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Liceo Scientifico “Michelangelo” - Cagliari
Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese
Professoressa Franca Giglio
Anno scolastico 2015 - 2016
classe 5 A
Il programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese, per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi già individuati nella
programmazione annuale, ha fatto riferimento a quelle opere e autori che sono stati più sensibili agli
eventi storici e che meglio hanno rappresentato le trasformazioni nella società inglese dalla fine del
XVIII alla prima metà del XX secolo.
Testo in adozione
“Performer Culture and Literature” di M. Spiazzi – M. Tavella, vol 2 e 3, Ed. Zanichelli
Social Background: An Age of Revolutions. Heroes of inventions. Industrial society.
The Industrial Revolution (reading passage- photocopy)
William Blake and the victims of industrialisation
“The Lamb”
“The Tyger”
Social and Literary Background
 The Romantic Literary Movement (main features)
Emotions versus reason. A new sensibility. The emphasis on the individual
Features and themes, the tasks of the poet, language and verse form, imagination, nature.
 William Wordsworth: life, works, features and main themes, pag. 216-217
“A Certain Colouring of Imagination” from: The Preface to the Second edition of the
“Lyrical Ballads”, 1800
(pag 218).
“The Solitary Reaper”
(text bank).
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: life, works, features and main themes, pag. 220
“Genesis of the Lyrical Ballads”, from: Biographia Literaria by Coleridge (photocopy)
“The Rime of The Ancient Mariner”, (Part I, II e strofe finali in versione integrale)
Prose: the Novel in the Romantic Age:
 The Gothic Novel
 Mary Shelley: Mary Shelley and a new interst in science
“The creation of the monster”,( from: Frankenstein. ch. 5)
Proiezione del film “Frankenstein” by K. Branagh.
(pag 202)
(pag 203)
(pag. 205)
The Novel of Manners
Jane Austen: life, works, features and main themes;
“Hunting for a Husband” from Pride and Prejudice
(pag. 240-241)
THE VICTORIAN AGE (1837-1901) Historical and Social Background
The life of young Victoria. The first half of Queen Victoria’s reign. The Chartist movement; The
Great Exhibition. Life in the Victorian town. The workhouses. The Victorian Compromise.
The Victorian Novel
(pag 300)
 Charles Dickens: life, works, features and main themes,
(pag 301-302)
“The Definition of a horse”
(from Hard Times, ch.2, pag 309)
(from: Hard Times, ch 5, pag 291)
“Oliver wants some more”
(from Oliver Twist, ch 2, pag 303)
Proiezione del film “Oliver Twist” by R.Polanski.
Charlotte Bronte: life, works main themes
Jane Eyre: the plot, main features
Aestheticism: New Aesthetic theories: origins and general features,
(pag 349)
 Oscar Wilde: the brilliant artist and the dandy
(pag 351),
The Picture of Dorian Gray and the theme of beauty,
(pag 352)
“The Preface”
(from The Picture of Dorian Gray, fotocopia)
General features about the Historical and Social Background: A deep cultural crisis; S Freud: a
window on the unconscious. Modernism. The Modernist Spirit.
The War Poets: for and against the war.
 R. Brooke :“The Soldier”,
 W. Owen : “Dulce et Decorum Est”,
Modernism The Modern Novel. Stream of Consciousness and Interior Monologue
 Virginia Woolf: and her experiment with the interior monologue
James Joyce and his experiment with the interior monologue
The Dystopian Novel
 William Golding: life, works, features and main themes
Lord of the Flies the plot, features and themes, ( fotocopia ).
Proiezione del film Lord of the Flies
For a better world Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream”
Cagliari, 09-06-2016
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