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What to Study
• Different forms of
Early origins
(monarchy and
Causes of the fall
of Roman Empire
Roman Life Style
Julius Caesar (Life
and Death)
Rome as an Empire
(Augustus Caesar)
Spread of
Roman Legacies
Questions to Answer/Study
-What is a Republic? Who were the “key players” in the Roman
-Who do the Romans believe to be the first Roman king? How do they
believe Rome was founded by this person
-Describe some popular forms of entertainment for the Romans
-How did Christianity originate and spread through the Roman Empire?
-Who was Julius Caesar, what happened to him, and why was he so
important to Rome’s history?
-What areas of the world did the Roman Empire cover? Study your
map. This will be on the test, as well.
-Identify and describe some legacies or accomplishments and
achievements the Romans had in their empire.
-Who was Augustus Caesar and why was he so important to Rome?
-Based on what you learned, explain how Rome became a republic.
Make sure to use your notes pages 7-10 to help you answer this
What is a republic? Who were the
“key players” in the republic?
Pg. 8-10
A republic is a form of government in which people elect leaders to
make laws for them. The “key players” in a republic are citizens who
choose the leaders. Additionally, Patricians, a rich and powerful group
of men, led primarily in the beginning. Eventually, Plebeians were
allowed to rule, as well. The republic was made up of two consuls, the
senate, and the assembly.
Who do the Romans believe to be the
first Roman king? How do they believe
Rome was founded by this person
Pg. 4
• The Romans believe Romulus was the first king.
Romulus and his twin brother Remus were raised
by wolves. Eventually, Romulus and Remus grew
up and decided to found a city where they had
been found by wolves. The two bickered over
the name of the city, and Remus died. Thereore
Romulus became the first King of Rome, and
founded the city of Rome.
Describe some popular forms of
entertainment in Rome
Pg. 17
• The Coliseum was used as a center of
entertainment. The Roman gladiators
performed for the emperor and Roman
• Public Baths were a place of entertainment, as
well. People were able to wash themselves,
socialize, read/hear poetry, and shop.
-How did Christianity originate and
spread through the Roman Empire?
Pg. 18
• The Romans were polytheistic in the beginning.
Christianity began with a man named Jesus who was
believed to be the son of God. He was born in Bethlehem
in a province of Rome known as Judea. Jesus was crucified
for his beliefs. Christians believe he was born again and call
this the resurrection.
• Christianity spread through the Roman empire through
believers like Paul who traveled and wrote letters to spread
the word. Many Christians were persecuted for their
beliefs. The emperor, Constantine, eventually converted to
Christianity, and made it the official religion of Rome which
further spread the faith.
-Who was Julius Caesar, what
happened to him, and why was he so
important to Rome’s history?
Pg. 14-15
• Julius Caesar began his career as a powerful
general before becoming “dictator for life.” He
was assassinated by members of the Senate.
Julius Caesar was so important because when
he died, the Roman republic also died.
-What areas of the world did the
Roman Empire cover?
Pg. 14-15
• The Roman empire expanded from Britain in the
east to the Black Sea in the west.
• Rome won the wars and gained control of
Northern Africa, Spain and Sicily.
• From 145-44 BCE, Rome controlled the
Mediterranean World. Julius Caesar conquered
much of Gaul (France).
• Study your map on page 5
-Identify and describe some legacies
or accomplishments and achievements
the Romans had in their empire.
Pg. 20
Development of Roads
Republic Form of Government
Julian Calendar
Many of which were created during the Pax
Romana or the long period of peace and
achievement in Rome.
-Who was Augustus Caesar and why
was he so important to Rome?
Pg. 14-15
• Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar’s stepson, was
the first emperor of Rome. He was known for
adding territory to the empire and extending
its network of roads. He ruled Rome for many
years and helped to restore order.
Why did Rome fall?
Weak Rulers aka crazies
Mercenary Army aka hired army
Size of Empire aka it was way too big
Barbarian Invasions
Economic Issues aka PRINTING $
Based on what you learned, explain
how Rome became a republic. Make
sure to use your notes pages 7-10 to
help you answer this question.
• At its onset, Rome was a monarchy ruled by kings. The last
king, Tarquin the Proud, was considered to be a bully, and
he was overthrown. After this, Rome established a
republic. The republic was ruled by wealthy males known
as Patricians. After years of living under the Patrician rule,
the plebeians, ordinary citizens, demanded more rights.
They were eventually allowed to participate in the
government, and the laws (aka twelve tables) were written
down for everyone to ensure justice. The Roman Republic
ended with Julius Caesar who named himself dictator for
life, and was eventually assassinated by the Senate.