Download Day 2- America as a world power

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• Major Issues
– Pacific
• Russo Japanese War
• Great White Fleet
– Latin America
Roosevelt Corollary
Dominican Republic
Panama Canal
Russo-Japanese War 1904
• Cause
– Land Dispute
– Roosevelt asked to mediate
– Hopes to ensure American
trade interests in Asia
• Effects
– Russian Navy Destroyed
– Japan becomes Pacific Naval
Venezuela Crisis 1902
• Problem
– Ven. Unable to repay loans to
– Germans and Brits blockade Ven.
and partially destroy navy.
• Solution
– U.S. Threatens military support
– Acts as arbitrator to negotiate an
– Leads to Roosevelt Corollary
The Roosevelt Corollary
• Problem:
– Latin American countries borrow
large amounts of number
– Many unable to pay back debt
– U.S. want to keep Europe out
• Solution
– Roosevelt Corollary
• Highlights U.S. right to intervene in
Latin America
– Extension of the Monroe Doctrine
The Roosevelt Corollary to the
Monroe Doctrine: 1905
Chronic wrongdoing… may
in America, as elsewhere,
ultimately require
intervention by some
civilized nation, and in the
Western Hemisphere the
adherence of the United
States to the Monroe
Doctrine may force the
United States, however
reluctantly, in flagrant
cases of such wrongdoing
or impotence, to the
exercise of an
international police power .
Dominican Republic
• Problem
– D.R. owes $22 million
to Europe
• Solution
– U.S. takes control of
D.R. trade and pays
back some of the debt
to Europe
Speak Softly,
But Carry a Big Stick!
• Originally French Idea
• French abandon construction
due to hazard conditions (40%
• Panama owned by Colombia
• Roosevelt promises military
support toward Panamanian
Revolution in which they gained
Panama Canal
• “Dollar Diplomacy”
– President Taft issued new policy
– Send money not Troops
• Goal:
Encourage American Businessmen to loan $ to
Latin America
Taft’s “Dollar
Encourage American
Businesses to invest in
Latin America
Prevents these countries
from barrowing from
Nicaragua (1909-1919)
• Given US money to help
fund banks and railroads
– US ended up owning
banks and railroads
– This angers Nicaraguans
– US remains for 10 years
“Moral Diplomacy”
Similar to his domestic policy
Treat foreign nations kindly
The U. S. claimed to:
Promote peace.
Condemn colonialism
Only support countries with
Democratic Governments (or
that benefited the interests of
Uses similar tactics as
Roosevelt and and Taft
• Dominican Republic
(1916 – 1924)
– Installs Military
• Haiti (1915-1934)
– Military Occupation
– Creates new Haitian
• Virgin Islands (1918)
– Purchased from
Netherlands to prevent
Germany from doing so
Mexican Rebellion
• Mexican Revolution
– After a series of power exchanges, the
Mexican dictator, Francisco Madero is
– Woodrow Wilson refuses to recognize
“Government of Butchers”
• American Involvement
– After years of tension, a small naval
confrontation convinces Wilson to send
troops to seize Mexican port at Veracruz
• 126 Mexicans Killed
– Wilson initially backs Pancho Villa to
take over leadership but quickly
changes his opinion
– Recognized Villa’s rival instead
• Pancho Villa Raids
– Kills 16 Americans in Northern Mexico
– Kills 14 Americans in New Mexico
Francisco “Pancho”
The Chase for “Pancho”
• Wilson sent 15,000 under Gen.
John Pershing to capture or kill
Pancho Villa
• Mexicans upset at US invasion
• June 1916: Mexican army and
US troops fought with deaths on
both sides
• 1917: US ordered troops home
due to World War I
– Never caught Pancho Villa
Gen. John
U. S. Interventions in
Latin America: 1898-1920s
Our “Sphere of Influence”
Chris Balga – Hickory Ridge HS, NC
Darryl Wells- Hickory Ridge HS, NC
Susan M. Pojer – Horace Greeley HS, NY