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Oct. 5, 2015
Warm Up Review
Notes/discussion over the Atlantic
Slave Trade, Triangular Trade,
and Columbian Exchange.
Exploration Test Oct. 9
Exploration Journal Due Oct. 16
Who was Atahualpa? What
explorer took over Atahualpa’s
Who was Montezuma II? What
explorer took over Montezuma’s
The Effects of Exploration
Triangular Trade, Columbian Exchange,
Encomienda System, Atlantic Slave Trade
The Portuguese
 Found little gold in Brazil
 Started farming sugar  $$$
Patterns of Spanish Conquest
 Drew techniques from the Reconquista
 Spanish settlers (peninsulares) were mostly men
 Marriage b/w Native Americans and peninsulares
were common  mestizo (Native American and
Spanish heritage)
 Encomienda System: natives farmed and
ranched and mined for the Spanish landlords who
received rights to the labor from the Spanish
 Many abused to death
Opposition to Spanish Rule
Spanish priests who worked to spread
Christianity witnessed cruel treatment and
spoke out
Encomienda system was abolished in 1542
Natives also rebelled
 Tainos rebelled against Columbus in the Caribbean
 Natives in New Mexico fought Spanish rule
 How did the Portuguese motives for conquest
change once they made it to the New World?
 What area in South America was conquered by the
 Why would marriages between natives and
Spaniards be encouraged?
 What were the effects of the encomienda system?
What was the encomienda system?
Who were peninsulares?
Who were the mestizo’s?
African Slavery
Needed to resupply labor force – many
Native Americans were dying, running
Advantages to Africans:
 Immune to a lot of European diseases
 Had farming experience
 Did not know the land, making escape difficult
Atlantic Slave Trade
 B/w 1500-1600: 300,000 Africans transported to
the Americas
 Reached up to 1.5 million by the next century
 Initially brought them to the Caribbean
 Many African rulers took part in this:
 Originally had sold them to Muslims
 Did not see a difference selling them to Europeans
What created the need for African slaves?
Why would Africans have been immune to
European diseases?
Why would African slaves be less likely to
Triangular Trade
Actual trade route
Named because… it makes a triangle…
Step ONE:
Europeans take goods to Africa
Guns, Ammo, Copper, Cloth
Traded for Slaves
Slaves traded in Caribbean for Sugar, Rum
Sugar, Rum, etc. traded back in Europe…
Triangular Trade
were packed
together in
dark holds
About 20%
died on
Consequences of the Atlantic
Slave Trade
African American families torn apart
Fire arms given to Africans caused issues
Helped make America profitable
Substantial African American populations in
the New World
What was Europe sending to Africa?
Africa to the Americas?
Americas to Europe?
What consequences of the slave trade
made the most lasting impact? Why?
Columbian Exchange
 Named after Columbus
 Coined in 1972
 His journey was the first interaction between worlds
 Affected every society on earth
 Most significant item traded?
 Disease
 50-90% of Native Americans wiped out
 #2: Crops
 Maize, Potatoes, Tomatoes
 Columbian Exchange is not a direct trade route
CE is the overall exchange of goods
Columbian Exchange
 List 3 things Europe got in the Columbian Exchange.
 The Americas?
 Who got the better end of the deal in the Columbian
Exchange? Why?