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Download History of the United States
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History of the United States Pre-Colonial America • The US was first populated by people migrating from Asia between 50.000 and 11.000 years ago • These people were Native Americans and they came before European explorers The First Europeans • The first European contact was with the ……………… in the year 1.000 • Leif Ericson established a settlement in present day Newfoundland • There was no European contact for the following 500 years answer: VIKINGS European exploration • In 1492 a navigation error brought Christopher • • • Columbus to the Caribbean Sea instead to Asia He was sailing on behalf of the Spanish crown After that there was a period of exploration by various European countries Dutch, Spanish, English, French, Swedish, Potuguese settlements were established English Colonial America • The first English colony was founded in Virginia • • at Jamestown In 1620 the ship named Mayflower brought 102 Englishmen to northeast and they founded the cololny called PLYMOUTH They called themselves the ………………………… answer: PILGRIM FATHERS Pilgrim Fathers • The Mayflower, which transported Pilgrims to the New World arrived in 1620 • Pilgrims wanted to reform • (purify) the Church of England They wanted to build a colony on their religious ideals Thanksgiving • The winter was cold and about half of Pilgrims died • In spring they planted corn and other plants with the help of …………….. • then they celebrated their first harvest in spring • They held a feast with much food and called this day Thanksgiving 17th century • Many colonists settled in the country (mostly British, French, German, Dutch and Irish) • They settled down in the east • They seeked for land, wealth, religious and personal freedom • These settlements became the first 13 colonies under the British rule Formation of the US • The US declared its independence in 1776 and defeated Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War • The Boston Tea Party in 1773, often seen as the event which started the War The US was declared in Philadelphia on 4the July 1776 • Washington´s success – crossing of the Delaware • The presentation of the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence • All men are created equal. • Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. • Written by Thomas Jefferson The end of the War of Independence • It lasted till 1783 when Britain signed the peace treaty an recognized the USA • The new Constitution was adopted in 1788 with the help of G. Washington, B. Franklin and J. Madison Westward Expansion (18th- 19th century) • The US was expanded through purchase of land (Alaska from Russia, central parts of Am. from France) • Wars with Mexico lead to expansion in California, Arizona, Nevada • Social reforms were needed, especially the abolition of slavery US territorial growth 1810-1920 Civil War (1861-1865) • The North • The South • Blue the Union • Brown the Confederacy Match these with either the North or the South • • • • • • The Union General Lee The Confederacy black people General Grant and Sherman Abraham Lincoln • • • • • • • 23 states Slave system 22 million people Developed system 9 million people Battle at Gettysburg Wanted to abolish slavery Emancipation Proclamtion 1863 Issued by Lincoln, granted freedom to all slaves The war had two main results: • It put an end to slavery • Decided that America was a single and indivisible nation BUT: it was the worst episode in Am. history • It took more American lives than any other war conflict • 635.000 dead The end of the 19th century • Industrial growth ( esp. in the north) • Mining, new railways, manufacturing of steel • A strong wave of immigration (Ellis Isl.) World War I • The US entered it in 1917 to help France and England „The Roaring Twenties“ • A period of prosperity which was followed by the stock market crash in 1929 Great Depression • High unemployment • Widespread poverty • high inflation rate • It lasted until the beginning of WWII World War II • In 1941 after the attack on PEARL HARBOR • Truman ordered the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Cold War • Increasing mistrust between the US and the Soviet Union • Civil rights movement • Economic expansion • US- leader in scientific, medical and technological achievements • Neil Armstrong The first man to step on the Moon • „That´s one step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.“ Tremendous social unrest American blacks faced racial discrimination Martin Luther King • „I have a dream speech“ • Assassinated in 1968 • Nobel Peace Prize winner • Demanded and end to racial discrimination • Struggled for equality • Baptist priest persecuted by the whites John F. Kennedy • Assassinated in 1963 • His death shocked the world The Vietnam War • Brought further internal unrest • US troops were finally withdrawn from Vietnam in 1975 The End of the Cold War Ronald Reagan tells Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall in 1987 Communism ended in 1989 1989-present • The world´s superpower • 1991 Gulf War • September 11, 2001 – Islamist terrrorist attack • The War on Terrorism started by President BUSH New York under attack