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CT – 7.3-Landforms are the result of the interaction of
constructive and destructive forces over time.
MA – Earth and Space, Gr. 3-5 #’s 4, 7; Gr. 6-8 #’s 6,7
Louise McMinn,
Scofield Magnet School,
Stamford Public Schools
Michael Ross,
Connecticut Science Center
Updated: March 2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Table of Contents
Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Inquiry Standards ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
CT Science Standards, Grade Level Concepts & Expectations, & CMT Correlation .................... 5
National Science Education Standards ............................................................................................. 7
Massachusetts Learning Standards ................................................................................................... 8
Safety Standards:................................................................................................................................. 9
Misconceptions and Facts ................................................................................................................ 10
Pre-Visit Activities .............................................................................................................................. 11
Discovery Center Activity.................................................................................................................. 20
Trail Guides ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Teacher Trail Guides ............................................................................................................. 31
Student Trail Guides .............................................................................................................. 37
Post-Visit Activities ............................................................................................................................ 43
Performance Task .............................................................................................................................. 46
Curriculum Guided Investigation ..................................................................................................... 48
Teacher Manual ..................................................................................................................... 48
Student Manual...................................................................................................................... 60
Teacher Resources ............................................................................................................................ 65
Professional Development .................................................................................................... 67
Interdisciplinary Activities: .................................................................................................... 68
Teacher Websites: ................................................................................................................. 69
Literature Links ....................................................................................................................... 71
Videos ..................................................................................................................................... 73
Careers in Geoscience .......................................................................................................... 74
Additional Activities that relate to the geological history of Connecticut: ...................... 75
Student Resources ............................................................................................................................ 77
Student Websites: ................................................................................................................. 77
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
This package provides you and your students with pre visit, visit and post visit materials related
to the topic of geologic forces. Specifically how do constructive and destructive forces shape the
Earth’s surface? We have focused the investigations on how have those constructive and destructive
forces shaped the surface of Connecticut?
This package also includes engaging investigations that give students the opportunity to
explore the forces that help to build the land around them, with a focus on those forces that shaped
Connecticut. A pre-visit activity has students examining the landforms in Connecticut using Google
Earth, as well as weathering and erosion in their school community.
In addition, your students will tour the Planet Earth Gallery and the River of Life Gallery.
During their gallery visits, you may provide your students with Trail Guides that will help them make
observations and raise further questions about specific exhibits within the galleries that are related to
the geologic forces.
In the Planet Earth Gallery, they will view simulations of major geological events that have
occurred over millions of years, and learn how geologists have determined Connecticut’s geological
past using rocks and fossils. Students will be able to view the changes that have occurred in the
Connecticut River Valley over many years and will be able to investigate the effects of erosion in the
large stream table located in the River of Life Gallery.
Post-visit activities will give students the opportunity to continue their investigations of
geological forces.
Also included in this program are lessons that provide interdisciplinary connections, as well as
additional resources such as websites, literature links, career information, home and school
connections, and related videos.
This unit has been developed to complement some of the core themes, content standards and
expected performances of the CT Core Science Frameworks, as well as the National Science
Education Standards. It is a supplemental series of “hands-on” investigations that are inquiry-based
and designed to engage students as well as to enhance and build upon their prior content
knowledge. It may be integrated with other subjects or it may be taught in its entirety within the
science classroom.
The complete CT Core Science Curriculum Frameworks is available at the website:
Direct link to PDF:
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Inquiry Standards
Following are the specific sections from the CT Core Science Curriculum Framework that are
addressed in this unit. The C INQ information reflects the process skills intended for grades 6-8
specifically representing the content standards of scientific inquiry, literacy, and numeracy.
Grades 6-8 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy
How is scientific knowledge created and communicated?
Content Standards
♦ Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated
attempt to search out, describe, explain and
predict natural phenomena.
♦ Scientific inquiry progresses through a
continuous process of questioning, data
collection, analysis and interpretation.
♦ Scientific inquiry requires the sharing of findings
and ideas for critical review by colleagues and
other scientists.
♦ Scientific literacy includes speaking, listening,
presenting, interpreting, reading and writing
about science.
♦ Scientific literacy also includes the ability to
search for and assess the relevance and
credibility of scientific information found in
various print and electronic media.
Expected Performances
C INQ.1 Identify questions that can be answered
through scientific investigation.
C INQ.2 Read, interpret and examine the credibility
of scientific claims in different sources of
C INQ.3 Design and conduct appropriate types of
scientific investigations to answer different
C INQ.4 Identify independent and dependent
variables, and those variables that are kept
constant, when designing an experiment.
C INQ.5 Use appropriate tools and techniques to
make observations and gather data.
C INQ.6 Use mathematical operations to analyze and
interpret data.
C INQ.7 Identify and present relationships between
variables in appropriate graphs.
C INQ.8 Draw conclusions and identify sources of
C INQ.9 Provide explanations to investigated
♦ Scientific numeracy includes the ability to use
mathematical operations and procedures to
calculate, analyze and present scientific data and
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
problems or questions.
C INQ.10 Communicate about science in different
formats, using relevant science vocabulary,
supporting evidence and clear logic.
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
CT Science Standards, Grade Level Concepts & Expectations, & CMT
Energy in the Earth’s Systems – How do external and internal sources of energy affect the Earth’s Systems?
7.3 — Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time.
activity and
the folding
and faulting
of rock
during the
shifting of
the Earth’s
crust affect
ridges and
and erosion
change the
surface by
from place
to place.
Grade-Level Expectations
Underlying Concepts
Students should be able
Students should understand that…
Earth’s surface features, such as mountains, volcanoes and
continents, are the constantly-changing result of dynamic
processes and forces at work inside the Earth.
The solid Earth has a core, mantle and crust, each with distinct
Earth’s crust is broken into different “tectonic plates” that float
on molten rock and move very slowly. Continental drift is
driven by convection currents in the hot liquid mantle beneath
the crust.
The presence of plant and animal fossils of the same age found
around different continent shores, along with the matching
coastline shapes of continental land masses, provides evidence
that the continents were once joined.
Tectonic plates meet and interact at divergent, convergent or
transform boundaries. The way in which the plates interact at a
boundary affects outcomes such as folding, faulting, uplift or
The folding and faulting of rock layers during the shifting of the
Earth’s crust causes the constructive formation of mountains,
ridges and valleys.
Mountain formation can be the result of convergent tectonic
plates colliding, such as the Appalachians and the Himalayas;
mountains may also be formed as a result of divergent tectonic
plates moving apart and causing rifting as in East Africa or
Most volcanoes and earthquakes are located at tectonic plate
boundaries where plates come together or move apart from
each other. A geographic plot of the location of volcanoes and
the centers of earthquakes allows us to locate tectonic plate
The geological makeup of Connecticut shows evidence of
various earth processes, such as continental collisions, rifting,
and folding that have shaped its structure.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Illustrate and describe
in writing the
composition of the
three major layers of
the Earth’s interior.
Explain how Earth’s
internal energy is
transferred to move
tectonic plates.
Demonstrate the
processes of folding
and faulting of the
Earth’s crust.
Correlate common
features/events (deep
sea trenches,
volcanoes) with the
location of plate
Examine and compare
geological features
that result from
constructive forces
shaping the surface of
the Earth over time
(e.g., mountains,
ridges, volcanoes)
with geological
features that result
from destructive
forces shaping the
surface of the Earth
over time.
Analyze and interpret
data about the
location, frequency
and intensity of
CMT Expected
C18. Describe
how folded and
faulted rock layers
provide evidence
of gradual up and
down motion of
the Earth’s crust.
C19. Explain how
weathering and
erosion create and
shape valleys and
C20. Explain how
the boundaries of
tectonic plates can
be inferred from
the location of
earthquakes and
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Earth’s surface is constantly being shaped and reshaped by
natural processes. Some of these processes, like earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, produce dramatic and rapid change.
Others, like weathering and erosion, usually work less
conspicuously over longer periods of time.
Glaciers form in areas where annual snowfall is greater than the
seasonal melt, resulting in a gradual build-up of snow and ice
from one season to the next.
Glaciers increase and decrease in size over long periods of
time, depending on variations in Earth’s climate.
Glaciers move slowly, spreading outward across a region or
moving down a slope.
Moving glaciers reshape the land beneath them by scraping,
carving, transporting and depositing soil and rock.
Glacial landforms have identifiable shapes. Connecticut’s
landscape provides many examples of glacial movement and
Weathering and erosion work together as destructive natural
forces. Both are forces that break down rock into small
particles called sediments.
Weathering is caused by physical, chemical or biological
means. Rock properties, such as hardness, porosity or mineral
content, influence susceptibility to weathering.
Erosion loosens and transports sediment formed by
weathering. Moving water and wind cause changes to existing
landforms and create new landforms such as valleys,
floodplains, plateaus, canyons, caves or dunes.
Compare and contrast
the major agents of
erosion and
deposition of
sediments: running
water, moving ice,
wave action, wind and
mass movement due
to gravity.
Investigate and
determine how
glaciers form and
affect the Earth’s
surface as they
change over time.
Distinguish between
weathering and
10. Observe and report
on the geological
events that are
responsible for having
shaped Connecticut’s
glacier, valley, floodplain, core, mantle, folds, fault/fault line,
continent, tectonic plate, plate boundary, convection, mountains,
volcano, earthquake.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
National Science Education Standards
5-8 Structure of the Earth
Landforms are the result of a combination of constructive and destructive forces. Constructive
forces include crustal deformation, volcanic eruption, and deposition of sediment; destructive forces
include weathering and erosion.
5-8 Earth’s History
The Earth’s processes we see today, including erosion, movement of lithospheric plates, and
changes in the atmospheric composition, are similar to those that occurred in the past. Earth history
is also influenced by occasional catastrophes, such as the impact of an asteroid or comet.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Massachusetts Learning Standards
4. Explain and give examples of the ways in which soil is formed (the weathering rock by water and
wind and from the decomposition of plant and animal remains).
7. Give examples of how the surface of the earth changes due to slow processes such as erosion and
weathering, and rapid processes such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.
6. Describe and give examples of ways in which the earth’s surface is built up and torn down by
natural processes, including deposition of sediments, rock formation, erosion, and weathering.
7. Explain and give examples of how physical evidence, such as fossils and surface features of
glaciations, supports theories that the earth has evolved over geologic time.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Safety Standards:
• Review expectations for appropriate behavior, handling of materials, and
cooperative group procedures to be sure those activities are accessible and
safe for all students prior to beginning these investigations.
• Make any necessary student modifications.
• Monitor students to be sure they are acting appropriately, handling
materials accordingly, and working cooperatively especially when working
with water and potentially sharp objects.
• For more comprehensive information on science safety, consult the
following guidelines:
American Chemical Society –
Council of State Science Supervisors –
Connecticut Department of Education –
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Misconceptions and Facts
Phillips, W, 1991. Earth Science Misconceptions
Wilson, Paula N and DeBoer, George E. Determining the Appropriateness of Terminology in Content-Aligned Assessments for Middle School Students:
Examples from Plate Tectonics AAAS Project 2061 Middle School Assessment, NARST 2007
Tectonic Plates: Students believe that there are gaps
between the tectonic plates.
The rigid outer layer of Earth is made up of plates that
fit closely together. Each plate directly touches the
plate next to it.
Plate movement is very slow; it can only be measured
in centimeters per year. Mountain formation can
occur as the plates slowly move.
Many events, including water, change the Earth’s
surface. Humans cause changes to the Earth’s surface,
The geological history of Earth takes place over 4.6
billion years. During that time it has taken billions of
years for the Earth to form as it exists today.
Weathering and erosion are two different processes.
Weathering is the process whereby rocks and minerals
are broken down by chemical and or physical
alteration into soil. The resultant product might or
might not be transported. Weathering creates the
soils of the world.
Erosion is the transportation of soil from one place to
another, usually by running water or wind.
Plants do use water out of the soil, but the reason
plants slow down erosion is because their roots keep
dirt particles from being washed away.
Also, if the plant drops leaves, the water drops hit the
leaves, and the leaves lessen the force that the water
droplet hits the earth material, thus limiting the
With a greater flow of water, the more speed it has,
therefore more erosion occurs.
Earth’s Landforms: Students may think that mountains
are rapidly created.
Earth’s Landforms: Many students think that the
Earth’s surface only changes because of earthquakes
and volcanoes.
Earth’s Landforms: Mountains and valleys have always
been on Earth
Meaning of Weathering and Erosion:
Students frequently think that weathering means that
weather caused the material to move. They belief that
weathering and erosion are synonymous processes.
Role of Plants:
Some students may think that the soil doesn’t erode
because the plants "soak-up" the water.
Role of Water:
Students don’t identify that the speed of water is an
agent of change. They often only focus on the
amount of water.
Role of Sediment Type (Size and Weight):
Students don’t see the connection between the size
and weight of the material and how it is being eroded
and deposited.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Finer-grained soils are more susceptible to erosion
than coarser-grained soils. Lighter particles (typically
smaller and less dense) are deposited farther
downstream than heavier particles.
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Pre-Visit Activities
The visit to the CT Science Center begins in your classroom with the pre-visit activities. We encourage all teachers who
bring their students to the CT Science Center to do these pre and post activities and plan to provide follow up
assessments and activities which integrate your visit into a meaningful unit of study. Pre-visit Activity 1 is available as an
outreach program.
The following highlighted GLCs and GLES are covered in this section:
Energy in the Earth’s Systems – How do external and internal sources of energy affect the Earth’s Systems?
7.3 — Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time.
activity and
the folding
and faulting
of rock
during the
shifting of
the Earth’s
crust affect
ridges and
and erosion
change the
surface by
from place
to place.
Grade-Level Expectations
Underlying Concepts
Students should be able
Students should understand that…
Earth’s surface features, such as mountains, volcanoes and
continents, are the constantly-changing result of dynamic
processes and forces at work inside the Earth.
The solid Earth has a core, mantle and crust, each with distinct
Earth’s crust is broken into different “tectonic plates” that float
on molten rock and move very slowly. Continental drift is
driven by convection currents in the hot liquid mantle beneath
the crust.
The presence of plant and animal fossils of the same age found
around different continent shores, along with the matching
coastline shapes of continental land masses, provides evidence
that the continents were once joined.
Tectonic plates meet and interact at divergent, convergent or
transform boundaries. The way in which the plates interact at a
boundary affects outcomes such as folding, faulting, uplift or
The folding and faulting of rock layers during the shifting of the
Earth’s crust causes the constructive formation of mountains,
ridges and valleys.
Mountain formation can be the result of convergent tectonic
plates colliding, such as the Appalachians and the Himalayas;
mountains may also be formed as a result of divergent tectonic
plates moving apart and causing rifting as in East Africa or
Most volcanoes and earthquakes are located at tectonic plate
boundaries where plates come together or move apart from
each other. A geographic plot of the location of volcanoes and
the centers of earthquakes allows us to locate tectonic plate
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
1. Illustrate and describe in
writing the composition
of the three major layers
of the Earth’s interior.
2. Explain how Earth’s
internal energy is
transferred to move
tectonic plates.
3. Demonstrate the
processes of folding and
faulting of the Earth’s
4. Correlate common
features/events (deep
sea trenches, mountains,
earthquakes, volcanoes)
with the location of plate
5. Examine and compare
geological features that
result from constructive
forces shaping the
surface of the Earth over
time (e.g., mountains,
ridges, volcanoes) with
geological features that
result from destructive
forces shaping the
surface of the Earth over
CMT Expected
C18. Describe
how folded and
faulted rock layers
provide evidence
of gradual up and
down motion of
the Earth’s crust.
C19. Explain how
weathering and
erosion create and
shape valleys and
C20. Explain how
the boundaries of
tectonic plates can
be inferred from
the location of
earthquakes and
6. Analyze and interpret
data about the location,
frequency and intensity
of earthquakes.
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
The geological makeup of Connecticut shows evidence of
various earth processes, such as continental collisions, rifting,
and folding that have shaped its structure.
Earth’s surface is constantly being shaped and reshaped by
natural processes. Some of these processes, like earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, produce dramatic and rapid change.
Others, like weathering and erosion, usually work less
conspicuously over longer periods of time.
Glaciers form in areas where annual snowfall is greater than the
seasonal melt, resulting in a gradual build-up of snow and ice
from one season to the next.
Glaciers increase and decrease in size over long periods of
time, depending on variations in Earth’s climate.
Glaciers move slowly, spreading outward across a region or
moving down a slope.
Moving glaciers reshape the land beneath them by scraping,
carving, transporting and depositing soil and rock.
Glacial landforms have identifiable shapes. Connecticut’s
landscape provides many examples of glacial movement and
Weathering and erosion work together as destructive natural
forces. Both are forces that break down rock into small
particles called sediments.
Weathering is caused by physical, chemical or biological
means. Rock properties, such as hardness, porosity or mineral
content, influence susceptibility to weathering.
Erosion loosens and transports sediment formed by
weathering. Moving water and wind cause changes to existing
landforms and create new landforms such as valleys,
floodplains, plateaus, canyons, caves or dunes.
7. Compare and contrast
the major agents of
erosion and deposition of
sediments: running
water, moving ice, wave
action, wind and mass
movement due to gravity.
8. Investigate and
determine how glaciers
form and affect the
Earth’s surface as they
change over time.
9. Distinguish between
weathering and erosion.
10. Observe and report on
the geological events
that are responsible for
having shaped
Connecticut’s landscape.
glacier, valley, floodplain, core, mantle, folds, fault/fault line,
continent, tectonic plate, plate boundary, convection, mountains,
volcano, earthquake.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Pre-Visit Activity 1
Activity Purpose:
This activity is designed to help the students become familiar with the multitude of landforms
in Connecticut. The focus will be on the large scale processes such as plate tectonics, volcanism and
glaciers that helped to form the current basic structure of Connecticut Landforms. This will allow them
to have an opportunity to make observations and develop questions centered on landforms and the
process of the formation of these landforms.
Laptops (1 per two students) or one main presentation computer
Google Earth – Identify a number of locations for the students to investigate
Rock Samples from specific locations identified in Connecticut (setup on a table somewhere in the
A rock classification set (set up on the same table as the rock samples
We will be doing some research into how some of the landforms in Connecticut came to be.
Instead of going to each location, we will be going on a virtual field trip around Connecticut to
investigate some of these landform’s locations. We have identified various “stops” at which we will
record observations, questions and sketches. As you go to each Google Earth location observe what
it looks like, but also come up to examine the rocks that are found at each location. These rocks will
either be labeled as to what type (igneous, metamorphic, sandstone, sand) or use the rock
classification set to match up the rocks to what type they are.
Review how to navigate in Google Earth. Primarily how to angle downward in order to see the 3D
topography of the landforms, as well as how to use street view.
Have them begin by flying to the first location.
As they go through each location they should come up to examine the rock samples.
These rock samples are solely used to determine what event formed the land, by looking at the rock
They may also sketch the landform on an outline map of CT.
After all of the groups have gone through each “stop”, ask the students to relate a few
observations and questions they had for each stop. Make sure that they are able to see what kinds of
rock appear in certain areas of CT. The rock type gives clues to how these landforms formed. After
that, and only if time remains, allow them to propose ideas on how some of these landforms came to
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Pre-Visit Activity 2
The visit to the CT Science Center begins in your classroom with the pre-visit activities. Please
consider these activities as a prerequisite to prepare your students for the actual visit. We encourage
all teachers who bring their students to the CT Science Center to do these pre and post activities as
well as the integrated lessons and assessments that can be found at the end of this unit package.
Pre Assessment: Show students pictures of Connecticut landforms – mountains, hills, road cuts, river
banks, coastline, etc. Have students list what they see, and ask them to describe how they might
have formed.
Erosion and Deposition Walk
• Weathering, erosion, and deposition wear down and build up the earth’s surface.
• Moving water is a main force of erosion.
• To observe and document where erosion and deposition occur on school grounds.
• To hypothesize what causes erosion and deposition on school grounds.
Weathering: breaking solid rocks into smaller pieces/sediments through chemical and/or physical
Erosion: carrying away weathered materials.
Deposition: depositing sediment.
Sediment: small pieces of rock or soil.
Materials: per group–3 students per group
Two clip boards
White typing paper for the clip boards
Writing utensils
Hand lenses*
White school glue
3 X 5 index cards
Plastic zip-lock bag to carry materials #3-7
Digital camera*
Map of school grounds*
* Optional
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Background Information:
The Earth’s crust is constantly being reshaped by constructive and destructive forces. Over
time, weathering due to chemical action (dissolving, oxidation, etc.) and mechanical action (root
action, sand blasting, ice wedging, etc.) breaks huge slabs of solid rock into small bits called
sediments. Agents of erosion may include currents of air or water, glacial movements, etc. Once the
sediments resettle, they’ve been deposited.
Ask students what happened when they played in the sandbox as children. As they dug
around, what did they notice? How high were they able to pile the sand before it started to slide
back down?
In the case of the sandbox, their hands and gravity were the main agents of change, reshaping
the sandbox’s sediments.
Students will see where sediments have been taken away (eroded) from some places on
school grounds and dropped (deposited) in others. They will work in research teams to document
places where erosion and deposition have occurred. The documentation will include:
1. A map of the study area with:
A. the approximate location and size of the area where sediments have been eroded and
B. a compass rose.
C. arrows pointing in the direction(s) of today’s wind (if any wind is blowing)
2. Detailed drawings and/or digital photographs of areas showing erosion and deposition. These
areas will be keyed into their map.
3. Samples of deposited sediments that students have collected.
Students form groups of three and assign roles: a map maker, an illustrator/photographer, and
a sample collector. All the students are responsible for making sure that all of their materials are back
in their plastic bag before they return to the room. All students may use the hand lenses to observe
more detail. They may want to use the rulers to draw the map and/or measure the length, width, and
depth of the sediments.
Go over the roles of each student:
Map-Maker: Draws a map of school grounds with a compass rose. Takes a wind reading by wetting a
finger and feeling the wind. Draws the wind’s direction on the map. Keys in the other two group
mates’ evidence of erosion and deposition.
Illustrator/Photographer: Provides detailed drawings and/or photographs as evidence of eroded or
deposited sediments. The site where these drawings and/or photos were made should be marked
on the map with a capital letter.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Sample Collector: Collects samples of deposited sediments. The collector does this by adding a thin,
nickel-sized smear of white school glue on an index card and then pressing the card, glue-side-down,
onto the sediment deposit. The sediment will stick to the index card. The site where the samples
were collected should be marked on the map with a number.
Pick a safe, self-contained space as the erosion and deposition study area. You may want to
add a boundary by putting out orange traffic cones or roping off the area. Remind the students
they’ll need to test and record wind direction(s). Allow students to explore and investigate the study
area. Check to see that each student is understanding and performing assigned roles, that all groups
are on-task, and that all students are working cooperatively. After a suitable amount of time has
passed, bring all materials, samples, maps, drawings, and students back to the classroom.
Ask the groups to share their findings. (You might want to wait a day or two so students have
a chance to print their digital photos)
Possible Discussion Questions:
1) Erosion
Where did they observe erosion?
How did they know erosion occurred there?
What do they think caused the erosion?
Why do they think that?
2) Deposition
Where did they observe deposition?
How did they know deposition occurred there?
What do they think caused the deposition?
Why do they think that?
3) Why did we take wind direction?
4) Where were most sediments deposited?
5) Did all the sample deposits look the same? Compare and contrast the look of the sample
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Pre-visit Activity-3
Glacial Weathering, Erosion and Deposition in Connecticut
• To simulate and explore the types of weathering, erosion, and deposition caused by glaciation
in Connecticut.
• To make and record observations.
• To communicate findings to peers.
Deposition: the settling of transported material.
Erosion: carrying away rock and sediment by water, wind, and glaciers
Erratic: boulder transported by the ice of a glacier that is not related to the bedrock near its present
Glaciation: the process of covering large parts of the Earth with ice; being covered by ice.
Glacier: large, long-lasting mass of ice formed on land by the compaction and recrystallization of
snow which then moves under its own weight.
Moraine: a body of till left behind after a glacier has melted.
Polish: rock’s high luster created by ice grinding and smoothing rock.
Striations: straight scratches in rock created by abrasion of a moving glacier.
Till: Pile of boulders, rocks, clay and gravel left by the movement or melting of a glacier
Weathering: processes that chemically or physically change rock at or near the Earth’s surface.
Background Information: Connecticut was completely covered by the Wisconsinan Glacier about
20,000-25,000 years ago. As the glacier grew and advanced through Connecticut, it weathered and
eroded the soil and rocks below. We can see evidence of the glacier’s advance by looking at signs of
glacial polishing and striations on exposed horizontal faces of rocks. Sea level dropped more than
250 feet as water was locked in the glacier. Then about 18,000 years ago, the ice sheet began to
melt, depositing soil and rocks as the melt water ran out from the glacier. Many glacial lakes formed
from the glacier’s melt water including what used to be Glacial Lake Hitchcock and Glacial Lake
Connecticut. Glacial erratics and glacial moraines provide clues to where the glacier dropped its
load as it melted and retreated.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
The Effect of Slope on the Erosion Process-Investigation
The students will be investigating how glacial weathering, erosion and deposition are
responsible for creating certain features: striations, erratics, and moraines. They will conduct an
investigation in small groups to answer their question on glacial features and report their findings to
the whole group.
Engagement (5 min.):
Photos of glacial features:
1. Display the photos of glacial features. The students will be asked to share what they noticed
from glacial photographs and what questions they raised about glacial features.
(Notice/Wonderings) Have students create two columns in their science notebooks. Label one
column noticings and one column wonderings. Ask students to record their observations and
questions here.
2. Tell the students that they are now going to investigate the question they chose. Some of the
possible questions are:
What caused the gouges in the rocks?
What put a rock here all by itself?
How did this ridge form?
3. Share with the class that these features were all caused by glaciers in Connecticut thousands of
years ago.
Task: Simulating Glacial Conditions
Materials: Aluminum (not aluminum foil) baking pans, ice cubes, ice cubes with sand embedded in
them, sand, rocks, modeling clay, plastic straws, plastic tubing, plastic cups, Styrofoam cups,
overhead heat sources such as lamps or blow dryers.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
1. Divide the class into research teams by topic: those who have questions about how striations
formed, those who have questions how the erratics got where they were, and those who have
questions how the moraines formed.
2. The students will discuss how they will use the materials to try to simulate how glacial weathering
through erosion and deposition; form striations, erratics and moraines.
3. Allow the groups time to plan their projects. Facilitate as each group tries to recreate the
necessary conditions for their feature to be created.
4. Give the class time to share their results. Did they find answers to what their questions? Ask the
class to determine which features were caused by glacial weathering and erosion, and which
features were caused by glacial deposition.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Discovery Center Activity
The following highlighted GLCs and GLES are covered in this section:
Energy in the Earth’s Systems – How do external and internal sources of energy affect the Earth’s Systems?
7.3 — Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time.
activity and
the folding
and faulting
of rock
during the
shifting of
the Earth’s
crust affect
ridges and
and erosion
change the
surface by
from place
to place.
Grade-Level Expectations
Underlying Concepts
Students should be able
Students should understand that…
Earth’s surface features, such as mountains, volcanoes and
continents, are the constantly-changing result of dynamic
processes and forces at work inside the Earth.
The solid Earth has a core, mantle and crust, each with distinct
Earth’s crust is broken into different “tectonic plates” that float
on molten rock and move very slowly. Continental drift is
driven by convection currents in the hot liquid mantle beneath
the crust.
The presence of plant and animal fossils of the same age found
around different continent shores, along with the matching
coastline shapes of continental land masses, provides evidence
that the continents were once joined.
Tectonic plates meet and interact at divergent, convergent or
transform boundaries. The way in which the plates interact at a
boundary affects outcomes such as folding, faulting, uplift or
The folding and faulting of rock layers during the shifting of the
Earth’s crust causes the constructive formation of mountains,
ridges and valleys.
Mountain formation can be the result of convergent tectonic
plates colliding, such as the Appalachians and the Himalayas;
mountains may also be formed as a result of divergent tectonic
plates moving apart and causing rifting as in East Africa or
Most volcanoes and earthquakes are located at tectonic plate
boundaries where plates come together or move apart from
each other. A geographic plot of the location of volcanoes and
the centers of earthquakes allows us to locate tectonic plate
The geological makeup of Connecticut shows evidence of
various earth processes, such as continental collisions, rifting,
and folding that have shaped its structure.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
1. Illustrate and describe in
writing the composition of
the three major layers of
the Earth’s interior.
2. Explain how Earth’s
internal energy is
transferred to move
tectonic plates.
3. Demonstrate the
processes of folding and
faulting of the Earth’s
4. Correlate common
geological features/events
(deep sea trenches,
mountains, earthquakes,
volcanoes) with the
location of plate
5. Examine and compare
geological features that
result from constructive
forces shaping the surface
of the Earth over time
(e.g., mountains, ridges,
volcanoes) with geological
features that result from
destructive forces shaping
the surface of the Earth
over time.
CMT Expected
C18. Describe
how folded and
faulted rock
layers provide
evidence of
gradual up and
down motion of
the Earth’s crust.
C19. Explain how
weathering and
erosion create
and shape valleys
and floodplains.
C20. Explain how
the boundaries of
tectonic plates
can be inferred
from the location
of earthquakes
and volcanoes.
6. Analyze and interpret data
about the location,
frequency and intensity of
7. Compare and contrast the
major agents of erosion
and deposition of
sediments: running water,
moving ice, wave action,
wind and mass movement
due to gravity.
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Earth’s surface is constantly being shaped and reshaped by
natural processes. Some of these processes, like earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, produce dramatic and rapid change.
Others, like weathering and erosion, usually work less
conspicuously over longer periods of time.
Glaciers form in areas where annual snowfall is greater than the
seasonal melt, resulting in a gradual build-up of snow and ice
from one season to the next.
Glaciers increase and decrease in size over long periods of
time, depending on variations in Earth’s climate.
Glaciers move slowly, spreading outward across a region or
moving down a slope.
Moving glaciers reshape the land beneath them by scraping,
carving, transporting and depositing soil and rock.
Glacial landforms have identifiable shapes. Connecticut’s
landscape provides many examples of glacial movement and
Weathering and erosion work together as destructive natural
forces. Both are forces that break down rock into small
particles called sediments.
Weathering is caused by physical, chemical or biological
means. Rock properties, such as hardness, porosity or mineral
content, influence susceptibility to weathering.
Erosion loosens and transports sediment formed by
weathering. Moving water and wind cause changes to existing
landforms and create new landforms such as valleys,
floodplains, plateaus, canyons, caves or dunes.
8. Investigate and determine
how glaciers form and
affect the Earth’s surface
as they change over time.
9. Distinguish between
weathering and erosion.
10. Observe and report on
the geological events that
are responsible for having
shaped Connecticut’s
glacier, valley, floodplain, core, mantle, folds, fault/fault line,
continent, tectonic plate, plate boundary, convection, mountains,
volcano, earthquake.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Activity Purpose:
• Experience the affects of weather, erosion, and glaciers on the formation of landscapes.
• Fulfill GLE’s 7, 8, and 9.
Make enough ice cubes that each group of 3 has 1 cubes.
Contrary to popular belief, Glaciers do not act as solid blocks of ice. They have a more fluid or
plastic motion. This is one reason why the term glacial “flow” is often used. This will help the learner
to get a better sense of how glaciers travel and how this traveling affects the landscape through
erosion and deposition. As it is very difficult to simulate glacial flow in a lab setting; please see this
EnvironmentalSciences/Educational%20Materials/Documents/elearning/module13swf.swf for nice
descriptions and animations of glacial flow. Also the interactive simulation located at allows the learners to see the flow of
rock material through the glacier. You can adjust temperature and snow fall, as well as a toolbox of
tools to measure different aspects of the glacier.
These websites could be explored with your class to help them get a better idea of glaciers and
glacially created features. Consider using these as the introduction or wrap up to glaciers and the
formations they leave behind. Some of the glacial formations we see today such as eskers and
stratified drift deposits are produced by the glacial melt-water. Moraines, drumlins, till, kettle pots,
etc, are deposited directly by glaciers. The creation of these cannot be simulated in a classroom.
Also in the website there are animations of glacial weathering and erosion, which the students
will have a chance to experiment with during the activity.
Scientists use many terms to describe glaciers, their structure and formations they leave behind.
It can be overwhelming and a little confusing sometimes. This USGS website has list of glacial terms, definitions and pictures of examples.
These definitions should be used when explaining glaciers and glacial formations. As the students will
be labeling glacial formations on their sketches, a review of the most common terms should be
The types of weathering that will be discussed are glacial, mass movement, flowing water, and
mechanical weathering.
Weathering is the wearing away or breakup of rock and other material. Erosion is the process
by which material is moved from one place, to another place by wind, water, or mass movement.
Basically, weathering is the process by with rock is broken to smaller pieces and erosion is the
process by which the pieces are carried away.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Please review the safety concerns specified at the beginning of this package.
Per group:
1 x Ice Cubes
Play Sand
Colored Sand
Science notebook
Small Beads
6 inches of fishing line or bead wire
Ring Stand and Clamp (to set ice cube on)
Fabric such as denim 6” x 6”
1 x Plastic Bin
Computer for each group
Hydrochloric acid or vinegar
Limestone/natural chalk
Initial Investigation
On the board, allow the class to make a list of landforms in CT. Most of the landforms they will
mention were formed by Glaciers about 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. Today we will be using computer
simulations and lab experiments to develop theories about how certain glacial features were formed.
When geologists observe a structure in the real world, they take careful notes of location and
composition. Then they go back to the lab and try to recreate possible ways that this feature could
have formed. They may draw, simulate, or model their ideas until they develop the most likely way of
formation. This is what we will do today.
The students will look at real pictures of glaciers and glacial features. They can choose one or
two features to explore by using the simulations and materials at their table.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Investigation #1 – Glacier Creation and Behavior
1) Have the students look at the University of Kentucky simulation in the overview section-glacial
movement section. Have them notice how the ice crystals move in the back and front of the
Glacier. Why does this happen? The following experiment will demonstrate this unique quality
of ice.
2) Take fishing line or bead wire and thread a bead or two on to the line. Tie the ends together.
(This may be already assembled)
3) Place the ice cube on ring clamp.
4) Lay the bead and the wire over the ice cube, attach a heavy weight to the wire (around 2kg).
5) What do you think will happen to the bead and wire? Draw the setup and write a prediction in
your notebook.
6) Leave this for about 30 minutes while we go onto the next activity. Do not observe until the
end of the class.
Teachers Notes:
Due to the thickness and weight of the glacier, the ice crystals in a glacier actually compact and lose their shape.
Any rocks or other material at the base of a glacier will get “pushed” into the ice. The glacial ice actually “flows” around
the objects and flows down the valley. Think of it as literally a flowing ice river. The glacial ice has a more fluid and melted
plastic type of motion. The pressure from the bead and wire force the ice to melt slightly. As the ice melts the bead and
wire move down into the ice cube. The small amount of melted water flows up and around the wire and refreezes above
it. This is a similar process in which huge boulders get caught up in the glacial flow. See
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Investigation #2 – Mechanical Weathering
In looking at pictures of glacial till, glacial outwash, eskers, and moraines you will notice
something about the material. Where did all the sand, silt and varying rock sizes come from?
Can you quantify it somehow?
For help they can look at the UKY simulation
What they will discover 1) Take the rocks in and grind/hit/rub them together over a flexible plastic mat or paper.
2) What do you see falling onto the mat? Is there a way to see how much fine material there is to
big chunks?
3) What kind of weathering is this?
4) Carefully pour the sand you made into a clear plastic cup.
Teachers Notes:
As rocks grind together, pieces of them break off. This is the process by which large rock is broken down into
smaller pieces such as pebbles, sand, etc.
Investigation #3 – Acid/Rain and Chemical Weathering
This investigation requires the use of Safety Glasses, nitrile gloves, and aprons. Please
put them on now. Avoid clothing and skin contact with universal indicator and HCL. Rinse
affected area for at least 1 minute if exposed.
1) Place the colored cup of water and a straw in front of you. The cup contains mostly water, and
a small amount of an acid indicator. Depending on the pH of the water, the indicator will
change color. Purple for bases, yellow for acids. Carefully and slowly blow into the cup making
bubbles. Does anything change in the cup of water? If so, briefly describe how this has taken
place. What are you blowing into the cup?
2) If the color changes, find the dropper bottle labeled “Base”. Slowly add drops to the cup until
it changes to a green color, if it goes to purple you added too many drops.
3) Have another person blow into the cup until the color changes to yellow. Does the speed at
which it changes color depend on the blowing speed? How would this happen in the real
4) Move the cup to the side.
5) Take the clear plastic cup with the homemade sand you made in Investigation #2. The rocks
are made of Limestone or marble and are common building stones because of their
appearance and ease of cutting.
6) Place 3 drops of the acid on the homemade limestone sand in the cup. Describe what
Teachers Notes:
Acid rain is large problem on the Earth. It forms when there is a high concentration of CO2 or other water soluble
gases are in the atmosphere. The CO2 dissolves in the water vapor which is then a weak carbonic acid. Acid rain falling on
limestone buildings or statues will slowly be eroded away. A more severe effect of acid rain is its affect on the oceans. As
acid rain occurrences increase more and more enter into the oceans. Some scientists believe that this decreases the
natural pH of the oceans and causes what is called ocean acidification. Lowing the pH affects health of fish and other
marine animals. Especially coral reefs which are made of compounds such as calcium carbonate, that dissolve at lower
pH’s. In essence, acid rain may be dissolving the coral reefs.
See Next Page for Picture of Setup
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Investigation #4 – Angle of Repose – Moraines and Talus piles (optional)
In some of the glacial feature images the students will see moraines and talus piles.
What They Discover Angle of repose is the maximum slope angle for a granular material such as sand, stones, pebbles,
etc. Determine the angle of repose for the sand as you pour it into a pile.
1) Slowly pour the sand into a single pile into the bin. As you pour, notice what happens when
the pile gets too high. Describe how the pile of sand stabilizes itself. Using a ruler measure the
diameter or height of the pile.
2) Repeat the experiment with the cup of pebbles. Using a ruler, measure the height or diameter
of the pile. Is this height different than the height of the sand?
Teachers Note:
The angle of repose is most important when discussing erosion along the base of steep cliffs. As rock is
weathered and breaks off of cliffs it falls to the base of the cliff. The material that is collecting at the bottom is called talus.
Depending on the material sizes the angle of the slope will be different. In general larger material can support a steeper
slope, while smaller material can only support a shallower slope. This can be tested in the way it was above. Material is
poured into a pile and as soon as it “grows” and spreads out with stuff from the top sliding down, that is the angle of
repose. The volume and sand and pebbles should be exactly the same.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Classroom Investigation #5 – Flowing Water from Glaciers Eskers (optional)
The long skinny curvy mountains are called eskers. But how did they form? On top or below the
What they Discover 1) Glaciers have cracks and rivers running in them and below them. As water runs through these
cracks, it drops sediment behind; as the glaciers recede the sediment is left behind as eskers.
2) Take your long bin with sand in it. Move all the sand to one end of the bin. Take note of the
different grain sizes and where they are located.
3) Tilt the long bin, so that the sand side is higher than the rest. Use a block of wood if available.
4) Place a piece of fabric over the sand or the white foam blocks. The fabric and foam blocks
simulate the bottom of a glacier. The “melt-water” from the glacier makes its way down to the
glacier/floor contact and then flows downhill. Fill up the cup with water from the pitcher.
5) Pour the water over the piece of fabric in one spot. Notice what happens to the sediment as it
runs downhill.
6) Remove the fabric and observe any small streams or erosion patterns that were created from the
water. Do you see any glacial features? Draw a sketch of what you see.
Teachers Notes:
As glaciers recede up the valley, the usually melt and produce glacial melt-water. This water can find its way to
the bottom of the glacier through huge cracks in the actual glacier. Other water may just flow off the top to a very
high waterfall at the end of the glacier. The melt-water that flows under the glacier acts the same way as a normal
river or stream would. However, because the glacier is on top of it, the melt-water river actually has a top and
produces normal stream beds, but also eskers and other similar features.
Other Discoveries
Along with the computer simulations, the tables will have enough materials for them to explore other
glacial features and their formations.
Discuss what the students discovered in their investigation. Have them describe how their
experiments explain the formation of these glacial features and how the simulations helped them to
visualize this.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guides
We have created a set of “Trail Guides” for use by you and your students. The first section consists of
the trail guides with teacher notes; the second section has the exact same Trail Guides without the
teacher notes. You may copy these directly as handouts.
The following highlighted GLCs and GLES are covered in this section:
Energy in the Earth’s Systems – How do external and internal sources of energy affect the Earth’s Systems?
7.3 — Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time.
activity and
the folding
and faulting
of rock
during the
shifting of
the Earth’s
crust affect
ridges and
and erosion
change the
surface by
from place
to place.
Grade-Level Expectations
Underlying Concepts
Students should be able
Students should understand that…
Earth’s surface features, such as mountains, volcanoes and
continents, are the constantly-changing result of dynamic
processes and forces at work inside the Earth.
The solid Earth has a core, mantle and crust, each with distinct
Earth’s crust is broken into different “tectonic plates” that float
on molten rock and move very slowly. Continental drift is
driven by convection currents in the hot liquid mantle beneath
the crust.
The presence of plant and animal fossils of the same age found
around different continent shores, along with the matching
coastline shapes of continental land masses, provides evidence
that the continents were once joined.
Tectonic plates meet and interact at divergent, convergent or
transform boundaries. The way in which the plates interact at a
boundary affects outcomes such as folding, faulting, uplift or
The folding and faulting of rock layers during the shifting of the
Earth’s crust causes the constructive formation of mountains,
ridges and valleys.
Mountain formation can be the result of convergent tectonic
plates colliding, such as the Appalachians and the Himalayas;
mountains may also be formed as a result of divergent tectonic
plates moving apart and causing rifting as in East Africa or
Most volcanoes and earthquakes are located at tectonic plate
boundaries where plates come together or move apart from
each other. A geographic plot of the location of volcanoes and
the centers of earthquakes allows us to locate tectonic plate
The geological makeup of Connecticut shows evidence of
various earth processes, such as continental collisions, rifting,
and folding that have shaped its structure.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
1. Illustrate and describe in
writing the composition
of the three major layers
of the Earth’s interior.
2. Explain how Earth’s
internal energy is
transferred to move
tectonic plates.
3. Demonstrate the
processes of folding and
faulting of the Earth’s
4. Correlate common
features/events (deep
sea trenches, mountains,
earthquakes, volcanoes)
with the location of plate
5. Examine and compare
geological features that
result from constructive
forces shaping the
surface of the Earth over
time (e.g., mountains,
ridges, volcanoes) with
geological features that
result from destructive
forces shaping the
surface of the Earth over
CMT Expected
C18. Describe
how folded and
faulted rock layers
provide evidence
of gradual up and
down motion of
the Earth’s crust.
C19. Explain how
weathering and
erosion create and
shape valleys and
C20. Explain how
the boundaries of
tectonic plates can
be inferred from
the location of
earthquakes and
6. Analyze and interpret
data about the location,
frequency and intensity
of earthquakes.
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
7. Compare and contrast
the major agents of
erosion and deposition of
sediments: running
water, moving ice, wave
action, wind and mass
movement due to gravity.
Earth’s surface is constantly being shaped and reshaped by
natural processes. Some of these processes, like earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, produce dramatic and rapid change.
Others, like weathering and erosion, usually work less
conspicuously over longer periods of time.
Glaciers form in areas where annual snowfall is greater than the
seasonal melt, resulting in a gradual build-up of snow and ice
from one season to the next.
Glaciers increase and decrease in size over long periods of
time, depending on variations in Earth’s climate.
8. Investigate and
determine how glaciers
form and affect the
Earth’s surface as they
change over time.
Glaciers move slowly, spreading outward across a region or
moving down a slope.
9. Distinguish between
weathering and erosion.
Moving glaciers reshape the land beneath them by scraping,
carving, transporting and depositing soil and rock.
Glacial landforms have identifiable shapes. Connecticut’s
landscape provides many examples of glacial movement and
10. Observe and report on
the geological events
that are responsible for
having shaped
Connecticut’s landscape.
Weathering and erosion work together as destructive natural
forces. Both are forces that break down rock into small
particles called sediments.
Weathering is caused by physical, chemical or biological
means. Rock properties, such as hardness, porosity or mineral
content, influence susceptibility to weathering.
Erosion loosens and transports sediment formed by
weathering. Moving water and wind cause changes to existing
landforms and create new landforms such as valleys,
floodplains, plateaus, canyons, caves or dunes.
glacier, valley, floodplain, core, mantle, folds, fault/fault line,
continent, tectonic plate, plate boundary, convection, mountains,
volcano, earthquake.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Teacher Trail Guides
Trail Guide Earth Observatory: 7.3 Landforms
Visit the Exploring Space Gallery – 5th Floor North
Go to the Earth Observatory exhibit.
Choose “Plates and Quakes” and write small e’s on the map below the areas
where most earthquakes occur.
Now choose “Active Volcanoes” and write small v’s where most volcanoes
Lastly, look at “Tectonic Plate Movement.” Draw lines to indicate where the
plate boundaries are.
What do you notice about where earthquakes, volcanoes and plate
boundaries lay? Is there any correlation?
Teachers Notes:
GLC# 3,5,7,8,9 GLE # 4,5
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Geologic Connecticut of Data: 7.3
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Geologic Connecticut exhibit.
Pick a rock and place it on the scanner to learn more about it.
What kind of rock did you choose?
What land forming process could have created this rock? (ex. erosion,
weathering, faulting, folding, glaciers, etc.)
What part of Connecticut did this rock come from?
Discuss your thoughts with a partner and record them in your science
Teachers Notes:
The type of rock can be used to determine what process formed the landforms.
GLC# 7.3.a-GLC:7,8
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Plate Tectonics: 7.3 Landforms
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Plate Tectonics exhibit.
Look at the different types of plate boundaries.
Draw a sketch of each type of plate boundary in your science notebook.
Next to your sketches of convergent, divergent and transform boundaries,
write down some of the landforms or geologic events that you think may be
associated with each type of boundary.
Teachers Notes:
Students can infer that canyons and flood plains will occur at divergent plate boundaries while mountains, ridges and
volcanoes will form at convergent plate boundaries. Earthquakes can be associated with any type of plate boundary,
especially transform boundaries.
GLC # 7.3.a-5,6,7,8GLE # 5
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Plate Tectonics: 7.3 Landforms
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Plate Tectonics exhibit.
Find the monitor that will allow you to scroll through plate tectonics from 540
million years ago, to 250 million years in the future.
Where do you think canyons and flood plains will form in the future?
Where do you think mountains and ridges will form in the future?
Teachers Notes:
Students can infer that canyons and flood plains will occur in the places where two plates are moving away from one
another, while mountains and ridges will form in the places where two plates are colliding.
GLC 7.3a-#7 GLE # 5
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Driving By Mountains of Data: 7.3
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Driving by Mountains of Data exhibit.
With a group of your peers, watch one of the following:
Kent Falls, Kent, CT
Castle Craig, Meriden, CT
Junction of Route 9 and 15, Berlin, CT
Junction of Route 6 and 66, Willimantic, CT
Route 66, Hebron, CT
Intersect of Route 11 and 82, Salem, CT
Using the place you picked as an example, explain how plate tectonics
helped to form parts of Connecticut’s landscape.
Teachers Notes:
Each of these locations in Connecticut was shaped through tectonic plate move hundreds of millions of years ago. Allow
your students to select a location on the map (or suggest one close to your school if possible), so that students can see
exactly the role that tectonics played in each scenario.
GLC: #5,6,7,9; GLE #4,5, 10
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Driving By Mountains of Data: 7.3
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Driving by Mountains of Data exhibit
With a group of your peers, go to Southbury, Connecticut or Hammonasset
State Park, Madison, CT.
Using the video you selected as an example, explain how glaciers helped to
form parts of Connecticut’s landscape.
Teachers Notes:
Both of these locations in Connecticut were formed by glaciers in the area. While Southbury is a boulder train,
Hammonasset presents a glacial moraine.
GLC 7.3b-#5,6 GLE # 8,10
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Student Trail Guides
Trail Guide Earth Observatory: 7.3 Landforms
Visit the Exploring Space Gallery – 5th Floor North
Go to the Earth Observatory exhibit
Choose “Plates and Quakes” and write small e’s on the map below the areas
where most earthquakes occur.
Now choose “Active Volcanoes” and write small v’s where most volcanoes
Lastly, look at “Tectonic Plate Movement.” Draw lines to indicate where the
plate boundaries are.
What do you notice about where earthquakes, volcanoes and plate
boundaries lay? Is there any correlation?
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Geologic Connecticut of Data: 7.3
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Geologic Connecticut exhibit
Pick a rock and place it on the scanner to learn more about it.
What kind of rock did you choose?
What land forming process could have formed this rock? (ex. erosion,
weathering, faulting, folding, glaciers, etc.)
What part of Connecticut did this rock come from?
Discuss your thoughts with a partner and record them in your science
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Plate Tectonics: 7.3 Landforms
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Plate Tectonics exhibit
Look at the different types of plate boundaries.
Draw a sketch of each type of plate boundary in your science notebook.
Next to your sketches of convergent, divergent and transform boundaries,
write down some of the landforms or geologic events that you think may be
associated with each type of boundary.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Plate Tectonics: 7.3 Landforms
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery - 6th Floor South
Go to the Plate Tectonics exhibit
Find the monitor that will allow you to scroll through plate tectonics from 540
million years ago, to 250 million years in the future.
Where do you think canyons and flood plains will form in the future?
Where do you think mountains and ridges will form in the future?
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Driving By Mountains of Data: 7.3
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Driving by Mountains of Data exhibit
With a group of your peers, watch one of the following:
Kent Falls, Kent, CT
Castle Craig, Meriden, CT
Junction of Route 9 and 15, Berlin, CT
Junction of Route 6 and 66, Willimantic, CT
Route 66, Hebron, CT
Intersect of Route 11 and 82, Salem, CT
Using the place you picked as an example, explain how plate tectonics
helped to form parts of Connecticut’s landscape.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Trail Guide Driving By Mountains of Data: 7.3
Visit the Planet Earth Gallery – 6th Floor South
Go to the Driving by Mountains of Data exhibit
With a group of your peers, go to Southbury, Connecticut or
Hammonasset State Park, Madison, CT.
Using the video you selected as an example, explain how glaciers helped to
form parts of Connecticut’s landscape.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Post-Visit Activities
The following highlighted GLCs and GLES are covered in this section:
Energy in the Earth’s Systems – How do external and internal sources of energy affect the Earth’s Systems?
7.3 — Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time.
activity and
the folding
and faulting
of rock
during the
shifting of
the Earth’s
crust affect
ridges and
and erosion
change the
surface by
from place
to place.
Grade-Level Expectations
Underlying Concepts
Students should be able
Students should understand that…
Earth’s surface features, such as mountains, volcanoes and
continents, are the constantly-changing result of dynamic
processes and forces at work inside the Earth.
The solid Earth has a core, mantle and crust, each with distinct
Earth’s crust is broken into different “tectonic plates” that float
on molten rock and move very slowly. Continental drift is
driven by convection currents in the hot liquid mantle beneath
the crust.
The presence of plant and animal fossils of the same age found
around different continent shores, along with the matching
coastline shapes of continental land masses, provides evidence
that the continents were once joined.
Tectonic plates meet and interact at divergent, convergent or
transform boundaries. The way in which the plates interact at a
boundary affects outcomes such as folding, faulting, uplift or
The folding and faulting of rock layers during the shifting of the
Earth’s crust causes the constructive formation of mountains,
ridges and valleys.
Mountain formation can be the result of convergent tectonic
plates colliding, such as the Appalachians and the Himalayas;
mountains may also be formed as a result of divergent tectonic
plates moving apart and causing rifting as in East Africa or
Most volcanoes and earthquakes are located at tectonic plate
boundaries where plates come together or move apart from
each other. A geographic plot of the location of volcanoes and
the centers of earthquakes allows us to locate tectonic plate
The geological makeup of Connecticut shows evidence of
various earth processes, such as continental collisions, rifting,
and folding that have shaped its structure.
Earth’s surface is constantly being shaped and reshaped by
natural processes. Some of these processes, like earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions, produce dramatic and rapid change.
Others, like weathering and erosion, usually work less
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
1. Illustrate and describe in
writing the composition
of the three major layers
of the Earth’s interior.
2. Explain how Earth’s
internal energy is
transferred to move
tectonic plates.
3. Demonstrate the
processes of folding and
faulting of the Earth’s
4. Correlate common
features/events (deep
sea trenches, mountains,
earthquakes, volcanoes)
with the location of plate
5. Examine and compare
geological features that
result from constructive
forces shaping the
surface of the Earth over
time (e.g., mountains,
ridges, volcanoes) with
geological features that
result from destructive
forces shaping the
surface of the Earth over
CMT Expected
C18. Describe
how folded and
faulted rock layers
provide evidence
of gradual up and
down motion of
the Earth’s crust.
C19. Explain how
weathering and
erosion create and
shape valleys and
C20. Explain how
the boundaries of
tectonic plates can
be inferred from
the location of
earthquakes and
6. Analyze and interpret
data about the location,
frequency and intensity
of earthquakes.
7. Compare and contrast
the major agents of
erosion and deposition of
sediments: running
water, moving ice, wave
action, wind and mass
movement due to gravity.
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
conspicuously over longer periods of time.
Glaciers form in areas where annual snowfall is greater than the
seasonal melt, resulting in a gradual build-up of snow and ice
from one season to the next.
Glaciers increase and decrease in size over long periods of
time, depending on variations in Earth’s climate.
Glaciers move slowly, spreading outward across a region or
moving down a slope.
Moving glaciers reshape the land beneath them by scraping,
carving, transporting and depositing soil and rock.
Glacial landforms have identifiable shapes. Connecticut’s
landscape provides many examples of glacial movement and
Weathering and erosion work together as destructive natural
forces. Both are forces that break down rock into small
particles called sediments.
Weathering is caused by physical, chemical or biological
means. Rock properties, such as hardness, porosity or mineral
content, influence susceptibility to weathering.
Erosion loosens and transports sediment formed by
weathering. Moving water and wind cause changes to existing
landforms and create new landforms such as valleys,
floodplains, plateaus, canyons, caves or dunes.
8. Investigate and
determine how glaciers
form and affect the
Earth’s surface as they
change over time.
9. Distinguish between
weathering and erosion.
10. Observe and report on
the geological events
that are responsible for
having shaped
Connecticut’s landscape.
glacier, valley, floodplain, core, mantle, folds, fault/fault line,
continent, tectonic plate, plate boundary, convection, mountains,
volcano, earthquake.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Activity Purpose
The purpose of this activity is to bring together everything investigated so far into an
understanding of how Connecticut’s landforms developed. From the general landforms discovered in
the Pre-Visit activity to a growing understanding of the smaller processes that form the land. The
students will have a chance to do their own scientific investigation into how specific landforms were
- Computers or laptops with access to the internet
- Geologic models, tectonic models, glacier models, simulations, etc.
- Pictures of geologic features that the students will be investigating, such as features in state parks
or some other area
Chart paper, graph paper, colored pencils, etc.
Instruct the students that we will be doing a geologic investigation on how certain features
formed. Either give them a location or have them chose one from the pictures.
Mention that they can use the internet to do research on each of the areas, there are also
models for them to test out some theories with.
At the end of the time they will present their findings to the class in a powerpoint, on chart
paper, model or some other method.
Have the students present their findings in an interesting and engaging way. When all have
presented, see if they notice any correlation with location in Connecticut and type of event that
formed the landforms.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Performance Task
Background for the Teacher
Based on geologic evidence, Connecticut has had an amazingly diverse series of geologic
events. These events have left us a unique landscape shaped by constructive and destructive forces.
Constructive forces include tectonic plate collision, folding of rock layers, lava flows, and glacial and
rainwater deposition. Destructive forces include tectonic plate separation, faulted rock layers,
rainwater erosion, and glacial erosion. These constructive and destructive forces working together
have left us folded hills in the eastern and western thirds of Connecticut, and a lower, faulted area in
the central third of Connecticut known as the Connecticut River Valley.
Task 1
Designing an Exhibit on Connecticut's Geology
You have been hired by a local museum to design an exhibit on Connecticut's geologic
features and geologic history.
Research a geological feature found in Connecticut or a part of Connecticut’s
geological history.
Produce an exhibit diagram that will help museum visitors understand what happened
during that geological time or what happened to create that geological feature.
o Include materials or equipment needed
o Include a written description of the exhibit
Task 2
Designing a Website on Connecticut’s Geology
You are a geologist developing a website for the Department of Environmental Protection. The
website will be used to inform the public about the geological history of Connecticut.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
It is important to include some of the following details in the website:
What are some of the major landforms found in Connecticut?
What geological events helped to shape these landforms?
When was the last Glaciation period?
What are some of the features left by the glaciers?
Where are some of these features located in Connecticut?
Include in your website:
Maps of Connecticut
Links to State Parks
Pictures and diagrams of the landforms
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
STEM Curriculum Guided Investigation
Middle School Science
Core Science Curriculum Framework
Content Standard 7.3
Shake, Rattle & Roll
A guided exploration of earth movement
Teacher Manual
Connecticut Science Center
Sandra M. Justin, Ph. D.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Teacher Materials
Introduction to "Shake, Rattle and Roll"
An Exploration of the Effect of Earthquakes on Structures
This is a learning unit about the movement of energy through the Earth's crust. Each year more
than 3 million earthquakes occur; many are too small to notice. The ground may move as a result of
an erupting volcano, the collapse of a cavern, the tumbling of an underwater ridge or the impact of a
meteor. Because earthquakes are among the most destructive of disasters, it is important to
understand how and where earthquakes occur in order to protect and prevent the loss of lives and
In this performance task, students will explore the effect of earthquakes on structures. By
simulating the movement of energy through the earth, with the use of a shake table, students will be
able to design, create and test structures that are resistant to motion.
Curriculum Embedded Inquiry Investigation: "Shake, Rattle and Roll" can relate conceptually to the
Energy in the Earth’s Systems – How do external and internal sources of energy affect the Earth’s systems?
Marbles that fall on the ground can be a sliding hazard. Use caution when walking around the room.
Elastic bands when released against skin can be painful and cause irritation. Avoid dangerous use of
elastic bands.
Content Standards
7.3 Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time.
C.1 Describe how folded and faulted rock layers provide evidence of the gradual up and down
motion of the Earth’s crust.
C.2 Explain how the boundaries of tectonic plates can be inferred from the location of
earthquakes and volcanoes.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
8.4 In the design of structures there is a need to consider factors such as function, materials,
safety, cost and appearance.
Unpacked Content Standards
Earth's surface is constantly being shaped and reshaped by natural processes. Some of these
processes like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions produce dramatic and rapid change. Others,
like weathering and erosion, usually work less conspicuously over longer periods of time.
Earth's surface features, such as mountains, volcanoes and continents, are the constantly changing
result of dynamic processes and forces at work inside the earth.
Most volcanoes and earthquakes are located at tectonic plate boundaries where plates come
together or move apart from each other. A geographic plot of the location of volcanoes and the
centers of earthquakes allows us to locate tectonic plate boundaries.
Underlying Science Concepts
Most earthquakes occur as a result of the buildup of strain at plate boundaries.
The energy released in an earthquake travels in waves.
A seismograph is used to determine the magnitude (strength) of an earthquake and the location
of its epicenter.
The amount of damage an earthquake causes depends on where it occurs and its magnitude.
Safe building practices can limit the loss of life and property.
Key inquiry Skills
Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation.
Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigations to answer different questions.
Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data.
Draw conclusions and identify sources of error.
Provide explanations to investigated problems or questions.
Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting
evidence and clear logic.
Objectives: Students will
1. Explore different materials, shapes and design options that affect the durability of a building.
2. Understand how to use models to perform controlled, scientific explorations.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
"Shake, Rattle & Roll."
Engineering Problem
Your company has been hired by the City of San Francisco to build the new town hall on Alcatraz
Island. Your job is to design an attractive structure that is earthquake resistant on Alcatraz Island. Use
what you have learned about earthquakes, building materials and structures to prepare a
presentation to the town council in support or rejection of your design.
Per classroom:
Shake table (At least one is needed, but more can be made available.) Directions as follows:
How to Build a Shake Table
1 shallow box, about 10 cm tall and lid
4 elastic bands
10 -20 marbles
scissors, staples, string
1. Cut the lid so that it will fit into bottom of the box with a 2 cm clearance on all sides. This is the
base of the Shake Table.
2. Staple an elastic band to each corner of the base.
3. Fill the box with marbles and place the base on the marbles.
3. Cut small slits in the corners of the box at the height of the base.
4. Attach the free end of the elastic to a paper clip and slide it through the slits. Adjust the elastics for
easy movement.
5. To simulate an earthquake, gently pull one side of the base and let go.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Optional: To simulate more rapid movement, attach strings to each side of the base at the middle,
make small holes at the corresponding point in the sides of the box. To move the base, pull the
strings through the holes and pull them back and forth.
& attached
For each lab group:
Building materials, such as straws, straight pins, sugar cubes, mini marshmallows, toothpicks, pipe
cleaners and Popsicle sticks.
Cardboard or stock paper (for the making of roofs and for foundation support)
Modeling clay
Advance preparation for the teacher:
Make the shake table(s). Obtain construction materials.
This is where you set the hook! Give the students something to observe or to think about, but
no tools. Ask them to raise a question/make a statement about the object(s). Compare/contrast, use
Venn diagrams and other graphic organizers. This is an anticipatory set to introduce them to the
exercise and to set the context. This is an opportunity for a pretest. Listen carefully and note any
misconceptions that might arise. Knowing the most common misconceptions, you might consider
exposing the students to a demonstration to pique their interest and curiosity and most importantly,
to get them to begin to confront their misconceptions
When you think of earthquakes, what comes to mind? What is an earthquake? Where and why
do earthquakes occur? Teacher notes: At this point you might expect to hear comments related to
tsunamis, falling buildings, loss of life, fault lines, the movement of the earth, and other similar topics.
Technology connections: There are some engaging simulations and videos on the Internet
that would interest the students. These may be used at an introduction to the unit, as a way to
present content or as an attention grabber.
Engage students with video clips from a website, such as the National Geographic website,
listed below. Other appropriate web sites can be found at the end of the unit. The video clip
information found at these sites are exciting and informative and would be a natural introduction to
Shake, Rattle & Roll.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Student Misconceptions
Misconceptions and Facts about Formation of Landforms
The rigid outer layer of Earth is made up of
There are gaps between the tectonic
plates that fit closely together. Each plate
directly touches the plate next to it.
Mountains are created rapidly.
Plate movement is very slow; it can only be
measured in centimeters per year. Mountain
formation can occur as the plates slowly
Earthquakes occur only in certain places Earthquakes occur in many areas, although
on the earth.
some areas are more susceptible.
The plates that meet at the San Andreas
Someday, during an earthquake,
Fault System exhibit horizontal motion. In
California will break off from the
effect, Los Angeles is moving north at a rate
continent, fall into the ocean or become of 46 millimeters a year.
an island.
An increase or decrease in activity does not
If an area has not has an earthquake for predict an earthquake. There is natural
some time, it means that a large
variation in seismic activity and there is no
earthquake will soon happen.
way to know when an earthquake will
The ground can open up during an
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
During an earthquake, movement occurs
along the plane of the fault. The edges of the
fault slide up or down, they cannot spread
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Teacher note: To allow for a fair test, the teacher should determine the magnitude (strength) and
length of time of the 'earthquake' on the shake table. This information should be shared with the
students. For example, the teacher states that the earthquake will last 5 seconds and consist of 15
back and forth shakes of the table.
Investigation #1 allows the students to start thinking about and working with building
structures and the use of materials. As the students manipulate the sugar cubes, they will learn that
the structures they create are fragile. You may or may not introduce the shake table at this time.
Investigation #1 - Guided exploration
20 sugar cubes
Paper & cardboard
You have the job of building a structure out of bricks. You may only use 20 bricks and your structure
must have a roof. Use a cardboard base as a foundation.
• What would you structure look like?
• How big would it be?
• How sturdy is your structure?
1. Plan the shape of your structure.
2. Build your structure
3. Did you have any problems? How were they solved?
4. Would your structure survive an earthquake?
5. What do you notice or wonder about as you build your structure? Write your noticing and
wonderings in your notebook.
Teacher note: Investigation #2 is a challenge. The students have a choice of building materials. It is
up to them to create the design to meet the challenge.
Investigation #2 -Challenge
Sugar cubes, toothpicks, stirrers, mini marshmallows,
plastic or paper straws, straight pins, pipe cleaners, Popsicle sticks,
clay to be used as a base, cardboard, construction paper, scissors, rulers,
tape Students may also bring in pre approved materials from home.
In this activity, you will design, build and test a structure for stability during an earthquake.
Your structure must be at least 30 cm tall, have a roof and not collapse on the shake table. You may
use any of the materials on the table to build your structure. All completed structures will be tested
on the shake table under the same conditions.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Purpose: In small groups, you will investigate variables such as the shape and size of the building,
stability, and building materials. Don't forget that buildings are designed to be attractive and
functional. As you design your structure, keep an OWL chart.
What you notice
Questions or ideas you
What you have learned
1. Using paper and pencil, design a structure that is at least 30 cm tall.
2. Check the design with you teacher.
3. Build your model.
4. Test your model on the shake table. You may use tape to secure your base to the shake table.
5. Observe the designs of your classmates as they are tested. Which designs were more stable? Draw
the designs and make notes about the designs in your notebook.
6. Did you make any changes to your original design? Why or why not?
7. Write questions that you would like to investigate based on your observations and wonderings.
Thinking tool: Note for the teacher: A thinking tool is a demonstration, probing question, or
comment that focuses student thinking.
Cut a 30 cm piece of foil wrap from a roll. Lay it on the table. With your hands firmly placed on the
edges, slowly bring your hands together. As the foil buckles, it models the folding of the earth as two
plates slowly come together. Ask the students to identify mountains, valleys and other geologic
features as they appear on the crumpled foil.
Teacher note: Share with the class any additional materials that will be available for their use; this
may add to the number and type of questions. Collect and post the student generated questions.
You might read through the questions and post them according to content or concept area. When
the questions are posted, you could discuss the questions with the students. Some questions might
not be investigable at this time, others might need clarification and some might inspire new
questions. The students are now ready for a 'gallery walk.'
A gallery walk allows the students to walk by and read all the posted questions. You may chose
to allow pre-formed groups to select a question. Students can also form groups based on interest.
Once a student has selected a question, he/she can stand by the question and wait for others who
are interested in the same question. This grouping technique discourages groups based on
friendship alone.
Examples of student generated questions. What type of foundation or base of the structure is
more stable? What shape of building is more stable? How tall can we build a stable structure? How
do bridges react to a shake table?
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Taking your investigation further.
You have been exploring structures and building materials. You have tested your ideas and
observed the plans and ideas of other students. You are now ready to explore and do research on
your ideas. Feel free to investigate variables such as the shape of a building, construction materials,
foundation support or the type of substrate a structure is built upon.
Take time to think about and to write what you have learned. Use your science notebook to
write about your experiences and new learnings.
Teacher note: This is a good place for students to engage in writing and research. The students now
have some experience in manipulating building materials. This new knowledge should be written in
their science notebooks. It can also be used as a writing prompt. Research, via the internet or text,
into earthquakes and building construction can also happen at this point.
Investigation #3 - Inquiry
In this investigation, you will choose a question to explore based on your interest.
Feel free to use your imagination. Once you have decided upon a question and discussed it with your
teacher, you will be ready to design your own investigation.
As you plan, keep these questions in mind.
• How will you build your structure? What materials will you use?
• How will you identify the variables? What is your control?
• How will you test your structure(s)? How will you judge success?
• How will you present your findings? Diagram? Chart? Graph? Demonstration?
• On what will you base your conclusion of a successful design?
1. Choose a question for investigation.
2. Using the materials at hand, design a structure that can withstand 'an earthquake.'
Give reasons why you chose certain materials and how you decided upon the design. This
should be part of your explanation to the teacher.
3. Show your design to the teacher before you start construction. You will be expected to share your
design, reasoning and results with the class.
4. Build your structure.
5. Test your structure and complete your investigation.
6. Plan your presentation.
7. Communicate your findings.
• What were your results?
• What did you learn?
• What would you do differently next time?
Teacher note: As you go from group to group, you should make a note of the science concepts that
are discussed or demonstrated. This is when you might identify and correct misconceptions. During
the presentations, encourage questioning and clarification from the students Add any new learnings
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
that are expressed to your list. While the students are present, you may chart the concepts and
scientific content. This important next step is the synthesis. The teacher summarizes the evidence
presented and ties the concepts together. The student's work is validated and the learning is
Extensions or Variations
Students might enjoy constructing their own shake table.
Other materials can be used as a base, such as gelatin, pudding and foam.
Some students might wish to build a bridge that is earthquake resistant.
Interested students might explore the 'Ring of Fire,' the zone of volcanic activity that rings the
Pacific Ocean.
The study of plate tectonics can be a unit of study for motivated students.
Earthquake tremors occur frequently in New England. A study of local earthquakes is an
appropriate extension.
Encourage the use of mathematics to present data - height, mass, elevation, etc.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Performance Assessment
Engineering Problem
Your company has been hired by the City of San Francisco to build the new town hall on
Alcatraz Island. Your job is to design an attractive structure that is earthquake resistant on Alcatraz
Island. Use what you have learned about earthquakes, building materials and structures to build, test
and prepare a presentation to the town council in support or rejection of your design.
Now that students have had the opportunity to investigate the various forces acting upon the
structures, students should now design their own building to solve the initial problem. Remember the
design must include the materials and the total cost of the project.
Build Model
Students build model based on their building design.
Students test their model, collecting data to analyze the success of their model.
Data Analysis
Students analyze their testing data using graphs, charts, tables, and statistics.
Design/Model Revision
Using the testing results that have been analyzed, students will redesign their model to
improve the behavior of their model design.
Students retest their model, collecting data to analyze the success of their model.
Communicate Results
Students now share their bridge results with one another. Using all of this information,
students complete their presentation for the class.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Simulations, demonstrations and teacher information
There are numerous sites on the web that offer "up to the minute" earthquake information.
Lesson plans and tools for educators.
A well organized site offering video, audio and dramatic photos of earthquakes.
U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Survey Hazards program - Offers all types of information. There is
a site for students and teachers. Shows recent earthquake information for New England.
World Wide Earthquake Locator - offers up to the minute earthquake information.
A good, teacher friendly website with examples of activities and assessments.
USGS site with activities and information for students
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
STEM Curriculum Guided Investigation
Middle School Science
Core Science Curriculum Framework
Content Standard 7.3
Shake, Rattle & Roll
A guided exploration of earth movement
Student Manual
Connecticut Science Center
Sandra M. Justin, Ph. D.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Student Materials
Introduction to Shake, Rattle & Roll!
An Exploration of the Effect of Earthquakes on Structures
This is a learning unit about the movement of energy through the Earth's crust. Each year more
than 3 million earthquakes occur; many are too small to notice. The ground may move as a result of
an erupting volcano, the collapse of a cavern, the tumbling of an underwater mountain or the impact
of a meteor. Because earthquakes are among the most destructive of disasters, it is important to
understand how and where earthquakes occur in order to protect and prevent the loss of lives and
Engineering Problem
Your company has been hired by the City of San Francisco to build the new town hall on Alcatraz
Island. Your job is to design an attractive structure that is earthquake resistant on Alcatraz Island. Use
what you have learned about earthquakes, building materials and structures to build, test and
prepare a presentation to the town council in support or rejection of your design.
When you think of earthquakes, what comes to mind? What is an earthquake? Where and why
do earthquakes occur?
Write your thoughts in your science notebook.
Investigation #1 - Guided Exploration
20 sugar cubes
Paper & cardboard
You have the job of building a structure out of bricks. You may only use 20 bricks and your
structure must have a roof. Use a cardboard base as a foundation.
• What would you structure look like?
• How big would it be?
• How sturdy is your structure?
1. Plan the shape of your structure.
2. Build your structure
3. Did you have any problems? How were they solved?
4. Would your structure survive an earthquake?
5. What do you notice or wonder about as you build your structure? Write your noticing and
wonderings in your notebook.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Investigation #2 - Challenge
Sugar cubes, toothpicks, stirrers, mini marshmallows,
Plastic or paper straws, straight pins, pipe cleaners, Popsicle sticks,
clay to be used as a base, cardboard, construction paper, scissors, rulers,
In this activity, you will design, build and test a structure for stability during an earthquake.
Your structure must be at least 30 cm tall, have a roof and not collapse on the shake table. You may
use any of the materials on the table to build your structure. All completed structures will be tested
on the shake table under the same conditions.
Purpose: In small groups, you will investigate variables such as the shape and size of the building,
stability, and building materials. Don't forget that buildings are designed to be attractive and
functional. As you design your structure, keep an OWL chart.
What you notice
Questions or ideas you
What you have learned
1. Using paper and pencil, design a structure that is at least 30 cm tall.
2. Check the design with you teacher.
3. Build your model.
4. Test your model on the shake table. You may use tape to secure your base to the shake table,
5. Observe the designs of your classmates as they are tested. Which designs were more stable? Draw
the designs and make notes about the designs in your notebook
6. Did you make any changes to your original design? Why or why not?
7. Write some questions you would like to investigate based on your observations and wonderings.
Taking your investigation further
You have been exploring structures and building materials. You have tested your ideas and
observed the plans and ideas of other students. You are now ready to explore and do research on
your ideas. Feel free to investigate variables such as the shape of a building, construction materials,
foundation support or the type of substrate a structure is built upon.
Take time to think about and to write what you have learned. Use your science notebook to
write about your experiences and new learnings.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Investigation #3 - Inquiry
In this investigation, you will choose a question to explore based on your interest. Feel free to
use your imagination. Once you have decided upon a question and discussed it with your teacher,
you will be ready to design your own investigation.
As you plan, keep these questions in mind.
• How will you build your structure? What materials will you use?
• How will you identify the variables?
• How will you test your structure(s)? How will you judge success?
• How will you present your findings? Diagram? Chart? Graph? Demonstration?
• On what will you base your conclusion of a successful design?
1. Choose a question for investigation.
2. Using the materials at hand, design a structure that can withstand an “earthquake.”
Give reasons why you chose certain materials and how you decided upon the design. This should be
part of your explanation to the teacher.
3. Show your design to the teacher before you start construction. You will be expected to share your
design, reasoning and results with the class.
4. Build your structure.
5. Test your structure and complete your investigation.
6. Plan your presentation.
7. Communicate your findings.
11. What were your results?
12. What did you learn?
13. What would you do differently next time?
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Applying your findings: Expected Performance
Engineering Problem
Your company has been hired by the City of San Francisco to build the new town hall on
Alcatraz Island. Your job is to design an attractive structure that is earthquake resistant on Alcatraz
Island. Use what you have learned about earthquakes, building materials and structures to build, test
and prepare a presentation to the town council in support or rejection of your design.
Now that students have had the opportunity to investigate the various forces acting upon the
structures, students should now design their own building to solve the initial problem. Remember the
design must include the materials and the total cost of the project.
Build Model
Students build model based on their building design.
Students test their model, collecting data to analyze the success of their model.
Data Analysis
Students analyze their testing data using graphs, charts, tables, and statistics.
Design/Model Revision
Using the testing results that have been analyzed, students will redesign their model to
improve the behavior of their model design.
Students retest their model, collecting data to analyze the success of their model.
Communicate Results
Students now share their bridge results with one another. Using all of this information,
students complete their presentation for the class.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Teacher Resources
Safety Disclaimer:
The content of this Teacher’s Resource section is intended to serve as an educational resource for
teachers and students.
Preparing for the safety of yourself and your students is a critical step in planning for any hands-on
science- related activities. Prior to conducting any of the activities included in this resource section,
please familiarize yourself and your students with any potential hazards, and take the necessary
precautions appropriate for each specific activity.
Connecticut Science Center is not responsible for the contents of any books, videos, websites or
other resources to which we provide a reference and does not necessarily endorse the opinions,
activities, services, products or information expressed within them.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Geological History of Connecticut
Background Information:
Connecticut’s landscape is characterized by uplands in the eastern and western thirds of the state
and a large valley in the middle third of the state. The Eastern and Western Uplands have been
subjected to about 200 million years of weathering and erosion and, as a result, these uplands stand
considerably lower than they did 200 million years ago. Much of the material eroded from the
uplands was deposited into the Central Valley. Like the uplands, this valley has also been shaped by
weathering, erosion and geologic processes over the past 200 million years.
500 million years ago – Pre Pangaea
250 million years ago - Two plates collided “Crunch” – African, North American and Pieces of Europe
Closed off the Lapetos Ocean
200 million years ago – Super continent began to break apart, separating North America and Africa.
Atlantic Ocean begins to form.
The “Crack” that formed became the start of the Connecticut River Valley. Rock is largely
sedimentary – formed by sediment from lake floor. More susceptible to erosion.
Collision terrain – metamorphic rock – formed by the heat and pressure of the collision Eastern and Western Uplands
85,000 years ago - Most recent glaciation
20-25,000 years ago – glaciation reaches its peak – Ice was higher than the highest peaks of the
Northwest Highlands
18,000 years ago – glaciers started melting, sea levels rose.
Terminal moraine – North Shore of Long Island
Recessional Moraines – along the coast of Connecticut – Hammonassett
Glacial lakes formed
9,000 years ago – Paleo-Native American tribes were walking around.
Erosion continues to wear away the surface of Connecticut
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Professional Development
Field Trip Professional Development Workshop
Come be a student a day. Prior to bringing your class to the CT
Science Center, you are encouraged to spend time at the Center and
explore the exhibits and programs available to you and your students by
participating in our day long Field Trip Professional Development
During this day, you will have an opportunity to explore the Planet Earth Gallery, and the River of
Life Gallery and other relevant galleries using our standards based Trail Guides. These guides will
lead you and your students on the pathway toward enjoying the museum while maintaining focus on
your grade level or content standard.
You will also have the opportunity to participate as a learner in the pre visit, visit and post visit
activities provided by the CT Science Center. Afterward, you will process the various activities and
discuss their applications in your classroom and in your students’ learning.
Introduction to Inquiry
The Connecticut Science Center’s Introduction to Inquiry Professional Development workshop was
launched in the summer of 2005 and funded by the GE Education Foundation. Based upon the
Exploratorium’s Institute for Inquiry in San Francisco, our Science Center’s professional development
workshop is a five day immersion experience in inquiry-based learning and teaching plus an
additional two days at the Annual Follow Up Conference.
The Center’s Introduction to Inquiry workshop is tied directly to the CT Science Framework
Connecticut adopted in 2004. The workshop’s programming addresses requirements in Connecticut’s
Common Core of Teaching and Common Core of Learning as well. Please visit for more information and to register.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Interdisciplinary Activities
Social Studies:
Standard: Students will compare and contrast differences among maps, globes, photographs,
models and satellite images for solving geographic problems.
• Draw maps that compare Pangaea with present day continent locations.
Standard: Students will describe human and natural characteristics of places and how they shape or
place identity.
• Develop a timeline showing the geological history of Connecticut and man’s presence
on Earth.
Standard: Students will use latitude and longitude to locate places and calculate differences
between places.
• Plot the location of the latest Earthquakes in the world on a world map using
information from USGS.
Standard: Students will understand how concepts of physical geography can be applied to
explain natural processes;
• Research major earthquakes in the United States:
 Prince William Sound Alaska 1964
 San Francisco 1906
 New Madrid Region 1811
Language Arts:
Standard: Students will research information from multiple sources for a specific purpose. Students
will research information from multiple sources for a specific purpose.
• Write a children’s book that will describe a geologic event. Examples: What is a
glacier? How is a Mountain Made? What is an Earthquake?
Standard: Students will display and compare sets of data using various systematic or graphical
• Using ice core data, students will graph carbon dioxide levels against temperature
change to establish trends.
Standard: Students will solve geometric and measurement problems through the use of a variety of
tools, techniques and strategies.
• Using premade maps, students will measure the distance between South America and
Africa at two points in Earth’s history and calculate the average speed at which the
continents have been drifting apart.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Teacher Websites
All about Glaciers National Snow and Ice Data Center offers information, pictures, data, and virtual
tours of glaciers
American Geological Institute This organization offers current information on geology and
educational resources. It sponsors the annual Earth Science Week in October.
Connecticut Geology Information on the geological history of Connecticut
Connecticut Geology Summary of places of geological note
Digital Library of Earth Science Comprehensive database of earth science resources for educators
Geological History of Connecticut: A summary of the major geological events in Connecticut
IRIS – Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology – Offers animations, one page information
sheets and current data on earthquakes
Life Cycle of a Glacier: NOVA website that supports the television segment “Descent into the Ice”
Modeling Glacier Dynamics with Flubber Leigh A. Stearns, University of Maine. This activity uses
“Flubber” made with white glue and borax to model glacier changes. The resource at the bottom of
the page relates the activity to Malaspina, the largest glacier in Alaska.
Online Glacier Database: Photographs of glaciers and how they are changing with global warming.
The state is sponsored by the National Snow and Ice Data Center
Plate Tectonics: Made to Order NSDL/NSTA web seminar and links explaining plate tectonics
The Face of Connecticut Michael Bell online version of the geological history of Connecticut
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Paleontological Research Institution Explanation of historical glacial activity in the Northeast
U.S. Geological Survey – This is a wonderful resource for local and national information on Earth
Science. The site has many education resources and links that are helpful.
Some links from USGS that may be helpful:
• Ask a Geologist – students can submit questions
• Interior of the Earth – More technical information about the Earth’s layers:
• This Dynamic Earth: website and online booklet that reviews the theory of plate
• Faults and Earthquakes
• Paper models to demonstrate faulting
• Volcanic events in Connecticut
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Literature Links
Rocks in His
Carol Otis
Describes how
a childhood
passion for
rocks leads to a
Activities that
reflect the
processes that
formed the
biographies of
explanations of
deep sea
thermal vents
Geology Rocks! Cindy Blobaum 1-885593-29-5
50 Hands-On
Activities to
Explore the
Girls Who
Jeannine Atkins 1-58469-011-9
Looked Under
Diving to a
Deep Sea
Laurie Lindop
Middle Level
Century Books
Erosion: How
Darlene R Stille
Land Forms,
How it Changes
Compass Point
Plate Tectonics
Century Books
Golden Gate
National Parks
Rebecca L.
Land In Motion- Michael Collier
California’s San
Andreas Fault
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Describes the
careers of
geologists and
Resource for
learning about
erosions and its
Explanation of
how the Plate
Photos and
history of the
San Andreas
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Reference Books
Department of
The Face of
Michael Bell
Over the
Mountains: An
Aerial View of
Michael Collier
Mikaya Press
Plate Tectonics:
The Way the
Earth Works
Kevin Cuff, Ian
Carmichael and
Carolyn Willard
GEMS Teacher
Project Earth
Brent A. Ford
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
information on
was formed
and shaped
photos and
explanations of
features across
the United
Activities for
students to
explore plate
and activities of
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Earth Science in Action: Weathering and Erosion Schlessinger Media 23 minutes – Descriptions of the
forces that cause weathering, erosion and deposition
Earth Science in Action: Land Formation Schlessinger Media 23 minutes Explanations on how plains,
mountains, plateaus, deltas, and other formations develop
Planet Earth: Mountains Wonderful Explanations and breathtaking video on forces of nature that
have developed and eroded our mountain systems available at
World’s fastest glacier
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Careers in Geoscience
Atmospheric scientist
Marine geologist
Economic geologist
Engineering geologist
Environmental geologist
Museum curator
Petroleum geologists
Planetary geologists
Glacial geologists
Soil scientists
Marine geologists
Geoscience Career websites:
American Geological Institute:
American Geophysical Union:
Association of Women Geoscientists:
Careers for Geosciences Video – Career introduction and interviews with geologists – watch
online or purchase. 42 minutes.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Additional Activities that relate to the geological history of Connecticut:
Layers of the Earth: Group Research and Model Building
Background Information:
The Earth is made of three main layers: core, mantle and crust. The outer layer, the crust, is by
far the thinnest layer and relatively rigid/inflexible. Underneath that outer layer is the middle layer
called the mantle. The top part of the mantle, called the asthenosphere, is semi-solid--similar in
consistency to putty. Hotter than the overlying crust, the asthenosphere has convection currents that
flow within it. Beneath the mantle is the hottest layer of all–-the core. The core has two parts: an
inner core that is mostly solid iron, and an outer core that is mostly liquid iron. Both the mantle and
the core are under tremendous pressure due to the mass of the materials lying above them.
Research Activity: Earth’s Layers
Have students research the three layers of the Earth. The information they gather should
address the following characteristics of Earth’s layers:
consistency (inflexible, putty-like, solid, liquid, etc.)
any other information they think might be relevant or useful (like density)
how scientists/geologists think they know about these layers even though
they’ve never been able to reach beneath the crust
Activity: Earth’s Layers
After the students have researched the Earth’s layers, ask them to make a scale model of the
Earth’s layers. Students may choose to make two dimensional posters or three dimensional models.
Allow students to pick their own materials for 3-D models.
Activity: Convection Currents in the Asthenosphere: Demonstration and Simulation
Background information: Once students understand how the Earth is put together, they are ready to
find out how convection currents form in the asthenosphere. Convection currents are loops that form
due to temperature and density differences in asthenosphere materials. The materials at the bottom
of the asthenosphere are hotter. Since they are hotter, they are less dense and rise–as a hot air
balloon rises above cooler air. As the hot asthenosphere rises, it cools. This cooled material is more
dense, so it sinks back down again, completing the loop called a convection current.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Demonstration Activity: Convection currents
Demonstrate how convection currents work using a lava lamp, heating a beaker with glitter,
etc. Students can speculate what is causing the movement of materials within the lamp and/or
beaker. They need to see a connection between this kind of movement in your demonstration with
the types of movement in the asthenosphere.
Activity: Convection Currents
Ask students to create their own convection currents using sponges to represent land
masses/continents/crust/crustal plates, water to represent asthenosphere, and a candle or other heat
source from below to represent the heat coming from within the Earth.
1. Place a metal tray over two equal stacks of books. Make sure the tray is high enough for the heat
source to fit under it but close enough so that the heat source can actually heat the water in the tray.
2. Fill the tray about halfway with cool water.
3. Float a few pieces of sponge on top of the water.
4. Begin heating the tray.
5. Observe what happens to the sponges as the water heats. What is causing this?
Again, students need to see a connection between this kind of movement in their simulation with the
types of movement in the asthenosphere and its effects on the overlying crust.
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012
CT Science Content Standard 7.3 – Landforms
Landforms are the result of the interaction of constructive and destructive forces over time
Student Resources
Safety Disclaimer:
The content of this Student’s Resource section is intended to serve as an educational resource for
Preparing for the safety of yourself is a critical step in planning for any hands-on science- related
activities. Prior to conducting any of the activities included in this resource section, please familiarize
yourself with any potential hazards, and take the necessary precautions appropriate for each specific
Connecticut Science Center is not responsible for the contents of any books, videos, websites or
other resources to which we provide a reference and does not necessarily endorse the opinions,
activities, services, products or information expressed within them.
Student Websites:
Al Pie del Volcán Interactive Spanish–language site that explores volcanoes.
Astroventure Animated geology guide that has offers career and content information
Careers in the Geoscientists Easy to understand site that explains the career opportunities and
education required
250 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103
Version 3-2012