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Endocrine glands and their parts
1. Pituitary gland (hypophysis)
2. Adenohypophysis
3. Neurohypophysis
4. Infundibulum
5. Thyroid gland
6. Lateral lobe of the thyroid
7. Isthmus of the thyroid
8. Parathyroid gland
9. Suprarenal or adrenal gland
10. Capsule of suprarenal gland
11. Cortex of suprarenal gland
12. Medulla of suprarenal gland
13. 'Pancreatic islets of Langerhans
14. Alpha cells of pancreatic islets
15. Beta cells of pancreatic islets
16. Testis or testicle (male)
17. Seminiferous tubules
18. Epididymis
19. Ductus deferens
20. Ovary (female)
21. Blood vessels to ovary
22. Medulla or inner portion of ovary
23. Developing follicles
24. Corpus luteum
Body organs and structures closely associated with endocrine glands
25. Diencephalon (interbrain)
26. Trachea (windpipe)
27. Carotid artery
28. Arch of aorta
29. Heart
30. Kidney
31. Pancreas
32. Uterus (womb)
33. Oviduct (fallopian tube)
Adenohypophysis (2) That part of the pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal glands and thyroid
gland, produces the growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, and melanocyte-stimulating
Alpha cells of pancreatic islets (14) The cells of the islets of Langehans that secrete glucagon.
Beta cells of pancreatic islets (15) The cells of the islets of Langehans that secrete insulin.
Capsule of suprarenal gland (10) The tissue surrounding the adrenal glands.
Corpus luteum (24) The ruptured follicle following release of the ovum.
Cortex of suprarenal gland (11) This is part of the adrehaf gland; the hormones affect potassium ion
reabsorption, water retention, glucose production increase, and release of antibodies, among others.
Developing follicles (23) Clusters of cells surrounding a single ovum which is being prepared to be
released as a mature ovum.
Ductus deferens (19) Tubules which transport mature sperm from the testis to the abdominal
cavity, where it is mixed with other fluids to form semen.
Epididymis, (18) Structure in the testicle where sperm is collected from the seminiferous tubules,
and stored until it is fully mature.
Infundibulum (4) The pituitary stalk; connects the pituitary gland to the brain.
Islets of Langerhans Patches of pancreas that secrete insulin.
Isthmus of the thyroid (7) Tissue connecting the thyroid lobes.
Lateral lobe of the thyroid (6) One of the lobes of the thyroid.
Medulla of suprarenal gland (12) This is part of the adrenal gland; the hormones create the "fight
or flight" reaction to stress situations by modifying metabolic rates and muscle tone.
Neurohypophysis (3) That part of the pituitary gland that produces an antidiuretic hormone and
Ovary (female) (20) Produce the hormones estrogen, which controls prenatal sexual
differentiation, development of female sex characteristics at puberty, and breast development; and
progesterone, which maintains hypertrophy of uterine endometrium.
Pancreatic islets of Langerhans (13) These cell masses are imbedded in the pancreas. They
produce the hormones insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels, and glucagon, which
stimulates glycogen release by the liver.
Parathyroid gland (8) Located on the posterior surface of the thyroid, these four glands secrete a
hormone which increases concentration of calcium ions in the plasma.
Pituitary gland (hypophysis) (1) Located at the base of the brain; made up of two areas, the
adenohypophysis and the neurohypophysis.
Seminiferous tubules (17) A mass of compact tubules responsible for the production of sperm. The
compact mass is the testicle.
Suprarenal or adrenal gland (9) These glands are located atop the kidneys.
Testis or testicle (male) (16) Produce the hormone testosterone, which controls prenatal sexual
differentiation, the development of male sex characteristics at puberty, and the normal
development of sperm.
Thyroid gland (5) This gland, found surrounding the larynx in the throat, decreases the
concentration of calcium ions in plasma and increases general metabolism, nutrient metabolism,
and energy production.