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UNIT 7 – The European Middle Ages
Standard 6-5.1 – Explain feudalism and its relationship to the development of European monarchies and nation-states, including
feudal relationships, the daily life of peasants and serfs, and the economy under the manorial system.
Standard 6-5.2 – Explain the effects of the Magna Carta on European society, its effects on the feudal system, and its contribution to
the development of representative government in England.
Standard 6-5.3 – Summarize the course of the Crusades and explain their effects on feudalism and their role in spreading
Standard 6-5.4 – Explain the role and influence of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe.
Standard 6-5.5 – Summarize the origins and impact of the bubonic plague (Black Death) on feudalism.
The Vikings
After the Western Roman Empire fell, Europe was up for grabs! During this time, a group of
people that the Romans called __________________________ began to make their
presence known. Some of these people (one group) were called the ___________________.
Where does the name “Viking” come from? What does it mean?
What religion were the Vikings?
What region of Europe were the Vikings from? What present-day countries does the area
make up today?
Based on the geography of Scandinavia, do you think the Vikings had a lot of crops?
Why do the Vikings leave Scandinavia? What were they like? How do they treat the people
in places that they invade?
The Vikings were master ship builders. What were their ships like?
Viking Map Activity: Label the Map below to show where the Vikings lived and traveled. On
the map LABEL: the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, Italy, Greece, Spain, Denmark, Gaul
(France), Germany, Britain (United Kingdom), Ireland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden. Color
the countries the Vikings were from RED. The draw arrows to show countries that they
invaded and took over. Color the water BLUE.
Use the map from your notes in Google Classroom and the map on pp. 545 to help you.
to the Middle
Ages in Europe 500 to 1500 AD
Europe has many types of landforms and climates, so different ways of life have developed
there. The physical features of Europe are widely from region to region. Geography has
shaped life in Europe, including where and how people live.
Southern Europe –
Northwestern Europe –
Scandinavia –
What is the
Middle Ages?
Feudalism in
the Middle
Ages (the
feudal system)
After the fall of Rome, groups moved into __________________ and divided the lands
among themselves. The leaders of these groups called themselves _______________. The
creation of kingdoms ____________________________________________ of the Middle
Ages, a period lasing from 500 to 1500. Another name for this time period is
____________________________. After the fall of Rome, the only organized institution left
was the ___________________________ ____________________. Christianity spread to
northern Europe through the work of __________________________ and _____________.
The most powerful force that helped spread Christianity was the _____________. The Pope
send missionaries, people who try to convert others to a particular religion, throughout
________________. Despite the efforts of Christians to maintain order, Europe was a
_________________________ place after the fall of Rome. Invaders threatened much of
Europe in the 700s and 800s. __________________ the outsiders to Christians helped calm
the attacks. A group of Europeans known as the __________________ started conquering
parts of Europe. This created political changes. The Franks, led by
_____________________________, created a huge Christian empire. Charlemagne came to
power in the late 700s. He was the leader of the ______________________. Charlemagne
was a fierce warrior and a strong king. As a ___________________, he conquered many
kingdoms. As a _____________, his reign included France, Germany, Austria, Italy, and
northern Spain. Why is Charlemagne important?
The Feudal
Feudalism is the _____________________________________________________________.
With the loyalty, people were also offered ________________________. _________ are
pieces of land given to lords, vassals, or knights. Who were the nobles?
_____________________________ ___________________. Who was considered a
noble?__________________________________. Who were the peasants?
___________________________________________________________ What are the 2
groups that make up the peasants? _____________________________________. What is
the difference between a freeman and a serf?
What is a manor? ____________________________________________________________
Manors were self-sufficient. This meant that the land was farmed and skilled workers made
everything that was needed to live. The peasants were generally granted small parcels of
_______ to grow crops for the family and to sell, but had to pay much of what they grew to
the _________, either in _______________________ for using the lord’s resources, such as
the mill for grinding wheat. In addition to working his own land, the _________ had to work
the _____________ land. The peasants could not _______________________ granted to
them, and while they were technically free, they were tied to the land on which they lived
and could not _________________ ___________________________. To defend their lands,
nobles needed soldiers. The best soldiers were _________________, who were warriors
who fought on horseback. Knights needed weapons, armor, and horses, so nobles gave
_________ to the knights to support them. What is a vassal?
Knights are similar the samurai we learned about in Japan. Both knights and samurai swore
their ____________________ to their lords. Both also followed a Code of Honor. The
samurai followed the ________________________ and the knights of Europe followed a
code of _______________. Knights and samurai were both ___________________ by people
of their country.
The Magna
Carta in
The feudal system ______________________________ the power of the nobles and
strengthened the power of the _____________________. Over time, the nobles rejected
this monarchial power and __________________ against their king
(_____________________) and forced him to sign the __________________________,
which brought about democratic changes in _____________ _______________________
and set forth the basic _____________ of the English people. The Magna Carta limited the
power of the _____________ and set the stage for the _______________
_________________________, not only in England, but eventually the rest of Europe.
Magna Carta Outline answer on this sheet using pp. 558.
1. Cause of change in England
a. In the year _________ a group of _______ met with King _____ in the middle of a
field called ________________.
b. The nobles forced King _______to put his ________ on a ___________ they had
c. This document was called the ________ ______ or ______ _________.
2. Effects of Magna Carta
a. The Magna Carta required the king to honor certain rights and placed _______ on
the king’s power.
b. The king could only collect taxes if a group of ______ called the _____ _______
c. The Magna Carta also forced the king to uphold the rights of ________, including
the right to ____ _____ by ______.
3. Changes after the Magna Carta
a. Over time the Magna Carta helped strengthen the idea that everyone, regardless
of _______, have _______ and the government should have ________ power.
b. Edward I increased the authority of his ________. In time the council developed
into Parliament.
c. Who were members of the Parliament? ___________________
By the late middle ages, the king could do little without Parliament’s support.
d. The growth of Parliament marked an important step towards ___________
4. Answer the questions below in complete sentences.
a. Under the Magna Carta, who had to obey the law?
b. Explain why the signing of the Magna Carta was so important.
c. How was the creation of the Parliament a step toward the creation of democracy
in Europe?
d. How did the Magna Carta affect the way kings ruled outside of Europe?
The Roman
In England, feudalism _______________________ under a new representative
_______________ established by the ________________________. Remember that
feudalism is _________________________________________________________________
The more land you held, the more _________________ you had. For the rest of Europe,
feudalism weakens under the __________________________________________________.
The ____________ becomes the most powerful person in Europe and __________________
is spread.
Fill in the blanks or answer the questions as you go. Use the documents in Google
Classroom to complete this outline.
Review of Kings and Popes (Chapter 1, Section 1 pgs 524-527)
 After the fall of Rome, the only organized institution left in Western
Europe was the _______________________________________ Church.
 Feudalism was a type of government based on the exchange of land for
loyalty. The more land you held the more ____________ or control you
had over others. This eventually weakened the kings and the nobles held
the power.
 Government became tied to religion because the kings gave power to
the pope.
 The kings were elected, but fights broke out to gain control and the kings
turned to the pope to settle the fights.
 A pope is __________________________________________________.
 The pope had the power to excommunicate, or ____________________
___________________________, which no one wanted to have happen.
They believed if this happened they would not make it to heaven.
 Popes became to have spiritual and political power. Most people
believed everything the pope said.
 This is going to cause problems for the kings when they want to get their
power back from the pope.
Outline of “Christianity and Medieval Society” (Chapter 18, Section 3 pgs 533539)
1. Church Shapes Society and Politics
a. ____________________________ influenced culture and politics.
They were church officials.
b. Life in the village revolved around the ______________________
c. The local church sometimes was not enough. Some wanted to go
on pilgrimages. A pilgrimage is
d. The church gained ___________________ power when people
gave the church land.
2. Monks and Friars
a. Some people were unhappy with the political nature of the church
because they felt the clergy should focus
b. Men who committed to a life of religion were called
c. Women who committed to a life of religion were called
d. What is the difference between monks and friars?
e. The main goal of a friar was to teach
3. Universities Are Built
a. Who built the earliest universities?
b. What subjects were taught.
c. What language were the classes taught in?
d. Who is Thomas Aquinas?
e. What did he teach?
f. Natural Law is
4. The Church and the Arts
a. The style of architecture churches were built in was
b. Churches were filled with beautiful objects to show
Now use the pictures to answer these questions.
1. How does the picture on page 534 show the wealth of the Church?
2. What time do monks pray? (List all the times.)
3. Where was Saint Francis born?
4. What are some similarities between schools in the middle ages and
5. When did Thomas Aquinas die?
6. How high is the Chartes Cathedral?
Complete the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast monks and friars.
The Crusades –
What were the
Crusades and
why are they
The crusades were a __________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________. The crusades were fought
to restore _________________________ control of the _________________________. They
were fought over a period of nearly _________ years, between 1095 and 1291. Other
campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The crusades were
fought mainly by _____________________________ forces against ___________________.
It is important to realize that the crusades started as a way of:
1. Recapturing the recently seized _________________________ from
_________________ control.
2. A preventive measure to avert _______________________________ conquest of the
Byzantine Empire.
3. They lasted for a period of several ____________________ and took place in several
different _________________.
By 1095. The invasions of western Europe had stopped. The ___________________ had
either been driven out or had settled and become Christians.
___________________________________ (of Normandy) had united England under his
feudalistic government. As the need for knights to fight off invaders lessened, the
unemployed knights started fighting each other for more land. ______________ from Turkey
began persecuting (attacking) ____________________ in the Holy Land. Pope Urban II and
the Byzantine Emperor called upon Christians to ______________ the Muslims and win back
the _________________________. Over the next 200 years, the _________
______________ supported ________ crusade campaigns. The Christians never recaptured
the Holy Land, but the Crusades _________________________ and made the use of
______________ a much more common practice. The crusades had
______________________________. While the crusaders did not permanently re-conquer
the Holy Land, they did start trading again.
Impact of the Crusades:
The Crusades spread _______________________ into new regions outside of Europe, but
the inability of the crusaders to hold onto the lands that were gained eventually
__________________ ___________________________________________________. As a
result, the institution of feudalism weakens. As feudalism weakens, kings began to gain more
________________ and ______________________________________________________.
1. Label the Mediterranean Sea.
2. Put a dot at and label in black the cities of Paris, London, Rome, Venice, and Constantinople.
3. Label the islands of Crete and Sicily.
4. Label England, France, Italy, and Byzantine Empire.
5. Lightly shade all Christian lands in green. (Europe)
6. Lightly shade all Muslim lands in purple.
7. Put a blue star at and label the city of Jerusalem.
8. Draw and label the paths taken by the Crusaders during the first and third crusade. Use a Different
color for each path.
9. Create a title, key, compass rose and scale.
The Black
As you watch the presentation on the Black Death, answer these 4 questions thoroughly.
1. What is the Black Death?
2. What caused the Black Death?
3. How did the Black Death spread? (from person to person and into Europe?)
4. What were the consequences? (How did the Black Death affect feudalism?)
Write a 4 sentence summary of this unit. What are the most important aspects of this unit?