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Name _______________________________________________ Date _____________________ Code___________
Chapter 6: Civil War and Reconstruction
This outline is one part of your Chapter 6 test. Active participation in class, your vocabulary, amendments chart, and your
book are also key components in studying for the end of chapter test.
Lesson 1: A Nation at War
North Against South
a. When the Civil War began, __________________ southern states seceded and formed the Confederacy.
_____________ states stayed in the Union, but were slave states. These states were known as
b. Three advantages of the Union were: _______________________________________________________
c. Three advantages of the Confederacy were: _________________________________________________
d. Plans for War
i. The Union planned to:_____________________________________________________________
ii. The Confederacy planned to _______________________________________________________
The War’s Leaders
a. Confederate leaders: ____________________ and _____________________
Union leader: _________________________________________
b. The Battle of Antietam was the ________________________________________________________.
c. The Governments Respond
i. The Confederacy’s president, _______________________, started a draft to select more soldiers
for war.
ii. Abraham Lincoln also started a draft in the _____________________ in order to increase the
numbers of people in the army
Turning Points
a. In 1863, Lincoln put the ___________________________________________ into effect. This declared
that slaves in slave states were free, but it did not end slavery in _________________________________.
b. Vicksburg and Gettysburgi. The Union won in _____________________ and _______________________- two of the most
important battles in the Civil War. The wins were a __________________________ for the Union.
Lesson 2: The Human Face of the War
The Soldier’s Life
a. Who Were the Soldiers?
i. Most soldiers were ________________________ and born in the ____________________, but as
the war went on the Union allowed _________________________________ men to join the army.
ii. Immigrants, women, and young children also ________________________________________.
b. Causalities of War
i. The Civil War was the ____________________________ war in American history.
ii. ____________________________ killed twice as many soldiers as fighting did.
On the Home Front
a. Thousands of women helped on the home front by ____________________________,
____________________________, and ______________________________________.
b. Although most of the fighting took place in the south, people in the north could see fighting through the new
technology of _________________________________________.
c. The Southern Home Front
i. Life was much harder in the south. Cities,_____________________, and ___________________
were destroyed and fighting took place on their farms.
ii. Inflation in the south made everyday products extremely ________________________________.
iii. Even though the war was hard on slaves, they still welcomed it. The________________________
_________________________________ brought hope to enslaved people.
Lesson 3: The War Ends
Union Victories
a. The Union was winning key battles, but the Confederate armies were still fighting hard. President Lincoln
chose _____________________________________________________ to lead the Union to victory.
b. The Atlanta Campaign
i. General ______________________________________ lead the Union soldiers to Atlanta. After a
summer of fighting, the Union won Atlanta in __________________________________________.
c. Sherman’s March to Sea
i. After defeating the Confederacy in Atlanta, Sherman began a march toward
_____________________. The Union Army destroyed everything that Confederate army would
need along the way; this strategy is called total war.
Grant and Lee
a. Grant led the Union Army toward Richmond, Virginia. The Confederate Army, led by ________________
___________________tried to fight them off. Although the Union suffered ________________________
throughout the year of fighting, Grant continued fighting and pushing the Confederacy further south toward
b. Lee’s Surrender
i. The Union continued to get more supplies and ___________________________, while the
Confederacy lacked supplies and had soldiers beginning to ______________________________.
ii. On April 9,1865, Lee surrendered to Grant in the village of _______________________________.
Lesson 4: Reconstruction
Plans for Reconstruction
a. During Reconstruction the country had to be _____________________________ again.
b. Some people thought the South should be ________________________, while others thought they should
make it _____________________________ for the South to rejoin.
c. Lincoln’s Death
i. On April 14, 1965, President Lincoln was assassinated by _______________________________.
He was an actor that supported the _________________________________.
d. Effects of the War
i. In the South farms, _________________________, and _______________________ were ruined.
ii. Enslaved people were free, but had no _______________________________________________.
iii. The North had seen little fighting on their land and had grown _______________________ as a
result of the war.
a. __________________________________________________ became president following Lincoln’s death.
b. Although slavery was deemed illegal, southern states created _______________________ to limit the
rights of former slaves.
c. Congress created the _______________________. The goal of this program was to set up ___________,
schools, help find jobs, and _________________________ and legal advice to poor _______________
and ______________.
d. Congress Takes Control
i. Congress sent soldiers to the south to _______________________________________.
ii. Congress also tried to ______________________ President Johnson for breaking new laws. They
were _______________________________ and he finished his presidency.
e. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
i. Scalawags were ________________________________________________________________.
ii. Carpet baggers were _____________________________________________________________.
The Constitution Changes
a. For this section you need to add the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to your Amendment Chart (in the
social studies section of your binder) from our second mini-unit. Use the charts on page 200 to fill in the
b. The Struggle for Rights Continues
i. Although the new laws were passed, they were sometimes _____________________________ by
people who did not want African Americans to have equal rights.
Lesson 5: The Challenge of Freedom
Freedom and Hardship
a. The Rise of Sharecropping
i. Landowners set up a system called _________________________ that allowed former slaves and
poor whites to become ____________________. The farmers would use the landowner land and
often ________________ and _________________on the fields. The landowners would then get
a ____________________________________.
ii. For some, sharecropping kept them in ___________________________. They had to continue to
borrow money to survive.
b. Responses to Reconstruction
i. Secret groups such as the __________________________________, or KKK, were formed by
extremists who disagreed with new laws protecting African Americans
The End of Reconstruction
a. New President, Rutherford B. Hayes, ended _____________________________________ and ordered
soldiers to ____________________________________________.
b. Segregation was rampant in the South. ______________________________ made segregation in
schools, ____________________________, and even _____________________________________legal.
c. New Schools
i. School across the south opened for African Americans. Churches in the north sent
_____________________ and ______________________________ to support the schools.
ii. The goal was to gain a higher education and change the views of those who were
_________________________against African Americans.