
subject or in a list
· Identify the pronoun used to take the place of names in the
objective case: them
· Use reflexive pronouns correctly: themselves
· Recognize the correct use of “whom” (With whom are you?)
Use Negative Forms Correctly
· Recognize the correct use of only one negative in a sentence:
isn’t any; has no; doesn’t have; haven’t any
· Format: Many longer words: three and four syllables
· Format: Less frequently used words
· Distinguish the correct spelling of a word from incorrect
· Recognize correct application of basic spelling rules:
· Change “y” to “I” and add ending
· Change “f” to “v” and add -es
· Drop final “e” and add -ing, -ed, or -ous
· Recognize the correct spelling of “ui” words
· Recognize the correct spelling of “ie” or “ei” words
· Recognize common words that have been misspelled, either by
sight or by applying basic rules of phonics
· Recognize correct and incorrect spellings of root words with
affixes: un-, -ly, a-, dis-, -able, im-, mis-, -ful, -ness
· Recognize the correct spelling and use of the contraction “it’s”
· Recognize the correct spelling/ pronunciation of words ending in
“th or the”
· Recognize the correct spelling and use of homographs
New Vocabulary:
simple sentence, comparative forms, suffix, underline