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Antony and Octavian (Second Triumvirate) Mark Antony and Octavian fought for power after the death of Julius Caesar1 . Antony was Caesar’s second in command before his death while Octavian was his great nephew by blood and chief heir by adoption2. They eventually reconciled enough to form a government called the ‘second triumvirate’ along with a third man named Lepidus3. They silenced the opposition through the execution of many senators and equestrians including the great orator Cicero4 . They defeated the Caesar’s assassins, Brutus and Cassius, as the Battle of Philippi. Afterwards, Octavian returned to Rome while Antony went on a tour through Greece and the East. During this, Antony met and fell in love with Cleopatra. Antony gave many of Rome’s territories to Cleopatra. These and some other related actions made him very unpopular so the Senate swore an oath of loyalty to Octavian. They outlawed Antony and declared war on Cleopatra. Octavian was triumphant in the battle of Actium and gained complete control over the Roman Empire. Antony and Cleopatra fled, attempting but failing to regroup in Alexandria because most of Antony’s soldiers deserted him. Eventually they both commit suicide. Octavian ‘handed his power back to the Senate’ which then ‘voluntarily’ gave it back, making him the ​
(leading citizen) and giving him absolute power. He changes his name to Augustus and basically becomes the first Roman emperor. "Antony, Octavian, Cleopatra ­ VRoma." 13 Nov. 2015 <​​
> "Antony, Octavian, Cleopatra ­ VRoma." 13 Nov. 2015 <​​
> 3
"Antony, Octavian, Cleopatra ­ VRoma." 13 Nov. 2015 <​​
> 4
"Antony, Octavian, Cleopatra ­ VRoma." 13 Nov. 2015 <​​
> 1