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Geology 12
Final Examination
Geology 12
Final Exam
Friday June 20 2014
Mr. M. Gauthier
Name: __________________________________________________________
Part Description
Multiple Choice 50 pts
45 pts
Short Answer
39 pts
175 pts
___________ %
Geology 12
Final Examination
Part A: Multiple Choice
1. The study of the earth and how it changes is known as:
(a) chemistry
(b) biology
(c) geology (d) ecology
2. The earth sphere that includes all land, soil, and rocks is:
(a) atmosphere
(b) biosphere
(c) hydrosphere
(d) lithosphere
3. The earth sphere that includes all life on the planet is:
(a) atmosphere
(b) biosphere
(c) hydrosphere
(d) lithosphere
4. All bodies of water fall into which of Earth’s spheres?
(a) atmosphere
(b) biosphere
(c) hydrosphere
(d) lithosphere
5. A form of dating in which you cannot determine exact ages but merely the order events
took place:
(a) absolute dating
(b) relative dating
(c) temporary dating (d) none of the above
6. A gap in the geological record is known as a(n):
(a) conformity
(b) cross-cutting relationship (c) unconformity
(d) none of these
7. A missing layer of rock which can be misleading to geologists is called:
(a) disconformity
(b) nonconformity (c) angular unconformity
(d) none of these
8. A tilting of the bedrock which is then covered by new horizontal sediment:
(a) disconformity
(b) nonconformity (c) angular unconformity
(d) none of these
9. When a dike crosscuts through layers of sedimentary rock and the top of the intrusion
(dike) is worn away followed by being buried by more sedimentary rock we call this
(a) disconformity
(b) nonconformity (c) angular unconformity
(d) none of these
10. An atom with excess neutrons forming different weight types in the same element is
(a) an ion
(b) an atom
(c) an isotope
(d) none of the above
11. A form of absolute dating is known as:
(a) relative aging
(b) stratigraphy
(c) isotopic dating
(d) none of these
12. The amount of time by which a mass of unstable isotopes will decay into only half of its
original mass:
(a) isotopic dating
(b) partial life
(c) half-life
(d) none of these
13. The concept by which geologists function is that all events currently taking place on the
planet are the same factors that formed the Earth as we know it is called:
(a) relative dating
(b) absolute dating
(c) half-life
(d) uniformitarianism
14. The creator of the concept of continental drift is:
(a) Alfred Wegener
(b) Harry Hess
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) Madame Curie
15. The scientist who first suggested the way the oceanic plates move was:
(a) Alfred Wegener
(b) Harry Hess
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) Madame Curie
Geology 12
Final Examination
16. The layer of the Earth we stand on is referred to as the:
(a) mantle
(b) inner core
(c) outer core
(d) crust
17. The hottest solid layer of the Earth’s interior is called the:
(a) mantle
(b) inner core
(c) outer core
(d) crust
18. Mantle plumes are created through which type of heat transfer / movement?
(a) radiation
(b) conduction
(c) convection
(d) all of these
19. The plastic-like layer under the lithosphere is known as the:
(a) Aesthenosphere
(b) lithosphere
(c) mantle
(d) MOHO
20. The boundary between the Earth’s crust and mantle is known as the:
(a) Aesthenosphere
(b) lithosphere
(c) MOHO discontinuity
(d) crust
21. When two plates collide we say that there is a ______________ boundary:
(a) divergent
(b) convergent
(c) transform
(d) it depends
22. When two plates separate we say that there is a _____________ boundary
(a) divergent
(b) convergent
(c) transform
(d) it depends
23. When plates slide past one another, neither spreading or colliding we say that there is a
____________ boundary.
(a) divergent
(b) convergent
(c) transform
(d) it depends
24. The study of paleomagnetism is based on the fact that:
(a) the earth has always had a magnetic field
(b) there is a N and S pole
(c) The N and S poles regularly flip
(d) all of the above
25. When there is a continental-continental divergent boundary a __________ can form.
(a) rift valley
(b) volcano
(c) glacier
(d) all of these
26. When a more dense plate drives beneath a less dense plate the process of ______ occurs.
(a) convection
(b) subduction
(c) irrigation
(d) batholiths
27. A smaller release of energy after an earthquake is termed to be a(n):
(a) little earthquake
(b) secondary wave (c) aftershock
(d) post-shock
28. S and P waves are both types of ________ wave.
(a) surface
(b) Ryleigh
(c) Love
(d) body
29. Ryleigh and Love waves are both types of __________ wave:
(a) surface
(b) Richter
(c) Mercantile
(d) body
30. The actual point of contact at a fault where the energy release took place is called the:
(a) epicenter
(b) focus
(c) centre
(d) upheaval
31. The point on the surface, above where an earthquake took place, is called:
(a) epicenter
(b) focus
(c) centre
(d) upheaval
32. If Mr. Gauthier says that a 1.2 magnitude earthquake has taken place he is using the:
(a) Mercalli Scale (b) Richter Scale (c) Saffir-Sampson Scale
(d) none of these
Geology 12
Final Examination
33. The instrument used to monitor the Earth for earthquakes and other seismic events is
called a:
(a) seismogram
(b) seismometer
(c) spectrometer
(d) none of these
34. When determining an epicenter geologists can use a ___________ curve to plot the S-P
wave time.
(a) Velocity-time graph (b) Travel-time curve (c) epicenter graph (d) none of these
35. A seismic sea wave is more commonly know as a(n):
(a) tidal wave
(b) tsunami (c) aftershock-wave (d) all of the above
36. A volcano that is layered with ash and lava flows is known as a:
(a) cinder cone
(b) stratovolcano
(c) shield volcano
(d) all of the above
37. Hawaii’s Mauna Loa is the largest volcano. Its 4° sloped sides make it an impressive
_______ :
(a) cinder cone
(b) stratovolcano
(c) shield volcano
(d) all of the above
38. A vertical laying igneous intrusion is known as a:
(a) dike (b) sill
(c) batholiths
(d) all of the above
39. A horizontal laying igneous intrusion is known as a:
(a) dike (b) sill
(c) batholiths
(d) all of the above
40. Which of the following is an example of an intrusive igneous rock?
(a) granite
(b) gabbro
(c) diorite
(d) all of the above
41. Which of the following is an example of an extrusive igneous rock?
(a) granite
(b) pumice
(c) gabbro
(d) all of the above
42. Which of the following rocks is commonly known as volcanic glass?
(a) granite
(b) obsidian (c) limestone
(d) silica
43. The line that separates the baked zone from the chill zone is known as the:
(a) line of equilibrium
(b) contact
(c) batholiths
(d) none of the above
44. The area next to a contact where contact metamorphism can occur is known as the:
(a) chill zone
(b) baked zone
(c) contact
(d) xenoliths
45. A collection of plutons forms a formation called a(n):
(a) sill
(b) dike
(c) batholiths
(d) diapir
46. Intrusive igneous rocks will be __________ -grained rocks.
(a) coarse
(b) fine
(c) porphorytic
(d) all of the above
47. Extrusive igneous rocks will be __________-grained rocks.
(a) coarse
(b) fine
(c) porphorytic
(d) all of the above
48. A rock with less than 45% silica by weight is said to be:
(a) mafic
(b) ultramafic
(c) felsic
(d) intermediate
Geology 12
Final Examination
49. A rock with more than 65% silica by weight is said to be:
(a) mafic
(b) ultramafic
(c) felsic
(d) intermediate
50. A rock with close to 50% silica by weight is said to be:
(a) mafic
(b) ultramafic
(c) felsic
(d) intermediate
51. A rock that falls between 50 and 65% silica by weight is said to be:
(a) mafic
(b) ultramafic
(c) felsic
(d) intermediate
52. A light and frothy extrusive rock is most likely:
(a) obsidian
(b) basalt
(c) pumice
(d) all of the above
53. Molten rock that is on the surface is called:
(a) magma
(b) lava
(c) granite
(d) all of the above
54. Molten rock that is beneath the surface is called:
(a) magma
(b) lava
(c) pluton
(d) all of the above
55. The very top layer of soil, that is composed of needles, leaves, and humus is known as:
(a) A—horizon (b) B—horizon
(c) C—horizon
(d) LFH layer
56. The layer that has little organic material, made of usually clays.
(a) A—horizon (b) B—horizon
(c) C—horizon
(d) LFH layer
57. The layer that is made of larger pieces of the bedrock:
(a) A—horizon (b) B—horizon
(c) C—horizon
(d) LFH layer
58. The layer that is rich in organic material which allows minerals to be leached down
through layers:
(a) A—horizon (b) B—horizon
(c) C—horizon
(d) LFH layer
59. Weathering in which the composition of the rock is changed is called:
(a) chemical weathering (b) mechanical weathering (c) erosion
(d) all of the above
60. A process of weathering where the rock is simply reduced in size, chemically the same:
(a) chemical weathering (b) mechanical weathering (c) erosion
(d) none of these
61. The action of weathered rock being carried away by the wind, glaciers, or rivers:
(a) weathering
(b) pluton
(c) volcanism
(d) erosion
62. The breaking of rock into sheet joints and as the pressure from below builds up the outer
layer of rock is removed. This process is known as:
(a) jointing
(b) exfoliation
(c) erosion
(d) weathering
63. As water works its way into cracks and freezes it pushes rocks apart. This is known as:
(a) frost wedging
(b) chemical weathering
(c) mechanical weathering
(d) exfoliation
64. When iron reacts with oxygen it forms Fe2O3, known as:
(a) Iron (b) halite
(c) hematite (d) quartz
Geology 12
Final Examination
65. As a batholith, or other intrusion, gets pushed up from below the rock cracks as the
weight is lifted off. This is known as:
(a) plant action (b) frost wedging
(c) other processes
(d) pressure release
66. A mass of unconsolidated material is known as:
(a) batholith
(b) soil
(c) dike
(d) sill
67. A collection of broken rocks at the base of a weathered cliff is known as:
(a) talus
(b) sheet joints
(c) erosion
(d) Pile O’rocks
68. Nova Scotia is home to which soil type, known as Spodosol in the USA?
(a) Gelisol
(b) Regosol
(c) Solonetz
(d) Podzol
69. A rainbow shaped fold, downward arching is known as a:
(a) basin
(b) dome
(c) anticline
(d) syncline
70. A “smiley shaped” fold, upward arching is known as a:
(a) basin
(b) dome
(c) anticline
(d) syncline
71. The angle that a bed of sedimentary rock sinks in to the crust is called its:
(a) strike
(b) dip
(c) anticline
(d) syncline
72. The orientation of a bed of sedimentary rock, relative to North, is known as:
(a) strike
(b) dip
(c) anticline
(d) syncline
73. A plane that is drawn vertically through all of the “hinge lines” in a folded rock is known
as the:
(a) hinge line connecter (b) dome
(c) basin
(d) axial plane
74. When a rock breaks when moved higher than the elastic limit, it is said to be:
(a) ductile
(b) stressed
(c) brittle
(d) compressed
75. A rock that behaves in a plastic manner; i.e. bends without losing strength, is said to be:
(a) ductile
(b) stressed
(c) brittle
(d) compressed
76. The line that exists on the surface that is the point where the rock layers are folded:
(a) axial plane
(b) hinge line
(c) anticline
(d) syncline
77. Which of the following is an isoclinals fold?
Geology 12
Final Examination
78. Which of the following is a recumbent fold?
79. Which of the following is an open fold?
80. Which of the following is an overturned fold?
81. A large cone shaped feature at the mouth of the river where sediment and water
exits the stream.
(a) abrasion
(b) delta
(c) bed load
(d) alluvial fan
82. Sediment in the dissolved load and the suspended load can rub up against rock in the
channel walls, wearing them away. This is erosion through:
(a) deposition
(b) hydraulic action (c) abrasion
(d) bed load
83. Rocks that exist on the bottom of a stream which only move through traction (sliding)
and saltation (bouncing) are part of the:
(a) suspended load
(b) dissolved load
(c) bed load (d) none of the above
84. Sediment or particles that are carried through the water which cannot been seen, even
under a microscope:
(a) suspended load
(b) dissolved load
(c) bed load (d) none of the above
85. Sediment of particles that are carried through the water which give the water a muddy
or cloudy appearance:
(a) suspended load
(b) dissolved load
(c) bed load (d) none of the above
86. Which of the following stream
patterns are in the trellis pattern?
87. Which of the following stream patterns are in the dendritic pattern?
Geology 12
Final Examination
88. Which of the following stream patterns are in the rectangular pattern?
89. Which of the following stream patterns are in the radial pattern?
90. A river that curves back and forth a lot can be referred to as a ____________ river:
(a) long way
(b) meandering
(c) discharge
(d) graded
91. If a river takes a sharp turn, the inside of that turn has water moving:
(a) slowest
(b) fastest
(c) the same as the rest
(d) none of these
92. Stream erosion and deposition is mainly controlled by its:
(a) discharge
(b) gradient
(c) water velocity
(d) all of the above
93. A small stream that flows into a larger one is called a(n):
(a) distributaries (b) tributary
(c) meander (d) oxbow lake
94. A small stream that leaves a larger stream to deposit sediment in a wider area:
(a) distributaries (b) tributary
(c) meander (d) oxbow lake
95. Snow that is 1-2 years old would be referred to as:
(a) firn
(b) névé
(c) fresh snow
(d) glacial ice
96. The line which marks the furthest point of melt at the end of the melt season is called
(a) zone of accumulation
(b) zone of ablation
(c) equilibrium line
(d) terminus
97. The area of the glacier where the snow building takes place is called:
(a) zone of accumulation
(b) zone of ablation
(c) equilibrium line
(d) terminus
98. A three sided bowl shaped feature within mountains caused by glaciers is called:
(a) a cirque
(b) a horn
(c) an arête
(d) Hanging Valley
99. A crack in the ice caused by glaciers moving at different speeds is called:
(a) a crack
(b) a big crack
(c) a glacial trough
(d) a crevasse
100.The pile of dirt, rocks, and debris that builds up in front of a glacier over time is called:
(a) the rock pile (b) the terminus
(c) moraine
(d) toe
Geology 12
Final Examination
Part B: Diagrams
1. Complete the following diagram using your notes for guidance. Include approximate
measurements and labels. Make sure to include the state of each layer (solid, liquid, gas)
[10 pts]
Inner Core
Outer Core
Upper Mantle
Lower Mantle
Solid or Liquid
(for each layer)
90 km thick
2900 km thick
2250 km thick
1220 km thick
2. Complete the following outline of the rock cycle. Include the different rock types, weathering,
transport and sorting. [8 pts]
Geology 12
Final Examination
3. Label the following diagram with the features below: [12 pts]
Fresh snow
Glacial ice
Basal sliding
Plastic flow zone
Rigid flow zone
Zone of accumulation
Equilibrium line
Zone of ablation
4. Diagram a subduction zone showing the formation of a volcano. Make sure you include the
direction of plate movement, the type of crust, a trench, a ridge [5 pts]
Geology 12
Final Examination
5. Through a diagram, show the formation of a volcanic neck and explain (using labels) why it is
an intrusive structure. [4 pts]
6. Diagram the difference between a confined aquifer and an unconfined aquifer.
Explain everything clearly, showing how one is a stable drinking water supply and one is an
unstable ground water supply [3 pts]
7. Diagram and show the formation of a batholiths, clearly labeling diapirs and plutons [3 pts]
Geology 12
Final Examination
Part C: Short Answer
1. Explain how the concept of uniformitarianism helps geologists determine the story of how the
earth was developed. [3 pts]
2. (a) What are Earth’s four spheres? [2 pts]
(b) What is the Rock Cycle? [3 pts]
(c) How do the Earth’s spheres play a role in the rock cycle; for example the movement of
igneous rock to sedimentary to metamorphic. [2 pts]
3. What is the difference between a rock and a mineral? Give an example of each. [3 pts]
Geology 12
Final Examination
4. Explain how glaciers can mechanically weather rock. [3 pts]
5. What is the Meguma terrane? [2 pts]
6. (a) What is an index fossil? [1 pt]
(b) What is a fossil assemblage? [1 pt]
(c) How does a fossil assemblage give a more accurate date than an index fossil? [2 pts]
7. Determine the stream gradient of the following rivers: [2 pts]
(a) A 5.0km long river drops 2.63m in elevation
(b) a 500.0m stretch of river drops 92.0cm in elevation.
stream gradient 
(change in elevation, metres) h
(stretch of river, km)
m to km  _____m  1000 km
cm to m  _____cm  (100 cm
m )
Geology 12
Final Examination
8. Determine the discharge of the following rivers: [4 pts]
Discharge, Q  width  depth  velocity  w  d  v
(a) A 600m wide river moves at 10.0m/s and is on average 2.0m deep
(b) A 1.200km wide river moves at 2.1m/s and is up to 12.5m deep
9. (a) A 50.0µg sample of 14C is found in a broken down tree; a tree which normally has 61.0µg
of 14C in it. The half-life of 14C is 5730 years, what is the age of the tree? [3 pts]
 N
t1 / 2
0.693  N 0
(b) A 320µg of 238U is taken from a rock, which normally has 500µg of 238U in it. The half-life
of 238U is 4 500 000 000 years, what is the age of the rock? [3 pts]
 N
t1 / 2
0.693  N 0
10. What evidence of glaciers can we find in Halifax from the last ice age? [5 pts]
Geology 12
Final Examination
Part D: Application
1. Using the following diagram answer the questions:
(a) Order these layers from youngest to oldest by placing each letter in a box.[9 pts]
(b) Is there a disconformity shown above? Why or why not. [2 pts]
2. For each of the locations below, determine what would be the greatest geological hazard
for that area (earthquake, tsunami, volcano, flood, mass wasting), You may use multiple
as long as you explain each. [6 pts]
(a) An oil pipeline through Japan
(b) A village located at the base of a mountain range.
Geology 12
Final Examination
3. (a) You are in the market for a new home. Which of the two homes in the diagram below
would you buy? Explain the reasons for the house you picked and the house you didn’t using
the controlling factors of mass wasting? [6 pts]
(b) What would have to be done to this situation to make the house you didn’t chose a better
choice. Explain how this would affect the shear strength and shear force [2 pts]
4. What was Rodinia? How was it different than Pangaea [4 pts]
Geology 12
Final Examination
5. Using the diagram above answer the following questions:
(a) What feature of groundwater is being pointed to at the line indicated by B ? Is this line
fixed? [3 pts]
(b) Is the well at A being pumped? How do you know (Be very clear using appropriate vocabulary) [3 pts]
(c) If the ocean becomes very polluted is it possible to affect the well at A? Explain why or
why not. [3 pts]
(d) If there was an oil leak from a tank in the house could this possibly contaminate the well?
Explain how you know. [3 pts]