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The Digestive System
Digestive System Test (just
information from this packet)
April 7, 2017
DV lessons 9-10 Quiz: April 11, 2017
Functions of the digestive system
• Ingestion: intake of food and liquids into the body. The
process of physical or mechanical digestion begins with
the teeth and the tongue during
• Digestion: food is broken down into smaller pieces.
Digestion can be physical or chemical. Physical
digestion breaks the food down into smaller physical
parts while chemical digestion breaks the food down
into smaller _______________________________
• Absorption: nutrients leave the digestive tract and
enter the bloodstream then enter cells.
• Elimination: solid waste (undigested food, and unused
fiber, fat, protein and bacteria) is eliminated or
• Organs and Structures of
the Digestive System can
be broken up into the
alimentary canal (oral
cavity, pharynx,
esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, colon,
rectum, and anus) and
the accessory organs
(teeth, tongue, salivary
glands, liver, gallbladder,
and pancreas).
Oral Cavity
– Mouth: food enters the mouth.
• The _____________________
protects the anterior opening of the
mouth and the __________________________________
form the
lateral walls of the mouth.
• The anterior of the roof is made up the hard palate and the posterior is
made up of the soft palate.
• The ______________________________
hangs from the soft palate
which covers the nasopharynx (nose and throat) when swallowing.
• A mucous membrane lining covers the entire mouth
– Tongue
• Muscular organ attached to the base of the mouth
• Aids in mastication
• ________________________
on the tongue contain
taste buds and taste buds have taste receptors
• Necessary for speech production
– Teeth: divided into two major regions- the crown
and the root
• Crown: the part of tooth above the gum line
• Root: part embedded below the gum line
• The tooth is composed of three layers: enamel, dentin,
and pulp
– Enamel: hard covering
– Dentin: bone like material
– _________________________:
extends into the root;
contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue
– Salivary glands: the mouth contains three salivary
glands that secrete the enzyme amylase (an
enzyme that helps break down starches).
• _____________________________
gland: under the
• Submandibular gland: floor of the mouth
• ___________________:
found anterior to the
– Pharynx/throat: Broken into three parts
• Laryngopharynx: pathway for food, fluids and air. When
occurs, epiglottis covers
the trachea and the muscular action of
brings the food down
• Esophagus: mucous membrane-lined
muscular tube that connects the pharynx with
the stomach
– __________________________________
Cardiac sphincter
sphincter controls the flow of substances between
the esophagus and the stomach
• Stomach:
– sac-like organ composed of three parts
• Fundus: upper round portion of the stomach
• Body: main section
• Antrum: lower section
– Contains folds in the lining called
Rugae produce gastric
fluids that aid in digestion
– gastric juices + partially digested food =
– stomach is connected to the small intestine by the
pylorus which is controlled by the
• Small Intestine: chemical digestion continues;
longest stretch of digestion
– Three parts of the small intestine all lined with villi
to increase surface area
• Duodenum: receives food from stomach and is digested
by bile from the liver and gallbladder and pancreatic
juices from the pancreas
• Jejunum: nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
vitamins, & minerals) are absorbed into the
• Ileum: site of vitamin B12 absorption; ileum joins the
large intestine at the cecum, controlled by the
valve (sphincter
• Colon/large intestine: water absorption; lined
with goblet cells that secrete mucous
– Six parts of the colon or large intestine
• Cecum: pouch that connects small and large intestine;
appendix attached
• Ascending colon: travels upward from cecum to underside of
• Transverse colon:
crosses the
• Descending colon: travels from transverse colon to sigmoid
• Sigmoid colon/sigmoid: connects to
• Rectum: storage area for solid wastes
• Anus: opening at the end of the digestive tract
which fecal waste is eliminated through
• Accessory organs
– Liver
• Storage of nutrients
• Filtration and removal of chemicals, waste products,
and old RBCs
• Converts glycogen to glucose
• Produces ____________________
to help break down
fatty foods
– Gallbladder
• Stores ________________________________
– Pancreas: produces many enzymes for digestion
• Amylase: helps break down carbohydrates
• Lipase: helps breakdown
• Protease: helps breakdown proteins
• Insulin: hormone that aids in the absorption of sugar
Digestive Diseases & Disorders
• Appendicitis: inflammation of the
caused by a blockage
• Celiac disease: malabsorption syndrome
characterized by weight loss and diarrhea.
Thought to be caused by food containing
• Cholelithiasis: abnormal condition of
in the
• Cirrhosis: scarring of the liver due to alcohol,
drugs, or a virus
• Hepatitis: inflammation of the
usually caused by viral
– Hep A: acute; food contaminated by the feces of infected
– Hep B: chronic; transmitted by blood or bodily fluids,
usually through childbirth or sexual contact
– Hep C: chronic; transmitted by blood or bodily fluids,
usually through blood transfusions or drug needles