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Changing Earth Common Assessment
What can you infer about a mineral that you can scratch with just your fingernail?
a. It does not have luster.
b. It is not very hard.
c. Its streak is black.
d. It has fracture.
2. What process causes crystallization of minerals from magma?
a. cooling
b. eruption
c. evaporation
d. melting
3. When do crystals grow into large and well-developed shapes?
a. When the minerals cool quickly
b. When conditions are right and minerals have time to grow
c. Crystals never grown into large and well-developed shapes
d. When minerals cool on top of the ground
4. Which term applies to all minerals?
a. inorganic
b. ores
c. organic
d. manufactured
5. What process causes minerals to form in a shallow lake during dry conditions?
a. burial
b. evaporation
c. high pressure
d. melting
6. Crystal shape of minerals is determined by _______
a. their color.
b. the internal arrangement of their atoms or ions.
c. whether they are organic or inorganic.
d. their luster.
7. What is a characteristic of minerals formed when magma cools slowly?
a. Very large crystals
b. Used in formation of coral
c. Water evaporation into the air
d. Formation of rock salt
8. Which of the following describes only SOME minerals, but not all?
a. a definite chemical composition
b. a crystalline structure.
c. a mixture of different substances.
d. contain high amounts of desired material to be mined for a profit
February 5, 2016
9. Geologists classify rocks according to their
a. genus and species
b. composition and texture
c. texture and location
d. composition and density
10. Metamorphic rocks
a. form from slowly cooling magma underground
b. form from erosion and deposition
c. form from other rocks that undergo extremely hot temperatures and pressure
d. form from quickly cooling lava on Earth’s surface
11. Which of the following descriptions apply to rocks?
a. solid
b. sometimes contains organic material
c. has crystal structure
d. both A & B
Use the diagram below to answer questions 12-14.
12. Which geologic process(es) is/are happening at the oval labeled A?
a. deposition, compaction, cementation
b. melting
c. weathering and erosion
d. cooling and crystallization
13. Which geologic process(es) is/are happening at the oval labeled B?
a. melting
b. heat and pressure
c. deposition, compaction, cementation
d. uplift
14. What geologic process(es) is/are happening at the oval labeled C?
a. weathering and erosion
b. uplift
c. cooling and crystallization
d. melting
15. Which type of rock often contains fossils and remains of dead organisms?
a. intrusive igneous
b. extrusive igneous
c. sedimentary
d. metamorphic
16. Obsidian is also known as “volcanic glass” because it formed so quickly and had little time to crystallize. Obsidian
is classified as _______________ rock.
a. intrusive igneous
b. extrusive igneous
c. sedimentary
d. metamorphic
17. Which statement is true of both magma and lava?
a. Magma is molten rock that is underground, while lava is molten rock that erupts onto Earth’s surface.
b. Magma cools and forms metamorphic rock, while lava cools to form igneous rock.
c. Magma is made up of dead organisms, while lava is made of only minerals.
d. Magma cools quickly, while lava cools slowly.
18. Sediment can consist of …
a. rock material.
b. fossils.
c. dead organisms.
d. all of the above.
19. What characteristics could a geologist use to determine the environment in which it formed?
a. grain size
b. The way the grains fit together
c. shape of the rock’s clasts
d. All of the above
20. When metamorphic rocks have foliation it means…
a. They have been formed under extreme heat
b. They have formed from igneous rock
c. They have parallel bands of light and dark minerals
d. They have a mixture of sedimentary and igneous rocks.
21. Which of the following processes are related to the rock cycle?
a. Subduction
b. Seafloor spreading
c. Global warming
d. Both a and b
22. Differentiate between cementation and compaction.
a. They are both sedimentary processes but compaction occurs after cementation.
b. Cementation occurs after compaction, yet both are metamorphic processes.
c. They are both sedimentary processes, but compaction occurs before cementation.
d. They are both processes in the rock cycle
23. What do the following terms describe?
Seismic wave
Both volcanoes and earthquakes
24. Which phrase best describes volcanoes?
a. A large amount of magma or lava along a plate boundary
b. Areas of extreme heat and pressure
c. Landforms found along the Ring of Fire
d. A vent in the Earth’s lithosphere where magma erupts.
25. At a convergent boundary between oceanic and continental crust, where do the volcanoes form?
a. they are unlikely to form at this type of boundary
b. deep in the trench
c. on the continental crust
d. along the mid ocean ridge
26. Which statement is true of earthquakes?
a. Most shallow earthquakes occur along subduction zones.
b. Most earthquakes occur along transform fault boundaries.
c. Most deep earthquakes occur along divergent plate boundaries.
d. Most earthquakes occur in the middle of oceans and along convergent boundaries.
27. Alfred Wegener proposed the ___________________.
a. Continental drift hypothesis
b. Plate tectonics theory
c. Seafloor spreading
d. Continental theory
28. Why was is so difficult for Alfred Wegener to prove his ideas to other scientists?
a. He couldn’t travel far enough
b. The continents moved too fast that it was difficult to measure their movement.
c. He could not explain the forces or mechanism that caused the continents to move.
d. His ideas conflicted with other scientists ideas about plate tectonics.
29. What type of evidence can indicate that the climate of that particular area could have been different long ago?
a. Fossils
b. Lava flows
c. Mountain ranges
d. Tides
30. Glacial grooves been found on what continent, indicating it may have been closer to the South Pole at one time?
a. Canada
b. North America
c. China
d. Africa
31. What technologies and tools did scientists use to develop the theory of seafloor spreading?
a. Echo-sounding measurements
b. GPS (global positioning system)
c. Magnetometer measurements of the rocks on the seafloor
d. All of the above
32. What is true about mid-ocean ridges
a. They are oceanic and oceanic convergent boundaries
b. They are the locations of some of the longest mountain ranges on the Earth
c. The oldest crust is found along the mid ocean ridge.
d. They are found along the edges of continents.
33. Place the following steps in order for seafloor-spreading:
1. Magma rises from the mantle at a mid ocean ridge
2. Basalt rock forms
3. Lava cools and crystallizes
4. Older crust moves away from the mid-ocean ridge.
1, 3, 2, 4
1, 3, 4, 2
4, 3, 2, 1
4, 2, 3, 1
34. What state is the Earth’s magnetic field in this diagram?
a. Normal polarity
b. Reversed polarity
c. Strike slip polarity
d. Magnetic polarity
35. What do geologists use to determine the magnetic polarity of Earth millions
of years ago?
a. Compasses
b. Basalt rocks on the seafloor have iron rich minerals that permanently
record Earth’s magnetism when they formed.
c. Magnetometers
d. A combination of b and c
36. Which statement is true about this diagram?
a. Earth is currently in a state of normal polarity
b. Earth is currently in a state of reversed polarity.
c. Earth has undergone magnetic reversal exactly 4
d. Both b and c
37. When _____________ crust and ______________ crust _____________ at a ___________- boundary,
a. Continental, continental, collide, convergent, mountains
b. Continental, oceanic, collide, convergent, mountains
c. Continental, oceanic, collide, divergent, trenches
d. Continental, continental, separate, divergent, mountains
38. Which of the following descriptions of an earthquake are related to the surface of the Earth?
a. Seismic Waves
b. Focus
c. Epicenter
d. All of the above
39. A common scale which scientists use to report earthquake strength to the general public is the:
a. Modified Mercalli scale
b. Moment magnitude scale
c. Richter scale
d. Riviera scale
40. A hot spot is:
a. An earthquake not associated with a plate boundary
b. A volcano not associated with a plate boundary
c. An area of high earthquake and volcanic activity surrounding the Pacific Ocean
d. A delicious microwavable savory treat
41. A small steep-sided volcano that erupt gas-rich basaltic lava
a. Caldera
b. Cinder cone
c. Shield volcano
d. Magma displacement
42. The tectonic plates of the Earth are part of the:
a. Mantle
b. Asthenosphere
c. Lithosphere
d. Outer core
43. Which of the following would you expect to find at a divergent boundary between continental crust and
continental crust?
a. Mid-ocean ridge
b. Volcanic Islands
c. Mountain range
d. A rift valley or ocean
44. Sea floor spreading occurs at:
a. Convergent plate boundaries
b. Transform plate boundaries
c. Divergent plate boundaries
d. None of the above
45. Evidence for Plate Tectonics includes:
a. Worldwide patterns of earthquake activity
b. Worldwide patterns of volcanic activity
c. Measured movement of continents using global positioning satellite (GPS) signals
d. All of the above
46. When two plates collide, what determines which one will sink back into the mantle?
a. Age of the plates
b. The speed of the plates when they collide
c. The size of the plates
d. The density of the plates
47. Forces that are thought to cause tectonic plate motion include:
a. Basement Drag
b. Bridge Pull
c. Ridge Push
d. Stab Push
48. In the mantle, magma moves in _______ _________ due to differences in _______ and ________.
a. conduction currents, speed, temperature
b. convection currents, temperature, speed
c. conduction currents, density, temperature
d. convection currents, density, temperature
49. The Theory of ____________ states that Earth’s crust and rigid upper mantle are broken into enormous slabs
called _____ that move slowly over Earth’s surface.
a. Plate Margins, plates
b. Plate Boundaries, lithospheres
c. Plate Tectonics, boundaries
d. Plate Tectonics, plates