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Four P’s of Marketing Customer Driven Markets A marketing strategy that focuses solely on the customer from the beginning through the end of everything a business does. The Four P’s of Marketing Product Price Promotion Place Distribution Product A good or service with tangible and intangible characteristics that provide satisfaction and benefits (Ferrell,2013). Price Defined by a value placed on an object exchanged between a buyer and a seller (Ferrell,2013). • • • • • Price is determined by the seller, but the customer ultimately has the decision if the price is appropriate. Sellers need to take into account the price of their competitors products which are similar to theirs. When the product is the same exact product and one is priced cheaper than the other, generally, the customer is going to pick the cheaper product. If a company choses the wrong price according to the general population, that company can lose out on thousands/millions of dollars. Pricing Activity Place/Distribution • Defined as making products available to customers in the quantities desired (Ferrell,2013). • • Distribution is not only physically sending or providing a product to the customer, but also to provide the product in a more convenient way than other companies. With technology advancements, companies are looking for anything that might be more convenient to the customer. Promotion • A persuasive form of communication that attempts to expedite a marketing exchange by influencing individuals, groups, and organizations to accept goods, services, and ideas (Ferrell, 2013). • ***Advertising!!*** 8 Steps to Advertising Page 355 25 Cheap/Free ways to advertise Run Competitions Socialize Tell your friends Make more of business cards Try google adwords UseSponsor the Radio a local sports Contact a news channel Make a youtube video team Word of mouth Offer discounts referals Buy Be a good person Build an email list someone a drink Make a twitter Marketing Concept • The idea that an organization should try to satisfy customers’ needs through coordinated activities that also allow it to achieve its own goals (Ferrell, 2013) • Business Must…. – – – – Figure out what the customer is looking for, then figure out how to persuade them to buy their product Keep up with constant changing of consumers wants/needs Be better than their competition. Find an appropriate price for their product where they can successfully sell the product at a price the consumer agrees with, but make enough money to cover costs. Can companies lose money on some products, but still make money? Liquor/Beer Sales on Monday Nights $900 Average with Steak Fry - $673 $800 $700 Average Without Steak Fry - $511 $600 $500 Steak Fry $400 No Steak Fry $300 $200 $100 $0 Monday (1) Monday (2) Monday (3) Monday (4) Matching Terms with Definitions • Social Class • Specific group of consumers whose needs and wants are directly focused on by a company • Value • Providing products to consumers in the quantities they desire • Distribution • Set of expectations for individuals based on some position they occupy • Market Segmentation • Collection of individuals, groups, or organizations who share one or more characteristics and thus have relatively similar product needs. • Target Market • Customer’s subjective assessment of benefits relative to costs in determining the worth of a product Sources • InBusinessTV. (2008). How to advertise your business effectively- 8 steps [Web]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEDOMxfqdf8 • Ferrell, L. Business a changing world. (9th ed., p. 354). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. • Schiff, J. (2013, September 09). 10 inexpensive ways to advertise your small business . Retrieved from http://www.smallbusinesscomputing.com/emarketing/article.php/393956 1/10-Inexpensive-Ways-to-Advertise-Your-Small-Business.htm • Williams, R. (2006, March 12). 10 unusual ways to advertise . Retrieved from http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/83812