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Governance and Civics
Content Standard 4.0
8.4.1 Identify the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of a member of the
United States of America (i.e. Declaration of Independence, Articles of
Confederation, Constitution, and Bill of Rights).
Declaration of Independence
Document adopted by the Second
Continental Congress that justified and
outlined reasons for the American
separation from Great Britain
Articles of Confederation
An agreement, enacted in 1781, in which
the 13 colonies established a government
of states with each state retaining power
over its own affairs
The fundamental law of the Untied States,
framed in 1787, ratified in 1789
Bill of Rights
The term used to describe the first ten
amendments to the United States
Constitution; guarantees individual rights
8.4.2 Identify the purposes and structures of various systems of governance
(i.e. Federalism, Confederation, Republic, Democracy, Executive).
Systems of Governance
The form of political organization in which
governmental power is divided between a
central government and territorial
subdivisions specifically in the United
States, among the national, state, and
local governments
The act of forming into or becoming part
of a confederacy
Power is excised by officials elected by the
Government by the people, directly or
through representatives
One who manages or administers affiars
8.4.3 Recognize the purpose of government and how its powers are acquired,
used and justified
8.4.4 Recognize the rights and responsibilities of individuals throughout the
development of the United States
8.4.5 Identify how conditions, actions, and motivations contributed to conflict
and cooperation between states, regions, and nations
8.4.6 Recognize the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights
1. Freedom of religion, speech, press assembly, and right to petition the government
2. The right to bear arms
3. Homeowners cannot be forced to house soldiers
4. Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures
5. The right of accused persons (i.e. the right to remain silent)
6. The right to a speedy, public trial with legal representation
7. Provides for jury trials in civil cases
8. Prevents excessive bails, fines, and punishments
9. The basic rights of the people cannot be denied even if not specified by the
10. Any powers not mentioned in the Constitution being to the states or the people
8.4.7 Recognize the impact of major court decisions have had on American
life (Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Dred Scott v. Sanford).
Court Case
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Said that Supreme Court had right to
review all laws made by Congress;
established the idea of Judicial Review;
made Supreme Court more powerful
McCulloch v. Maryland
Said that a state could not tax a national
bank; increase power of national
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Said African Americans were not citizens
of the United States and said the Missouri
Compromise unconstitutional; increased
8.4.8 Recognize how a right must be interpreted to balance individual rights
with the need for order (i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of religion, trial by
8.4.9 Analyze the contributions of Tennessee political leaders on the national
scene (e.g. Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, James K. Polk, Sequoyah, Sam
Political Leader
Andrew Jackson
• Battle of New Orleans
• Trail of Tears/Indian Removal Act
• Nullification Crises
Andrew Johnson
• Lincoln’s Vice-President
• Reconstruction (Lincoln’s Plan)
James K. Polk
• Expansionist
• Annexed Oregon Territory/Texas
• Mexican-American War/Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo
• Cherokee Indian
• Invented Cherokee alphabet
Sam Houston
• Commander of the Texan Army
• Won Battle of San Jacinto
• Became 1st President of the Republic
of Texas