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Social Relations in Social Psychology
3 Components of Prejudice
 An unjustifiable (usually
negative) attitude toward
a group and its
 Prejudice generally
involves stereotyped
beliefs, negative
feelings, and a
predisposition to
discriminatory action.
 Prejudice = negative
 Discrimination =
negative behavior
 Stereotype = a
generalized belief about
a group (sometimes
accurate, but
Overt and Subtle Prejudice
 Overt- openly prejudice;
conscious attitude
 Subtle- quiet lingering
prejudice; mostly
automatic or
Social Inequalities
 Ingroup- “us”- people
with whom one shares a
common identity.
 Outgroup- “them” –
those perceived as
different or apart from
one’s ingroup.
 Ingroup bias- the
tendency to favor one’s
own group.
Emotional Roots of Prejudice
 Comes from divisions of
society, passions of the
heart, and often express
anger or rage.
 Scapegoat Theory: the
theory that prejudice
offers an outlet for anger
by providing someone to
Cognitive Roots of Prejudice
 Stereotyped beliefs are how we cognitively simplify the
 Categorization: we simplify our world by categorizing
people into groups (often becoming stereotypes).
 Vivid Cases: more likely to recall vivid (negative)
aspects than positive ones.
 Just-World Phenomenon: Good is rewarded and evil is
punished. “People get what they deserve”