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Unit 2: Basics of Human
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Anatomy
Sports Medicine 1
Mr. Smith
Lesson Objectives
 Describe the functions of skin, bone,
muscle, ligament, tendon, and cartilage
 Describe the types of bones and
identify examples
 Describe the classification of joints and
explain the types of motion produced
 Label general muscular and bony
Body Tissues
 Most superficial layer
 First line defense against
external forces
 Keeps bodily fluids in
 Picks up sensations
 Secrets an oily substance
Body Tissues cont…
 Skin
 Made up of several
 Superficial –
 Middle- dermis
 Deep- hypodermis or
subcutaneous layer
 Stores about 50% of
body’s fat
Body Tissues cont…
 Skin
 Has ability to expand
 Accommodate
increases in muscle
girth or fatty tissue
 Stretch marks are where
the dermis was
stretched excessively
until elastic fibers
Body Tissues cont…
 Bones
 Protect vital organs and structures from
 Are stiff structures that are acted on by
muscles to create movement
 Are metabolically active; that is,
produced blood cells and store minerals
such as calcium and phosphorus
 Protect nerves and blood vessels that
travel alongside them
Body Tissues cont…
 Bones
 Approximately 206
bones in body
 Axial Skeleton
 Spine, thorax, skull
 Appendicular
 Extremities
Body Tissues cont.
Epiphysis (growth plate)
 Spongy during adolescence and
can be problematic because of
vulnerability to injury
 Shaft of the bone
Body Tissues cont…
 Articular Cartilage
 Cushions bone ends, provides stability with
 Periosteum
 Supportive sheath that provides nutrient blood for
the bones
 Spongy Bone
 Filled with either red or yellow bone marrow,
capable of making changes according to weight,
postural change and muscle tension
Body Tissues cont…
 Compact Bone
 Dense bone
 Medullary Cavity
 Cavity of diaphysis, contains marrow
 Red Marrow
 Composed of red and white blood cells. In adults it
is limited to the sternum, vertebrae, ribs, hips,
clavicles, and cranial bones
 Yellow Marrow
 Fatty connective tissue, replaces red marrow in
the epiphysis, medullary cavity of long bone,
and cancellous bone of other bones
Body Tissues cont…
 Long Bones
 Short
 Flat
 Irregular
 Sesamoid
Body Tissues cont.
 Long Bones
 Having a body which is longer than it is
wide with growth plates (epiphysis)
Body Tissues cont…
 Long Bones
 Femur
 Tibia
 Fibula
 Humerus
 Radius
 Ulna
Body Tissues cont.
 Mini Long Bones
 Metacarpals
 Metatarsals
 Phalanges
Body Tissues cont.
 Short Bones
 Carpals
 Wrist Bones
 Tarsals
 Foot Bones
A bone that is as wide as they are long
Body Tissues cont.
 Flat
 They are as they sound, flat plates of
Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
Sternum (Breast Bone)
Cranium (Skull)
Body Tissues cont.
 Irregular
 Bones that do not fall into any other
category, due to their non-uniform shape
 Vertebrae (Bones of the Spine)
 Sacrum (Tail Bone)
 Mandible (Lower Jaw)
Body Tissues cont.
 Sesamoid
 Usually short or irregular bones,
imbedded in a tendon
 Often a so called “Floating Bone”
 Patella (Knee Cap) Most Known
 2 Small Bones at base of 1st Metatarsal
 Sometimes 1 at base of Thumb
Body Tissues cont…
 Cartilage
 Functions to join structures
 Absorb shock
 And permit smooth bone
Body Tissues cont…
 Muscle
 Allows the body to accelerate,
decelerate, stop movement, and help to
maintain normal postural alignment
 Tendon
 Attach muscle to bone and transmit the
force that a muscle exerts
 Ligament
 Connect bone to bone and helps to form
Body Tissues cont…
 Connective tissue
 Made up of spindleshaped cells that
support and bind
together other
 Ligaments and
Classification of Joints
 Diarthrodial (synovial)
 Really good mobility
 Consist of a joint capsule, synovial
membrane, hyaline cartilage
 Hinge Joint
 Elbow and Knee
 Multiaxial or Ball and Socket Joint
 Hip and Shoulder
 Most mobility of all joints
Classification of Joints
 Amphiarthrodial Joints
 Cartilage attaching two bones together
 Ribs join the Sternum
 Synarthrodial
 Held together by tough connective
tissue, and are basically immoveable
 Bones of the Skull