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8.3 Plates move apart
Learning Goals
• Students will:
-identify different plate boundaries.
-explain what happens when plates
move apart.
-determine how to measure the
direction of plates.
3-Minute Warm-Up
Write the sentences, matching each
definition with the correct term
a. Pangaea
b. plate tectonics
c. sea-floor spreading d. continental drift
1. Huge landmass in which all continents were
once joined.
2. Hypothesis that Earth’s continents were once
joined in a single landmass and gradually
moved apart.
3. Theory that Earth’s lithosphere is made up of
huge, moving plates that are carried around
the planet by motions in the mantle.
3-Minute Warm-Up
• Match each definition with the correct term
b. plate tectonics
c. sea-floor spreading d. continental drift
1. Huge landmass in which all continents were
once joined. Pangaea - a
2. Hypothesis that Earth’s continents were once
joined in a single landmass and gradually
moved apart. Continental drift - d
3. Theory that Earth’s lithosphere is made up of
huge, moving plates that are carried around
the planet by motions in the mantle. Plate
tectonics - b
Tectonic plates have boundaries
• A plate boundary is where the edge of two
plates meet
• divergent boundary—occurs where plates
move apart. Usually found in the ocean
• convergent boundary—occurs where plates
push together
• transform boundary—occurs where plates
scrape past each other.
The sea floor spreads apart at divergent
• Mid-ocean ridges mark these sites where the ocean
floor is spreading apart
• rift valley—a deep valley formed as tectonic plates
move apart. Found along a mid-ocean ridge
• Here, hot material (melted rock) rises to build new
Mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys
• Mid-ocean ridges are the longest
chain of mountains on Earth
• Contains a rift valley in the center
• Largest one is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Sea-floor rock and magnetic reversals
• magnetic reversal—the switch in the
direction of Earth’s magnetic field
• No one knows why this occurs
• Magnetic reversals are recorded in the
sea-floor rock
• Makes it look like stripes
• This provided a record of sea-floor
Continents split apart at divergent boundaries
• Like the sea floor, land on divergent
boundaries spread apart
• Heat causes the crust to bulge upward
and makes cracks and magma rises and
creates volcanoes
• As the crack stretches, a rift valley forms
and as it continues to stretch, the valley
becomes thinned out.
• Soon it is below sea level and water from
nearby fills the valley
• This is evident at the Red Sea
Hot spots
• hot spots—places where heated rock rises from
the mantle in plumes or thin columns.
• Hot spots stay in one place as the plate above it
moves. It helps scientists track plate movement
• Hawaiian Islands are formed from hot spots.
– Hot spots formed volcanoes and as the
volcanoes erupted, magma rose and the
water cooled it and formed land. As the plates
moved, the hot spot stayed and formed more
• Draw a divergent boundary in the ocean-use color
• What happens when an oceanic plate moves
• What happens when the continental plate begins
to split?
• Where is the largest mid-ocean ridge?
• What happens when the floor of a rift valley sinks
below sea level and where is this happening?
• How does a hot-spot volcano form? Use Hawaii as
your example.