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Two-Front War: a war split
between multiple
Warm Up: Caption the
Picture. Look at the picture
and write a caption - What is
Why is Japan involved in WWII?
~What are they after?
Japan needs
Raw Materials
Japan wished to
Imperialism with
Japan attacks
and occupies
countries in
responds by
Japanese assets
Prepares for
a Surprise
Pearl Harbor
Multiple prints were issued
throughout the day to provide
updates. (Pre-Google)
December 8, 1942 the US declared war on Japan…. Four days later,
Germany and Italy (allies of Japan) declared war on the United
States. America was now engaged in a war on two fronts: European
front and the Pacific front.
Pearl Harbor
In 1944, Oliver Lyttelton, a British government minister,
said that:
“Japan was provoked into attacking the Americans at Pearl
Harbor. It is a travesty to say that America was forced in to
the war. Everyone knows where American sympathies
were. It is incorrect to say that America was ever truly
neutral even before America came into the war on a
fighting basis”.
Even after Pearl Harbor, some Americans believed that the
United States should have done more to “appease” Japan.
Just after the attack, U.S. Senator Vandenberg wrote,
“the United States would have had to yield to relatively
little to pacify Japan…we may have driven [Japan]
needlessly into hostilities through our rigid diplomatic
attitudes. We asked for it, and we got it”.
Should American officials have been surprised by the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Who was to blame for the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Was the United States justified in declaring on the Empire of Japan?
Executive Order 9066
Because of the distrust of
Japanese and general
paranoia after Pearl Harbor,
President Roosevelt signed
Executive Order 9066, which
authorized the government to
remove Japanese-Americans
from America’s West Coast
and place them in Internment
A Two Front War: Europe and the
The War in Europe (and North Africa)
In 1941, Germany violated their treaty and
invaded Russia.
Hitler- had control of most of Europe and
North Africa
Roosevelt- wanted to defeat Germany
first, then focus on the Japanese
1942- Allied troops landed in North Africa
and defeated the German forces. Now,
they were ready to invade Europe.
Who is in charge: General George Patton
WWII in Africa Video (STOP at 2:00)
War in Europe (Soviet
Hitler made his greatest mistake when
he invaded the Soviet Union in June
Battle of Stalingrad (Aug. 23, 1942-Feb. 2,
∙ 1943- The Battle of Stalingrad (turning
1943)- Largest, bloodiest battle in history.
800,00 Axis soldiers wounded/killed. 1.2point in the Eastern part of Europe)
Germany surrenders to the Soviets.
million Soviet soldiers wounded/killed. ∙ Low on supplies, half of the Soviet
soldiers were sent to battle without
rifles, instead having to pick up a rifle
from the dead bodies on the ground
The Soviets started marching toward
at the Gates
Berlin. Along
they discovered
camps and liberated
many stillNote:
held prisoner.
Jude Law has no rifle…
June 6, 1944 – D Day- 156,000 Allied troops under the
command of General Dwight Eisenhower began the
invasion by landing on 5 beaches on the northwest
coast of Normandy, France.
Omar Bradley- chosen to lead the first American army
to land in France
Battle of the Bulge- in 1944 the German attack
∙ Decisive Allied victory
∙ Depleted Germany’s forces
Battle of the Bulge VIDEO
May 1945- The Soviets forces captured Berlin. Hitler
committed suicide and Germany surrendered.
Vernon Baker- African American who was awarded
the Medal of Honor for his heroics during World War II
Yalta Conference and VE Day
Took place in Yalta, shortly before VE
∙ President Roosevelt, British Prime
Minister Winston Churchill, and
Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin
∙ Germany to be divided into 4 zones
∙ Promised free elections in liberated
∙ Stalin promised to enter the war
against Japan after Hitler was
∙ A new World Organization would be
formed (United Nations)
May 8th, 1945- Germany Surrenders
Germany forced to wait for USSR to
take Berlin
Discover concentration camps and
Allied forces liberate them .
Do tragedies like this still
Hitler’s “Final Solution” was the murder
all the European Jews.
Concentration Camps and Death Camps were
built across Europe.
About 12 million people- Jews, gypsies, Slavs,
political prisoners, elderly, mentally-disabled,
and others died in the Nazi camps.
In this video you will see what the American
Soldiers came across as they liberated
Europe. Many were unprepared for the
gruesome scenes they encountered. The
video also shows Germans from surrounding
towns/villages being forced to walk through
the camps, in order to see, firsthand, the
crimes they had allowed to happen.
The following account is from Woman
Prisoner #T-917 at Lenzing ConcentrationCamp:
“Now bean a frightful time of waiting.
We were locked in the camp without food. I was asleep when my sister wakened me. She reported that in front
of the camp were two young men… They told us that they would get help from the American soldiers who were
nearby but had no idea our camp was there… it took a few hours until they arrived. It was General Patton’s 3 rd
Army. The soldiers broke open the gate. It must have been a shock for the soldiers when they saw us,
emancipated or swollen, pale and dirty…. The provided us with their food rations and soap.”
Who do you think was more surprised: the prisoners or the soldiers?
Wedding Rings taken from prisoners