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The First Two Cities
What motivations led Europeans to settle in America? What problems did they have to
overcome once they arrived, and how did they overcome these problems?
 England’s struggles…
o England’s first colony of Roanoke failed miserably
o Finding riches took time and effort in which many adventures did not have
 The first two cities
o Jamestown and Plymouth were the first successful cities
o The main difference between Roanoke and these two cities is that they survived
o The development of these two cities will develop two distinct societies (sections) of the country
Jamestown: The First Southern City
 Motivations: Money
o A London based company known as the “Joint Stock Company” wanted to start a colony
o Jamestown Charter
 Created by the Joint Stock Company for the colonists
 It guaranteed rights of all Englishman
 Colonists and English citizens are equals????
o The company must be profitable
 Problems within the first year: Mortality rate was 85%
o Major food shortages
o No farmers
o Disease
o No women at first!
o Powhatan Confederacy saw the settlers as a nuisance and with the encroachment by the settlers
began a war
 The ‘Crown’ took the colony away from the company
 Overcoming these problems:
o Captain John Smith
 He was the first strong leader of Jamestown, he held Jamestown together
 Every time he would leave, the city would begin to crumble
o John Rolfe
 He brought sweet tobacco from the Caribbean which made the colony profitable
 The soil and the climate was perfect for this new cash crop
 With the bringing of Sweet Tobacco, Jamestown needed more slaves
 He married Pocahontas to ease tensions with the Natives
Plymouth: The First New England City
 Family and religion controlled almost every aspect of their lives (Public Education)
 Motivations: Religion
o Religious tension remained high after the Protestant Reformation
o Puritans
 They wanted to reform or purify the Church of England (Concentrate on the Bible)
 Some even stated that they should separate from the Church of England
 One group of ‘Separatists’ became the Pilgrims
o Pilgrims immigrated to the Netherlands than the Americas
o The Pilgrims wanted practice their faith without being persecuted
Motivations: Freedom
o Concern:
 The pilgrims wanted the freedom to practice their religion as they see fit
 However, their ship the Mayflower, did not have all Pilgrims on it
 Because of the Pilgrims’ fear of the others, the non-pilgrims forcing them to abandon
their religious beliefs, the Pilgrims wanted to set a system of laws to protect their
o Mayflower Compact
 The Pilgrims were originally supposed to land in Virginia, but they were getting
desperate for supplies so they made landfall
 On November 21, 1620, 41 male passengers established basic laws for the new colony
 These laws were meant to protect a person’s right to be a pilgrim (not freedom of
 Significance: The Mayflower Compact was the colonies first attempt at a democratic selfgovernment
Problems: 50% mortality rate
o Harsh first winter
o Lack of supplies
o Starvation
Overcoming these problems:
o The Pilgrims were better able to handle the rural atmosphere
 They were ‘farm people’
 They were able to build houses and develop families
o Squanto – the colony’s savior
 Spoke English
 He taught the pilgrims how to fertilize their farms and how to establish good relations
with the Wampanoag Indians
 “Squanto continued with them and was their interpreter… He directed them how to set
(plant) corn, where to take (catch) fish, and to procure (to get) other commodities (goods)”
o Traditionally: the Pilgrims had better relations with the Natives than the people of Jamestown
Salem Witch Trials:
 Problem: ‘Just wanted to have fun’
o According to the Pilgrim perspective of Christianity and the Bible, a person should not do acts
that might disgrace them (having fun)
o The girls were dancing in the woods and got caught by the minister and were about to be
 The accusations
o The girls blamed others for their need to have fun (someone made them do it)
o These girls ranging from 6 to 15 years old began accusing others of hurting them - physically
and emotionally (witchcraft)
 There was no real evidence of witchcraft
o The girls used what is known as spectral evidence (a person’s spirit attacking)
o 19 innocent people were killed, they could not defend against it
 Significance:
o It helps show the religious hysteria of the New England colonies
o You can’t really defend against a rumor