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European Exploration
Spain, France, England:
Attempts to establish colonies in North
• Why establish colonies?
• Actions of Spain, France,
and England
• Interactions between
Europeans and Native
• Compare and contrast
different European
settlements and their
results for both colonists
and Indian peoples
Why Travel to “New World”?
• 1.Economic – Trade route
to Asia: cinnamon,
nutmeg and sugar.
• Gold, silk, jewels, and
• 2. Religious – Goal:
Escape religious
• Spread Christianity to
new areas.
Why Travel to “New World?” (cont’d)
• 3. Curiosity/Adventure
• 4. Forced: African slaves
- The largest forced
migration in human
• The Reconquista – a military conquest from
718 – 1492. Moors vs. Spanish Christian rulers
• It was not until the Battle of Granada that
Spain was not free of Moors and united
• Queen Isabella of Castile marries Ferdinand II
of Aragon
• Castile and Aragon were the most powerful
regions of Spain
Trade Routes from Europe to Asia
• With Spain united, they
now need more money
to have a stable
national economy
• Goal: Find a shorter
route to wealth of the
• Silk Road closed due to
Muslim influence
Christopher Columbus
• Columbus sailed in 1492; convinced Spanish monarchs
and arrived in Bahamas.
• He was not the first European to cross the ocean.
• Permanent settlements followed Columbus 'voyages.
• establishes a base of operations in Hispaniola
• From Hispaniola:
- Cortes: Mesoamerica (Aztecs)
- Francisco Pizarro: South America (Inca Empire)
- Juan Ponce de Leon: discovers Florida
- Hernando de Soto: Mississippi River
The Spanish and Portuguese Empires
(Hernan Cortes)
• Led about 600 soldiers who landed at Vera Cruz,
Mexico in 1519.
• When Cortes landed in Vera Cruz he destroyed
the ships because he would rather die trying to
find gold rather than go to Spain as a failure.
• De Aguilar – translator for Cortes who informs
him that many tribes hate the Aztecs.
• Cortes begins forming alliances with neighboring
(Hernan Cortes)
• In Tenochtitlan, capital of Mexican Empire, the
emperor Montezuma has heard of these
strange creatures that are headed his way
Aztecs and Spanish
Spanish Success
• Aztecs believed Cortez was
the god Quetzalcoatl
• By Cortes showing them
gold and blasts the Spanish
were allowed to enter the
• Spanish worshiped gold
which led to them being
kicked out of the city.
Aztecs and Spanish
• Spanish worshiped gold which led to them
being kicked out of the city.
• Cortes also took Montezuma under arrest
which angered the entire city
• In 1521, Cortes and about 100 men fought
their way out of Tenochtitlan and retreated
• In the Spring of 1521 Cortes and tens of
thousands of Indian allies laid siege to the
Mexican capital
Aztecs and Spanish
Indians with Smallpox
Disease, Warfare
• Disease decimated native
populations in Mexico
• Differing views concerning
• Technology: Horses and
• By 1521 Aztecs were
defeated and the Spanish
created the new capital city
• Mexico City
Additional Spanish Conquest
• Spanish conquistadors quickly fanned out
after the fall of Tenochtitlan in search of gold
• Francisco Pizarro – conquered the Incan
empire in Peru
• In 1532, Pizarro had an army of about 200
men captured the Incan emperor Atahualpa
and held him hostage
• As ransom, the Incas gave Pizarro the largest
treasure of gold and silver
Additional Spanish Conquest
• Juan Ponce de Leon sailed to Florida coast in
• After hearing of Cortes success, de Leon went
back to Florida in 1521 to find riches
• He was quickly killed in a battle with Calusa
Additional Spanish Conquest
• In 1526, Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon explored the
Atlantic coast north of Florida and established
San Miguel de Gualdape, the first Spanish
settlement in what is now the United States
• In 1528, Panfilo de Narvaez surveyed the Gulf
coast from Florida to Texas
• His expedition ended when he shipwrecked
near present-day Galveston, Texas
Additional Spanish Conquest
• In 1539, Hernando de Soto, had participated
in the conquering of Inca empire, set out with
nine ships and 600 men to find another Peru
(gold mine) in North America
• Landing in Florida, de Soto only found and
death and battles with the Natives already
living there
• In 1542, de Soto died of fever and was thrown
into the Mississippi River
Additional Spanish Conquest
• In 1540, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado had
heard of the Seven Cities of Cibola
• The city was rumored to be overflowing with gold
• Coronado left that same year to northern Mexico
• When he reached Cibola it turned out to be just a
small pueblo
• Coronado would travel as far as Kansas until 1542
when he decided to abandon his campaign
Additional Spanish Conquest
• St. Augustine
established in 1565 it
became the first
permanent European
settlement in what
would become the
United States.
• Spanish also established
settlements in New
Mexico in 1598.
Spain in New Mexico
• San Esteban Rey, Acoma
Pueblo, New Mexico
• In 1598 Conquistadors led
by Juan De Onate
established a settlement in
the upper Rio Grande
• Spanish crushed villagers of
• 800 were killed.
• Surviving women and
children were sold into
slavery and men had one
foot cut off.
Pueblo Revolt
• Spanish remained in New Mexico for several decades
until a successful rebellion that forced Spanish to leave
for several years.
• Rebellion was brought on by Spanish attacking
traditional Pueblo practices and forced them to
practice Christianity.
• Resistance to Spanish was led by Pope.
• Indians in New Mexico united against the Spanish and
captured the capital of Santa Fe.
• Successfully drove them out of New Mexico for a time.
• One of the most successful Indian uprisings in U.S.
New Spain
• Nueva Espania was created in the 16th Century
• The Spanish would establish a distinctive colonial
• The distribution of conquered towns
institutionalized the system of encomienda,
which empowered the conquistadors to rule the
Indians and the lands in and around their towns
• The econmienda system was used more for labor
than anything else
• Establish of many missions in the area
New Spain
• Establish of many missions in the area
• Many priests saw the encomienda system as
having a negative effect on their religious beliefs
• Friar Bartolome de Las Casas- against
encomienda and the harsh treatment of Natives
• The Spanish monarchy would later abolish
encomienda in an effort to replace conquistadors
with royal bureaucrats as the rulers in New Spain
• This transformation is called repartimiento in
New Spain
(New Ethnicities)
• By 1580, three distinct ethnicities were
developing in New Spain
• Peninsulares – people born on the Iberian
Peninsula. Highest ranking social status in New
• Creoles- the children born in the New World
to Spanish men and women
• Mestizos- offspring of Spanish men and Indian
New Spain
• By 1560, ALL the major centers of Indian
civilization had been conquered, their leaders
overthrown, their religion held in contempt,
and their people forced to work for the
(Jacques Cartier)
• Cartier explored east
coast of Canada in
• Sailed up the St.
Lawrence River to what
is now Montreal.
(Samuel de Champlain)
• Establish Quebec in 1608 and became a key
trading post
• French specialized in fur trade.
• Developed alliances with Native Americans
which helped them maintain easy access to
fur pelts.
• Helped establish alliance with Huron and
defeated their enemies.
• Allowed access to interior Canada.
French and Spanish Occupation of
North America, to 1750
• Protestant Reformation in 1517- Martin
Luther criticizes the Catholic Church by writing
his 95 thesis
• Protestantism would reach England
• Began in the late 15th Century when John
Cabot explored North American coast
• Settlement at Roanoke was undertaken in
(Effects of Protestant Reformation)
• In 1533, King Henry VIII wished to obtain a divorce Queen
Catherine of Aragon (Spain)
• In the Catholic faith only the Pope was allowed to issue
• Spain being the most powerful Catholic nation, the Pope
did not allow Henry to divorce his wife
• Knowing of the Protestant movement, King Henry VIII
founded the Anglican Church (Protestant) which makes him
the head of the church
• Signs the divorce himself
• Protestant believer, Thomas Cromwell (new Chief Minister),
begins to end all Catholic churches and monasteries by
stripping them of all their wealth
(Effects of Protestant Reformation)
• In 1533, King Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn
• In that same year, Anne gave birth to a
daughter named Elizabeth
• King Henry VIII later divorced Anne Boleyn and
married Jane Seymour who finally gave him a
son in 1537
• King Henry VIII died in 1547 leaving his son
Edward VI who later died in 1553
(Effects of Protestant Reformation)
• After Charles VI death, Mary would become
queen and marry Phillip of Spain ( Catholic)
• Protestants were outraged by a Catholic King
• In 1558 Elizabeth became Queen (Protestant)
• Elizabethan Age (1558 – 1603)
• Queen Elizabeth I – wants both Catholics and
Protestants in England to coexists
• Tensions begin to rise in England as religions
• In 1584, Sir Richard Hakluyt convinced Queen
Elizabeth to start colonies by writing,
“Discourse on Western Planting”
“Discourse on Western Planting”
1. England should consider to plant colonies in
2. English colonies could as military bases if war
was to erupt
3. These colonies could help displace Spain’s
trade monopoly in the Atlantic
4. Colonies are potential wealth (gold & silver)
5. Colonies will also help solve population
“Discourse on Western Planting”
• In 1585, Elizabeth commissions Sir. Walter
Raleigh to start first English Colony
• Roanoke – present day N. Carolina
• Names all the area around the colony Virginia;
in honor of the Virgin Queen
• Sir Walter Raleigh was driving
force behind Roanoke colony
• First settled in 1585
• Goal – base for pirate ships
against Spanish
• Relations with local Indians
(Croatians) were poor
• As war raged between England
and Spain supply trips were
• A supply ship returned in 1590
but Roanoke was abandoned.
• No evidence of colonists were
ever found
• The colony was a failure
Spanish Armada (1588)
• In 1588, The Spanish Armada sailed from Spain to
overthrow protestant England led by Queen
Elizabeth I
• Not having the navy to match the heavy warships
of Spain, Queen Elizabeth conscripted pirates led
by Sir Francis Drake
• When the Armada arrived in the English channel
a big storm destroyed half the Armada
• Drake had much smaller and faster ships that
would fire at the Spanish ships then retreat
• The Spanish would suffer defeat
• Founded in 1607 and first “successful” English
• Organized by Virginia Company of London
• Many fell ill from disease (middle of a swamp)
• “Gentlemen” refused to work
• Unable to survive on their own without
supplies from outside sources.
• Settlers relied on Powhatan Indians for food
• John Smith was captured by Chief Powhatan
- Smith was released or “saved” by Powhatan’s
daughter, Pocahontas who would have around 10
years old.
• Smith negotiated with Powhatans to obtain to
more food
• Smith implemented “No work; no food” policy
• Smith was injured and forced to return to
England following an accident in 1609
Jamestown’s Troubles
• May 1607 – 144 Settlers
• January 1608 – 38 left
John Smith
• December 1608 – 200
• June 1609 – 188 left
Smith Leaves
• December 1609 – 500
• May 1610 – 100 left alive
“Starving Times”
• Many of the Colonists were having
tremendous trouble trying to grow anything
• With Indians in the woodlands many Colonists
were afraid to go hunt
• This led to the “Starving Times” in which
people began to dig up bodies to eat.
• This eventually led to the settlers killing and
eating one another for survival
Winter of 1610
• New Colonists arrive
• Sir. Thomas Gates and Sir. Thomas Dale take
charge of Jamestown
• Dale’s Laws
Thou shalt not eat each other
1. Those who do not work do not eat
2. Laziness is punishable by flogging
3. Use of foul language is punishable by death
4. Rebels will be broken on the wheel
Punishments in Jamestown/England
• Jamestown began to adapt punishment
methods from England
• Witch- burned
• Rebel- broken on the wheel
• Treason/traitor- Drawn & Quartered
• Common criminal- hanging
Winter of 1610
• A ship called, “The Deliverance” also arrives
on shore carrying a person named John Rolfe.
• Rolfe carries with him a seed that will forever
change the course of history.
• At that time tobacco is ONLY planted and sold
by the Spanish Empire
• Only Spanish colonies in the New World were
allowed to have tobacco
• However, John Rolfe gets his hands on some
• There are many different stories as to how he
got a hold of seeds, but no one really knows
• Jamestown is the perfect climate for tobacco
(Economic Boom)
• There’s A LOT of money in
tobacco, and England is
• Tobacco saved the colony
• John Rolfe developed a new
strain of tobacco that
flourished in 1614
• Rolfe married Pocahontas
led to ease the tensions
between Native Americans
and settlers
• 1st revenue generator for
Jamestown; begins to show
• In 1619, Jamestown in producing a profit and
a stable government
- Board of directors
- elected representatives
• 1st permanent and successful English colony in
North America
• Along with indentured servants, Africans
began to colonize Jamestown as well.
• These Africans are not slaves and even own
Anglo-Powhatan War
(1622 – 1632)
• Relations between settlers and Powhatans
worsened when the death of Pocahontas and
Powhatan took place.
• In 1622 Opechancanough (Powhatan’s brother)
took leadership of the Confederacy and struck
back – killing about 25% of Jamestown’s settlers
• Response from Jamestown: Destroy ALL
• Powhatan Confederacy originally included about
40,000; by war’s end about 500 remained
Columbian Exchange
• The range of items exchanged between
Europeans and Native Americans following
European settlement in the Western
Hemisphere. (Plants, animals, diseases, ideas,
and trade goods)
Columbian Exchange: Crops
Native American Plants Taken to
• Beans
• Bell and hot pepper
• Maize (Corn)
• Papaya and pineapple
• Pumpkin and squash
• Tomato
• Wild rice
• Sweet potato and white
• Tobacco
Old World Plants Brought to
Columbian Exchange: Horses
• Prior to having access to horses, mobility, and
private property was limited
• Horses, brought by the Spanish, spread to the
Great Plains by mid-1700s
• Impact for Native Americans was tremendous
• Access to horses made hunting buffalo easier
and efficient
Columbian Exchange: Disease
• Diseases brought by Europeans caused more
death destroyed more of Indians society than any
other single factor
• Death rates could be up to 90 – 95%
• Virgin Soil Epidemics – a population which
previously had no contact with that disease,
more than one disease could hit at the same
time. Small pox, Chicken pox, influenza, measles,
whooping cough
• Syphilis spread to Europe where many became
sick and died
• Spain, England, and France established
• Native American and Europeans interacted in
many ways in North America
• Compare and contrast the actions of different
nations and their results for both Europeans
and Native Americans