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The Atom and Its Parts
Physical Science
Chemistry: Atomic Structure
 The three subatomic particles are:
 Proton – Positive charge
 Electron – Negative charge
 Neutron – No charge or neutral
 Molecule – Made of more than one atom. Can be the
same type or different types of atoms
Element – Molecule made of Only one type of
Compound – Molecule made of different types
of atoms
Atomic Structure
Atomic Number
 The atomic number tells you the number of
Protons (+)
Electrons (-)
Remember, the atom’s positives and negatives must equal in order
for it to be balanced or neutral.
Atomic Mass
 Use Atomic Mass and the Atomic Number to calculate
the number of neutrons an atom has:
Atomic number – 5
Atomic mass – 10.811
Round the atomic mass to the nearest whole number
10.811 = 11
Subtract the atomic number from the rounded number
11 – 5 = 6
Boron has 6 neutrons in the nucleus