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Mr. Green
Reformation in England
Why was there a Protestant Reformation in England?
 England tired of giving money to the Pope and
Catholic Church
 England tired of ‘lending out’ their land in the name of
the church
 Henry VIII wanted to have a divorce- Catholicism
would not allow it
 England then breaks from church and become
Brief History of King Henry VIII
 Wanted a divorce from first wife because she could not
provide him with a son
 While on his 6th marriage, his wife Catherine outlives
him and Edward VI becomes King (Henry’s son)
 After Edward’s rule, Henry’s first daughter-Marybecomes Queen and brings back Catholic Church
 5 Years later, Henry’s daughter-Elizabeth I- becomes
Queen and she restored Protestant Church
John Calvin
 Would follow Luther’s teachings and create the
doctrine of Predestination-Belief that only God
knows who will be saved
Council of Trent
 Main objective out of this council was the following:
The Church’s interpretation of the Bible was final