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MAY 5 - MAY 16, 2014
Dr. Mowll’s
Clinical Pearls
Tips, Highlights, and Strategies from the
Reversing Diabetes World Summit 2104
“Five Steps to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes”
Mark Hyman, MD
Five Steps To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Mark Hyman, MD
We are now consuming about 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour per person per year. Our bodies have never been exposed to these pharmacological doses of sugar and flour. It’s driving insulin producLon which leads to deposiLon of fat around the middle. This visceral fat triggers inflammaLon, insulin resistance and diabetes. Inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy, independent of their glucose index will trigger insulin resistance. The main reason diabetes is on the rise is our highly processed, highly addicLve, high sugar, high glycemic diets. Diabetes may actually start in vitro. The programming we get in the words from our mother's diet, stress, and toxins literally programs our genes for obesity and diabetes. Then the assault conLnues into childhood 1 in 4 adolescents now has Type 2 Diabetes or pre-­‐diabetes. By the Lme someone is diagnosed with diabetes, they've typically already had insulin resistance for decades. Our fundamental tenet is that food is medicine and informaLon. With every bite, we change our hormones, bio-­‐chemistry, gut flora and gene expression. Diet should be predominately plant-­‐based, very low glycemic, good quality fats. Most of our dietary recommendaLons for Type 2 Diabetes have been wrong -­‐ they are low fat, high carb and don't disLnguish between low glycemic and high glycemic foods. Important tests include a basic glucose tolerance test which include insulin and glucose fasLng and one and two hours aQer a 75g glucose load. FasLng insulin should be less than 5 and 20-­‐30 at worst at the one and two hour week. Lipid parLcle / profile (NMR) -­‐ look at not just cholesterol weight, but parLcle size and number. It’s also good to look at food sensiLviLes which trigger inflammaLon, especially gluten and dairy. Environmental toxins and gut dysfuncLon may also be important as well as nutriLonal state. Fa^y liver affects 70-­‐90 million Americans, which is all driven by insulin resistance. Some other important tests include hsCRP, ferriLn, sex hormones, and thyroid funcLon. It's not just about lowering the number (blood glucose, HgA1c, cholesterol) it’s about how you lower the numbers. Several clinical trials showed worse outcomes for people who aggressively lowered the blood glucose, A1c, and cholesterol with medicaLon rather than diet and lifestyle modificaLon. Blood sugar 10 day detox -­‐ quick reboot to help people break food addicLons and reverse dis-­‐
ease. The food industry has hijacked our taste buds our brain chemistry and our hormones and me-­‐
tabolism. The only way to solve this is to do a medically designed detoxificaLon. Blood sugar soluLon diet
Low glycemic diet with no processed foods, limited grains and beans. Phytonutrient and fiber -­‐rich diet, full of plant based foods that have a high nutrient to calorie raLo. AnL-­‐inflammatory foods such as gluten and dairy products. These foods trigger inflammaLon and insulin resistance. Dairy (milk) contains up to 60 different hormones and increases insulin by 300%. For people who are overweight or Type 2 DiabeLc, it’s beneficial to conLnue the 10 day detox for much longer in order to reverse diabetes. Some people stay on this program for years. "Sumo Wrestler" diet -­‐ eaLng a large mal just before going to bed will cause weight gain. Having protein in the morning at breakfast is really important. It acLvates the metabolism and helps set your circadian rhythms for food. Interval training is a much more effecLve way to invoke healthy cellular responses which in-­‐
crease insulin sensiLvity and calorie burning. Short bust of high intensity exercise
AcLvates mitochondria in the cells to improve fat burning. Stress is an important factor for blood sugar control. Find ways to de-­‐stress on a regular basis such as breathing techniques, mediaLon, yoga. Sleep is also important. Most people need 8 hours and if you don't sleep enough, it can increase ghrelin levels, decrease PYY, and make you hungrier, crave more sugar and carbs and shiQ the body toward fat storage. Nutrients are also key, including Vitamin D, Omega 3 fats, Magnesium, Chromium, BioLn, Lipoid acid and others. Most people are overfed, but undernourished. You can be fat and malnourished at the same Lme. Supplements to consider: A good mulL-­‐vitamin is key, as well as Omega 3 fats, Vitamin D (2000-­‐4000)
BioLn -­‐ 2-­‐4 mg
Chromium 500-­‐1000 mg
Magnesium 200-­‐400 mg
Lipoid Acid 300-­‐1200 mg
PGX fiber -­‐ reduces glucose spikes aQer meals which will reduce the post-­‐meal insulin surge and improve insulin sensiLvity. Supplements are secondary to a good diet, but can be important to opLmize funcLon. Food, (parLcularly sugar) can be just as addicLve as cocaine or heroin and can simulate appeLte and consumpLon. The addicLon drives behavior which leads to overeaLng and weight gain. With the 10 day detox, you eliminate all the triggers all at once. There's no moderaLon. You can't slowly break addicLons, you have to stop. The food industry pushes the mantra of calories in calories out. It’s all about energy balance. Eat less and exercise more. We need to address the social problem behind diabetes. We need to change the food served in our schools and fast food restaurants. Junk food should not be able to adverLse on TV and ra-­‐
dio. NutriLon labels should be improved and simplified so they are easy to understand.
There should be a tax on soda like there is on cigare^es. There needs to be incenLves so that people are encouraged to make healthy choices. We need to band together in our community and create programs for people to do together, like the Daniel Plan that Dr. Hyman and Dr. Amen created with Pastor Rick Warren to help 15,000 people lose 250,000 lbs. Diabetes and Obesity are social diseases and need a social cure. There are 2 more factors that need to be addressed: 1. Biology -­‐ we have to addresses the fundamental drivers from a biology perspecLve using funcLonal medicine and dealing with diet and lifestyle issues. 2. Social connecLons -­‐ people change behavior through social connecLons. We can't do this on our own. We need the power of cooperaLon to make change.