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Grade Grammar
The Eight Parts of Speech
Names a person, place, thing, or idea
Examples: mayor, ship, Missouri River, happiness
Takes the place of a noun or other pronoun
Examples: I, you, he, himself, they, whom, that, which, each, none
Expresses and action or state of being
Examples: go, be, startle, break, feel, do
Modifies a noun or pronoun
Examples: green, large, English, two
Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb
Examples: suddenly, yesterday, really
Relates one word to another word
Examples: in, on, to, above, before, with, between
Joins words or groups of words
Examples: an, or, but, so, either, or, because
Expresses emotion
Examples: hooray, whew, uh-oh
Subject: Tells who or what the sentence is about
Example: The joke flopped.
Predicate: Tells what is happening to the subject. The
predicate include the verb and all the words related to the
Example: Eighty wedding guests ate nine submarine sandwiches.
Simple/Compound/Complex Sentences
A simple sentence is made up of one independent clause and no
dependent clauses.
Example: The pear tree grows.
A compound sentence is made of two or more independent
clauses and no dependent clauses.
Example: The sun shines, and the pear tree grows.
A complex sentence is made up of one independent clause and
at least one dependent clause.
Example: The pear tree that we planted last season grows well.
A phrase is a word group that functions as a specific part of speech and does
NOT contain both a subject and a verb
Examples: saved by the bell, in the morning
A clause is a word group that contains both a subject and its verb
•An independent clause can stand along as a sentence and expresses a complete thought
Example: The pear tree grows.
•A dependent (or subordinate) clause, does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone
as a sentence.
Example: The pear tree that Aunt Kim gave us grows well.
A sentence is a word group that has both a subject and a verb and expresses a
complete thought.
Prepositional Phrases
Is introduced by a preposition and usually acts as an
adjective or adverb
Example: The book on the left is the one to read if you are working on the report assigned in
Appositive/Appositive Phrases
An appositive is a noun or pronoun that identifies or
explains another noun or pronoun
Example: My sister’s cat, Chimney, doesn’t like your dog.
An appositive phrase usually follows the word it identifies,
but it may also precede it
Example: A state known for its cold climate, Alaska is closer to the North Pole than to Texas.
Verbals/Verbal Phrases
Gerund: is a verbal that ends in –ing and functions as a
Example: Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences..
Example (Gerund Phrase): Traveling to Asia might satisfy your desire for new experiences.
Participle: is a verbal that is used as an adjective and most
often ends in –ing or –ed
Example: The dangling toy caught the kitten’s attention.
Example (Participle Phrase): The toy dangling off the sofa caught the kitten’s attention.
An infinitive is the base form of a verb plus the word “to”
Examples: to hike, to help
Using Punctuation for Effect
-Use an ellipses, three spaced periods (…), to show where
the text is left out
Example: a new nation … dedicated to the proposition…
Or to
show a pause or break in thought.
Example: It’s just that … I don’t know
-Dashes can show pauses or breaks in thought
Example: There is room in the van for six people—not sixteen.
Verb Mood
Mood refers to the form the verb takes to indicate the speaker’s
Indicative mood expresses fact or opinion.
◦ Example: The Rogers family raises chickens.
Imperative mood expresses a command or request.
◦ Example: Bring me the eggs, please.
Subjunctive mood expresses a suggestion, necessity, or a wish.
◦ Example: I wish I were seated already
Interrogative sentences express a question.
◦ Example: Did you go to the farm?
Conditional verbs express actions or states of being that depend on other conditions.
◦ Example: If the sun had already set, we would have gone home.
Active/Passive Voice
Active Voice—the subject of the sentence performs the
action expressed by the verb
Example: The girl threw the ball.
Passive Voice—the subject receives the action expresses by
the verb.
Example: The ball was thrown.
Helping Verbs/Linking Verbs
Helping Verbs: The work together with other verbs (has,
have, had, can, could, will, shall, should, may, might)
Example: can graduate, will have flown
Linking Verbs: Connect subjects with words or phrases (be,
am, is, was, were, become, seem, appear, believe, grow,
remain, prove)
You seem tired.