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CLASSE 3^ C A.S. 2013 / 2014
DOCENTE: Prof.ssa Nicoletta Erbì
A) Sono stati svolti i seguenti contenuti linguistici dal testo in adozione New Horizons
Options Intermediate:
Module 2: Mind, body and spirit
 Unit 5: used to (past habits); talking about lifestyles; comparing abilities; adverbs: formation
and comparison. Verb patterns: verbs+ -ing or to …
 reading: A refugee’s story; research about Lampedusa’s tragedy.
 Unit 6: having/ getting things done. Giving advice: should, ought to; if I were you, I’d…….;
you had better ………; why don’t you….? Vocabulary: the body; Illnesses and remedies.
 Unit 7: second conditional; wish+ Past simple
Making wishes; talking about hypothetical situations; talking about feelings.
 Unit 8: Checking information: Question tags; past perfect; reported speech: say, tell;
vocabulary: relationships.
Module 3: Big issues
 Unit 9: reported speech: ask; reporting questions, requests, instructions with the verbs ask, tell,
 Talking about past mistakes: should have / shouldn’t have +base form, ought to have; Verb
pattern want +someone +to inf.
 reading: A life in danger: talking about drugs.
 Unit 11: reading: Technology – useful or useless? Discussing topics and writing an essaypresenting the points for and against a thesis; discourse linkers (so, as, since, though, although, etc.)
drawing a conclusion;
B) Sono stati svolti i seguenti argomenti storico-letterari dal testo in adozione Performer
Culture & Literature 1+2, da ulteriore materiale fornito dall’insegnante (schemi, appunti,
fotocopie, etc ) e con l’ausilio di presentazioni PowerPoint e ricerche su Internet:
 History: The birth of the Nation. From Early Britain to the Middle Ages. The Celts. The
origins of Halloween.
 The Romans; Roman Civilisation in Britain; words of Latin origin.
 The Anglo-Saxons: Invasions, settlement, society; The Heptarchy; King Alfred;
 Religion: Pagan Gods; Augustine (Archbishop of Canterbury) and the Christianization of
 The Vikings;
 Anglo-Saxon Literature: features of the epic poem.
 Beowulf: a national epic; plot, features.
text analysis: Beowulf’s fight with Grendel.
 The Norman Invasion: the battle of Hastings; the Domesday Book; feudalism: the three orders
of medieval society;
 Development of the English language. Influence of French and Latin; the rise of Middle
 The Plantagenet Dynasty; Henry II and Common law; Church and State; Thomas Becket’s
 King John and the Magna Charta; Medieval Outlaws;
 Medieval Ballads: features, structure. text analysis: “Lord Randal”
 the birth of Parliament; “Model parliament” (1295)
 The Black Death; The rise of the middle classes in Chaucer’s time;
 Geoffrey Chaucer: Life and works; Canterbury Tales: general features, plot, characters; the
General Prologue: the narrative frame; the pilgrims.
 text analysis: When in April; The Prioress (from the General Prologue);
 The Tudor Dynasty: Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I.
 The Reformation; the foundation of the Anglican church. The defeat of the Invincible Armada.
 Visione dei films “Beowulf” (R.Zemeckis) e Robin Hood (R.Scott).
Durante l’estate si raccomanda la lettura di almeno un libro in Inglese a scelta, in versione integrale
o semplificata, del quale l’alunno dovrà (alla ripresa delle lezioni) saper riassumere il contenuto e
rispondere a domande di comprensione.
Cagliari, 9 Giugno 2014
Nicoletta Erbì
Gli alunni