Download Lipids Lipids are the only biomolecule class that is not considered a

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Lipids Lipids are the only biomolecule class that is not considered a polymer. Instead of being made up of repeating subunits, lipids are made up of fatty acids and glycerol. When the two come together, a fat molecule is created. This fat molecule can have: -­‐ long or short fatty acid chains -­‐ only single-­‐bonds in the carbon chain of the fatty acids = saturated -­‐ one or more double-­‐bonds in the carbon chain of the fatty acids = unsaturated Lipids are used by organisms for important functions such as energy storage, cell membrane composition, and insulation. Please complete the following activity and answer the Q’s in your journal. Make sure you label your answers with descriptions that will help you remember why you answered the way you did. 1. Please draw the structure of a Fatty Acid (please make the chain 5 Carbons long). 2. Please draw the structure of Glycerol. What is the molecular formula for Glycerol? 3. Triacylglycerol (or Triglyceride) is commonly known as a ______ _____________________. 4. Please draw the structure of a saturated fat molecule that is comprised of 12 Carbons total. What is the molecular formula for this molecule? 5. Please count the Hydrogens, Carbons, and Oxygens in your model kit box. You should have 28 Hydrogens (white), 14 Carbons (black), and 12 Oxygens (red). Let the teacher know if you are missing any before proceeding to the next step. If pieces are found missing and you did not notify the teacher, it may be your responsibility to replace the kit! 6. With your model kits, ONE student will make a glycerol molecule. The other THREE students will EACH make a fatty acid (that is 3 carbons in length). Use the color code key on the lid of your model kit box. PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT LOSE OR BREAK ANYTHING!!! 7. Now build the fat molecule that you drew in #4. How many water molecules should you end up with? *Get this checked off by your teacher before taking it apart. 8. What is the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated fat? 9. Please change your fat molecule (in #7) to an unsaturated fat. What did you have to change? Please take your models apart completely. Please count the number of Hydrogens, Oxygens, and Carbons again. Make sure the number matches what you found in #3. Remember, you are responsible for the kit if the next class finds that the numbers do not match!