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Main Stars and Objects in the Andromeda Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Also known as Gamma Andromedae, Almach is actually a triple star system around 350 light years from Earth, the
primary star is an orange giant around 80 times larger than our sun.
Also known as Beta Andromedae, Mirach is a red giant around 200 light years from Earth, it has a mass around 4
times greater than our sun and is 100 times larger in size, Mirach is occasionally the brightest star in the
constellation but as its brightness is variable it isn't officially considered the brightest star.
Also known as Alpha Andromedae, Alpheratz is actually a binary system consisting of two stars orbiting each other,
the primary component is a blue star with a radius 3 times greater than our sun with surface temperatures more than
twice as hot. Alpheratz is officially the brightest star in Andromeda, it is also considered as part of Pegasus as it
connects both constellations.
The most interesting object in the constellation is undoubtedly M31, otherwise known as the Andromeda Galaxy.
Even though this galaxy is 2.5 million light years from Earth it is brighter than many stars in the night sky and is
easily visible to the naked eye. The Andromeda galaxy is larger in size to our own Milky Way galaxy but may be less
Main Stars in the Cassiopeia Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Also known as Epsilon Cassiopeiae, Segin is a blue giant star around 400 light years from Earth, it has a mass
around 9 times that of the sun and a diameter around 6 times greater. The star has surface temperatures around 3
times greater than the sun and is around 2,500 times more luminous.
Also known as Delta Cassiopeiae, Ruchbah appears as a single star in the night sky but is actually a pair of binary
stars, the larger of the two stars is a white subgiant around 4 times larger in diameter than the sun.
Gamma Cassiopeiae
With no traditional name this star is known as Gamma Cassiopeiae, located around 550 light years from Earth
Gamma Cassiopeiae is a blue subgiant with a mass almost 20 times greater than the sun and a diameter around 15
times greater. It is over 50,000 times more luminous than the sun with surface temperatures around 6 times hotter.
Also known as Alpha Cassiopeiae, Schedar is an orange giant around 230 light years from Earth and is the brightest
star in the constellation, it has a mass around 4 times that of the sun and a radius around 40 times larger.
Also known as Beta Cassiopeiae, Caph is a white-yellow giant star around 55 light years from Earth, it has around
twice the mass of the sun with a radius around three and a half times larger.
Main Stars in the Cygnus Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Also known as Alpha Cygni, Deneb lies around 2,500 light years from Earth and is the brightest star in the
constellation, this huge star is a blue-white supergiant around 200 times larger in diameter than the sun and is
estimated to be around 200,000 times more luminous. Deneb is one of the stars that forms the Summer Triangle, a
bright asterism formed with Vega and Altair.
Also known as Delta Cygni, Rukh appears as a single star from Earth but is actually a triple star system consisting
of a bluish-white giant, along with a yellow-white and orange main sequence stars, the system lies 170 light years
from Earth.
Also known as Gamma Cygni, Sadr is a very distant star located at a distance of between 1,500 and 2,000 light
years from Earth, the star is a bright yellow-white supergiant with a radius 150 times that of the sun,
Also known as Epsilon Cygni, Gienah is an orange giant star 170 light years from Earth, it has around twice the
mass of the sun and is around 11 times larger in diameter.
Also known as Beta Cygni, Albeiro is a double star located around 430 light years from Earth, double stars are two
stars that appear close to each other from Earth but may actually be separated by a large distance, the larger of the
two stars is an orange giant with a radius around 70 times that of the sun.
Main Stars in the Draco Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Also known as Alpha Draconis, Thuban is a white giant star around 300 light years from Earth, it has a mass around
4 times that of sun and a diameter around 7 times greater. Around the period of 4,000 to 2,000 BC Thuban was
used by the ancients as the pole star as it was the closest star to the North Pole at that time.
Also known as Iota Draconis, Edasich is an orange giant star around 100 light years from Earth, it has a mass
around twice that of Earth and a diameter around 11 times greater.
Also known as Zeta Draconis, Aldhibah is a blue giant star around 330 light years from Earth, it has a mass around
three and a half times that of the sun and a diameter around two and a half times greater.
Nodus Secundus
Also known as Delta Draconis, Aldib or Altais, Nodus Secundus is a yellow giant star around 100 light years from
Earth, it has a mass around twice that of the sun and a diameter around 11 times greater.
Grumium is an orange giant star around 112 light years from Earth, it has a similar mass to the sun but is around 12
times larger in diameter.
Also known as Gamma Draconis, with a luminosity around 500 times greater than that of the sun Eltanin is the
brightest star in the constellation, it is an orange giant around 150 light years from Earth, it has a mass 70% greater
than the sun and is around 50 times larger in diameter.
Also known as Beta Draconis, despite having a luminosity around 1,00 times greater than that of the sun Rastaban
is only the third brightest star in the constellation relative to how we view it on Earth, it is a yellow giant around 380
light years from Earth, it has a mass 6 times greater than the sun and is around 40 times larger in diameter.
Main Stars in the Hercules Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Zeta Herculis is a binary star system around 35 light years from Earth, the primary star has 50% more mass than
the sun with a radius around 2 and a half times larger, its companion star is a yellow dwarf similar to our sun.
Also known as Delta Herculis, Sarin is a multiple star system located around 75 light years from Earth, the primary
star is a white sub-giant with more than twice the radius and mass of our sun.
Also known as Beta Herculis, Kornephoros is a binary star system around 140 light years from Earth. the primary
star is a yellow giant 17 times larger in diameter than our sun.
Also known as Alpha Herculis, Rasalgethi is a multiple star system 360 light years from Earth, the primary star in the
system is a red giant with a radius almost 400 times greater than the sun.
Main Stars in the Lyra Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Also known as Alpha Lyrae, like our sun Vega is a main sequence star but with surface temperatures almost twice
as hot, this bluish-white star which lies around 25 light years from Earth is not only the brightest in the constellation
but one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Vega has around twice the mass of the sun and is a around two and
half times as large in diameter, the star is surrounded by a large disc of debris and is possibly orbited by a large
Jupiter size planet.
Also known as Beta Lyrae, Sheliak is a binary star system around 1,000 light years from Earth, the larger of the two
stars has a mass around 13 times that of the sun and is around 30 times larger in diameter, with surface
temperatures around 6 times that of the sun the larger star of the pair is around 25,000 times as luminous.
Also known as Gamma Lyrae, Sulafet is a blue giant star around 600 light years from Earth, it is around 15 times
larger than the sun in diameter with surface temperatures around twice as hot.
Main Stars in the Orion Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
A red supergiant star around 640 light years from Earth, Betelgeuse, also known as Alpha Orionis, has a radius 1,000 times larger than
the sun and is expected to explode as a supernova in the next million years.
A blue giant star with surface temperatures around 5 times hotter than our sun, Meissa is actually a pair of binary stars, its companion
is similar in size and mass to the sun.
A blue giant star around 250 light years from Earth, Bellatrix is 6 times larger than our sun and 8 times more massive, the star is also
known as Gamma Orionis.
Alnitak is a triple star system around 736 light years from Earth, the primary star is a blue supergiant star with a radius around 20 times
larger than the sun, Alnitak is also known as Zeta Orionis.
A blue supergiant star around 1,400 light years from Earth, Alnilam is 24 times larger than the sun and more than 250,000 times as
luminous, the star is also known as Epsilon Orionis.
Also known as Delta Orionis, Mintaka is actually a pair of blue giant stars with the largest having 16 times the radius of the sun, both
stars are around 100,000 times more luminous than the sun.
A blue supergiant star around 650 light years from Earth, Saiph is 16 times more massive and around 22 times larger in diameter than
the sun.
Also known as Beta Orionis, Rigel is around 800 light years from Earth and is the brightest star in the constellation, once again like
most of the others it is a blue supergiant around 75 times larger in diameter than the sun and around 40,000 times brighter.
Perhaps the most interesting component of the Orion constellation, M42 is not a star but is in fact the Orion nebula, a vast star forming
region some 1,500 light years from Earth, the nebula makes up the sword of Orion along with two other stars. The Orion nebula has an
apparent magnitude of 4.0, making it easily visible with the naked eye apart from those living in an around the center of large cities.
Main Stars in the Pegasus Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Confusingly Alpheratz is actually officially part of the Andromeda constellation but is considered a connecting star as
it makes up part of the "Square of Pegasus" asterism. Alpheratz is the brightest star in Andromeda and also the
brightest in Pegasus if you consider it part of the constellation.
Also known as Beta Pegasi, Scheat is a red giant around 200 light years from Earth, it is almost 100 times larger in
diameter than our sun with twice its mass.
Also known as Eta Pegasi, Matar is a binary star system around 170 light years from Earth, the primary star is a
yellow giant 250 times brighter than our sun.
Also known as Gamma Pegasi, Algenib is a blue sub giant emitting 6,000 times the energy of our sun.
Also known as Alpha Pegasi, Markab is a blue giant with twice the surface temperatures of the sun.
Also known as Zeta Pegasi, Homam is a blue main sequence star around 200 light years from Earth.
Also known as Epsilon Pegasi, Enif is officially the brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus, it is an orange
super-giant star nearing the end of its lifespan and could possibly explode as a supernova over the next few million
years, the star is almost 200 times larger in diameter than the sun and is located 690 light years from Earth.
Main Stars in the Perseus Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
With no traditional name the star is simply known as Gamma Persei, it's actually a binary system located around
240 light years from Earth, the primary star eclipses the other every 15 years causing it to appear dimmer in the
night sky for a couple of weeks.
Also known as Alpha Persei, Mirfak is located around 500 light years from Earth and is the brightest star in the
constellation, it's a white supergiant with a diameter around 30 times larger than the sun.
Also known as Beta Persei, Algol is actually a three star system located around 90 light years from Earth, the
primary star is eclipsed by one of its less bright companions every 3 days causing its brightness to dip considerably
for several hours. In the late 18th century the star was the first such eclipsing binary to be discovered. Historically
Algol has been referred to as the "Demon Star", this may be due to the ancients perceiving its dimming in brightness
as a harbinger of bad luck.
Gorgonea Tertia
Also known as Rho Persei, Gorgonea Tertia is a red giant around 300 light years from Earth, it is 150 times larger in
diameter than the sun.
Epsilon Persei is a binary or possible triple star system 640 light years from Earth, the primary star has surface
temperatures 5 times hotter than the sun with a mass around 14 times greater.
Zeta Persei is a blue supergiant around 750 light years from Earth, it is more than 25 times larger in diameter than
the sun and almost 50,000 times as luminous.
Also known as Gamma Sagittarii, Nash is an orange giant star around 100 light years from Earth, the star is around
12 times larger in radius than the sun.
Main Stars in the Ursa Major Constellation
The number next to each star is its apparent magnitude, its brightness from our point of view on Earth, the lower the number
the brighter the star in the night sky.
Also known as Eta Ursae Majoris, Alkaid is a bluish-white main sequence star with surface temperatures around 3 times that of the sun,
it's also around 3 and half times larger in radius than the sun.
A six star system around 80 light years from Earth, Mizar consists of two pairs of binary stars while Alcor consist of one pair, the two are
separated by a distance of one light year.
Also known as Eta Ursae Majoris, at a distance of around 80 light years from Earth Alioth is the brightest star in the constellation, it has
surface temperatures twice that of the sun with a radius around 4 times larger.
A white main sequence star one and a half times larger in mass and radius than the sun, also known as Delta Ursae Majoris the star is
around 60 light years from Earth.
Also known as Alpha Ursae Majoris, Dubhe is an orange giant star around 120 light years from Earth, Dubhe is the second brightest
star in the constellation.
At a distance of around 180 light years from Earth Muscida is a yellow giant star with a radius 14 times larger than the sun, the star is
also known as Omicron Ursae Majoris.
Also known as Iota Ursae Majoris, Talitha is a four star system consisting of two pairs of binary stars around 45 light years from Earth.
A white main sequence star with around three times the mass and radius of the sun, also known as Beta Ursae Majoris the star has
surface temperatures around twice as hot as the sun, drawing an imaginary line through Merak and Dubhe will point you to the North
Another white main sequence star similar in radius and mass to Merak, also known as Gamma Ursae Majoris the star is around 80 light
years from Earth.
Tania Borealis
At around 140 light years from Earth this white star has around 2 and half times the mass and radius of the sun.
Tania Australis
A red giant star around 240 light years from Earth, Tania Australis is around 75 times larger in radius than the sun.
Alula Borealis
An orange giant star around 400 light years from Earth, Alula Borealis is around 60 times larger in radius than the sun.
Alula Australis
A four star system consisting of two pairs of binary stars around 30 light years from Earth, the primary stars in both pairs are sun like
stars, while their companions are thought to be red dwarfs.