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Lesson 4 Latin American Policies
The United States in Panama
1. What is an isthmus?
2. Why did the United States support Panamanian independence?
3. How did the United States aid the Panamanian revolt?
4. The Panama Canal allowed ships to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans without sailing around
South America. In what ways did American merchants and the U.S. Navy benefit from the canal?
5. What was the effect of the Panama Canal on relations between the United States and Latin America? Why?
Policing the Western Hemisphere
6. Interpreting What did President Theodore Roosevelt mean when he said
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7. Which U.S. president favored each of these foreign policies?
8. What does
9. Who was Francisco "Pancho" Villa, and why did the U.S. Army chase him?
10. What did other nations learn from America's experience in Mexico?
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Answer Key
1. a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land
2. Colombia rejected the terms of the U.S. lease on a strip of land in Panama on which the U.S. wanted to
build a canal.
3. In 1903 the warship Nashville steamed into the port of Colón, and U.S. forces turned back Colombian forces
sent to stop the revolt.
4. faster and less expensive shipping of goods between the East and West Coasts
5. easier and quicker access to U.S. territories in the Atlantic and the Pacific
6. Many Latin Americans resented the way in which land for the canal had been acquired.
7. The United States should respond to foreign crises not with threats but with military action.
8. Theodore Roosevelt
9. William H. Taft
10. Woodrow Wilson
11. The United States used its money rather than its military to gain influence and protect its interests in Latin
12. Francisco Madero
13. Victoriano Huerta
14. Venustiano Carranza
15. “Pancho” Villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader. He was angry at the United States for supporting the
Carranza government. Villa attacked and killed Americans, first in Mexico and then in New Mexico. U.S. Army
troops led by General John J. Pershing chased Villa in Mexico for almost a year. They never caught him.
16. The United States would use its power when its interests were threatened.
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