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Need to know:
~ Wegener’s Theory – what started him thinking, what clues and evidence did he have?
(puzzle fit, climate, rocks/mountains, fossils)
~ The theory Harry Hess put forth – What did he find? What other evidence added to the
idea that the seafloor was spreading?
(new crust formed at mid-ocean ridge – younger closer to ridge, older farther
away; trenches & subduction zones; magnetic striping of seafloor)
~ The 4 basic layers of the Earth – physical nature of each
(e.g. outer core is liquid, etc.; order of layers; relative sizes of layers)
~ Features associated with plate tectonics (Boundary types and related features such as
trenches, ridges, etc.)
~ What drives plate motion
~ What causes earthquakes and where they occur within the Earth
~ Types of volcanoes; which are most dangerous; which are largest; differences in lava
~ Review Chapters 5 & 6 (pp. 132-189); Finish review handouts
If you can answer these questions, you are good
to go for the test….
~ What are the 3 types of volcanoes? Which ones are the most dangerous?
~ How can a volcano be considered “constructive”?
~ What are the 4 basic layers of the Earth? How would you describe each layer?
~ How are the lithosphere and asthenosphere related?
~ What did Wegener suggest with his continental drift hypothesis?
~ What evidence did he have to support his claims?
~ What was the hypothesis put forth by Harry Hess? How did he describe this process
and what evidence did he have to support it?
~ What is the relationship between convection currents and plate tectonics?
~ Where and how does Earth’s crust get recycled?
~ In general, where are the youngest rocks on Earth found? The oldest? Why?
~ What are the three boundary types? What is the motion at each type?
~ What features form from continental crust to continental crust collisions? From
oceanic crust to continental crust? From oceanic crust to oceanic crust?
~ What causes earthquakes, and where in Earth’s layers do they occur?
Continental Drift (pg. 20)
Continental Drift (pg. 27)
1 – Continents
2 – Pangaea
3 – Africa
4 – Arctic
5 – Rock
6 – Seafloor spreading
10 – B
Theory of Plate Tectonics
(pg. 21)
6, 7, 8 – Volcanic islands, volcanic
mountains, deep-sea trenches
9, 10 – Rift valleys, mid-ocean
11 – Major earthquakes
8 – Finding Glossopteris on several continents today
meant those continents were all once connected.
Couldn’t evolve independently and identically if
9 – Couldn’t say how it all worked. Today, convection
of heat from Earth’s core thought to be primary driver
of plate movement.
Plate Tectonics (pgs. 33-34)
Section 1 – Continental Drift
1 – Pangaea
2 – continents
a – Puzzle-like
b – Fossils
c – Arctic (or cold); warm
(could say Africa
or S. America)
d – rock
B – how, when
Section 2 – Seafloor Spreading
A – Sound (sonar)
B – Seafloor Spreading
1 – crust
2 – plates
3 – magma
C 1 – Younger
2 – magnetic
Section 3 – Theory of Plate
A1 – crust
2 –plates
3 – lithosphere
4 – asthenosphere
B1 – apart
2 – together
a – dense
b – magma
3a – mountain
b – earthquakes
4 – transform
C – engine
D1 – rift
2 – volcanoes
3 – earthquakes
E - movement