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What every man should know.
Facts every man should know.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australian men after skin cancer,
and the second highest cause of male cancer deaths.
Every year in Australia 3,000 men die of prostate cancer-equivalent to the
number of women who die from breast cancer annually.
Around 18,700 (2006 figures) new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in
Australian men every year.
It is important to note that prostate cancer is potentially curable if detected and
treated while still confined to the prostate gland.
Prostate cancer rarely has symptoms at the time of diagnosis.
Early detection can be achieved with a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test
and a DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) testing
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How a support group can help.
A diagnosis of prostate cancer can face men and their families with daunting
decisions about their next step.
Many men suffer initial shock and may feel angry, fearful and depressed.
Most people have very little knowledge of the disease, treatment options and
possible results.
Uncertainty at various stages often brings men anxiety and confusion.
To talk about their situation in a relaxed environment and be understood with
empathy is a valuable release.
To hear experiences of those who have “walked the walk” gives men and their
partners some reassurance, strength and hope to cope with developing
Information gained assists decision making, in partnership with appropriate health
Members are usually surprised how much their attitude improves and confidence
increases, whatever the outcome may be.
Words of wisdom.
Always consult your doctor for medical advice.
For daily living advice, the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia recommends
joining a support group.
Cancer patients who share in a support group can have more rewarding lives and
Give gratitude for what is going well and resolve to rise above the rest-ask “How
can I best move through this?”
Persist with what supports you: medication, prayer, family, friends, activities of
interest-don’t retreat.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. So take one day at a time.
Be empowered and not a passive patient. Move from depression to progressionfrom victim to victor.
Don’t put up with prostate problems.
Understand what it is and how you can find support.
Discuss your concerns, share experiences and achievements with others.
Be educated and encouraged.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) is the peak body for prostate cancer in
Australia. There is a simple mission – to reduce the impact of prostate cancer on Australian
families through:
Helping men deal with the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.
Funding research into prostate cancer and,
Raising awareness about prostate cancer in the general community.
The PCFA supports a network of more than 80 Support Groups across Australia. These
groups meet either monthly or quarterly and provide support and information for men and
their families dealing with prostate cancer.
For more information.
The prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) website provides a consumer’s view of
the experience of diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer.
Lions Australian Prostate Cancer website
This website provides extensive information on men’s health. It is recognised as one of the
best professionally developed health websites.
The Cancer Council in your state.
The Cancer Council Australia is Australia’s national non-government cancer control
(Source Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia)