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(1) Long-term causes of WWII?
• Weak League of Nations
• Great Depression
• Aggressive Dictators
• Treaty of Versailles (harsh punishment of Germany)
• Weak democratic govts.
(2) Why did Japan start taking over places
(what did they need)?
• Natural resources / raw materials
(3) What action did the League of Nations
take against aggressor nations?
• No action
(4) Why did the League of Nations fail?
• Unable to enforce decisions (no military authority)
(5) Satisfying the demands of aggressor
nations is known as the policy of ___.
• Appeasement
(6) Period of low economic activity & rising
unemployment is known as ___.
• Depression
(7) What caused the Great Depression?
• Economic downturn & stock market crash
(8) What was the purpose of Stalin’s Five Year
• Develop heavy industry
(9) What did Stalin force peasants to join?
• Collective farms
(10) Who wrote Mein Kampf?
• Adolf Hitler
(11) Why did many Germans accept Hitler?
• Belief that Hitler had ended Germany’s economic depression
(12) What was decided at the Munich
• The French & British persuaded Czechoslovakia to give Sudentenland
to Germany
(13) The above is an example of what policy?
• Appeasement
(14) Why did the British & French pursue a
policy of appeasement?
• To prevent another world war
(15) Immediate cause of WWII
• Hitler’s invasion of Poland
(16) Who made up the Axis Powers?
• Germany, Italy, Japan
(17) What did the Blitzkrieg use?
• Form of attack that used air attacks, followed by tanks and fastmoving soldiers
(18) Where did the British evacuate most of
their army from France?
• Dunkirk
(19) How was the US not completely neutral
at the beginning of the war?
• Provided military aid to Great Britain (Lend-Lease Act)
(20) What type of battle was the Battle of
• Air battle involving planes
(21) Did the British surrender to the
Germans? Which nations surrendered?
• No; Belgium, Norway, & France surrendered
(22) What did the Japanese do on Dec. 7,
• Launched a surprise attack on the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor
(23) Why did Japan attack?
• Pearl Harbor was the base for the US Pacific Fleet, which they wanted
to destroy
(24) Why did the attack on Pearl Harbor fail?
• Japanese didn’t completely destroy entire US fleet
(25) What was the immediate effect of the
attack on Pearl Harbor?
• US declares war
(26) Half of the deaths at Pearl Harbor
happened aboard what ship?
• USS Arizona
(27) What was “island-hopping”?
• US strategy of attacking smaller islands and disrupting supply lines to
get closer to Japan
(28) What was the turning point for the war in
the Pacific?
• Battle of Midway Island
(29) What did the Allied Powers decide to
create at the Tehran Conference?
• United Nations
(30) What did numerous Japanese soldiers do
rather than surrender and why?
• Committed suicide (rather than surrender) or fight to the death
(causing many US casualties)
(31) What three areas did the Allied Powers
invade to defeat the Axis?
• Africa, Italy, France
(32) What country was invaded on D-Day
(June 6, 1944)?
• France (in Normandy)
(33) Why did the US & Britain want to invade
Western Europe?
• Open up a second front and put the Axis forces on the defensive
(34) Russian city under siege for 900 days?
• Leningrad
(35) Where did the first major defeat of the
German army take place?
• Battle of Stalingrad
(36) What was the turning point for the Soviet
Union in the war?
• Battle of Stalingrad
(37) How were the battles of Stalingrad and
Midway similar?
• Both were major turning points in the war that shifted power to the
(38) What happens to Germany at the end of
the war?
• Germany is divided among the four main Allied Powers
(39) Why did Japan surrender?
• Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki
(40) Why did the US decide to drop the
atomic bomb?
• Save American & Japanese lives; save time & money
(41) Who wins WWII?
• Allied Powers
(42) What group did the US govt target during
the war at home?
• Japanese Americans
(43) What was the removal of thousands of people
of Japanese descent to detention camps known as?
• Internment
(44) What was Hitler’s Final Solution?
• To kill all Jews
(45) The slaughter of Jews and other undesirables
by the Nazis was known as what?
• The Holocaust
(46) Who were victims of the Holocaust?
• Jews, Gypsies, Slavic peoples
(47) What did the Nazis build to kill Jews
• Special extermination camps in Poland
(48) The US came out of WWII as a ___.
• Global superpower